The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 06, 1908, Image 5

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£H$kM . *' * “' /wn. ssf? «aj*jaw \a ipi . m V%<# •;* hk; ; M RaS * i r'.;j M dr K I ■' & »>? $i.v 0 fr -.< i H hK-dSi 'A was .... V n gfi ■ . 1 * ■m m :•; ' 4 , W 5 *Jl 'tkiM f r ■ . I Vfifc 4 V. waL&T l&F 4 A That sell the best two horse *n market lor oney ' ,.r v 4 we can you V » t ii il : .* ■ 14 5 * 1 w IILL - o w D this section. It isn’t the Chattanooga, or t . Vi v i t‘ l >’ ■i :i, cr the e. 1 7 H+ fit use: i i ti * < US * u : J ]5 Cr Vs* ' » ..4 * » A ia V it * Plow, with wood stee! beam. 0 : r »i Lisrn any * 4 ** it n t o or nv guaranty <U 4 let * now i & i choke or gum in any pond or clayknoSe If vou > 4 4 iL IV CO ill I «nd i gel lOLit if L X i AW i ( ' not lo * k' . t- d( atisfx. what we claim, it will only cost you the time to carry it O 1 ^ ■ I &n~ retu ! it. Si it ) yen p I kr c= tory, it is what you want. We also have in stock the Clarke Cutaway V 7 > ; < V; y V a C / V f-S V ■" ' *1 %> V* fi im t any . smbei of hst vo n 4 *> ' Cal! and see us about jour harrow. You need t O l - V C r s g\ ii _ J t and ten: satisfactoi useksa I i> L how they You know » ro V you for us to try to tell what they are and Cfi M ,-oco. 1 lit m as wt / Al o c 4 V don’t, ask your neighbor; he has one and can f- tf. ('■ w 1 \ > ’ t v > ?■ S V. 8 L * All repairs kept in stock all the time. Georgia Agricultural Works. Terms; Monthly accts. Monthly, U/p-vM,r v V W V.- k l i. ijff Due First of and Cash. E *T 3 i Cia c .. it W. J 9 ’Sr-** *■! A 4 L w' •J DEALER IN Dry Q nftfl K r^ofiorH .7 . e rt oes, Gents ! j , ^ * 4 -.w L kill y. an v C* -b A 1 “O' » at \J> B.J 4 - d and New Stock of ! sags CL Pure Food Groceries! Call and buy, phene or send your orders, or notify and I will 1 ! £ All a« fan me ssiie jLVi jrA|» c O ^ m aLk -- w h An Us* li '■ WaS • 1 '’redit will only k extesis retiabi parties, and we w ill do our lest fit lit 1 s F-itllu m |j| y your trade and give satisfaction. Weekly Accounts Cash Buyers Will Due Once a Week Phone 47 Save Money Mere Benson Clothing- Co., 420 Third St,, Macon, Ga :V" I J T ts When the BENSON CLOTHING CO. adver- | tises an article as being the very best onat money | and brains can produce at a certain price i IT’S SO When they saj t that unquestionably there is no superior to Alfred Benjamin & Co’? Clothes— Pi Packards Shoes—Hawes Hats — “Nufangi Trou¬ sers, and many other lines sold exclusively by them —there’s no argument against it because— STS H i > | l< n Ga. i ek Benson Clothing Co., 420 Third St, Macon, i m ESSS ™cBMiawgg 3 ffigcar.-affl£» have the GHiLDREH PHOTOGRAPHED AND DO ITJNOW. Come And See Samples Of Children s Pictures. W. M. WHITE, The Practical Photographer fort valley, ga. >• < r Boilers^ " Portable and Saw Stationary ili88s n S’ ■ Side Crank and STEAM ENGiNES ilsll ^. ft Center Crank m § ,A.S 's<C PC >(1 Highest grade Ginning Machinery, '•~! Gasoline Engines, Shingle ?,fills, 9 *1 Corn Mills and Pumping Outfits to " be had in the entire South. Large .G' 2 P stock on band, best terms, quickest delivery. It will pay you to investi¬ I . gate our machinery and prices. WiALLARY BROS- MACHINERY CO. T/ - B SUBSCRIBE NOW A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA Warrenton, N. C.