The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 06, 1908, Image 8

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w&c$$ttttttc : AA/WV AA/v*sAA ,Ci yir /v>v t'f !' -* ' a -*V“A # '. *✓'-*•<• v QD C LEF 0 n o ft T! q n r i \ ij K?S t. 0 b L*c V I? | n ■.! i gj ii I V ! ,» Am* 1 a li bJJ *« iln u a f<7 n u k * 6 ' U H Oct; t is pr st, and we ca : say, we a re s31j s ;: ' ee vt? ■ f? the business-we did. Things ai *f\ c t* ii a r* pidly e GGililg our wc and w feel sure that with a few extra inA-ven-ents, we will be able to make November The Great est Bu. ess M >ntli Of Our Hi story. We are 'Ft! 1 <L f 4 7 seme special cut prices below for Saturday and Mon I day. I )w w hat do you think of these, and do you c.under that such underselling.has gained hundreds of new' ci! comers for us during the past few weeks? oiiurji I rJ ! h . \.% i sis I s 1, i-\4l m It n ’ V * V . •• w % i fit 1 i; kmw \ . < £ 1 1 - l ■ 8 na> mm A i <%> iCut Price Stetson Shoes Special In Cali r c island Many Special Prices Queen Quality Shoes s % tj) Shorten ir Vw«.v1j. m ico .. is You all t'low what Stetson All the best quality Calicos, all Siomespu? H to mention in this advertisment,. Our entire line Queen Quality! <Shoes ar.d that tliey sell- 1 are, are X ^in«r evor.vv, la e at $6 00. Here's colors, light, and dark, fancy and Xo Shoes worth $3.50 and $ 4 00 the best Calicoes matter what you may want . your chance, AH the best styles bordered, very 2! yards yard wide Sea- All styles and sizes, now your! } Come in Stetson Shoes while the lot made and we guarantee every we can save you money. lasts at (ft yard Reduced to yard |jq island for SI.00. Saturday choice per pair Ml per i air per and see us any way. ’-8 . and Monday. (HHfWi'k r . L K * »AAv AAAA ' ------'/ s/S/SAVS •s VV- ■an ' ‘jyj* .'MB ^;^ar«Eiaiffli» OBSRSra C71I?! iMiiiiMiiiiiininii ^ (Vf; r'# Is. r c. 4 iN» i ' 1 k / 1 i K .•r. C • • • a m v i-; 7 i 3 ••• v / P3 Aj 5 iT-aus-YUH -V ... Oi w s.. .. .V « T a T O> ' l/V k £ t > AX a ■ ai Ii it. £. 1. SW' ii J. 13 <C&-1 ; ; 5* If 001 < u 9 O ”'a 9 111 5^9 if c ^ ^ j < 1T t AC f (5,j a 1 1 W-l i -id. zisit - J 9iJ ii « 'f. fTk Cl I ^-0 V #9 V- si a Jiik-. itl M ;• hi i I ^ i 'id. ;i ) A / V ICII t7 on c2^ 9 A "s 1 \ ' * ! I i 2S& i 1 I A ,! >.'i s '& f m m m ■ »? m « is i :V r3UK£l M i. m S3 418 Poplar Street, iliacon, Ge. Next Door to 1 is I\Q i fc.CH X. Ik 1 r Cii . T f'yWi i liture Store. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriffs Sales Georgia Houston count.? : Will be sold before the house door in the town of said legal state houiN ann <• cu ,p ‘ ln ' !^ l ! .' bidder iurc.:u'.n o , l ;> rp os . day in Deceu • ■ 1 ’ lowing ' ’ | r t "mule T t0 wit; One '‘'I’J'N. ' horse named lv«)^c.> '■ * -j on( , daOc bav Q. horse mule in med John , h g ^ ol Lex i led SNT« on and ill sold iAort ^ ^ f °^\ J . fu.n, tteCcmn - • court«. f '» i;r uoaswn n ,s;ton county u m in ty S T l'VlT'a '"' u k e k 1 Gii 1 mm-G orincinal and Ella M liar . s -,1 Hindi O. L. Bateman a » ^ ]) “ son, sureties lluSjfcO M. ^ u t *• oopei, •* SI . Also at the same time and nlaoe the undivived one Seventh n -7) interest of Horace Clark as heir at law of Robert Clark de¬ ceased in the east half of lots of land Nos. 54 and o5 in the 1-th District of Houston County, Ga., Containing -°0 acres more or less, Levied and being sold as the property of s aid Hor ace Clark to ....... GREAT SKI8I SPECIAL m SATURDAY AND MONDAY. ! We have here about 59 -:\ r .