The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, October 23, 1908, Image 5

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o u y Shoes at ou t* Store, you get good ones every purchase mvuacaXau. Muxmuiiaa We are now showing the greatest line of ready=to=wear that has ever b < ' snows? Ais County Men’s and Boy’s Suits and Overcoats, Ladies Suits, Cloaks, Raincoats, ai f F ( \ 3, c ; « ens mid lufa it s Cloaks. Our heavy sales already establishes the fact that they are right. Ne\ i s Miners .4 a d tO nock NEW GOODS THIS WEEK. Belting, Belts, Side combs, Back combs, Barretts, Belt Pins, Belt BucUes, Cu b! !ous Click pins. Another shipment of Howard and Foster Shoes, Dress Ginghams, Border ! PereaF * * 1 Cocoes. We have extra specials through the stock which we a e selling daily. Don’t miss in II. HOSIERY Our stock complete, We buy in case * ots which en¬ ables us to sell cheaper. DON’T TB 9 i That we can ij t H you the best two horse turn Plow on the market for less money ft .. . a n : i onv• > r? else in this section. It isn't the Chattanooga, or the Oliver Chill, or the Syracuse: Cut it is the r l V A . S CHilXED Plow with wood or steel beam. Our guarantee stands good for the Plow to turn any grade of land, not to choke or gum in any pond or clayknole. If you need a two horse plow come and get one; U • e ; it does u do what we claim, it will only cost you the time to carry it out, try it anU return it. If it does prove satisfac¬ tory, it is what you want. We also have in stock the Clarke C Cutaway Harrow, any size and any number of discs you n\ ,r :y want, Call and see as about 3 our harrow. You need one. Prices right and terms satisfactory. it .. is useless for us to try to tell what they are and how they can be used, You know them as well as we do. you don’t, ask your neighbor; he has one and can tell you. \ All repairs kept in stock all the time. Georgia Agricultural Works. TerttiQ' Monthly Monthly, Weekly, Due First and Cash. Each W.J. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Gents 1 ings and a New Stock of Pure Food Call and buy, phone or send your orders, or me and I will send for same. Ali goods tee of charge in city. Credit will only be to reliable parties, and we will do our best to your trade and give satisfaction. Weekly Due Accounts Cash Buyers Once a Week Phone 47 Save Money HAVE THE CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED AND DO IT NOW. Come And See Samples Of Children’s Pictures. W. M. WHITE, The Practical Photographer FORT VALLEY, GA. Ready To Wear Galore AT R. 5. BRASWELL’S STORE. Store closes 6;30 p. m. except Saturday 10;30p. in. R. S. BRASWELL, j Fort Valley, Ga. 1 Main Street. j OUrmDER Tbe world .. w» at it.. When we look at the world in a nar* row way, how small it seems! When we look at it in a mean way, how mean it Is! When we look at it hew selfish it is! But when we look at it with a broad, generous and helpful spirit, what a beautiful world it is, and what wonderful people ws find in It!—Boston Christian Register. Pinner In a Hell. In the tower of Erfurt cathedral hangs a huge bell ten feet high and thirty feet in circumference, weighing thirteen tons. WUhm this in July 171.3, dined ten of the town’s most opulent burghers on dishes cooked in a kitchen temporarily erected on the beam that supported the ponderous mass of tintinnabulary metal. To cele brate this repast medals were struck, having on the obverse the portraits of the guests and on tire reverse the rep resentation of the curious scene. . . es3on , n . rm .o.ogy. , gen email w ‘ ..." himself, looking at of birds, said . . a case x to an ornithologist ... , , who was with him, u What is that bird?” | a That,” said the other, “is a magpie.” u It’s not my idea of a magpie,” was th Yerhap.s I i apr 11 not,” replied his friend, it . i% * ^ God s Idea of a magpie. „ — WorS* PaMcd, Judge—You say that words passed , between the accused and his wife.' Did j you bear what they were? Witness— No; I didn’t hear them, but I saw them. Judge — Saw them ? Witness —Yes. They were in the dictiopary that he i threw* at her. Experiment. “I have been married twice, cace for Jov© and once for money. >» “Are you satisfied?” Not quite. I should like to try mar tying for a little of both, if t may."