The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 20, 1908, Image 1

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The Fort Valley Leadei VOL. XIX. MrG. Dure and Mr Bertie Flournoy of Macon were in the city Sunday. Said the seven wise men to the trusting tax ridden people, additional “Raise for $10,000.00 taxes us to spend and we will invest it for you in a way to make you some money-after a while.” Mr and Mrs Joe Flournoy and little son Everett of Macon visi¬ ted relatives here Sunday. Buy your wire a new Machine for her Christmas and surprise the madam _ White is best. The Ten Cent Man. Mr Dave Strother visited his parents in Atlanta this week. FOR SALE 3000 June Bud Plums. Ap ply to E. C. Duke, Hammett, Ga Misses Williehue and Nell Carter, Allie and Lizzie Houser and Ethel Henderson went down to Americus Wednesday to at¬ tend the Trussell-English Wedd ing. The way to get out of debt is to go in debt some more for 30 years for an untried experiment, no town ever did it, but maybe we would make some money-after a while. Miss Allie Houser returned home Friday from a delightful visit to Madison, Covington end Atlanta. ~jr— Things are beginning smell like Christmas down our way. Call and get a cake of Coigans Casnmer Bouqet Soap. Only 2sc. The Ten Cent Store. Mrs T W Davis of Ala., after a several days visit to her sister, Mrs T F Pierce at Mrs G P Green’s left for a visit to Atlanta. New v i VW V I have opened up a Fresh stock of Fancy Groceries in Store for merly occupied by V\iIson and Wilson. Everything fresh. Your nataonage will be appreciated. Oscar Lee Williams, Miss Binnie Greene will leave Friday for Savannah. How would you like to m vest $10,000.00 m a and of small details, know who is going to run Nobody knows who is to run the town's after awhile. - Mrs T V Fagan is sometime with her mother Macon. Flournoy’S new cotton is now open to the public. Located opposite bale. Crate tory. 75c per Miss Mamie Miller after delightful visit to Miss Burns Vienna has returned home. New lot lamps. All sizes and Big lot to select from up. The Ten Cent FOR RENT Dwelling on Persons Street. apply to L. L. Brown. PORT VALLEY. HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, PR [DAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1008. FOR SALE OR RENT House and lot on Miller St. for sale or rent. Good offer. R. M. Reynolds. Mrs N H Baldwin Wednesday in Macon. is Why should the man economical and does out a telephone, or need it, be taxed to some other man one? „ Mrs J 11>v R r reaenek . , of , „ ville was in the city Tuesday. 0..r Our n-lr« prices, »re are so «n iai below that you will I clll, mentioned. ly 0,1 hearing file Ten Cent ^ store. Mr Almon Williams was home Sunday. FOR SALE One line Berkshire Sow Eight pigs. Apply to J. T. trunk, Fort Valley Ga. Mrs F C Houser of Macon the guest of Mr and Mrs O Houser and family. More Bonds, More est, More Interest More es. Miss Marrianne Jones Sunday in the city. j ; Mrs Bill Moore of Perry I several hours in Fort Monday th<* guest of Mrs B Marshall. FOR SALE CHEAP j One residence lot on I Street. Four residence on n liege Street. A. D. Skellie. . Mr and Mrs Z T Williams tertained in honor of Miss ence Houser’s guest Miss Whiting at a possum hunt Thursday night out at country home “The The invited guests were Ruth Whiting, Clarence Messers Tom Flournoy, Strother, Harris Neil, Houser, Mrs O M Houser | Mrs Albert Skellie. Q , hods vases , \ shovels and complete j sets at prices that | shock you. The Ten Cent Store. Miss Nora Rountree and Charlie Rountree spent the endin Mavshallville with cousin> Mr j ake Haslarn . ----— Are you willing to your property bonded j jferthe gaged] to raise mayor and I to experiment with? : | The friends of Mr Sidney i Millan will regret very much | hear that lie is leaving Fort Valley. Try os on tea spoons iOc the set and spoons i5c. Look and