The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, October 30, 1908, Image 8

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ii ii 4 ■ .' H- >a 'G\ \ ' ! - :V% K ' This beautiful New Style Cloak in all colors at $10. Complete line of Ladie’s Cloaks ranging from $4 to $ 20 . Fort Valley’s Needs. Sewerage wells are cess pools of disease breeding germs which are fast saturating our soil, and soil sewerage is even worse. Medical authorities agree that no town with water works is long safe without a drain ige system for sewerage. Where many people live together, no sanitation is possible without sewerage. We all know these facts now in a general way. As typhoid and other fevers and sickness increase, doctor’s bills grow, good health in the child’s face fades away and the little life goes out through our fault, this knowledge of conditions will come home to us with cruel accusation. Unsanitary conditions kill more men and women and children than all the wars of all the ages. We owe it to our chil¬ dren to provide sanitary conditions for their upbringing, and if we put it off much longer, "it will be too late to prevent disastrous re¬ sults. we have tempted Providence too long already. For this most pressing need, involving the life and health of all, we should go the limit of bond issues and taxation if necessary, and put in a proper sewerage system, and let outsiders know it, for they already know our unsanitary conditions. So uigent is this need and so well recognized, that next week the whole state votes on a Constitutional amendment permitting counties to levy special ad¬ ditional taxes for sanitary purposes. Good health is getting it’s rightful place, next to religion, for verily, cleanliness ic next to , Godliness. Our next most pressing need is additional water supply- The artesian well seems a failure. Factories can’t get along with pres¬ ent water facilites. Population is increasing and the water supply decreasing and water becoming poorer in quality. It seems we must move our water works plant, placing upon our people an ad¬ ditional burden*of taxation of many thousands of dollars, but some relief should by all means be had before another summer. Then, Oh, how we do need a school house. Towns half our size have school buildings beside which our is a shanty. No need to discuss this questi(«- Go look at their buildings, then look at ours. Go inside ours and see the cheap crowded conditions, and the great need of additional teachers wham the town in its poverty is unable to employ. After wo get the sewerage and after we get mure and better waler, after we get a good school house aad alter we get the many dark streets in town lighted—then let’s get together and discuss whether it would be well to add sti 1 more burdens <>f taxation and tax everybody in town so as to give the few who want it. the luxury of a model telephone, provided this can be furnished by municipal telephone ownership, something that has never been tried in the United States. In other words it would seem good sound business sense buy the necessities first, and and after that, the luxuries. ■K- * Tax Payer. •tr&rv. ramn.’ When You to the Fait 4D Don’s fail to visit our store and inspect our magnificent stock of FURNITURE, CARPETS. Make our store your when in Macon. E. i. & P. 0. WILLINGHAM. NOW IN DEMAND Wise and economical buyers will be coming to store, so we have made gr eat preparations by in our largest stock this Fail. Overcoats, Suits, Rain-coats, Ladies’ Suits, Cloaks, Skirts waists. Underwear, Winter Shoes, Rubbers, Winter Robes. Blankets and Comforts. New shipments this week. Beautiful lines of bordered Percales, Ginghams and Madras.* Men’s Neckwear, stickpins to match. Best Values and Biggest Bargains at our store. R. 5. BRASWELL, Fort Valley, Georgia. Mr Geo Brown, of Forsyth, Mr Frank Fincher and Mr Parden spent Friday fishing at Houston factory. They brought back some fine fish. j S.B.BR0WN&S0N j Take Notice, I Traders! Good Solid Values We offer you to¬ day; Not $2.00 worth for one dollar for you well know we could not then stay in busi¬ ness long. What you waiH is value received and as many goods as your money will buy in any market. Your Shoe Busi¬ ness is what we are after, and Dry Goods and Winter Clothes, we want you to look at before you buy. Our Specials ai “ a The Irving Drew Shoes, Holeproof Hose and Half Ho se with a six months guarantee, and Mattings and Rugs S. B. Brown Ei Son, Dry Goods, Shoes and Notions. a • r> •-. v V riii ■ • .V , /f I ■ - / , / / V - t fjif v «f § a si it! ' a II* ''•Hi m 'I';' ••vjvl te FORM FORTY-EIGHT It is time to put on over, coats. We have a largi range of patterns and styles, prices very reason able. Announcement for Constable I hereby announce myself a candidate for Constable, subject to the election oj 1st Saturday in D ecember, for the 9th militia Dist. Houston county. I will ap¬ preciate your support, H. C. HANCE. