The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 13, 1908, Image 1

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Fhe Fort Valley Leader. ......... VOL. XIX. LOST A Knights Pythias pin between MrsSeovilles residence and my home. Miss Stella Glass. Miss Lillie Belie Adkins gone to McIntyre where she spend the winter. Dr Harris Branham of Bruns¬ wick is the guest of his mother this week. Flournoy’s new the cotton public. is now open to Located opposite Crate tory. 75c per bale. Mr J L and G H Fincher, Andrew Houser and Mrs Thorn¬ ton left Saturday for in Mr Fincher’s auto. They made a quick trip, reaching there for tea with M rs Thornton Satur¬ day evening, Mr Fincher and Mr Houser returning Sunday. See or Telephone R. A. Hiley for a good load of sawed oak or pine wood. Miss Annie Mae Adkins has gone to Sylvester to resume her position as teacher at the Gordy Institute. Mrs W Peddicord and little sons Wallace and Samuel took in the fair at Macon. The many friends of Miss Mattie Scoville will regret to learn of her ill;' md hope she will s ooti rev Dr and Mrs W H Hafer spent Sunday afternoon ni Marshall ville, The many friends of Rev T Lang will be sorry in deed to hear that he is going to leave Fort Valley, he has many warm friend here Gin Days Fridays and Saturdays. W. L. Houser. Miss f Jennie Allen of wood spent Sunday and with 'her cousin, Miss Nettie Marshall. Mrs Sidney Me Millan and little daughter spent last in Macon the <r n uest of Mrs G Crandall. Flournoy’s new cotton gin is now open to the public. Located opposite Crate tory. . 75c per bale. Misses Hattie,Maurice, f|nd Nettie Ray dined with cousin, Miss Roxie Ray Messrs Emmett Lester Hartley, Walter and Jeff Champion visited Ray last Sunday. MrsTH Smith of Dublin visiting Mrs P HSkellie, FOR RENT Dwelling on Persons Street, apply to L. L. Brown. Mr Louie Jones took his nephews, D ich&rd and Jones to Macon to see the fair. Miss Nora Rountree after delightful visit to relatives friends in Perry returned Wedne sday. New Store New Goods I have opened up a Fresh of Fancy Groeeries in Store merly occupied by Wilson Wilson. Everything fresh. pataonage will be appreciated. Oscar Lee Williams, PORT VALLEY, HOUSTON COUNTY. GEORGIA, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1908. Miss Gladis Riley and Miss Eula May Blewster spent several days in Macon last week attend¬ ing the fair Mr and Mrs Earnest Vance visited relatives in Perry last week. Mr and Mrs Nat Baldwin visi¬ ted Macon Monday. Mr and Mrs Dawson Kendrick left Monday for Miona Springs where they will he at home to their friends. Mr and Mrs WR Brown left for Atlanta Monday. Misses Bessie Hardage, Jennie Lee Me Duffy and Mr Horace Calhoun of Macon spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J W Prater. Mr John Scoville is at home for a short visit. FOR SALE One fine Berkshire Sow and Eight pigs. Apply to J. T. Sis trunk, Fort Valley Ga. Miss Lillie Brown has gone to Florida on a visit. Capt J R Mathews spent a few days in Perry last week. Mrs W L Houser spent last Wednesday in Macon. Mr Wilson Houser spent Friday afternoon in Macon. Miss Helen Crandall spent % week -with j several days last Miss Ruth Ililey Mr Geo P G reene and family Went up to Macon in his machine last Thursday. Miss Sophie Jones visited her sister, Miss Mariannb in Macon last Saturday and Sunday. The Epwort-h League met last Thursday night at the home of Mrs G P Gr».-ene, the meeting was well attended. Mrs Harrie Strozier after a pleasant visit to relatives re¬ turned home Tuesday Miss Carrie Sanford visited her aunt, Mrs R S Braswell week, her many friends gave a cordial welcome. • Mrs Nina Hartley has returned home from Everett Station where she has been spending several weeks with her father and FOR SALE CHEAP One residence lot on church Street. Four residence lots on College Street. A. D. Skellie. Presbyterian Church J We shall soon have the pleasure | of having Rev J W Stokes with us again in a series of meetings. Our meetings are to begin Tuesday night Nov. 17th at p. rn. and we shall expect to continue for ten days or more. Brother Stokes needs no intro I d iction,as a great many of us hav made his acquaintance, and