The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 06, 1908, Image 3

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tt /' m * ^INTEREST TO T F^ARFlER USE FOR INFERIOR APPLES. It will pay to >- ather ■ inferior ap¬ ples and make some profitable use of them. All but the winter fruit can he fed to the pigs and cows with good results, a limited amount every day. The pigs like them and thrive on them, too, along with the other kinds of food. The winter kinds can be put in storage l’or future use. If the small potatoes and apples should be boiled together, and a lit¬ tle meal added, the mixture will make a good feed for the poultry.—Ameri¬ can Cultivator. THE DRAFT HORSE. Have you considered the draft horse, how he is always in demand and the market never supplied? Well, there is no horse more profitable nor any that can be raised with such uni¬ form success. The breed seems to be capable of resisting many of the ills to which immature equine nature is subject and emerges into the two year-old class almost before one is aware. Farmers who want to make easy money are invited to take up the consideration on every farm. But be sure the breeding stock is right be¬ fore starting into the business and be prepared to devote sufficient time to the animals to insure their good care, —The Epitoniist. r- NEW SWEDISH FRUIT For _ months ,, past ... there , has , been some ta k to the effect that a com- | pany will be organized for the pur- ; pose of importing the lingun berry from Sweden, and prepare it for mar ket m a manner to compete with the sale of cranberries in the United States. A prominent cranberry deal¬ er writing this journal in regard to | the question says that he does not see how it is possible for the lingun berry to offer serious competition to the American fruit. . . I find that our strongest trade for the American cranberry,” said he, “is among the Swedish settlements of the United States. These people seem to de¬ mand, and are satisfied with the American article, and we believe even , they will take the cranberry in pref- i erence to the lingun.” — American Cultivator. MAKING A WEATHER VANE. A simple vane may he sawed out of a single piece of wood with a fret saw. Procure a slab of wood free from knots and about a quarter of an inch in thickness, twelve inches wide and eighteen inches long. V T hen the arrow has been cut out it should be smoothed down and giv¬ en two or three coats of paint, At the point of balance pierce a hole through the shaft of the arrow, The vane may be balanced by cutting a deep V. in the rear end and by weight¬ ing the point with sheet lead, Cut two pieces of sheet metal to act as “washers” for the top and bottom of the shaft and then pivot the vane to the top of a broomstick with a straight wire nail. A touch of oil to insure that the , vane revolves quite easily and the ! home-made article is practically com- , plete. The weather vane may now be j fixed up on the top of a garden house j or barn.—American Cultivator. THE The products DAIRY COW’S of the dairy PRODUCT. cow are | fourfold. The first and chief product is naturally the milk which she se¬ cretes, and which is used as milk, or for butter, or cheese making, The second product is calves which she bears, and which may be of more or less value. Third, the carcass of beef which she will yield when she is no longer useful for the production of milk should be taken into account. Lastly, the manure she produces is of considerable value. We may call the milk the main product and the calves, beef and man¬ ure the by-products of the dairy cow. It has been asserted that tlie mi!k product is the only thing that should be taken into consideration in esti¬ mating the value of the dairy cow. and that the calves and beef should be entirely ignored by a successful dairyman, but in these days of strong competition it is not possible to ig¬ nore the by-products, and in any scheme of successful dairying the calves and beef at least be taken into consideration, This does not mean that in any case milk producing qual¬ ities are to be sacrificed for the sake of the by-products. It simply means that of two ani¬ mals of equal value for the produc¬ tion of milk, the one that will give the greater return in production of calves and value of carcass is more profitable.