The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, October 30, 1908, Image 4

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Y»o The Font Valiev Leaden. Official Organ of Houston County Leader Publishing Co., Lessees. R. M. ReykoldS, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Terms of Subscription: One year......... ...... BO Six months.. Thro « mouths KnU;rt*<Ia«rttH‘i)nd-cltoH8 matter Aug. 29,1906, the afc the Congress post-office at FortValler, Qa., under act of of March 8 We cannot gurantde the publi¬ cation of any article sent us later than Tuesday noon. telephone in Port Valley, Ga.,OCT. 80, 1908, Tom Watson is censuring Hok< Smith for drawing his salary as Governor and taking the for Bryan in the North and West. Let him alone, Tom, would be far better off if had spent the entire time of administration in other states. The $10,000.00 telephone tem which the city are comtemplating is causing considerable among our citizens. The to decide the question of bonds i will mi u be i held , u \t„„ Nov oi zl. mi ;,, will require a two thirds vote carry. Many opinions are advani rable rif U u favorable to issuing bonds, t is impossible to to conjecture outcome of the election with any degree of accuracy, as the citi zen^appeav to be about divided on the subject. Yancy Carter announces he is to leave the state. is to be congratulated. The Atlanta Journal hemp rope as a remedy for riders, and the remedy is too severe for those outlaws go about in the night and people and burn houses. A . little; led , hail , . will .„ , very < o, n up several generations vividly. Kuai purity in a woman be soiled even by being married to a boast. The inspiration of a good of genial hospitality is a mania show off. The more times a woman married the more surprised is to tied what it’s like. The best of men are not so from being brutes as the of women are near to angels. Some specimens of the fair are must unfair. Men with long heads possess long tongues. The Man who marries for money deserves all he doesn’t What is the matter with cream as the cream of society. A small boy is’t impecunious beceuse he is strapp ed. A man is never sure ti is his friend because she says is. A Chicago church has ^ K a physician, a lawyer, and a of trained assistants and started daily ‘ comfort meetings M for the benefit of all who need comforting-spiritual, medical, financial or legal. rPAY I AX MOTItT NO l ICE By order of the Mayor and City Council the tax books will open on the , Nineteenth T . . __,, 19th of October 1908 for the purpose collecting the last installment City, School, Water and Light Taxes. Books will ope “ 10 days - W. M. Blewster, Clerk. 1 Why Fort Valley Doesn’t Grow Faster. In location, climate, R R facili¬ ties and good lands we have the' best best opportunity town in Georgia, to make and city. the] a Port Valley will be whatever its people make it. The trouble is—and the plain truth might as well be told—we spend our time and energies fighting Against one another, in - j stead of Par one another. Last year an act was pending in the Legislature increasing the Mayor’s salary from $150.00 to $500.00 and*proposing sundry other changes, and there was quite a scrap, the Mayor and his cohorts favoring it and many j citizens opposing- Money, time, (many ' ' ■} to Atlanta''and lots of ! energy were f roe ly spent in the : This pendin [ year an act was ' F in the same Legislature to es¬ tablish a City Court for this. Comity. Our municipal authori¬ ties did nothing, citizens did nothing, the matter went by de¬ fault and the City Court which was promised Fort Valley in the charter agitation last year was j established in Perry for good, j | which means a great permanent i loss to Fort Vailey. ! Half of last year’s surplus energy spent, this year would have prevented this action— but : then we were lighting Against one another last year, this year - merely .. > had , , the opportunity or we , rht ; r , k tor one another! Good citizenof Fort Valley. • • i ; h and ! ecu men c to in r prop s. Let's I! id shoulder to spout der, help mg one ; in er.v good j j cause Ulu Wt in material, slum make 1 „ business, this old town grow j social ana r io us advancement far beyond your fairest pre dictions. Citizen. GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND. How