heard him in his excellent mons, and I do not think man ‘"‘an be more earnest zealous in the Lord’s work. social qualities are very and he makes many warm wherever he goes. We invite the saved and the to attend these meetings. w. o. s. Gin Days Fridays Saturdays. W. L. Houser. Mrs Frank Fincher left Mon¬ day for Columbus with her little sister to spend some time with her fathers family;, Mrs W G Jordan left Monday for Americus to visit her daugh¬ ter. Mr and Mrs J M Long left Monday for Dawson where they will-visit friends. Mr Cookerly visited Fort Valley Monday. Misses Ruth Whiting and Clarence Houser spent Monday in Macon the guest of Mrs F C Houser. Rev T. G. Lang According to the inteneracy sys stem of the Methodist church the above prominent divine will be transferred to another field for the ensuing year—he having served four full years as pastor here. The Leader with many ad¬ mirers of his own, as well as different denominations, regrets the necessity of his departure, for during his residence here, he has not only labored earnestly in his chosen work, but has evinced a sincere and patriotic interest in the material advancement of our community. Wherever he goes, he has the The Leader’s best wishes and is commended to the people with whom Ids lot Is cast as a gentle I man or Choi" 1 Iv¬ attainments, I Christian character and religious li. Flournoy’s new cotton gin IS HOW open to the puoilC. Located opposite crate fac¬ tory. 75o per bale. li By reasons oi unexpected financial obligations assumed by our people for church purposes within the last few days, it seems wiser to postpone the Education¬ al Rally. The program there.ore will not be on this week and President Dickey will not be with us next Sunday. The regular service at th morning hour and Brotrier J M Jones will as representative ol The Laymen’s Movement, wil present.the subject of Tithing at the evening hour. T. G. Lang. The Baptist Church The Pastor .1 M Long will preach at II a. m. Sunday at the evening service there will be sacred concert given by the choir of the church. This will a most interesting exercise and ; rare treat for all who will come. j The pastor desires a full 1 enhance of membership of church at the morning service I Save Your Coupons The many friends here of Mr James L Dent, of Roberta, be pleased to note that he is second place in the Journal’s Voting contest. Dent will appreciate it if friends will cast their votes for him. County Commissioners of Houston county met in monthly session November 1908, with all the members lent, Editor Reynolds is on the list this week. FOR SALE One good Milk Cow and Applly to T. F. Anderson, R. F. D. No. 1. The History Club The History Club will hold its next regular meeting on Tues day, Nov. 27 , at the home of Mrs Tom Shepard. William Cullen Bryant and two com temporary winters will be the topics for the afternoon, and the following pro* gram well be rendered. •‘Our American Wardsworth Mrs C H Prator. Poem by Bryant—Mrs F W Witholt. Marco Bozzaries—Poem and Author—Mrs Mittie Wynne. Louise Drake and Patriotic Song—Miss McDonald. Quotation’s and Music. Luther Connell Killed. At the sawmill of the Ga. Fruit Package Company near Midville, Burke County, M r Luther Con¬ nell was shot and killed by Mr Oscar Hogg last Saturday eve¬ ning. The body was carried to Perry Monday morning, and the burial was in Evergreen ceme¬ tery, attended by his relatives and a considerable number of friends. Episcopal Church Notes Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Prac¬ tice of Xmas music at 11 a. m. Service Sunday 7 p. m. Beginn¬ ing Nov. 29th, a week of prayer will be observed all over the United States. Special services will be held at St. Andrews church at that time. Deputy Sheriff J A Riley is a candidate for Superviser of pris¬ on camps, under state appoint meat. Several of these officials will be appointed and will begin their work on April 1st, 1909 , when the law abolishing the lease S ystem becomes effective- The friends of Mr Rftey in Fort Valley are active in his behalf. On last Friday Mrs J S-Kenni son returned to Columbus with her husband the Rev J S Kenni son, Pastor of the ' Rose Hill Presbyterian church. Mrs