The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 13, 1908, Image 5

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Suspended Punching premium Cards and Credit will be suspend¬ ed with for the sale. Premium cards good after sale. m AT BRASWELL’S STORE. Tuesday November 17, Monday November 23 Inclusive. • We will have our entire stock on at Cut Prices. 1*4 fourth of onr Mammoth Stock to j*o regardless of cost. Is this an opportunity? We advise that it is the greatest one ever offered for the season of the year. Don’t consider Rail Road fare or other expense. Come anytime during the 5 days and we will more than surprise yea. TICs is something special on our pari; we have never done the like before, so we are going to see how well we can please the trade at this time. HIWV 2) I '■ 7 M , ^ ■S5\ ■T* e 4 tjjr-'v *■'< '{&&* >v ■: .v «v ?• • ivf . ■: il -T- m ipSfFj,*.-' » : f R *-v^ Jm f J v (fxt A 1mm /■: 41A 1 MyT, Zj r ° if % •C: p iki 0 % ms 2mm .51 ill ■ r r, ?i T< si A 1° ifo . M Ci 0$ La \v b i o! u m 1 /<■ xM *“ * M M £ * v-M A y\\ ?• Mm \ / % ?\Y- M X ■: & .r. * © m V. Z M u S * ,.v c 1 n ■Mi ; 7 i VJ. ; I 1 O 'MmE «tei 1 M o & Nu. tHt'fJt '■ I ' o 1 \\ Ifj T: ©I <> B m C- »*v m p v\ B S mi •it i ' O ' / l ¥ ! O l' \] \ y*»- *? ***»» f Jp, T , . ^ ri ■c M . ,V/ ’5 « i O 1—^ i> L -■ FORM EIGHTEEN 4 Shoes One fourth of stock will be put on this sale at cost and below. 1 hese con¬ our sist of broken lots, the entire stock at cut prices. Cotton Goods and Domestics Specials 1 40 vard bolts of Quilt Calicoes at 95c the bolt 7c Calicoes in Bordered, Solids and Beautiful dress patterns the best at 5c. 10c vard Best Bleached yard wide domestic Cabinet Brand < l-2c yam. 10c yard 40 inch heavy Sheeting 2000 yards only 7c a yard. A few hundred yards extra wide lOc Cotton Flannel at 6 3 4c A yard. 5000 yards extra fine yard wide Seaisland at 5c a yard. 2 cases of best 7c Apron Checks fast colors at 5c a yard. 1 case large Bleached Sheets 72 by 90 size at 35c each. 1 case of Counterpanes at 35c a lb plus 10c each. 1 case River side Plaids at 0c a yard. Wash Goods Entire line of 12 l-2<‘ Dress Ginghams beautiful line of patterns at 9 l-2c yd. ISo^sVo^dm L' -bolting, 1 !** pi”et£tcol stipe Mon suiting we which have wont shown last 9c but yd. \ WOO ™d 20c yard plaid and a few moments on the sale to go at lOca yard. doesn't make difference about your prejudice against trading in Fort It any be hand to share your portion of these Valley or at Braswell’s Store, you on cheap goods. /■ 2 Embroidery Counters Counter Vo 1 This lot of Embroidery consists of Emersions and edgings ranging in price 15 to 20c a yard to go at 9 l -2c a yard. Counter Vo. 2. Consists of a lot of Embroidrry, Insertions and Edgings rang from 20 to 40c a yai d. These are beautiful Swiss, Nainsook and ing in price at 17c yard. real Hamburgs to go a and Caps from our cheapest lines to the John BStetson Stock will Men’s Hats be on ateut price. THIS IS A Towels 40 Doz. All Linen towels 35c values to go at half price 10 Doz. 50c Towels to go at 25c half price. 5 DAYS Cut Price And Slaughter Sale Ready to Wear Department. About, one fourth of our stock which consists of Unit portion wo consider broken lots, they are the best sellers in the house, it is only where we have sold the lots down to one and two suits in a lot wc arc going to put them in lot at close out price, they will go in a great rush so ii you have the cash now is the 1 time to supply the whole family. All other Clothing consisting of Boys Suits, Overcoats also Mens Suits, Overcoats, and Odd Trousers to go in the cut price Saie. Close Out Price on Ladies’ Suits We have already Sold more Ladies Suits this season than we bought last. We have just received our last shipment for the season, now we are going to close them out ami get out of the suit business at once for the season, so in order to buy a suit cheap be on hand. Ladies and Children Cloaks, Skirts, and Rain Coats in this sale, also a lot of Sweaters. Towels 50 Dozen Damask and Huck Hemstitched and Fringed all Linen 25 and 35c at 19c. A Lot of Towels worth 20c all cotton 1 1-2 yards long largest on record 10c. Table Cloth, Draperies, Oil Cloth, Napkins, Doilies and Dace Curtains on cut price sale. Underwear Mens’ Sanitary heavy Fleece 50c Garment at 43c. Mens’ Wright Health Heaviest Fleece at 50c a Garment. 25c Ladies Ribbed Vest and Pants extra heavy at 17 l-2c per garment. Other Underwear on sale. Are you going to miss this sale? No; we know you want, and that you are looking for the best goods possible for the money, and when Braswell makes a sale in order to give the people the advantage to buy so economicaly, you will do as you have in the past. Yes the store will be filled from the opening to the closing hour of the sale with courageous buyers. OF A LIFE TIME. COME ONE COME ALL. We can use 15 Extra Sales People. Apply at once. Experience is necessary. R. S. Braswell’s Store Main Street. Fort Valley, Ga. Store Closes Daily 6:30 P. M. Except Saturdays 10:30 P. M. Mail order Houses Can’t co -lpeie with us; act wise aid come *o the saie Ul J put in your Winter supply. /e are afraid you might gi con tused as to the place so i border that you not go astray accidental. Look for large plate glass Show Case in center of door. Next door to Barber Shop.