The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 20, 1908, Image 4

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• N,V>^V«W<yv.>/ N .'•AfW. VV^/ ' ^^/'■/;/ **/vv^/ i A £$$£$$£ sJvSSSSSSvS SCSCSSSC&rZCSCSCiX&SSZZXSZ^ I HA’ S T I IMES AND OVERSTOCKED. 11 Ts not >ur far and it’s not o!irs,but t u «2 fact remains the same, and these conditions are forcing us to -,ut ; n Ou Ei lire - ^tock of Furniture And Household .00 > 01 THi HARKET AT PRICES THAT WILL STARTLE YOU. Now you a in tie? » < l n up * any thing in our line , you have but to cal! and be convinced. NOW IS TH L r I S TIME, )ME, A D LOO , IF NO MORE. WE NEED THE MONEY, AND YOU NEED THE FURNITURE. I ’>< l The Fort Valley Furniture Co. v JNO. A. HOUSER, JR. a//^aa//w- za/s/v r/'A/y; • r •A/'-^'WT-UN^/ ^AAA • f *7! / <y AA/S/^ 1 ''A •■ Or /s/^/v/VNysys/S W'/zW' | ■v /v/W *4. fesA, /W Notice of Ef cion on f * LI of I nds Fo the qualifi vote r.s city of Port He”, Go gia. You are hereby >titled ti at on Saturday Novon ber 21st, 1908 an election will be held to de termine the question whether oi not bonds shall be issued by tin said city of Fort Valley to tin amount of Ten Thousand Dollars Proceeds of said bond to be used for th 0 purchase, erection and equipment of a telephone system to be operated in the city of Fort Valley, Georgia, Said bonds are to bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, all of said interest to be paid annually. None of the. principal is to be paid annually but such a sum will be raised annually as will fully pay off said bonds at the expiration of thirty years. Said election ordered by the authority of the mayor and city council of Fort Valley, Georgia Given under my hand and official seal of office this 22nd day o f October 1908. J. L. Fincher, Mayor. Flournoy’s new the cotton public. gin is now open to Located opposite bale. Crate fac¬ tory. 75 c per The Baptist Church The services at The church Sunday morning will be of unusual interest. The Question now T'fore the church will be.dedmtely settled at the close of the morning service, lor this r -ason a lull at tendance of the membership is very much desired. ... A cordial invitation is extend d to all wllO not members , , but interest'd . are in this hours service to be present at the 11 o clock hour. Some things will be said by the pastor that will be of interest to all the . - , people , of the , town whether they are members of any church or not. There Will ... be . at no services the evening hour on acCOUTit of the special service ct’Ue Crosby to nan church. WANTED A Foreman <>r White married man ah''’it 25 30 yea rs o'd for farm of 16 »> r y h near Fort Valley. Must ”” a good worker and reliable, \ d dress stating reference to V. tb. 11. Care Fort Valley j wader. will be . at fine ih-'re services church Stokes'Trenching, Thairkgivihg da.V, at 10 a. in. Rev SU iSSORI.BE NOW Tite Telephone Business. Municipal ownership is an experiment, no town in Americaever tried it. Those favoring putting the people’e tax money into it won’t invest their own money in the business. Our stockholders will sell out at fifty cents in the dollar, which will give some one a chance to try it mid have only one system. Two systems will be a nuisance, an extra cost to every business man, besides being taxed to build one of the systems. Out of Fort Valley’s 233 white voters, just 62 are telephone sub¬ scribers- Why tax the other 171 just so a few 7 -- a very few—out of his 62 cun have a different, kind of phone, an additional luxury? i Don’t let them fool you into believing the business will reduce I taxes. If it was so profitable they would invesl’their own money ust.ead of yours; if it was so profitable we wouldn’t sell out so cheap. Municipal ownership comes high anyway. City rates are usually higher the n those in small towns- Atlanta’s telephone rate is over ( twice ours, both privately owned. Atlanta’s electric light i*ate is published as 7 cts per kilowat under private ownership, we pay 10 cts, a premium of nearly 50 per cent for municipal ownership. They n <w say the Aldermen were willing to grant us a simple permit to build on the other side of t! e street, which we asked for on July 10, 1907, but they declined to do it then, and we have searched the minutes from then until now and can’t find it. We will give a year’s Beil telephone subscription to any one who can find such a permit on the. minutes. The certain part of the bond question is the extra special tax. Water bonds increased taxes, electric bonds increased taxes, since the Constitution of 1877 no bonds have been or can be issued by any town in Georgia without increasing taxes. Whoever tells you to the contrary is ignorant himself, or takes you to be so. If we were going to elect men—not to keep up the streets—-but to make business investments of large sums of the tax payers motley, we ought to have known it when we were selecting them. It takes successful, experienced business skill, to invest money and look after it. The very people who will have this bond money (for which all the people pay by