—I was nearly dead with kidney affection for six months, growing worse all the tune. My case was hopeless—was unable to get about but little. I had tried everything with little benefit. I took three bottles of Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all xiglit. I owe my life to Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper.—H. T. Macon. If you suffer with backache, dull head ache, swollen feet, stiff joints, and have no energy and see imaginary specks in the air, you have symptoms of kidney Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper will relieve (you. sample. All druggists, will $ 1 . send 00 . enough Write for free Wc to prove its wonderful merits. j Stuart Drug Manufacturing' Co. ATLANTA. GA. , t’revnrlcatoi-. The word prevaricator la from fh? Latin and originr.lIyMnonnt a straddM with di fr* 1 miss! r.pcn legs.l In the Homan 'courts of ! w Die cxi?res sion was ft-ppayd to one who in a suit was discover:: 1 to bp in collusion with his opponent to comp rmo dish esty. As false!:on ! s die ,neoc: i O' part of s? si a DortoirnruK •<T the vord by and t caroe to ve the sl 0 ;<]. cauce at pi wont attached to it. \ Got.JeS.-j. Goblets with stem a ml stand like those we use today w e employed in Troy 900 T> C. Among the valur. tie ; objects foun by Dr. Schliomann was j a golden gainer. Ve of this metal i were commonly employed in the serv tee of the temples. i ■ v \ r-; >« ;■ * fi [j 1 ? II If •; 1 i • t i i :y> m i ti ij 1 Wt ' m t ! <4 l< i j e As , a s ■■A : T ST. r 4 ' 1 jf >T\ ! ! r- V • ' •u. ti ! XL _JL jj.A. _ : Onl 0-:.e "T 1 / 10 . ^ JLA -v v ¥J i Tuesday Cj t r-. TT Phillips V k r ui y t ;) ;• < i) isalisii 0? the Me! 'Aiicm J t? ta*t ■% r WWVwJ CA'sC €6 -r \ 99 L te" J* I Represente ompany 30 30 Full Band and Ocrhestra Special Scenery Feats Sit/ Vaudeville Between Acts. FREE Baad Concert At Noon and at 7 P. H. ADMISSION Adults 35c Children 20. c ’ •saA* Ji 1 - ,-57 pa^ea/A sq [Ha\ ouuj A'joa ^uouviboj’) su[i S'axAtoqoj A II •utoqi Smsti uiqs a jnoi no.C sb uoos sy -ojiu pp pooS o jooj.. ‘iiv.d oqi puhUoj qou Aiau u oqq .(,)m ptn saAa dtp soiTsgjpj os ; ’ -j . maq , 9dlAV 10U on 1 •pastijjns 1 *•; • eq ]]:av soAo oq t pin: 90 uo qur.vv uaq^ ‘qt qeiioi S 9 ip*f ino.C |Pi {1 os J 91 )BAA r j. 0 , g0A " 0 iU;0 X pTon -Ofsiq oq} 0 } opwdoojod T W) f "I m ^ . . . Tr ~ nnm a SiPV JO pijoiuq una » • 53/3 po J !_L acj ,/qollOJ J { trpip j- 8ao oqj eT>> 'xoop oqj JOJ AP 1 I M j^qgrjp oq Auuuojj pil !3 r, °) ,! l ' 0[ H , t ao not oho iC[UO ?c o.ioqj pm? iuoo.t -rmq AqiOM xnoA m son 00 Ojddu 9 A!j: punoj moX q et WOXpAWqx,, •ouo paqonoj t 011 0AT? ' , 1 L, S FI °1 U T : Suiqocq ‘Xxuraoj, pius t /aoqti:q„ so[d ci l pac?hqo 7 no oqi ur pnd j | -dt? xts osoqt an uooq no.C n.vuq,, ‘ao* ‘ qq ot joqvaj B pi)?:; ,/acuuioj ti) •on « p;ox J 0 A 3 J.J »h ■ j\j toocuoAtT—-AyrnbrjaB -o qs;tn oqt ni iso; sj ujSpo sp ji?qj ipaq | .it:,i os gamp 5 ! pm? ‘nujqoq ?jo( uora I snuoK pjo oqt qoniAi koijb .1 Atnrai nq. | ;o ouo sj siqx •o-mpaistsoi xubju oip i iq possud KT 1 T?[ III? JO A'jIPIpjA .oqj o? i juosst? jUifoa oqj si? Ajussooou st? sj inq PIc.'auA'x uo savtji oqj jo uoijBS[tunoid j sjqj, - qst[Sua[ pm? xm?H u; pop;Spun j -ojd e.n? .it:oA oqi Suunp opera saibi rap j ’i jo do? oqj rao.ij pm? ‘piq pibauia’x jo i doj . oqj oj ipuAv ‘sooipOny .noqj u{ && : -ao[.