The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 27, 1908, Image 5

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- YOURCHRISTMAS PH * \» V.8 /a . ■ | “T 1 J * 3 Should Be Made NO\ V - v > «>,/ s# v / < Nothing makes so acceptable a gif ;o d portrait, In no way can one 1 %aS Vi a ii & io- •a* r 4" o many friends with the same amoun , f. «?io me With The Additon of A New CJ II sj , V rj JJ -5 N t ‘tlS* AH of the best lightings can b i a?ne 1. Come now while ISie weath er is o < "1, &> *2.. ,KV r' l « , l are your sittings and see about t K lose I .GU i'U:. v * V some premiums to be given away © 4 ■an ■ - I I 1 a: ,., Fort Valley, Ga. Terms; Monthly accts. Monthly, Weekly, Due First of and Cash. Each Month. W.J. BRASWELL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Gents* Furnish¬ ings and a New Stock of Pure Food Groceries Call and bay, phone or send your orders, or notify me and I will send for same. All goods delivered free of charge in city. Credit will only be extended to reliable parties, and we will do our best to hold your trade and give satisfaction. Weekly Accounts Cash Buyers Will Due Once a Week Phone 47 Save Money Here YOU HAVE SELECTED THE BIRL Now let [us furnish the home. We have a magnificent line Of Furniture and Carpet’' end can save you money. Let us show you. E. j. & P. D. WILLINGHAM. Macon, Ga. I Nov. 4 1908. Dear Friend; ; Last I wondered ! summer r what they did with all *A S ii 4 $ the I know / Ai j grapes. now i V J' it. w they took them and dried, \V them and made them into [I | raisins. Raisins are mighty f 2 , lW Jg ; ' nice to go in cake,and cd°l ft raisins and nuts are JfW mighty nice to hand round when you want to i spend a long time at i ! the table talking. ! The best seeded rais¬ * /, ins cost 12 1-2 cts a ; pack. ! Your friend, S3. JACOB. ''f'i 1 BfCorbelf ■y, ! Copyright igoy."by Oulcault UUmtiiing Co., C&fo jfj P,S. You don't know what nice i tains and nuts, Citron and Dates and things they have at. W. K. Thweatt’s, ; "T s 11 ft * i ? i ii t m L I,; S|: 1 \ i V J . Announcement for Constable I hereby announce myself a candidate for Constable, subject to the election oJ Isfc Saturday in December, for the 9th Dist. Houston county. I will ap S predate your support, H. C. HANCE. Subscribe Now OASTOHi-5 B«arg tie Tha Kind You Have Always Bought j Sigaatuxe V. A Carlyle C nment. A gentleman once ‘ .ppened to visit Carlyle just after i-iliia nt man of genius had left hi: As they met at the door the man renlus said: *4 I have just been vi g poor Carlyle, II© is a mere wre i mere wreck.” As the second vi: greeted Carlyle he remarked. “So / ve just had Mr. -— with you?’ n \ was the an rwer of the “mere reck, and he thinks God Airaigh ever made such another!” SUBSCRIPT NOW The Owner and the Visitor. His house, the first he had ever owned, being nearly tinlshed, the Flat* bush man went fortii one line after¬ noon to inspect It. As ho entered the front door he observed a well dressed man standing within, apparently ad¬ miring the beauties of construction and decoration. In an instant the pride of the owner swelled within him. Here was where he would make the visitor Verdant witli envy and, incidentally. Intercept a few bouquets for himself. Stepping up to the stranger, lie re marked: “It’s a beautiful house, Isn’t it? It’s worth every cent of the investment and a great deal more. ii You are right,’’ replied the stranger, “You are, 1 suppow »’* “Yes. I’m the owner,” interrupted the other, “and just let me tell you that there are not many men round here who own as tine a house as this.” a I quite believe you,” serenely an¬ swered the visitor. “I’m the man, you see, who holds the first mortgage on it.”—Brooklyn Eagle, The First Woman Whip. Who was the first “feinme coehere?” To the Princess de Metternich, a lady of quality in the fullest meaning of the word, who flourished under the second empire, this honor must be accorded, says the London Chronicle. For iu the duys when the woman whip was a very rare spectacle indeed this daunt¬ less dame was frequently to be seen driving her phaeton through Paris One day two facetious youths took it into their heads to signal to her. “Pst, coehere!” The princess entered into the spirit on the joke. She drew up. “By the hour,” said the two, seating them¬ selves. “Where?” “Hois de Boulogne.” She whipped up without another word and drove off to the Bois. After a si¬ lent tour of something over an hour the merry twain began to tire and asked to be put down. “Very good, citizens, 19 said the “cochero,” depositing them and holding out her hand. “My fare is 300 francs per hour for my poor.” In the event the laugh proved to be on he aide. Wnnrr In a Ifrll. In the tower of Erfurt cathedr 1 a huge bell ten feet high ;• feet in eircumfererce, weigh: tons. Within this In Ju 1713, dined ten of the town’s most burghers on dishes cooked in kitchen temporarily erected on tha that supported the ponderous of clntirmai)u!ary metal. To cele¬ this repast medals were struck, on the obverse the portraits of guests and on the reverse the rep¬ of the curious scene.