—Sylvanus Van Aken, in The Epitomise. What Helen Would Do. Mamma and baby Randall, In high chair, sat at the breakfast their backs to the tire. The room not very warm. nicks’ Capudlne Cures Women’s and Monthly Headache. Pains, Backache, It’s Liquid. Effects diutely. results. Prescribed by physicians with 10c.. 25c., anu 50c.. at drug A MEAN SLUR. “The laundrymen are about forming an exchange.” “Good idea. I suppose you can there and trade the collars you for your own wash, Courier-Journal. HAD EOJZEtltA 15 YEARS. lug did mo any good until I got It cured me. I am so Thousands of others can testify to cures. Tettebine is sold by druggists sent Dept. by mail fur 50c. by J. T. A, Savannah, Ga. MODERN ECONOMY. Indulgent Uncle; Jack, are careful about your personal these days?” 44 Yes, Sir; I manage, with some fort, to make them balance my come to the exact cent. Tribune. KEPT GETTING WORSE. Five Years of Awful Kidney Nat Anderson, Greenwood, S. •ays: ‘‘Kidney trouble began five years ago dull backache, got so severe in that I could not around. The secretions k badly disordered l|5§b at times there m / f almost a stop of the flow. was examined and a S ain and treated to no avail kept getting worse. I have to Doan - s R Pills for my flnal re ]ief and cure gince ugin them haye d jn gtrength and flesh haye nQ g . of kidney trouble . 11 gold by &n dealers 50 centa a box Foster _ M1]blirn Co „ Buffalo, N. Y. ALL USED UU. “Pa, what’s a dead language?” “Any old language aljter your er gets through with Record-Herald. CURED ti i v e p Q uick Relief. L Removes all swelling in 8 to 20 days ; effects da a permanent Trial treatment cure ill 30 to 60 vs. . ^<uven free. Nothingcan be fairer |®r Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons, SSsocialisis. Box B Atlanta. Gr* HELP Dr. MARTEL’S Insist on Havingr FOR Remedy. WOMEN The Standard AT DHOOOISTS. Mend for book. “Heliet tor Women.” FRENCH DRUG CO., 30 W. 32dSt.. N. Y. “It es Car dm*’ writes Mrs. Susan A. Hall, of Ilayne, N. C., “has been a heaven-sent blessing to me. Sinco taking Cardui, I have been in better health than in the past five years. It cured me. I could not have had my baby, if it had not been for Cardui. I cannot say too much in praise of it” Cured Take Cardui Indies who suffer from the pains and ailments due to womanly ills, such as head¬ ■\<sv ache, backache, dragging sensations, pain in side, numbness, inability to walk, nervous¬ Me!” 'Jli I VS ness, h«a and Composed benefited reliable irregular remedy. functions, over of purely a Try million vegetable, dizziness, it. women, etc., harmless during should ingredients, the try past this 50 famous CARDUI years. female is a remedy, perfectly which safe B 33 £2 M ‘USQtBl. U 0 pj —For Desirable Locations on the One of the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC TRAVERSING PRODUCTIVE GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. There is no section in the country offering better op¬ portunities for farming, manufacturing plants, fruit grow¬ ing and stock raising. unsurpassed transportation The A. B. & A. furnishes facilities, operating from Birmingham and Atlanta to Brunswick, Thomasville and Waycross, affording through Brunswick, Steamship freight service on quick schedules for New York, Boston and other eastern markets. Should you desire to locate in this “Garden Spot of the South,” it will pay you to communicate with either of the undersigned. W. H. QUIGG, J. R. ROWLAND, General Freight Agent, Traffic Manager, Atlanta, Ga. W. H. LEAHY, General Passenger Agent, HIS DIPLOMA. Johnny: “Going to school?” Tommy: “Naw. I don’t have to; the candidate said he never seen a more intelligent audience and I was one of ’em.—New York Sun. A Be»t Cough Syrop,_ Tastes Good. U»o In lima. Sold by - | ^fcAfadrtfS §yrupsffig s eraia Cl eartses the stem ect- 1, ua HytDispels Col son L Q( aches naturally, duo to Constipati truly ion; Acts acts as a Laxnti ive. Child Best jb r A fen\vh nwn an i ~en-VounOand it.TW$Wal Old. I Always & buy the benrnne Effect, which S I fuiS ihe J full name 01 >J the L OOl jmny CALIFORNIA fiO SYRUP Co. byw horn front it is monujoctured,printed of package- on the <?v«?ry DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL LEADING bottle. one size only, regular price 50^ per _________________________ The man who wants the most for his money should buy experience. B.B.B Pimples, Etching Humors, Rheumatism, Blood Poison, Balm Eczema, only Blood Bone remedy Pains. kill the poison in ^ B.B B. (Botanic Blood in the that the blood and then purifies It—sending a flood of purr rich blood direct to th sltln surface, Bones Joints and whorevo th diseasels ocated. In this wny all Sores, Ulcers Pimples, subside. Eruptions are healed an 4 ourei pains and itches of Rheumatism healthy^Am,.™ ft ,cease, condition, swellings giving the skiu B. the It. rich B completely 4 hue of changes perfect the health. body Into B. 1> clean, B. cures thi re ' Cures Tlirougli flte Mood worst old cases. Try It. 81 OO per largo bottle at Drug Stores with directions lfTV 17111,“' for home cure. SAMPLE FKKE by writing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, G», The University and Commercial School, Abbeville, fia„ m e-tves individual training preparing students thoroughly thorough for college training and university intellectually. work. 9l8 Greatest cure given to character building ns well us Courses are complete and thorough. French, Greek, Latin and English Literature taught Pau.rAu bv able teachers The Commercial Courses embrace Typewriting, Telegraphy