The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 13, 1908, Image 2

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OUR NEW AMBASSADOR TO GERMANY. IHBB m % MB • v-• \7 W . > w/k : W&M. itM 1 1 H " • 'v. . , : m ' ' <i r WMm. V, 7 //, I'/V.’, ; •V V I mmi, mM j. mm ISI® * mmm 'Mm >-.4 mm ;■ Vf & % ‘ isg I* 8 Wm ■<X i mijf v; f mmm mm . '•'■j HI i ;v /Ml 77 ,7 I V i M d iff* HON. DAVID JAYNE HILL, OF NEW YORK. Novel lee Cream Server. An entirely new method of serving Ice cream is the recent patent of a New York man. He abolishes the old system by means of a spoon, As shown in the illustration, this ice cream server is in the form of a cylin¬ der, which is attached to a handle. i Si v i W \ ,1 I yj Sliding within the handle and the cylinder are a piston and a plunger, bo devised that tho insertion of the instrument into the receptacle con¬ taining tho ice cream will cause the receiver to be filled. Pressure upon the piston causes the contents of the cylinder to be expelled. The plunger Is operated in a novel manner by means of a trigger which is net in the handle convenient for operation by the fingers of the operator.—Wash¬ ington Star. Authority. #» Going lo marry Miss Mannish, «h? How did you discover that she was the one girl in the world for you 7 ‘‘She told me. »# •Houston Post. A Young Lady From Town. ¥ \ f ’*b: 1 - 0 ( Young Lady From Town (who is too frightened to run)—“Lie down, Bir; lie down!”—London Weekly Tel¬ t Mi;/ i :,'*k ' 7 *• V- U: ■ m y m ...... iv, ;d:s'ov' . , Sg§§ :>•<' v v t . J i.v.:. dmirn • Building a ^resile Bridge at the United States Military Academy at West Point ..... ; -- i .., i \' * Democracy Under Foot. One of the Ohio Congressmen tells the following as indicative of the pes* simistic view' of the average politician when in the throes of defeat: The day after the routing of Parker In 1904 one of the Democratic news¬ papers in the Buckeye State sent out I a circular telegram soliciting expres¬ sions of opinion from various poli¬ ticians throughout the State. It is claimed that the quaintest of the lot was the report of one county chair¬ man, expressed In these terms: “County has gone for Roosevelt by 150. The people are in minority. Heaven help us!” Philadelphia Ledger. Insulated Screwdriver. Working around electric wires with an ordinary screwdriver has been the cause of numerous injuries to the op¬ erators. Contact with the live wire, of course, results in a short circuit. How easily such accidents can be averted is shown by a Connecticut man, who has invented and patented k\ w the insulated screwdriver shown here. Instead of constructing the handle of wood it is made of non-conducting material. The latter also incases the metal shank to within a few inches of the end. This allows ample sur¬ face for the operator to grasp and operate the screwdriver without fear of being electrically shocked by con¬ tact with a live wire, and is thus as¬ sured of protection from such acci¬ dents.—Washington Star. Style Versus Fashion. A coat may be fashionable but not stylish, or it may be stylish and not fashionable. Fashion is capricious and ephemeral; sometimes sane and beautiful, but frequently the fad or fleeting folly of the moment. Fash¬ ion is for a day; style is for all time. —Tailor and Cutter. Real Life in The Country. -Life, to the average man, means hard, anxious work, with ment at the end, whereas it ought to /mean plenty of time lor hooks and talk. There is something wrong a system which condemns ninety-nine hundredths of the race to an tence as bare of intellectual activity and enjoyment as that of a horse and with the added anxiety concerning the next month’s rent. Is there escape? Through years of toil I sus pected that there might be such an escape. Now, having escaped, I am sure of it, so long as oatmeal is les3 than 3 cents a pound, so long as thp fish bite and the cabbage grows, I shall keep out of the slavery of mod¬ ern city existence, and live fn God’? cunshine.