^ -r*-* h f h in the very newest styles of Panama,. Surgv, - > Voile, suiting etc., ;.u all Vl/i n V- +Jf> These skirts sell in all stores at $5.00 to $7.39. Now to give c: car «stmas m extra special value for two days, we are Mace the A ■: •I *3 l ire lot on sale at the extraordinary price, each $4.48. WK ULfJf.UU f SPECIAL J 1 lUAllAf * a y ii.i • tp *; tv • XiA'ij phMMy L \ Hj ii jl < Compared with other stores, every cloak in our store is cheap at the price we have marked on it. So look at t ' u Price and you will know what-a value we are offering for two days? V" firip -loa i ■ath O .i-i our stock, the very best $5.00 to $6.50 values we have, new styles, all colors, and sizes to be thrown on sale for two days at choice $4.48 satisfy ; a fi fa> from Houston County Court returnable to July , Quarterly Term 11)08 here of in ifavor of F. Somner vs Lucius ’ Clark and Horace Clark. This Nov. 5, 1908. : j Georgia Houston county: ! I ; j Wjji fee sold before the court- | door in the town of Pty-ry the I state and county, within begal hours of sale to the liighest bidder for cash, on the 1st Tnes dav in Decemberl9.08,thefollow descr5bed propei . ty to wit: i 0 0 acres of land being the Fast half oflof, K,,. 55 i a the- 12th Dis-' ^net ot Houston County, G a • soW as the • property of Itobert Clark de ceased in the hands Of Horace Clark Administrator to be ad- S ministered to satisfy a fi fa from i j Houston Superior Court return-' able to the April Term lbuSj thereof in fav0E 0 f Duncan and | Duncan vs Horace Clark Adtnmis . 1 trator Robert Clark deceased, Celia Clark and Bryant Clark defendants. This Nov. 5, 1908. Also at the same time and place the undivided one seventh (1-7) interest of Lucius Clark as heir at law of Robert Clark de- ceased in t he ea?t half of lot of Cnd Nos. 54 and 55 in the 12th District of Ih-us ton Cq« ffty Ga 1 1 Containing 200 acres more or Levied on anc ! I noing sold as the property OI v. aid Lucius Clark to satisfy a fi 1 ‘ :i from Houston County Court returnable to the July Q .urterly Term 1908 tlwweof in fa vor o i- rp vs Ijucjus Clark r Phj§ Nov 5. 190S. L. Cooper, Sheri \ it. rjj'ftvbnnr Vit.i.v'ii vJ r f 0?* us v-.ivii. f : rrr**v j Georgia Houst-un county: • 11 whom it may euncorn. 1 I ) TV \> . * . bu.jilh, elm eased, has plied for leave to sell nil the lands beion.uin^ V < » the estate of said deceased, 'i bis is therefore to ail persons concerned to appear at the December Term 1908 of Court of Ordinary of 1 Ions ton County and show cause if any • they have why said anplli cation should not be granted Witness my official signature I this Oct. 3rd 1908. Sam T- Hurst, Ordinary. Subscribe Now wwAnswiJ.'ijt'.r o TTp a KJ 13 J T 7 Tp '■Six.' liVj.*' loJ \ w j riL irflDn 1 1” ll H I $ !i |J n s U ii t -s o a u 1 4 Ml v\ i i !; i S I a 346 to 352 Poplar Street MACON, GA. r f >1 : Your money is ns good as any body’s. You are entitled to the best that the market affords when von spend it fhat's the reason wiry you should come to see us when you o >-e in the market for Buggies, Wagons or Harness. Let Us Do Your Job Work M»l PS A SSi mfM GjfP \IlK cv - A\l r t'4 ft I Vd jpw >« (m u » ill i . i l ii i % /!! II ft ij fj/it ilkuiM It Wore Well, A handwriting expert said of * “Suc-h manuscript error to a reporter: A an error r is ludicrous. man £>f intelligence could never have made if. It rcmh.Js me of an error that occurred at a church meeting in my native town, u dis*: CUSS11 st this meeting the bef time for the cons :C ration of a n® plot tnat nad oean. ' a tide church eemoforv. There- v. a» ; lO. 1 argument. Some wanted the noai tion consecrated at once; r. orb thought it would be best to till the next year. Fi u . man rose arid said firnm i . U C I shall vote for iniiru Fiat cos secretion. 1 have had my ) in. done ’ • *> with it, and it vonr- 1 lid A Lecoon In Crnilnolos; overvalu A gentleman who rather himself, looking at a ease of birds, sw to an ornithologist who was with hi “What is that bird?” . „ n That, ■ said the other, “is a raagP‘ e - It’s not my idea of a magpie, »» was the rejoinder. friend, t* Perhaps not, t replied bis »«-9----- V-t’« God’s idea of a rnagp^ Subscribe for the Leader.