The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 27, 1908, Image 8

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T >/\>s^y •• / •" Vv /v ✓ .» H M 4 ii «**& M I « i ■ * i ■ TIMES AND OVERSTOCKED. and it's but the fact remains and these \ conditions forcing to it's not your fau i f not airs, t»e same, are us ast Our Enti? t ■** dJk Stock of Furniture And Household GOOD 5 ON T"*/ft iS MARKET AT PRICES THAT WILL STARTLE YOU. { Now if you are i red of any thing in our line, you have but to cal! and be convinced. NOW iS THE % TIME, COME, AND LOOK, IF NO MORE. WE NEED THE MONEY, AND YOU NEED THE FURNITURE. ;• > $ The Fort Valley Furniture Co. 5 JNO. A. HOUSER, JR. •>■:».»»;:/vV./y'V m*VVV'A/iI MAN THE NATiON REQUIRES. John A. Johnson the Ideal Occupant of the Presidential Chair. As president Governor Johnson would have the qualities that might be de¬ scribed as logically and historically needful at this time, representing both in thought and by concrete' aehieve rnent all of the progressive reforms to which the American people are now thoroughly committed, Ills personality and his methods are such that, coming into oflice after the strenuous and even terniymg ... . political and financial ex pc rlences , of , recent he , would , , . be rears, prepared , to hold , ....... all that has been , gain ed, restore an 6ra of good foaling ami smoothly and comfortably prepare the way for such additional advanced legis lotion as the times require. In a word. r, Governor Johnson , , is precisely the kind , of „ , leader the nation requires . at this ... 1 tlme. ready for new legislation to new needs, but careful and tire in his methods. The same donee inspiring, vote getting attributes that have made Governor Johnson so popular in Minnesota that there is ab¬ solutely no question that lie could car¬ ry the state as the Democratic presi dential nominee will make him equally popular with the voters of the nation once they have an opportunity to be come acquainted with the man. Every political campaign has its in flividunl conditions. It is found in ihis conb*st that Governor Johnson pos sess a strength peculiar to him alone and by which he is certain to bring to the Democratic party upward of a mil¬ lion votes in the middle west that have hitherto been Republican. This condi¬ tion insures beyond a reasonable doubt victory for Democracy and Governor Johnson in the following states: Min¬ * nesota, North and South Dakota, Illi¬ nois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Ne¬ braska, Colorado, Montana, Washing¬ ton ami Michigan. PLATFORM BROAD AND STRONG Declarations of Governor Johnson All Democrats Will Indorse. ■ “The man from Minnesota" believes in the “immediate revision of the ill, to the end that articles now con¬ trolled in America by illegal and im¬ moral combinations may be deprived c >f their tariff power to rob the oora inunity. •' He believes that tariff re vision is one of -the most important works for the correction of the abuses that are plaguing the country. He believes that the maintenance of government by the people involves the least interference bj lederal powe. wilh the domestic a Jail s of the state., consistent with efficient national ad ministration. lie believes in the constitution. -oi a president. ho ays. to go outside tiu- constitution. _ <o is 1 a e\eu i Tm mods t*o*ti''»”• lcstruction of'renub lies " Lie opposed to the govercuieut ev, ::t‘ a of rail h- state or un¬ lion, but, as Kis acts she is a strong l h>: lever in just and rigorous regula- 1 iOi He is opposed to oversea expansion. He U\ vor.T “the peaceful eonsolida Don of the c ntincut from Pnnania to the arctic circle.'' Tent lie is opposed to ; military es talslishments. but believes that the size of the American navy must r a - be determined to some extent by <!; nival divides of other countries, lie is 1 sored to ship subsidies. “You ClUl't kill combinations.” he says. * * * “but when you come in crush the business of individuals they must be opposed as evils. »♦ He believes in all income tax. He believes in the just and equal en forcemeat of law and that the observ anro of the law is ns incumbent upon tin rich and powerful as upon the poor «nd weak Famous Anagrams. Of all the extravagances caused by the anagrammatic fever when many years ago it was at its height, none comes up to that of a Frenchman named Andre Pujom, who, discovering in his name the anagram Pendu a Rioin (the seat of criminal justice in the province of Auvergne), felt hound to fulfill his destiny, committed a crime fn Auvergne and was actually hanged In the place to which the omen point ed. Among the papers of William Oldys, the bibliographer, 1 was found the fol lowing , , anagram on , himself: . . In word and will T am a. friend to you, ^ n( j ono friend old is worth a hundred new. The Father Pierre de St. Louts he came a Carmelite monk on (hiding out « iat his lR J T nanie - Ludovicos Bar teleml, ' ° gave the anagram Qr.rmelo se devovet, . an<t Sylvester, ' , , m , dedicating . .. a translation . , .. of .. D 11 Bartas to Ins . sover eigU( mad( , tlle following anagram: “Janies Stuart- A just master.”