Their (TainiN Were PstiiMlsIied lu the middle Affeg. A curious meeting was liold in Lyons on Jan. 4, 1099. The royal commis¬ sioners solemnly sat in council to tie cide tj/e question if lawyers and doc¬ tors could be regarded as gentlemen. | ' It proved too bard a problem for the wise beads, and the doctors and law y erg themselves were summoned to , prove their right to gentility. Themat ^ the satisfaction of I p r 0SBl0nal partie3 . ; ln Ulc lxl i t uiie ages of England her- j aid* went through the counties to ex- | amine into the claims of landholders i to bo called gentlemen. There is in ex j istence qualified, an and interesting reads list of today the dis- the one shame of a certain Thomas Robbins who failed to establish the title and was writ union? the ■ v. Charles Anseo repiu: 1 LI ivo of one of the i j oldest famiheo, is registered ns "en titled to he styled a gentleman, al tlmugii worth not more titan £."00.” Brooke, an old writer, has given toe world his opinion of what constitutes a gentleman, and his definition has | never been excelled: ‘‘The character, or, rather, quality, oi a gentleman does not in any degree de¬ pend on fashion or mode or state or opinion; neither does it change with customs, climates or ages. But, as the j spirit of God alone casi inspire it, so it ’ Is that quality of heart which is the yesterday, today and forever. it same A a Lesnon < In , Ornithology. _ ... , A gentleman who rather overvalued j himself, looking at a case of birds, said to an ornithologist who was with him, **what is that bird?” “That,” said the other, “is a magpie. if It’s not my idea of a magpie,” was j ti, “Perhaps e rejoinder. not,” replied his friend, : — t it’s God’s idea of a magpie.” A LETTER . FROM NORTH CAROLINA iWarrenton, N. C.—I was nearly dead with kidney affection for six months, growing worse all unable the time. My about case was but little. hopeless—was I had tried everything to get with little benefit. I took three bottles of Stuart’s Buehu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all nght. I owe my hfe to Stuart s Buchu *nd Jumper.—H. T. Macon. If you suffer with backache, dull ache, swollen feet, stiff joints, and have j no ener gy ar jd see imaginary specks ft> the air, you have symptoms of kidney Stuart’s Buehu and Juniper will relieve you. All druggists, $ 1 . 00 . Write for * Stuart BnnS Manufacturing Ca. ATLANTA. Qt a «SaaS vv n e® > tSs enty :: r^r* . ' - -. ■» . : Million & I t 1***J.= V . ll J V*' Voices i W" it % - w j PERFECT understanding l by public the of the man¬ e W jOL agement and full scope of the Bell Telephone System »''lev¬ can have but one effect, and that a most desirable one —a marked betterment of the service . Do you know what makes the telephone worth The object of this and several succeeding maga¬ while to you—just about the most indispensable zine advertisements is not to get more link subscribers. It is thing in modern life ? to make each one of you a better in the chain. It isn’t the circuit of wire that connects your in¬ First, give "Central” the number clearly and be strument with the exchange. sure she hears it. Give her full and clear informa¬ It's the Twenty Million Voices at the other end of tion in cases of doubt. She is there to do her the wire on every Bell Telephone ! utmost to accommodate you. We have to keep them there, on hair trigger, Next, don’t grow fretful because you think she ready for you to call them up, day or night— represents a monopoly. The postmaster does, too, downtown, up in Maine, or out in Denver. for the same reason. And to make the telephone system useful to The usefulness of the telephone is its univer¬ those Twenty Million other people, we have to sality, as one system. have Where there are confusion. two sys¬ keep you alert and ready at this end of the wire. tems you must two telephones—and Then we have to keep the line in order— kemember, the value of the service lies in the 8,--000,000 miles of wire—and the cent nil girls number of people you can reach •without confu¬ properly drilled and accommodating to the.last sion—the promptness with which you get your degree, and the apparatus' up to the highest pitch response. respond quickly when others call bear¬ of efficiency. So you, Quite a job, all told. ing in mind the