Bookkeeping, ami allied Shorthand, Arithmetic. Correspondence, writing. Banking Full course in work. fer' Amifie groundm good board, ten months’ tuition ; all for $150. Write for descriptive booklet to P • j C. M. SORDOIf, Pr« Csmmerdal Dept. tJGKM A. MILLER, A, B„ Superintendent. r A , R. WATKINS MEDICAL CO. M (fi lltt * Vyf * 70 *.:/! Ti J. »«'MMraOT4 \ \ \ ,/T m ;>>■ * TO Wlffer-nt Article*: Houteliolil R«mertle«, FOivorlng V \\ W M KlnU*. Toilet Prepimitlou*. Flue Soap*, Ltc. ' “ rl : Kvtract* all E'Very County. mcA Can-Va-f-sers Wanted in 40 Year* Experience, ffiB,000,000 Oulput. ■ i BEST PROPOSITION O f J-£Ei£ AGEN FS ^*4iSSBKSi AV. L. Dougins makes mid sells more i men’s 85.00 and 83.50 shoes than any other manufacturer In the world, be¬ cause they bold tliolr shape, fit better, M and wear longer than any other timke. Shoos Family, at Men, All Prices, Boys, Women, for Every Misses Member S Children of the W.L.Dou£l?,B equalled at $4,00 and price. $3.00 W. Gilt L. Douglas Edge Show cannot m be any $2.00 and $2.00 shoes are the best In tbs world FOR MEN MAOS BY oifTake Vcuit Color AIo J Eyelet* Nnhiftltiite. Used Exclusively. \Y. L. iiouirlns i MRelbOl name and price is stamped on bottom. Sold Thebottom of vour foot, if twisted out v’.l everywhere. world. Shoes Catalogue mailed from free. taetoiy to any '» Sjj of its proper lines, will cause foot EsooamMAfs. part W. L. ot DOUGLAS, the 157 Sp.trk St., Brockton, Mass. tnmliles. tSKREEMER shoes tit at the u.a.A. 18 ra fonndation: tlio feet. bottoms match the-- >r. or* (jj bottomsof your That’s why they If do hnd . are oomfortable. Look for the label. you how not RHEUMATISM now curable; fhoumiu'l t cured’; Bkr<ecinerseafiily. write us for directions to secure Mass. MUltsBneedyiqunraiucB givenjprkss them. FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, low. Write quick. The WRIGHT MiilU, CCi., Peru ladk (At.45-’0i'.) For m ’ m K S ■A & - / Lameness ] wrb'Wm, V .1 in Horses * r 3Z Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not allowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's Liniment on hand and apply at the first signs of stiffness. It’s wonderfully’penetrating—goes joints right and to makes the spot—relieves the muscles the soreness — limbers up the elastic and pliant. Sloan’s Liniment will kill a spavin, curb or splint, reduce wind puffs and swol¬ len joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founder and thrush. Price, 50c. and $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, - Boston, Mass. Sloan’s boob on horses, cattle, sheep and poultry sent free. Nursing Mothers and Malaria The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form. For adults and children. 50 c. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brichtor and faster color* than any other dy«. One 10c. package colors all fibers. They (lye In col (1 water l»ttc|' than any other dye. Yam ;an dye any without ripping a pan. Write tor free booklet—How to Lye, Bleach anil MU Colors. lUuMtUB DlliHi CO., Quincy, lltinoW Penalizing Night Buyers. By a special order of the ministry of the interior persons who ring the night, bell at the drug store between 10 o’clock at night and G o’clock in the morning will have to pey a tax of 10 cents, In addition to the cost of the medicine or other articles they -wish to obtain. The object of the order is not >to increase the chemists’ receipts, nor to burden .the public with any new taxes, but merely to induce the public to get medicines and drugs during the hours the shops are open—that is, from 7 a. in. to 9 p. m. In urgent ca-es the tax will not he charged, the physician marking the prescription E. X. (Expedite I10C turna). The chemists have agreed to allow the assistants on night duty i t 0 the moneys received from the new tax as some reimbursement for their extra labor.—Vienna corre¬ spondent in Pall Mall Gazette. THE OTHER THREE R’S. Silas—Up at Blixo University that tbar Ranki kid larnt the three R’s all right. Pruette—What be they, Silas, dear? Silas—Rowing, rooting and rowdy¬ ism, from all appearances by hock!— Chicago News. -■: II 'V >. ;: ;« • I ",■« Classified DVERTISEMENTS fMI p«:a k* i->s ax » ( .m ium 1 J NHALKNT CATARKIIAI. .IKI.LV euro* Deafnews and Catarrh Trial irenutiwu W mall free. HKA CO., MinuptipolLs, Minn. 1,1 V K W! 1- nnv I. J* A N 1' 4j AW K YV ANTED—LIVE 1V1T.D TURKIC! AIM Squirrels. Tame Deer, led Fox Par trlcltres Pheasants. Wild jVatcrfowl. Ett» p. Cnrdl Fii>pvh Naturnllst. Wi>“hlnrton, P.CL == The fellow who is satisfied to wait for something to turn up will let it \ pass him and then wait for it to com* bark again. \ \ f FA\ /] r fv \ V The cleanest.— jmo \ lightest. —and ^ \ j most comfortable CD 1 SLICKER V at the same time cheapest in the end because it wear3 longest *309 Everywhere Every garment guar, f <s»C. I C urfieed waterproof V j \ Jj 4o6 | Catalog free A J TOWS D CO BOSTON USA T i -.wr CO CANADIAN CO L'MlTFD TOQCINTOJjAN