The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, October 30, 1908, Image 1

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r F he Fort Valley Leader VOL. XIX The in iny F >F Valley friends of Miss Stella Cnter will be sad indeed i<> hear of her sad and sudden death, was a lovely 1 girl, and loved by ail who knew her, she was well known by the writer. Her many friends here extend their heart felt sympathy to her family. She was up here just two weeks ago, and made many friends. All the best grade of calicos, bordered, figured and fancy at 7 cents. Miller's Store. Mrs Harry Strczier left Tues¬ day morning for a few days visit in Helena with parents. Little Margrete whiting is visi¬ ting her sister, Mrs Frank Fincher If you want the best in shoes try the Selby at Car¬ ter's. Rev T G Lang visited Macon Tuesday. Quite a number of our citizens will attend the State Fair in Macon this wdfek and next. Flournoy’s new the cotton public. gin is now open to Located opposite Crate fac ory. 75c per bale. Miss Arnold of Perry spent Tuesday with Mrs T G Lang. Miss Eva McRea visited Talboton Tuesday and Wednes¬ day to attend her uncles marri¬ age. New lot bordered ging¬ hams and pereals, only 10c the yard. H. D. Bartlett, Mr and Mrs Cliff King of MarshallviUe spent Sunday with Mr C P Baldwin. For comfortable wear try the Cushion bottom shoe for ladies at L. Carters. Mrs W A Wooddall President of Chas D Anderson Chapter of U D C and Miss Claudia Cul¬ pepper as delegates left Monday i to attend the State Convention held in Savannah; We have sold more ladies’ Neckwear during the past three week s than ever before for the same length of time. Our line is the most up-to date and complete Valley. ever j shown in Fort Miller’s Store. The Baptist Church The Pastor will preach as usual at both the morning and evening hour. Subject at 11 a. m. At His | feet, or the proper position humanity in its relation to Di-' vinity . Subject for the evening j service 7 pr. m. In Christianity j reason. The music will be an ; interesting feature of the evening | service. i Bordered and plain cali¬ co 6c. ' H. D. Bartlett. Miss Scrap Wright of Macon after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs T Y Fagan has returned home. Mrs Bass Nickies and son Coleman returned home last Saturday after a pleasant two weeks stay with home folks. The best dressers wear ’Shely shoes. Get them from L. Carter. FORT VALLEY. HOUSTON COUNTY. GEORGIA. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1908. In City Court last Monday three or four ci v ; cases wer9 tried. Beginning on the first Monday in November a criminal term of the court will be Held, when the cases transferred from the Superior Court will be placed on trial. Jurors for this term have been summoned. Vici, tans and patents made by the Selby Shoe Co. New line just received. L. Carter. Mrs Will Houser of Jackson¬ ville Fla., after a pleasant visit to her parents here, returned home last Friday, her mother, Mrs Carter accompanied her as far as Macon. FOR SALE CHEAP One residence lot on church Street. Four residence lots on College Street. Skellie. A. D. Miss Ruth Whiting is expected this week to visit Miss Clarence Houser. Gin Days Fridays and Saturdays. W. L. Houser. Miss Sara Lee Thornton o Wesleyan College will come down Friday to visit the family of Mr J L Fincher. Did you know we sell Ladies’ Home Journal Pat¬ terns, the simplest and most popular pattern made in America today? Get one of the new style books. Miller’s Store. Mr Sump Goodwin of Marshall¬ ville spent several days last week in Fort Valley with Mrs Winslow Mrs J F Thornton of Greens¬ boro is the guest of her sister, Mrs J L Fincher. Gin Days Fridays and Saturdays. W. L. Houser. Miss Lou Posted went up to Macon Tuesday, to see her brother, Mr John Posted who is quite sick with grip. Tie is on the improve it is hoped. Flournoy’s new the cotton public. gin is now open to Located opposite bale. Crate fac¬ tory. 75c per ~ — ......... Mrs Sam McGehee, Mrs DR Frederick, Mrs George Rice, Mrs Elick Phar, Miss Alice composed a pleasant shopping party to our city from MarshaUville last ; Friday af noon. Mr Bob Slappey of ville . , spent . last , . Friday „ in the city, _ --- _ Telephone R. See or A. sawed Hiley for oak a good pine wood. load Of or The Daughters of the Confeder¬ acy will meet first in November at which time ports from delegates to Convention Ga- U D C held Savannah will be heard. inch . Splendid W aterproof Quality Suiting Heavy 54 in black, blue, green, brown and grey, worth 59 cents, this week to go at 48 cents the yard. Miller’s Store. Mr OR Flournoy visited bis mother here this week. M r and Mrs J C Hartley spent Sunday at Taylor. Miss Minnie Lee Sandefur of Musella spent the week end with the Misses Hartley. For Rent Nice, new 6 room house on East Main Street. Rent reason able. Apply to to, W. P. Harwell. Mrs D Goodwin spent Friday in the city. Mr Edwin Martin spent Sun¬ day in Perry. Capt J W Mathews went up o Atlanta to attend the reunion. Shoes! Shoes. New lot this week. H. D. Bartlett. Mrs C G Gray, Mrs John Mar¬ shall, Mr Charlie Wiggins went to Reynolds Saturday to visit their sister Mrs Dugger where there will be a family reunion. Mr and Mrs S McMillan spent Thursday in Atlanta. The largest and prettiest line of picture mouldings ever shown in Fort Valley, at Melvins. Dr Shealy of Oglethorpe was in the city Sunday. Mr D G Strother and Mr Lewis Brown visited Perry Monday. New lot ladies’ long sleeve Knitted Corset Covers just received. All sizes at 25 cts. Miller’s Store, Mrs I L Fincher and Mrs FP Shepard spent Wednesday in Macon. Mrs U C Cleveland of Cub loden spent Wednesday night here en route to Marsballvill Boys, when looking fct a suit cheap, give me a trial. H. L>. Bartlett. Mrs B Norton nt last week ; sp< | with her parents in Pe.rry. Mrs Jim Fagan entertained ’ for her little girls a party Satur¬ j day afternoon. The honored I were ail of their school mates. Miss Leta Gray and Mrs ! Hingson left for Atlanta Safcm-1 day. ' ..Flournoy’s cotton i new is now open to the public. Located opposite crate fa itory. 