— Minneapolis Journal, Trapping an Elephant. <* Elephants are easily trapped,” said a zoo keeper, “very easily trapped and very easily tamed. The trapper, chooses a spot popular with elephants and digs a hole live feet deep and twenty’ feet square. He surrounds this hole -.vKh a higli board fence except iu one place, where ho hangs a swing gate. Next he finds a herd of elephants, chooses the animal he wants, maddens it and makes it chase him. The man tears along on his nag, the elephant thun¬ ders close after, and just at the gate¬ way the man swerves to the right, but the elephant, too heavy to swerve, bangs right on through into the hole. He’s mad at first, terribly mad. But they give him no food or drink, they build around the pit fires of damp wood that almost suffocate him with smoke, and they daze and stupefy him with shouts and banging of brass pans, The elephant is completely broken and subdued In three or four days. lie comes forth and follows the trapper humbly and timidly, with tears in his eyes.” A Boy and a Thousand Dollars, A New York judge gave his son $1,000, felling him to go to college and graduate. The son returned at the end of freshman year without a dollar and with several ugly* habits. At the close of the vacation the judge told his son that he had done all he could for him. If he had wasted the money that was *> bave taken him through college, he “W* ^ well leave home and make his (makpniug for llie yomig U1!U1) but he krunv ^ ia (- jq s father was right. And so ,,f r0Iig was f[ !0 good influence of his father that he did leave home to go to work in downright earnest. ^ W ent back to college, made bis way (trough, graduated at the head of his class< s t m iiod law. became governor of tho st:lte of Xc#NV } prk * en b’ re(1 ll ’? U b ' 5uet of 1l!e preside:!t the v !lir Ti die' ITwas Willi’am 1L Seward. " * rii-Tnrlcntoi’. The word prevaricator is from the Latin and originally meant a straddler with distorted or misshapen legs. In I the Homan courts of lav the expres sion was applied to one vivo in a suit was discovered to be in collusion with his opponent to compass some dishon¬ esty. As falsehood was the necessary 1 part of such a perfo triance, the word ; by anil by came to have the signifl cauee at present attached to it. Goblets. Goblets with stem and stand like I those we use today were employed in Troy 900 B. C. Among the valuab'e objects found by Dr. Schliemann was a goldon goblet. Yessels of this metal were common !t employed la the eerr- 1 tee ef the teases. EXHIBIT! Grand Introductory Piano Exhibit and Mammoth Factory Sale of the Renowned SCHULZ PIANOS The Immense Schulz Piano Factories of Chicago announce one of their Record Breaking Piano Exhibits and Special Sales to be held for One Week only, beginning Monday, November 23 d, v at SLAPPEY’S DRUG STORE, FORT VALLEY, GA. A SOLID CAR LOAD Of these magnificent high-grade Pianos will be exhibited and sold from SLAPPEY’S DRUG STORE, Fort Valley, Ga., during this wonderful Sale. Yon are cordially invited to attend the Big Musical Treat for all intending purchasers, friends and -acquaintances. We will give a concert each evening at 8 p. in., consisting of popular and classic music by Prof. Victor J. Menzel, the celebrated Chicago violonist, and Miss Willie B. Smith, pianist and vocalisti of Pittsburg, Pa., and Prof. Paul Trawick. violinist, of Reynolds, Ga., and Mr. Author Reams, claronet and celto. COMPETITION DISMAYED, ROUTED, CRUSHED AND ELIMINATED By the Sensational Price Gutting of a strictly artistic Piano of international reputation Remember the incomparable Schulz Pianos will be sold at strictly Chicago Factory prices nuring this, tht first and only advertising exhibit and sale ever held by any piano factory in this section. This is our own original and exclusive method of advertising the product of our giant factories. NOW IS-YOUR OPPORTUNITY To purchase one of the most famous pianos in the work! at an actual saving of $85.00 to $197.50 in price. Each instrument is of the finest possible quality in tone, touch and durability and contains every improvement known to the science of modern piano building. The cases are of the latest and most artistic design and are made of most beautiful and expensive rare woods obtainable from the forests of the world. Each piano is backed by A TEN YEARS’ TRIAL GUARANTEE Of one of the largest, oldest and most reputable piano manufacturing institutions in existence. Every salesman representing us is a salaried employee of the factory, which means a saving to the purchaser of not only the retail dealers’ profit, but also the high commission usually paid to retail piano salesmen. Cases to match any kind of parlor furniture. Pianos from $187.50 upwards. Old pianos and organs taken ip exchange at full value. Easy terms if desired. rvani re .Mk.Mr.ii-i 1 CT«w'M»rmcwnT<rTTimnv ■■ ....... 1 A. G. P/ i u a 6 IS, WHOLESALE MANAGER, OF CHICAGO-, 1 YVTill nerfnonnlly conduct this wonderful exhibit of Art Pianos, and extends an invitation to all inteudii'o | purchasers 1 and music lovers to visit this display. He will take great pleasure in explaining in detail the I many marvelous inventions and exclusive improvements that make SCHULZ Pianos the best toned, prtv tiest and most durable instruments manufactured to-day. Everybody is cordially invited to visit oat exhibit, hear the tones of these unrivalled pianos and personally examine them whether intending 0 purchase or not. ■CttTOMO raaxBr-T’j: ierences: r Dun or Bradstrcet Mercantile Agencies; auy Music Trade Journal in the I nited States; any Chicago Bank, or Lowry Rational Bank of Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES W. C. COLEMAN, AUTHOR REAMS, VICTOR J. MENZEL < M. SCHULZ COMPANY, Manufacturers, CHICAGO, ILL. — Established in America in 1869. GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Progressive Musical Dealers, Fort Valley, Ga. > t