— Puck. 1m th« Bfrtanrant. “He seems to be ac experienced waiter.” “Ob. yea, Note the calm indifference whkfci* who are Is m Thto Fault- of t\ o Clock. 1 Mrs . Hooligan Jr looked up L at the ! ^ „ 1 H ,1 ie S i , 1 ,1 ie ir0! ! S , 10 I had iiited the stove back . irom on “tchd with a clrlter. “Talk about toime an’ toide wait b 1 ’ for no man,” she muttered as she hurried into the pantry, “'there’s toinies they wait an’ tonnes they don’t! Yistherday at this very min ute ’twas but tin o’clock, an’ today Tin quarther to twelve! > seems proDauie, rue rpw:u uia rvY ; cision of the court in large measure transfers railway legislation from the ; states to the national legislature, it be I comes of particular significance that ! one °f the earliest acts of Governor ! Johnson’s career as a member of the I Minnesota legislature was the duetion of a memorial to congress to i extend the powers of the interstate I commerce commission, a memorial i which antedated the extension of those . i powers by some four years. Prevaricator. j The word prevaricator is from the Latin and originally meant a straddler 1 i with distorted or misshapen . , 1 legs. In *f 8iou e Romav "j 118 c ° ur ^ , to of . ]aw , ,, lu a i ! ^ as discovered to h be in collusion w11h | ' ais °PP 0Qen t to compass some disbrm ^ As falsehood was the necessao part \ of Fneli a rxirformancc, ’ * tlio \vo:-(. by and . by . came to have , Hie g:gniu* ounce at present attached to it. Goblet n. Goblets with stem and stand like those we use today were employed in Troy POO B. C. Among the valuable objects found by Dr. Schliemann was a golden goblet. Vessels of this metal were commonly employed in the serv ice of the temples. Perseverance. Perseverance is more prevailing than 1 violence, and many things which can ; not be overcome when they are togeth ; er yleb#themselves up when taken lit tla by little.—Plutarch. Yes, Indeed. “A woman makes a great change in a man’s life. »♦ ft Ym, and »fe» taken a great daal of chance out e£ It too.**—OeantM Port, j If is un(U"’w(‘ar, \v<>, have ii. v1 (ill’s Boy’s, Women 'hild i ■ i 1 n. PURS It. is •foing to be a hit fur sea n, (‘Very garment is made to wear with fur pieces QL m - ns cMpog a m m rt gs« P ^ w ci — 1 if" c3 A I s‘ ^ j hS 40 H cS 1 mi I RK cr t- fV I .Sgs^a P uL I ^ “■ • 4 -» t! T 3 « ^ yfl V 111 2 C o .5 ° « u ‘ o> * ' a S Lh § b.3 03 feh ^ C .3 w w a j 1 Ik 0 c o S K 13 S| “"‘■’Keg 2 S «. -W -S UJ O o O sISClJ « St 0J u 1 ■h» .5'afsn "t G O g +* figs v. 66 &■? S S«--S E— xg S;.S3 §0 g - a; y c.ti g 'i o . 5 0 di s & s ■§ g 3 i .j A LETTER FROM WORTH CAROLINA Warrenton, \ T . C.—I was nearly dead with kidney affection for*six months, growing worse all the time. My case was but little, hopeless—was unable to get about I had tried everything with little benefit, I took three bottles of Stuart’s Buclm and Juniper and was perfectly right. cured. Am now well end ail I owe my life to Stuart’s Audm and Juniper.—II. T. Macon. If you suffer with backache, dull head¬ ache, swollen feet, stiff joints, and have no energy and see imaginary specks in the air, you have symptoms of kidney trouble. Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper will relieve you. All druggists, $1.00. Write for free sample. We will send enough td prove its wonderful merits. StU&ft Dnitf M&nilfftCtllfiQif ® Cd ATUUre.4. CA.