wear well. The Ten Cent Store. Miss Helen Glass spent week in Macon with friends. MrsJRKinney is few days in Macon A few telephone -that’s all. LtGAL ADVERTISEMENTS! j PL caffs Sales Georgia Houston county: i house Will door 1 S< 11 in i the before the of Perry Court | town said state and county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, on the 1st Tues aa.v in Deceri »r Of the fob lowing despribed property to- j wit: One iron grey horse mule named Rowdy and one dark bay I horse mule named John Sol. Lev led on and sold as the property of Mrs E „ a y\ H ar dismi to sat isfy a ti fy issued from the Coun-; f J ' <! °T T'G in favor Jack Hancock .Sheriff, lor , H®« of Nathan Respess Vs saul , c^.^im. oand’j*'D.’ 'llardi! I son, sureties. This Nov 4 1998. Also at the same time and ! place the undiviv.ed one Seventh |(l-7) interest of Horace Clark as heir at law of Robert Clark de¬ ceased in the east half of lots of land Nos 54 and 55 in the 12th District of Houston County, Ga •) Containing 200 acres more or less. Levied and being sold as the property of said orace Clark to satisfy a :i fa from Houston County Court returnable to July Quarterly Term 1908 here of in favor of F Somner vs Lucius Clark and Horace Clark. This Nov. 5, 1908. M. L. Cooper, Sheriff. Georgia Houston county: Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Pe-ry said state and county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, on the 1st Tues¬ day in December 1908, the follow¬ ing described property to wit; 100 acres of land being the East half of lot Ac. 55 in the 12th Dis¬ trict of H<. us ton County, Ga. Levied and being sold as the property of Robert Clark de ill t; ■ < COP S ki U i ) cl DUS O f AiO O Clark Administrator to be ad¬ ministered to satisfy a ti fa from Houstem Superior t ! ourt retu rn able to the April Term 1908 thereof in favor of Duncan and Duncan vs Horace Clark Adminis¬ trator Robert Clark deceased, Celia Clark and Bryant Clark defendants. This Nov. 5, 1908. Also at the same time and place the undivided one seventh (1-7 ■ interest of Lucius Clark as heir at law of Robert Clark de¬ ceased in the east half of lot of land Nos. 54 and 55 in the J2tli 4 ■' f Houston County Ga., . Containing 200 acres more or less. Levied on. and being sold as the property of Said Lucius Clark to satisfy a fi fa from Houston County (Hurt returnable ie July Quarterly Term 1908 | thereof in favor of F. Somner .! i vs Lucius Clark’ | This Nov. 5,1908. M. L. Cooper, Sheriff. ! ^ j hose Rand . . made . nand . . j painted doth dolls are j ! beauties. Get one now j find Lave it _ dressed. The Fen Cent Store. Miss Nora Rountree is agent for the Uncle Remus Magazine, Ladies Home Journal and Satur¬ day Evening Post- She will be glad of any s u bsc r i be rs. If we had good sewerage, a teachers, fine school plenty building, more of water, better streets and better lighted, electric lights as cheap as Atlanta’s private , gives, streets paved, j telephone wemlght tf ( ca i0 run a telephone busmess - Mr and M rs Dawson Kendrick a few days in the city the' finest of their many friends. Mr L P Shepard spent past week in Jacksonville Pla. Flournoy’s new cotton public, IS now open to the Located opposite CTflte 75o per bale. The rp , week . embracing , . „,i Hunks- , giving day lias been for years apart by the Woman’s Board Missions onb " M E Cllalcl ‘ ils " wee k of prayer ; and thanksgivin <r Pi ,, MT1P hn r t h ; H • named let ■ very b, r of Auxiliary and all ot hers ested meet at the homes: Monday week Mrs P Murray. Tuesday week BT Marshall. Wednesday Mrs A C Riley. Friday MrsFO Miller. / Mrs. W. Wright, Pres. Mrs. A. C. Riley, Sec. Don’t forget that are the china people with half the price. Stock com¬ plete. I he Ten Cent Store. White San Murdered Mr las II Hall 'was shot killed last Friday night about o’clock at his ,store near Chapel, 5 miles west of