The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, October 09, 1908, Image 4

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Terms; Monthly acets. Monthly, Weekly, Due First of and Cash. Each Month. W.J. BRASWELL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Gents' Furnish¬ ings and a New Stock of Pure Food Groceries Call and buy, phone or send your orders, or notify me and I will send for same. All goods delivered free of charge in city. Credit will only be extended to reliable parties, and we will do our best to hold your trade and give satisfaction. Weekly Accounts Cash Buyers Will Due Once a Week Phone 47 Save Money Here When You Come to the Fair Don’t fail to visit our store and inspect our magnificent stock of FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, Make our store your headquarters when in Macon. L J . J. s * & P. C. WILLINGHAM. HAVE THE CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED AND DO IT NOW. Come And See Samples Of Children’s Pictures. W. M. WHITE, The Practical Photographer FORT VALLEY, QA. The Lori Valley Leader. Official Organ of Houston County Leader Publishing Co., Lessees. E. M. Reynolds, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED KYKRY FRIDAY. Terms of Subscription One year.......... $ 1.00 Six months..... .SO Three months . :>r> Kn! rivvl iisseeond-elnss met ter A nit — L t IXlO, n t the post-olUce n! Fort Valley.litt.,under tile act of Congress of March !l 187SL We cannot gurantee the publi¬ cation of any article sent us later than Tuesday noon. TELEPHONE 111 Fort Valley, Ga., OCT. 9, 1908. Yes, Pauline, we certainly en¬ joyed that delicious waiter of barbecue. Court week in Perry- Guess some of the blind tigers will have their eyes opened. Hoke Smith left Wednesday | to take the stump for Bryan. Must have been promised a cab¬ inet job. - We’ll take back all the good tbin KS we’ve said about Brown-ho voted for disfran Chisement W ednesday. Parties indebted to the Leader for job work and ads. kindly re¬ member that we are not conduct¬ ing a charitable institution, and that our terms are Cash. Yancy Carter, the near-canui date, also ran. We feel sure that the people Port Valley will extend their know hospitality to the who will assemble here at Kehobeth Association next day. Get your buggies and and meet the delegates at depot and give them a warm ception. The Leader generally es its opinion without fear, or aflection—and we think it not right that the voters in the election Wednesday not furnished genuine tickets. The tickets used were printed, “For of Constitution providing fication of voters,” and did have “Against Amendment,” them, making it almost ble to vote against the mendment. If this trick worked throughout, the State, are notj irprised that chisement arriedi Announcement for C sfabh I hereby announce myse,' candidate for Con table, su Dist Houston county . j w m ap preciate your support, II. C. HANCE. For fine and artistic dress¬ making and perfect Walden fitting, see Mrs. T. J. at Mrs. Winslows. .SOLOMON BROS, AT 418 Poplar St. MACON, GA. Will sel 1 you more goods at i ..t -N i 3 m V- v -C V r,t <*wi uraa-as n y ■ and better goods for the SAME M O N E Y. SOLORiOfl i;* fc.". 5 I; * a M ' L i E w rv % TWO STORES ft -«4 .* Tfe, T - X P« 1 r VALLEY. % 1 ••‘.*..*7 * 1 kJ S - 1 i ( 2 , .-7.-jrcygixt ri.xT cs . a t3T^ jt car ■ •-•■liTca j m irsi V A?*' "* ES! STO VES! Lit k i & V i The largest and most complete "As 01 (• cook stoves, grates, wood and coai heaters ever showt:? Fort Valiev, During Octo i her 1 R ti \ offer the se a v t £ eroeiy low prices: $27.5® No. § six hole cast ranges L 0 ti $22.50 1 25.00 No. 1 six f?ri . 5 c A. ^ 20.00 No. 8 four hok large n * V •-* ■J stoves to go a I ' r* 'iC»-7. / - © sU>, / 15J0 No. 8 four Mole V) F? S5> 5? V? r\ "-s 1,90 AH of the above have km 20 te 24 prices of wear mi arc guaranteed. $12.5® No. 1 cook sieves to ge a V’V k'i ” ] » 5? 55 55 8.69 The above have 16 pieces of ware and are paraorid. $13.50 No. 8 stoves to go at ri- un u u MO No. I “ u 7 wi i • These have 1 to 9 pieces of ware. , , . , • . . . . ^ „ . lf: if can’t.come write.and I win .s.-md'yqu sv.vndid-enb full ^ se you a of same and description, and guarantee them to be as represented or money svbincLd. J will prepay freight,/mall stoves to be 1 shipped within 25 miles of Port \ ailey. i carry ■ • complete line of Lardwure. Pave in stock a job lot .f buggy whips, shovels, forks, tools, Mies and pocket knives that I'am selling at half price and less. A full line of electric light supplies. | DELVIO sip a. f iai*ctt0af*e Ilian. $ HEARD BROTHERS f ' Portable and Stationary 346 to 35-2 Poplar Street Boilers? Saw Hills' MACON, GA. Side Center Crank Crank am) STEW ENGINES Highest grade Ginning Machinery, I Ip «a JUti Gasoline Engines, Shingle Mills, BkT 11 A Corn Mills and Pumping Outfits to t be had in the entire South. Large stock on hand, best terms, quickest F- HeS w delivery. It will pay you to investi gate our machinery and prices. . MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. a*.- o w-a Your money is us good as any "‘dy’s. 4 You are entitled to the that the market affords when .. spend it. That’s the reason j ii HARD CLINCH" Tradb by you should come to see us! Mass. j ouggies, 'u you Wagons are in the market forj GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PLASTER or Harness. Notice Beate the keys! world for holding and lasting qualities. lock and the It locks as securely as if there were a Now is the time to subscribe. key on every lath. It never cracks, breaks or disintegrates, In fact, it is the one and only real wood fibre plaster which gives lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. It is sold by thousands of tons all over the South. Don’t consider using any other brand STOniA. until you write us for information, prices, etc. B*uaths y-Tlw Kind You Haw Always Bought M)kT VALLEY LUMBER CO. Bifiatv* ■