75o per hale, ! -— j. — The Woman’s Foreign Miss:< ary Society of the Methodist i will meet next Monday afternoon e . n -.. ^November T , o 2, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs Houser. All who are interested iu this vital work are cordially I invited to be present. I Mrs W C Wright, Pres. Mrs AC Riley, Sec. . New line ladies Coat Suits ; Cloaks just received.’ We have these in all the swell colors and the verv j newest styles that have come out SinC6 thG beginning’ OI the season. They are selling j fast. Come { in and let usj show you the very thing you, want. Miller’s Store. HONOR ROLL The following cash tions received since our last port. Honor Roll will be. lished every week. Mi's vv M Reese, Thomasville, Our Benefactors I have w ondered how the of land on which the and church once stood came be called “Beauty Square. I am under the that it was given jointly by lamented James Everett Mathew Dorsey for the agement of religion and Now pray what intended orial of these noble minds mains among us as the mark our appreciation? And is this a very undesirable lesson our children and to the people our community? Mr. and Mr. Dorsey aside, justice ourselves, to our children and the people, demands some ble recognition and memorial their benefactions. We might so name the as to perpetuate their and to foster their spirit of lic concern. For my part would like to see some memorial of them placed in methodist church. Read the evangelists tell us of words of Jesus incident to woman who annointed “wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout whole world, this also that hath done shall be spoken of memorial of her. »5 ' a Some one may say, “But of the motives of these men in their gift? ) 1 Let the execrable ghouls are wont to dig in the region men’s motives for the things reflect they have their scriptural prototypes in those who, in tile days of the Son Man, would ascribe his miracles of grace to Beelzebub. Either, had we done things we would not have had many small natures among us, had we not had so many small natures among us we would have done these things. T. G. Lang. New line of clothing men and boys now ready your inspection. L. Carter. The Congregational Churh There will be preaching at the Congregational church, by the pastor, Rev. G Horn the Sunday in November, The members are requested to be present, to call a pastor for year- The pubiic is cordially invited. If you want to save get ol of those patent coffee from J. R. Culpepper. A n Evening Witt Uncle Remus. I A On next Wednesday night Nov. A Auditorium, .V] rs Frank Parks of Dawson and little daughter Frances Craven Parks, *"‘ s heen Cf| ked a child podigy in music and reading It will lvu llr Rw , “"« , w,tu . 1 ncl " U P'‘ : p 'Aers of the <| er Confederacy, auspices . ““ K t ress notices of Mrs Parks bespeaks lor a successful evening which w jj( be pleasant and entertaining both and young. peraeveram*. Perseverance is more prevailing than J *«ZSZ er yield themselves up when taken lit «• by littie.-rintarch. .7 . , n ~ “A woman make* a great * aaan’a tUm.” “Tea, mmS aba takes « NO. 37 LOST Lost about 2 weeks ago, on or near Church Street between Con gregational and Methodist church a folding key. Return to Lea¬ der. Methodist Church I he pastor will be in his pul . pit at the morning hour, Mr J M Jones, our member of the District Committee of the Laymens Movement, will pres ent this interest at the evening hour. Let us all show our kind ly appreciation of this genial gentleman and of the Laymens Movement by our presence, There will be a special program of music for the occasion. Re-, member that important matters are before us and their proper settlement may demand your presence. T. G. Lang, Some exceptional good values in buggy whips at Melvins. Notice of Election on Issue of Bonds To the qualified voters of the city of Fort Valley, Georgia. You are hereby notified that on Saturday November 21st, 1908 an election will be held to de¬ termine the question whether or not bonds shall be issued by the said city of Fort Valley to the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars. Proceeds of said bond to be used for the purchase, erection and equipment of a telephone system to be operated in the city of Fort Valley, Georgia. Said bonds are to bear interest at the rate of five er ceri t Per annum, all of said j interest to be paid annually, i None of the principal is to be paid i annually but such a sum will be raised annually as will fully pay off said bonds at the expiration of thirty years. Said election ordered by the authority .of the mayor and city council of Fort Valley, Georgia. Given under my hand and official seal of office this 22nd day of October 1908. .). L. 'Fincher, Mayor. Kitchen News The Kitchen to the home, is as the “Central” to the telephone — it has connections with all other kitchens in the neighborhood. All happenings, good and bad,and especially the bad comes into,and passes out of the home through the kitchen Some kitchen news is “flavored to suit-fastidious taste But the most ol it is “seasoned” with onions, peper arid other ‘ hot stuff” to make it “smell loud, n and stimulate the goozle as it goes down. All kitchens know the “curiousness” of every mem¬ ber of the family, and this curiousness “gets out” and goes the rounds forever and forever. This kitchen news is delivered every morning with the same regularity as the morning paper and when ft suspicion »> once is | aroused, we look at the victim ttlrou i i another pair of specks. J J Ko No one is responsible for this kitchen news. No one boasts of having discovered, reported or written this gourd-vine kitchen news, fruited with green gourds, the perfume of which adheres to all parties connected with it. Subscribe for the Leader.