The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, October 09, 1908, Image 5

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/ At R. S. BRASWELL’S J. ■» W,2 fe STORE, i m ■ n ifi t jk y T! *»*v , ; , yi * i V Week and Next i ;1 >'?> i I lio> I; W ¥H\ M Mew *\VT 1 io i- of Bordered Percals, just in. / s 1 w b m y® m ‘ mmm We can save you money Bent Calicoes in all colors, 6c yd. ! ■ on furs other just goods as we do i m / ■ ’;» TTT 6 S T/^Ci doing great business. We have k r»T*Muoow«s W : n-i O a H values and saving prices all through Si W. our f s ' imkM immense stock. £ jyw" 1" ■ » ivi ! J Good heavy yard-wide sea island 5c yd. /a 1 'W-djfca Some This handsome cloak in i W®, ■*'• ' tM extra specials in wool dress goods. all c<. ors at $10. m uounxi JJfl L I Underwear galore, and at such attractive , /vl 7H 0 prices, for Men, Women and Children. * i ■I hi At Embroidery counter you will find great :■ A values, don’t fail to call for embroideries. L lilf IS 1 V 1 .Jj \ M 5. BRASWELL, ■wv i i iVipi Sfrppt Fort Valley, Ga ®fBK J • i ^ *0.1.1 in / FORM EIGHTEEN ! '- (. o I -■ Display “^1 w'shol j^ot? 58 pee our of Skirts on | Trade early. Store closes 6;30p. m. except Saturday 10;30 p.m. 2nd flou •$-! up to $17.50. S* M i THE HOT BLA JL w iltn w vr~< . ■ JVA iX M, i *H R ; a I ft. I AND RANGE- 1 I H Our guarantee to customer; mi •I* d every © m* 1. A saving of one-third in fuel over any lower draft stove of A same size » Mr i with soft coal, slack or lignite. '■i m mm 2. That Cole’s Hot Blast will use less hard coal for heating a given space i than any base burner made with the same size fire-pot. Sw to: wspsNWHiita ;-. I That the rooms can he heated from one to two hours each morning with §3 b mSgm sj the soft coal or hard coal put in the stove the evening before. v ■"V | 4. That Morning. the stove will hold fire with .soft coal from Saturday night until gPSli ft 1& QLS Monday 5. A uniform heat day and night with soft coal, hard coai or lignite. i That every stove will remain absolutely air-tight as long as used. *%■ i: - ■'■£1 r m 7. That the feed door is and will remain smoke and dust proof. L! i mm ©*©%* BfiefiC -: r» up AH with we a ask good is fiue. that the TRY stove ONE. shall be operated according to directions and set *••> U^tSKJCO *M*ivt«u4« Oma> P Ssofisli 1J R Georgia. Agricultural Works. Program Program of services o I an’s Missionary Association Union of Rebo both Oct- 12th at 3 o’clock. Devotional exercises led by Mrs Mason of Macon. "Address welcome, Mrs W K Thweatt from Mrs Frank of the Methodist 1 Missionary Society. Response Powers Cooper, Perry, addie report. Char. F ( ’ate 5 . from So Paper. Woman, the Frie Jesus”i W J 15 rasw; : : ng by | of Sunday Sch A. j TUESDAY A. M. 9.30. Song and Prayer. Appointment of Committees. Letter from Dr Willingham Womans place in World wide Missions. Mrs Majpel S YYithoff. Map talk and appe;!, Mrs Broad us Willingham. .How to make a succe.- of-mek of Prayer—with urgent plea for the distribution of Mission j Literature, Mrs S W Smith Byron Address—Miss Emma L Amos Atlanta. An appeal for .uargaret Dome, Louisville 1 raining School and Home, Mrs Alva Ware, Marsbailville. TUESDAY P M. 3 o’clock. Song and Prayer. Borne Missions,Mr J C Turner, Macon. j Discussion.- - Why does the Georgia - Anon fall behind her for Home Mis sions. Reading.--' : The Path of Obedi¬ ence.” Song.—by children of Sunday School. Responsibility of mothers as to the development of the young people in our churches.—Mrs T E Chambers, Montezuma. Uie (joverilor TfLiiton . „ Chapter The “Governor Trentlen” Chapter of The Daughters of the American Revolution held their meeting for the fall, at the hospitable home of the able historian of the Chapter-Mrs Elizabeth Williams Stephen, on last Thursday afternoon. A very pleasant and profitable program for the season was de cided upon, and a number of new members were admitted. A de¬ licious ice course was served; and the motif of the decorations was blue and white and gold--A combination of the colors of the “Daughters of the American Revolution” and of the “Colonial Dames of America.’’Mrs Stephen being a member of both of these organizations, An entertainment of a unique character was planned, to be given by the Governor Treutlen Chapter of D. A. E. at an early date. The details and time will 'be announced in next week’s i i Leader.” Mrs- Geo. T. Harris, Regent. i;arloa» Mmx CKtnm, On July 5 every year all the officials of the Isle of Man, including the cler¬ gy in their surplices, walk to the wop of Tynwald bill, and from the top of it the laws made during the year are pro¬ mulgated in Manx and English. TWs promulgation of the laws on Tynwald hill is as necessary as the royal assent to the validity of all laws passed by the Manx legislature. This Is one of the many relics which the old Norse¬ men left behind, and It dates so far back that its origin Is lost in the mist* at antiquity.—Liverpool Mereaor. 7 SELL WE 4 LEGAL BLANKS O. We have recently equipped our office with a complete stock of Legal Blanks, which we will furnish you in any quanti¬ ty, from a single copy to a thousand copies, at the lowest prices. fl, Ourc italog, - o r-lining a list ' »r two hui <•<] and fifty forms, fu i free ^u] A/i (IW4RMI WE SELL LEGAL BUNl i >< ytd& '±i r »i#fsr Va&cif. iia.