extensive scope of the service. Every telephone user is an important link in the The constant endeavor of the associated Bell system—just as important as the op With companies, harmonized by one po’icj and acting' a little well meant suggestion on our part, we as one system, is to give you the best and most believe we can improve, the service—perhaps save economical management human ingenuity can a second on each call. devise. The end is efficient service and your atti¬ There are about tlx billion connections a year over tude and that of every other subscriber may hasten these lines. or hinder its accomplishment. Saving a second each would mean a tremendous Agitation against legitimate telephone business time saving to you and a tremendous saving of —the kind that has become almost as national in operating expenses, which can be applied to the its scope as the mail service—must disappear with betterment of the service. a realization of the necessity of XV American Telephone O Telegraph Con - •i tiWs a 1 4 y And Ps Associated i TO One Policy—One System Bell Companies « Universal Service UNITING OVER 4,000,000 TELEPHONES Iocludin£ those ot The Fort Valley Telephone Company. Jurors For April The following is the list jurors drawn last Friday to at the April, 1909, term of ton Superior Court. Grand Jurors. W J Braswell S T Hurst, L Carter, W C Wright, J ,S McMillan, E L Dennard, W D Du Pree, Hugh Lawson, E F Tharp, J J Houser, A J Houser, J A McCowan, F S Murray, T B Braddy, j Houser Edwards,. C B Watson, \y |-> Sims, W F Bennett, G T Bunt. B F J E Carney, T V Fagan, S L Norwood A H Clark it i' H Hartley, J C McKinley, E D era, W M Blewster, A A Smoak, J L Brown, Traverse Jurors— 1st week. W L Houser, W C Fagan, D L Knight A H McCarty, j jj JJ 0 ward, S .T EUis, J S Langston, M H J H Haddock, R L Marshall, W H Glosser, E M Fagan, J T Hancock, 0 S Arnold, E H Marr, J T Leary, C J Marshall, J D Lamar, J W Garvin, Jr., J L Long, R F Flournoy, J B O'Neal, L J Howard. J R Ammons, C T Eberhardt, J O McKenzie, y ■ rionem -ii„ „„ , W B Green,Jr, J M Farr, H F Marshall, •) M Kimbrough, IN Royal, W A Slocumb, T L Burden, J A Russell, E M Ballard, Tra v EKSE JURORS— 2nd week, E A Houser S W Smith, jv g Auliman F P Shepard, D Gai ^ inj G L Small, A J Garvin, J TFretwell, J H Hal), OH Stem CD Aultman,Jr, R W Long, J G Holtzclaw, J L Rozeman, W M Giles, SP Houser, W H Carithers, J A Israel, q p Scallergood, W B Norton, t, ^L t Ajr Marchman. ow v,ms»n ., r Is "4 A-Tnrnb Murpil, J M Lisenbj, * 1 R B Pierce, J b'Scarborough , j T Si Strunk, W E Ingram M g p itts C L Holleman, B McDowell, F PIrby. w p n K stem bridge, U Burns. Joe : - Palmer, , m 1 ai *' ci™,, Stoiy, Tales Jurors. ^ TOr.?3i J A Evans, pi G E Rape, , „ B A Heard, Jr S D Thompson R M English, g f WH Kimbrough w A BasS ett, Sept. 27 1908. « l j Dear Friend 1 J L\ Have yon gone back to school? I have- <1 V sSji V What do you have for \\ s’ lunch? I get some nice fffi cookies a. 3 nd chipped \v A beef and cheese and V t \ 4, things at the grocery . VbA&f/on \ Mama says its lots {IE*;' \ls over. I nicer and cheaper and I lots less trouble than 3 baking up things f or me. i ? And then mama helps X ■e-IHi, V me with my lessons too. ‘A And she says that is better than spending so /l much time in the kitchen. k 2 Your friend, ' JACOB. •V P,S. That’s why she gets so many things all ready to eat from. W. K. Thwestfs, 'I i U w on 34O to 352 Poplar Street * MACON, GA. Your money is as good as any bod> s You are entitled to the best that the market affords when you spend it. That’s the reason why you should come to see us when you are in the market for Buggies, Wagons or Harness. OA.STOHIA. Bought B-anths Jto Kind jou Haw Mhays Bignatuxe «»* "HARD r CLINCH" GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PIASTER Beats the world for holding and lasting qualities. Notice the keys! It locks as securely as if there were a lock and key on every lath. It never cracks, breaks or dis¬ integrates. In fact, it is the one and only real wood fibre plaster which gives lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. It is sold ny thousands of tons all over the South. Oo n “ consider using any other brand until you write us for information, prices, etc. !'vjKJ, 1 NALojiiiI LUMBER 1 . cuiUPAN x L_2 SUBSCRIBE NOW