—Hubert. CONSTIPATION AND BIEIOVffSnBSS. Constipation sends poisonous matter bounding through tho body. Dull headache, i-our Stomach, Feted Breath, Bleared Eyes, Loss of Energy and Appetite are the surest signs of the affliction. Young's Lives PIiljls positively cure oonstipation. They awaken the sluggish liver to better action, cleanse the bowels, strengthen the weakened parts, induce appetite and aid digestion. Price 25 cents from your dealer or direct from the laboratory. Free sample by mail to any address. J. M. Youno, Jh., Wuycrossv Gai HE ALSO HEARD. Mrs. Hicks was telling some ladies about the burglar scare in her house the night before. ** Yes,” she said, ‘‘I heard a noise and got up, and there, from under the bed, I saw a man’s legs sticking out. »» ... Mercy!” exclaimed a woman. “The burglar's legs?” “No, my dear; my husband’s legs. He heard the noise, too.”—Every¬ body’s. , ANTIDOTE FOR SKIN DISEASES. That’s what Tetterixe is; and it is more. It is an absolute cure for eczema, tetter, ringworm, erysipelas and all other itching eataaeous diseases. • In aggravated been cases phe¬ of these afflictions its cures have nomenal. It gives instant relief and effects permanent cures. 50c. at druggists or by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Dept. A, Sa¬ vannah, Oa. ANTS THAT GROW MUSHROOMS. Insects Make Excellent Gardeners In South America. Professor J. R. Ainsworth Davis gives latest proofs of the ant’s right to onr applause. He says: In trop¬ ical America the traveler in their native region often sees thousands of ants marching in column of route, each holding in its powerful jaws a piece of green leaf about the size of a sixpence. These they take to their nests. The material is used as an elaborate sort of mushroom culture, requiring mu'eh more skill and intelligence than that in which human beings engage. The mush¬ room flower sets spawn in the beds he prepares, hut the ant does not need to do this. The desired spawn soon makes its appearance In the chewed leaf. But in its natural state it Is inedible, and must undtergo careful treatment before it yields the mushroom which the ant desires. The necessary work is done by a special caste If gardener ants. These weed out obnoxious germs, etc., and prun¬ ing off the tips of the threads, pre¬ vent them from growing into the air and producing useless toadstools. As a result of this the threads swell Into innumerable little rounded white thickenings, each of which is about one-fiftieth of an inch across, It is these which are the mushrooms. These curious bodies constitute the sole food of the ant—or, at any rate, the chief food. EAGER TO WORK Health Regained by Right Food; The average healthy man or wom¬ an is usually eager to be busy at some useful task or employment. But let dyspepsia or indigestion get hold of one, and all endeavor be¬ comes a burden. u A year ago, after recovering from an operation,” writes a Mich, lady, a my stomach and nerves began to give me much trouble. M At times my appetite was vora¬ cious, but when indulged, indigestion followed. Other times I had 1 no- ap¬ petite whatever. The food It took did not nourish me and I grew weaker than ever. <« I lost Interest in everything and wanted to be alone. I had always had good nerves, but now the merest trifle would upset me and 1 bring on a violent headache. Walking across the room was an effort and prescribed exercise-was out of the question. “I had seen Grape-Nuts advertised, but did not believe what I read, at the time. At last when it seemed as if I were literally starving, I began to eat Grape-Nuts. “I had not been able to work for a year, but now after two months on Grape-Nuts I am eager to be at work again. My stomach gives me no trou¬ ble now, my nerves are steady as ever, and interest in life and ambi¬ tion have come back with the return to health. tt a There’s a Reason.