Perry. Mr Hall was called into store and while lightening lamp was shot through the with a shot gun. Several negroes have been rested in connection with the ling. Mrs J M Bass of Macon spent a few hours m the city last Fn (ia -V Mr and Mrs -I J Culler arid daughter spent Wednesday in town the guest of Mr and Mrs A J Houser, Mr Bonnie McCarty spent two days in Macon this week. Return¬ ing home be stopped at Byron for a while. Wonder why? It was Miona Springs, but now its Byron. W P Milier spent Monday in x! »eoij Mrs Brazelton is visiting her sister Mrs Norton. Miss Nettie Ray spent Sunday with her parents near Taylor. Miss Ruth Whiting and Clar ence Houser visited Macon this week. Mr Bob Slappey of Marshall ville spent Wednesday in the city. Mr Kittle McCarty is several days in Atlanta. Miss Ettienne Baldwin and Master Charles Baldwin Sunday in Forsyth. Mesdames J M Ware, J C Lee, and S Bus well of were recent visitors to our city. Miss Ruth Whiting, Clarence Houser, Tom spent a few days at . J i Springs this week, Listen Tf , , b i j w vo , jr white’s Photo Studio Fort Valley, Ua. N* Methodist Church I urn anxious that every mem¬ ber of the Methodist church be 1 present at the morning hour next Sunday. The pastor hopes to report at that time, all the com* ' ference claims met in full. Tty* committee ill charge of this bus i j ness are Messers Robert Brown I Harry Strozber, Edwin Martin, dlie Snow, and , ,, ussel , Ed wards . Do not wait for them to call . Oall on them and they will ' ox plain the interests committed l„ them. Help tl«u us they are I i busy men. A. i t . I.Jvl tlJJ, . Miss Jessie Harrison, of Atlan¬ ta, is visiting home folks this week. Episcopal Church Notes Sunday school 9:15 a tu. Ser¬ vice at night 7 p m. Thanksgiv¬ ing Day service on November 20, at ll a m. The church will bo decorated in keeping with the Festival of Harvest H one, and a cordial invitation is extended the public to be present at this ser¬ vice. Satisfactory progress is being made towards the erection of a new chutch and public an¬ nouncement will be made as soon as all arrangements are perfec¬ ted. The Woman’s Home Mission Society. The Woman’s Board of Home Mission, and the Home Depart¬ ment of the General Board of Missions, have together enter prised work in the city iff Gal¬ veston, for the reception and. Information of immigrants com {ing into that port. A largo house! has bcf , u leascd) completely rurnLshedi und UC couiuualions arranged for the reception of both men and women in large numbers. A suitable man to meet ships and handle the immi¬ grants, rt has been engaged, and he with his family lives in the build¬ ing. i The first ship met by o A representative arrived in C'/l veston July 16. Of one hund Jed and eighty nine steerage pasyten ik mmignition ifoine gers, our and Bureau of Information ? J handled over one hundred. It is hard for the average! citi- g zen to appreciate the value of this work. But thoughtful Christians will at once recognize that it is both important and obligatory. < t I was a stranger anu .ye took me in”, is one the commendations of our Lord to the righteous. It would do you good to read a letter about this work written by a man who was an immigrant himself some years ago. He closes with these words- . i say this is a beautiful thing- It is worthy of us; it is a life long blessing to the other, I approve and am glad that our church is beginning so good a 1 r ■ orl i. Reporter. Miss Lucy Finney spent Tues¬ day in Macon. j Miss Stella Glass ut Tues¬ ! sp< day in Macon. Jeff D. Houser Dead Mr Jeff D Houser, one of our eldest and most prominent citi¬ zens, died at his residence last Friday afternoon, after being in feeble health for a longtime. The interment took piece at the Fort Valley cemetary Satur¬ day. Mr Houser is survived by two sons Messers R F and Em¬ met Houser and one daughter,. Mrs Culler, of North, S. C.