j Kennison, who is the sister of Mrs T C Eberhardt, spent sever¬ al days here while Mr Kennison was attending the synod at Athens - Riiey-Jones The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Dor jthy Riley of Perry, to Mr Willis Cooper Jones, of Marslmli ville, was solemnized at the Methodist church in Perry at 4 p. m. Wednesday, November 4th. Mrs J R Moore and Mrs A H Murchison visited relatives in Vienna last week. Notice of Ejection on Issue of Bonds To the qualified voters of the city of Fort Valley, Georgia. You are hereby notified that on Saturday November 21st, 1908 an election will be held to de¬ termine the q uestion whether or I not bonds shall be issued by the i said city of Fort Valley to* the : amount of Ten Thousand Dollars, i Proceeds of said bond to be used for the purchase, erection and equipment of a telephone system to be operated in the city of Fort Valley, Georgia. Said bonds are to bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, all of said interest to be paid annually. None of the principal is to be paid annually but such a sum will be raised annually as will fully pay off said bonds at the expiration of thirty years. ■ ! Said election ordered by the [authority of the mayor and city j council Given of Fort Valley, Georgia. I under my hand and official seal of office this 22nd day of October 1908. J, L. FirciiEK, Major. NO. 38 ParhanrKendrick Wedding. The marriage of Miss Francis Tulula Parham of Stinson, and Mr Dawson Kendrick of Fort Valley, social interest was an occasion which took of place wide at, the home of the bride’s mother, November fifth. There were only two atten¬ dants, Miss Jennie Parham, sis¬ ter of the bride, acted as maid of honor, an<rMr .ee Barfield of Macon, cousin of groom as best man. The wedding march was rendered by M is Harold Magru der, and ceremony performed by Rev J D Clements. The marriage was a very quiet affair the immediate families and their most intimate friends witnessing the ceremony. Mrs William R Brown, of Fort Valley, aunt of groom, and Mr Lee Barfield of Macon, were among those from a distance. • The bride was lovely in a hand¬ some tailored suit of blue cloth, Dlrectoire style, with hat to match, and carried a large bou¬ quet of white carnations and ferns. Miss Parham, maid of honor, was gowned in a blue cloth prin¬ cess empire, elaborate witli em- i broidery. The house was decorated with a profusion of flowers, ebrysan thenums and Southern srnilax being artistic, ii)t. throughout the h I ' 11 . The parlor where the ceremony was performed, was in White chrysanthemums ami smilax, and lighted with candelaluus. The bride is a charming young woman of unusual culture, and her going away to reside is a matter of sincere regret among a large circle of friends here. Mr Kendrick is prominent in social life as well as in the busi¬ ness world. The popularity of the couple was shown by the large number of handsome presents received. They left immediately after ceremony for their future home in Fort Valley. Stinson, Ga. Nt^. 9. The social event of the past week was the marriage of Miss Tula Parham to Mr James Daw¬ son Kendrick and her many friends vied with each other in entertaining her. Among the most delightful of these functions was the miscellaneous shower given in her honor by Mrs N W Parham. The beautiful home was artistic with lerns, palms, and white and yellow chrysan¬ themums. In the spacious hall, the punch bowl was preside over by Misses Mary and JuieTigner, and delightful refreshments were served during the afternoon. One of the many enjoyable features of the hour was the posing of the quaint and beauti f il bride-to-be, to be sketched by the company. She was indeed a charming subject for a water t-olor sketch, in Copenhagen blue satin and old lace. The many choice gilts attest the love and esteem in which she is held by her host of friends. Sacred Concert at the Baptist Church. At, the evening service at the Baptist church a sacred concert will be given by the choir. The following is the program. There will be other interesting features of this hours exercise. A most cordial invitation is ex¬ tended to all the people of the town. .« M umiii m no k pm mu 1