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read “The Road to Wellvflle,” in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. V f*v T - ~~ <71 ~TV\\ % ffl • AT THE CHOP HOUSE. Mary Blit had a little lamb, grief later said with That if she’d known how dear ft was She would have ordered beef. —Chicago Tribune. BETWEEN “FA1TS. tt Madge—“Was it a catch ? ” Mabel—“She ran to Europe' him.-”—Puck. NOT SO ENACTING. « So' you’re a butcher'now?” Yes,” explained the - former goods clerk. “The ladies don’t to match spare-ribs or Washington Herald. » A FINE PART'. •< I tKi'rrk: I’ll dramatize one of Henry James” sentences.” “Only one sentence to the*play?” "Sure. That ought to satisfy any lady star-.-’”—Louisville nal. AN EXCUSING SPIRIT. it Didn’t I see the grocer’s boy you this morning;. Martha?”' Yes’m; But lie ain’t to 1 ma’am. ’Twas the iceman set the bad example.”—New York. nal. DISCUSSING terms: "Did you come to terms with cook?”' “Havern't as yet. I’m holding out for more' afternoons out per week than she wants, ta allow.”—Hou Chronicle. THE POWER OF NIAGARA’.. Mr. Howard—“Isn’t it what force-Niagara has?” Mrs. Talkmucb—“Marvelous!' Do you know, when I. first saw it foT a full moment I. couldn’t speak.— Brooklyn Life. STRICTLY CONVENTIONAL, “Anything out of the ordinary about this wedding out in the mining regions?” “Not a thing. There was the-usual fracas, and the groom wore the con¬ ventional black, eye..’^—Kansas City Journal. SMALL CHANGE: « It’s three years, since I was in this city, ” said the strangen;, as he finished his dinner. u City looks the same-:.”' it I don’t find much change, »• re* marked the waiter, as he took up the dime that was, left from, the: dollar bill.-—Puck.. THEIR COLLEGE' B0Y3; First Mother (reading letter from son—“Henry’s letters al« ways. send, me’ to the dictionary.. n Second. Mother (resignedly) it. That’s nothing. Jack’s letters al» ways send me to. the bank..”-—New York Journal.. HOW ROWS begin: ft Hubby,. I dreamed last night that you didn't love me. » it How foolish you are.” a Foolish, am I? As if I could help what I dream about! ” And the fracas was on.—Louisville Courier-Journal. RETROGRESSION. u The last time I saw you you were complaining about your servant be¬ ing slow. “Oh,, she’s progressing now. »» “Is she really?” “Yes, she’s getting slower and slower.”—Democratic Telegram. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE. H. Why have you quit work?” de¬ manded the farmer. it. I just put in twenty minutes saw¬ ing wood,” replied the actor who had hired out on the farm. II Well, you ain’t in vaudeville. You’re playing in the legit now."— Pittsburg Post. A DISTINCTION. a Phat’s Tim Phelan lukkin’ SO chisty over? O’ill break the face av him! »» tt Shure, an’ it’s th’ proud day for Tim. He’s just got a letther from th’ ould sod, sayin’ thot his cousin’s bin hanged fer killin’ an’ robbin’ an Eng¬ lishman. ”—J udge. AN EXPERT HERSELF, tt Now that is what is known as a safe hit,” volunteered the escort, "and entitles the runner to take his place on the second base.” tt Yes,” responded the damsel, a and if that duffer had the base-running ability of an ice wagon he'd have stretched that bingle into a three bagger.” — Louisville Courier- Journal ! The men who are always punctual to thoir appointments are the 1 ones who get there. j'o Drive Out .Malaria and Duild U| the System Take the Old Standard Okovk'b Tast*. [jess taking. Chill Tonic, The formula You is know plainly what Von are bottle, showing it is simply printed on every Iron in tasteless form, Ut,, nine and a and the most effectual form, for grown peonle and children. 