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Citations of Ordinary Georgia Houston county; To whom it may concern. Sidney Hicks Jr. has applied for Administration on estate of Mol lie Rutherford, deceased. This is therefore to cite all 'persons concerned to appear at the Nov¬ ember term 1908, of the Court of Ordinary of Houston county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature, this Oct. 3rd 1908, Sam T- Hui’st, Ordinary. * n eo ^!f. rT,.„ ousto ^ * W. , L. W illiams and D. L. Hend- TT erson have applied for Adminis tration on estate of J. C. Hender son s lb deceased aecedseu. This i nis is is therefore tne, eiore to Cite ad persons concerned to appear at the November term, 1908, of the court of Ordinary of Houston county, and show cause if any they have, why said appli cation should not be granted. Witness my official signature this Oct. 3rd 1908. kdcli Q n T. Hurst, Ordinary. Sheriff’s Sales Georgia Houston county: Will be sold before the court hoh-se duor in the town of Perry said state and county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, on the 1st Tues¬ day in November .1908, the fol¬ lowing described property to wit: 50 acres of land in the 12th District of Houston county Ga., being the North west quarter of iqt number 54 in said 12th Dis¬ trict. Levied on and being sold as the property of Robert Clark, deceased, in the hands of Horace Clark, Administrator to be ad¬ ministered. Levy made to sat¬ isfy a fi fa from Houston Super¬ ior Court returnable to October Term 1908 thereof, in favor of Duncan & Duncan Vs said Hor j ace Clark, Administrator of Robert Clark deceased. Tenant ! in possession notified in terms of ! the law. This the 7th day of Oct. 1908. Also at the same time and place the one-half undivided in¬ terest of Ben T, Mitchell in a certain house and lot in the town of Fort Valley Ga., bounded as follows; on the North by Mail Street, South by lands of J, J Hartley, East by Burns line i West by town lot of Albert Tar ver. Levied on and being soli as the property of Ben T. Mitch eil to satisfy a fi fa from Justice court 528th District G- M. Ilous ton county Ga. in favor of Dove Mid Law Bank Vs said Ben T' chell Def’t. Levy made by Con stable B. Smisson and turned ov er to me for sale, lhis 7th day of Oct, 1908. M. L. Cooper, Sheriff. Guardian’s Sale By virtue of an order from the cOpf of ordinary of Houston county, will t sold to the highest bidder for cash before the first Tuesday in November, l^lj the court house door of Houston county, between the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: All of that two-eighths undivided inter¬ est in the following tracts pr parcel of land, to-wit: All of that tract of the Jno. T, Sande fur land lying and being in the Tenth district of Houston county, Georgia, that lies west of a line running due north and south through lots of land Nos. 150, Inland 152 and extending to the Factory mill pond, which line was marked and staked off by W. L. Carr county surveyor of said county, afidon wl nch line there is a fence; said line f ld fo!U ' e dmdlu S tJ ns tract of land p roui the portion owned by J, O. Sande fur and connecting the western portions of said lots Nos. 150, 151 and 152, which T' <> f said lili0 aud fence - rllf ‘ lan < pied by J. O. Thompson at the time of iiis death. Said land sold for the support aw maintenance of the minors of J. 0 Thompson, deceased. This October 8th, 15)08, ZsA i Thompson, Guardian of annie L. Thompson -.and Gussk PI niempsou. Administrator’s Sale By virtue of an order from the will coui b of Ordinary of Houston county, sold on the first Tuesday in Novombei 1908, before the curare house door o: Houston county, -between the If 8 hours of sale, aud to the best bi for cash, the following lands, to-wit All of at one-eighth u idivided mte est in the following lands, to-wit: All of that! tract of the Jno. T. Sand® fur land lying and being in the Tend district cf Houston county, Gi-orgi* that lies west of- a line running du north and south through lots of l aa( Nos. 150, lolaiid 152 and extending 1 Factory mill pond, which line L. Can wa marked and staked off by W. county surveyor of said county, ando which line there is a fence; said lit and fence dividing this tract of 8an® 1®? from the portion owned by J. < >■ fur and connecting NosJlSO, the western portion wins of said lots 151 and 152. lie described west of comprising said line and 198 fence, acres the of lan- la| more or less, and being the land ocfl pied by J. C. Thompson at the time < his death. Said land belonging to the estate* Willie J, Thompson and sold to pay a debts and for distribution among heirs of his estate. This 8th dav of October, 1908. I. T. Woodard, Clerk Superior, Houston county. Administrator on the estate ot Willie J Thompson.