taxation) to invest are the ones who seem most anxious to issue the bonds, and thus get a chance to in¬ vest for the innocent tax p i.yer. Tax assessments are already too high, often higher than property sells for. Assessments must be increased to issue enough more bonds, as the State Constitution limits our bond issue to 7 per cent of the taxable prope ty. If this was $600,000.00, as it should be, lour $37,000.00debts now hanging over us would be uncomfortable I close to the limit, lienee the necessity to increase assessments, and I incidentally collect more taxes too, which it seems they are spend ! ing, as the ordinary city tax for running expenses is this year at a . the limit, even at the high assessments. FORT VALLEY TELEPHONE CO. A L E TT R R FROM NORTH CAROLINA - „ T XT T , , . with kidney affection for six months, jnwing worse nil the time, My ease but was little. hopeless—was tried unable to get about I had everything with little benefit. I took three bottles of smart s Buohu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all ri s* lt ’ T \ owe “J ,V, te J° Stuart ’ s buehu If you suffer with backache, dull head ache, swollen feet, stiff joints, and have no energy and see imaginary specks in the air, you have symptoms of kidney trouble. Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper will relieve you. All druggists, $1.00. Write for free sample. wonderful We will send enough to prove its merits. Stuart Drug Manufacturing Co. AT LANT v. GA, ! A Fish Story. “Trout protection! Nonsense!” said a gunner of local eminence. “Trout are amply able to protect themselves, Look at tlielr depredations among H ; ducks, for example, and you will agree 1 with me that it’s the birds that need protection. It's a common tiling for a trout to jump from the water, seize a duck by the neck, drag the unfortu j mite leave fowl its feet into sticking the depths in the sufficiently air, where to : j It can get no purchase upon it. Then the uni- the verse, and thus drown trout picks the feathers from the bird, eats It at its leisure and swims away out of the jurisdiction of the courts. Are there any fishermen? None? Too bad. This would be a match for one of their fish stories.”—PhilademLb. UeeAro. ■.wren aj iai? SELL ! f Co A b fj o : 1 1 - L A m it \ . ’ (i.-.’-araacj iR-RVittiv.* u | have recently equipped off.o - We our v,:h a com.' etc stoc .1. of Lec.-d Blanks .v eli we will furnish you in any quanti ty from a suig 2 c >jjy to a thousand ) copies, at the lowest pi ices. 2, Per cat.dp.,, containing a list of over t\v> j ui :1 a:.d fifty forms, furnished f Don i request. '.Twraatw IM v x' I? a- SI LI ? rp ft !| p | '- ;• ’ r ; ^ j i LlU ti L SiLHsti sio j Rnc'ioh Plum Pudding. 1 For English plum pudding clean, | wash and dry a pound of currants; | stone a pound of raisins. Mix the cur¬ j rants, raisins, a pound of suet, chop j ped fine, three-quarters quarter of a of pound pound of , stale breadcrumbs, a a of brown sugar, the grated rind of a lemon, half a pound of minced candied orange peel, a quarter of a pound of flour, half of a grated nutmeg. Beat five eggs, add to them half a pint of orange juice, then pour over the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Pack Into greased small kettles or molds. This will make about six pounds. Boil ten hours. Serve with hard uhm. nmi sirawam i * MAIL perfectly Mail ordered satisfactorily goods are 1 ORDERED when liable dealers. bought from re¬ You can trade with us as safely by mail as in person—and your needs will receive the same care¬ ful courteous attention—and be shipped the day received. It’s to our interest to make it to your interest - | and we do. We’d rather meet you face to face to face—but if you can’t come—SEND. 'm Benson Clothing Co.' 420 Third Street. Macon, Ga. I Sk-J-aL", Why Pay Rent? $ 1,000 We Will Boy You A $2,000 HOME $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 Y m pay osily $7.50 per month m\ each $1,000 with per cent. Interest per annum, payable monthly THE STANDARD HOME COMPANY Incorporated Birmingham, Alabama. CTTTT? U,Ji “ p""i 1 A W r Purchasing "* !e Company Contract; issues an Investment Hoi the Ja.- v « which is 81,000. We collect on this Contract $6.00 as advance ps ment when the application is signed, and thereafter a monthly 1 stallment of 86.00. payable on the 15th day of each month Wb Cc home is purcha id or a loan is made we charge only , month, month}*', _ with 5 per cent, interest per annum, payable each $1,000 advanced or borrowed. All monthly instalments 3 per cent, interest per annum on same, after the third instalmei are credited on the purchase price of the Home or Loan. Each Contract is eligible to a Loan of Funds to purchase a M in the sum of 81,Oh ' After six i .',) monthly instalments of dues been paid thereon. Each Ag^n t representing this'oomaay is supplied with a sf men copy of un { \ »n tracts issued by this Company; ask to seel Contract and read it carefully, then you may unders tancl this Co pany’s plan. Whittlesey & Graddy, District Managers Rooa Na. 10, Phoenix Bank COLUMBUS GA. BSCRIBE NOW