50r. Most men’s weaknesses are blamed to hum an nature. _ Good Thing to Know. Those, who traverse the alkali plains 'of the West and inhabit tiui garni blown regions of Texas, fj,.d daily need for a reliable eye salve. They never drug the eye, but simply apply externally the staple, L'r Mitchell’s Eye Salve. This Salve i sold everywhere. Price 25c. To reason with a person does not mean to start a hot argu ment. Hicks’ Capudine Cures Nervousness Whether tired out, worried, overworked, or what not. It refreshes the lirain and nerves. It’s Liquid and pleasant to take 10c., 25c., and 50c., at drug stores. How can a man be upright who is down and out? LITTLE BOY KEPT SCRATCHING. Eczema Lasted 7 Years—Face was Ail Raw — Skin Specialists Failed, But Cuticuru Effected Cure.. “When my little boy was six weeks old an eruption broke out om his face. 1 took him to a doctor, but his face kept on get¬ ting worse until it got so bad that no one could look at him. His whole face was one crust and must have been very painful. He scratched day and night until his face was raw. Then I took him to' all the best specialists in skin diseases, but they could not do much for him. The eczema got ■. j his arms and legs and we could not get a night’s sleep in months. I. got a set of Cuticura Remedies and he felt, relieved the first time I used them. I gave the Cuti¬ cura Remedies a good trial and gradually the eczema healed all up. He is now seven years old and I think the trouble will never return. Mrs. John G. Klumpp, SO Niagara St., Newark, N. J.,,Gct. 17 and 22, 1907- It Some people say awful sarcastic things and call it a joke. PERFECT HEALTH After Years of Backache, Dizziness and Kidney Disorders.. Mrs. R. C. Richmond,, of. North wood, Iowa, says: “For years I. was a fi ^'0SS . 7 V W/Lf and the backache ceased. Encour¬ aged, I kept on and by the time-1 had used three boxes not. a. sign of. the trouble remained. My health/ is per¬ fect.” Sold by all dealers-. 50- cents, a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. He who freely spends his money is always called a good’fellow. LA88IFIED ADVERTISEMENTS) CERE FOR PILES □ AMPLE TREATMENT of Red Cross. Rite IJ and Fistula Cure and hook explaining Piles sent free. RKA CO..Dept.R4.Mlnneai)oHs.Mlna OUT OF DOOR WORKERS Hen who cannot stop- v , for find a fhe rainy greatest- day,- willi\v> vy.U » 1 of comfort bodily and movement freedonvxwrV " ss © li¬ V \ \ A WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHINGJ i)V SUCKERS $ 30? SUITS Every the garment bearing fish" / "sign of the guarqpieed Catalog waterproof free -J SO 9 A si TOWER CO BOAT©** USA TOwEPCANAQiAN CO LUSTED TQQOcOrQ CAN i-OOKAlSlOIT AT THIS PRICE Hr iffl ^ B It buys a Strictly 9 Hinh-ClESS FREIGHT SEWING PREPAID TOY0UR MACHINE Station GUARANTEED YEARS And iias all the up-to-date Improvements that every lady appreciates. It is splendidly built or thoroughly dependable material and handsomely finished. Has eleirant Oak Drop Leaf 5-Drawer Cao iuet, complete S*t of Attachments, full instruc¬ tions how to use them, and the outfit will be senu you “Freight Free” on ~ aga in ii i n mm i . DAYS FREE TRIAL layjjam We sell DIRECT at OM‘> PROFIT, saving you tto Joblier’s, Retailer’s and and Agent’s profits & exactly ing: expenses, machine they the same SSh .00 for. 0 V will ask you OLxt Send at ONCE for BIG NEW FREE SEWING MACHINE CATALOGUE in¬ Most complete and structive book of its pubJuu _ character ever It ed in the South. i 11 ' uresand describes ever the line positively part Hig-h-Grade and particular Sewjjjff 01 Machines greatest offered. of Wo are the largest Sev>.nu. ever and, at rl ^ Machine distributors in the South, P asked, for quality guarcuitetd. our Machines are un matchable. This catalogue describes and high-grade Pianos, Organs. Steel Ranges, Cookhl, Stoves, Heating: Stoves, Phonographs, Dinner a.F> Toilet Sets. Prompt shipments, safe delivery satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. MALSBY, SHiPP & CO., Dent B, « 5, Forsyth Street, ATIANTA. CEORGi martyr to kidney trouble, backache, dizzy spells, head¬ aches and a. terri¬ ble bearing, down pain. L used one remedy after, an¬ other. without ben¬ efit. Finally I used: a. box of Doan’s Kidney Pills