> oip 3 ufpnpt*r ‘m?pi jo o[sj orp jo spjpmo otp [[?? .i??oA .Ooao n Apij* no ‘uio 4 aiU 3 t»uo|jir»;i - Cinall) Tr«»ial>le ^ i n Head '»t tb« Firm Tal'-cai It Easy. Conducting si ImUuess is like rolling a 1 i hOwiuc: L bill. Tbo moment you cease to push it, the moment jon take your shoulder : roin it sn.d think you will rest and take it easy, tuo bowlder begins to crowd iack upon yon, and if you arc not careful it will eithe r run over and crush you oi get away from you nhogethor and go to the bottom with a crash. It .v> neces¬ sary to bo ovorhisii.-gty pushing, fol¬ lowing up the bowlder, keeping It go lug, in order to set it to the tep of Ur. hill. One of the greatest dangwfa of early prosperity in any lino is s tendency to relax effort. Many a man ceases to grow when his salary is raised or when be is adya ,\1 to i higher position, Many a business man, after he has built up 0 large business, ceases to exert himself, and the moment he pauses in his ca n of pushing and struggling, Die moment ho foegi. to re ,., 5 in ° „ h r his close personal at tentlon 1 husim: 5 (.-cases to advance, and latal drj . r»t sets in—one of tha worst diseases fh cun seize on any individual or conccra. The man who at; nnpts to run a busl n( ;c large or small, must keep his fin gcr constantly on its pulse in order to detect any rise or fall of temperature, nuy irregularity or any jar in the ma¬ chinery. V, hen the bead of a firm is trying to take it easy, there is usually t.roub somewhere.—OrJ-soii Swoti Mar. fj?n it, iauc f :ei?n iiagazine. GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND. Kan- Their <'iaisMH Were EMla!ilinli«d lit the .Mtilhle At?e«. A curious meeting was held in Lyons on Jan. 4 , 1699 . The royal commis¬ sioners solemnly sat in council to de¬ cide the question if lawyers and doc¬ tors could bo regarded as gentlemen. It proved too hard u problem for the wise heads, and the doctors and law* yers themselves were summoned to prove their right to gentility. The mat ter was settled to the satisfaction of the professional parties. In the middle ages of England her¬ alds went through Die counties to ex¬ amine into the claims of landholders to be called gentlemen. There is in ex¬ istence sin interesting list of the dis qualitied, and one reads today the shame of a certain Thomas Bobbins who failed to establish the title and was writ among the ignoble. Charles Anscote, a representative of one of the oldest families, is registered as “en titled to bo styled a gentleman, ah though worth not more than £ 500 if . Brooke, an old writer, has given the world Ids opinion of what constitutes a gentleman, and his definition has never been exci d: “The character, or, rather, quality, of : a%eml«> a d-; i •<; any deg;- a de¬ i on ta nt or mode or state or penu | opinion; neither does, it change with | customs, climates or ages. But, as the : spirit of God alone can inspire it, so il i Is that qua!i'y of lie:? rt which is the ton and forever. »■ same yester<.. j, a file Wort a «n We l.ft>olc at li. When we look at the world in a ar? n . • way, how small it seems! \ lien >!; at ii fu a mean way, how > >a ■t !••'! 'Vhen we look at it seif Ay, hew r h it is! But when we look at it wH broad, generous and Ik pful ’ mint , <at a beautiful world is, and white wonderful people we fi; d in It!—Boston Christian liegister. Perseverance. Perseverance Is more prevailing than violence, and many things which can¬ not be overcome when they are togeth¬ er yield themselves up when taken Jit (le by little.—Plutarch. Yet, Indeed. “A woman makes a great change In a man’s life. ft ’Tea, and she taken « gmt CtaAge oat of It too*