The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 04, 1908, Image 1

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/ / J The J8L £ev *■ ,0 Jr**. «. Rs* $ Leader VOL. XIX. Mrs O M Houser urns tk* roust of Mrs F C H"us ;n .Vur-en n Monday and Tut*day. Handsome John Slanney of Jpffor-"., v-ito in ' i **'*o his i *•* S *jfiri last, Tnur-d >y. Miss Marshall and Miss Smith visited Mrs AO Barks at Reyn¬ old Sunday. Col H E Stafford a prominent attorney of Columbus, Ohio., is in Fort Valley on business. Episcopal Church Notes Sunday School 9-45 a. m. Morn¬ ing Service 11 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Flournoy’s new the cotton public. gi in is now open to Located opposite Crate fac tory. 75c per bale. Oyster supper at Mr J Burnam Friday night Dec 4 for benefit of Cleveland Academy ' Everybody cordially invited. Mrs Fred Smith visited her uncle, Mr Jack Hancock in Knoxville last week. Mr Jack Hancock visited the city Monday. Mr and Mrs H D Bartlett spent Wednesday in Macon. Famous Holly Leaf None better. H. D. Bartlett. Miss Bessie Frederick and Mrs Sinclair Booton of Marshall ville visited Fort Valley Tuesday. Miss Lucy and YIiss Mattie Finney are at home to their friends at Mrs Dick Burden. The many friends of Mr and Airs Ernest Vance and family regret that they are going to make their future home in Macon. They left Tuesday for their home. Flournoy’s new cotton public. gin is now open to the Located opposite Crate fac tory. 75c per bale. Mrs J C Alderidge of spent a few days last week her parents Mr and Mrs w E Mathews. There is quite a young man stopping with Mr and Mrs C W Gibson. Mr W F Sanders is all smiles now, a little girl is visiting at his home. Some crying hard times Some running Sales. We are still buying. Just received new Dry goods and Notions, z H. D. Bartlett. The Woman’s Foreign Mission ary Society will meet, next Mon day afternoon at J o clock at the home of Mrs S B Brown, Sr. All the members are cordially vited to be present. Mrs W. C. Wright, Pres. Mrs A. C. Riley, Sec. Mrs Pauline March of Macon IS visiting her brother, MrE Bledsoe this week. Mr and Mrs E L Lunceford spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs OE Pearson. Miss Elra Bryant and Etbej Avera visited tlreir anut Mrs E L Avera Tuesday. FOR RENT Dwelling on Persons Street, apply to L. L. Brown. PORT VALLEY. HOUSTON COUNTY. GEORGIA. FRIDAY. DECEM HER 4, 1908. Master Frederick f M; icon spent last week ais lriends in the city. Miss Kate McArthur and ) pi <y r >,, * *>PV * 11 Oil . ‘■I i s WefK Hi A til iritii. There will bo an oyster at Lake View school house Dec. 11th from 0 to 11- o’clock benefit of school. A cordial Ration extended to ail. 3 Rooms fo’' .ent. Apph ! . to Mrs. M. A. Brown. ____ _ Miss ro Ola tr Hnrwel u spent . , . 0 Sunday \yith . her Mrs M b uunc Snow. Miss Nora !?ounf.v<>p spent LC Monday wife her friend Mrs G 'I ' tones. The Merry crowd ! from Savannah last Friday nil <j r.y They report a fine time. Mrs Lee Houser spent Monday j in Macon. FOR SALE CHEAP One residence lot on church i Street. Four residence lots on College Street. Skellie. A. I). j Miss Susie Richardson of i Byron spent several days in Fort Valley with her grand mother, Mrs Culpepper. Mr and Mrs Will Tharp spent Thanksgivin <*• with Mrs NH Oul pepper. Mr Albert W, ran? is in Be ■ Yoi Ur IV on business. ■ Dr and Mrs Steadman have moved to the old Mutart place near town. Boy Suits D. 1 r~> 1 r~ L Bartlett. a bargfii E. Mr and Mrs .) L Fincher, Mrs jyflUge and Frai ; !r ft richer went u^'co Macon Thanksgiving a ftei noon in their auto, Mr and Mrs Harris Turner. M rand Mrs it o v rieSfcrozier w | up to Macon iasu Thursday. | Miss Mansfield spent la st week m Macon with her aunt, Mr. Pompely. M s Fannie Moore spent week in Perry. Flournoy’s new cotton public. is now open to the Located opposite crate tory. 75o per bale. Miss Nell Carter after a pleas¬ ant visit to Americas and Ogle¬ thorpe returned borne this week. Mr George Nunn of Perry w ’as the guest of Mr Norton and Edwards this week. Coland Mrs AO Riley and sons AC Jr, and .coward enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner in Marshall villa with Mr belder Frederick, Miss McRea spent Thanks giving day , at ,,, McRea. r , NOTICE I hereby announce myself a candidate for Justice of tin peace. Thos. W. Young. Miss Florrie Cuonerspent week in Macon the guest of brother, Mr John Cooner. Ben Roe Marshall returned to school at Stone Mountain. Cel Alonzo 0 Riley of Atlanta spent several days last week with his parents. Subscribe Now f t Q ^ ] s QVE*m$EHEI*TS jueprgin Houston County; I J. F. Cooper: Administrator of Robert Nelson, deceased, has ap niioTlfor ’ v»v 1 ' :)i! fho anrlR boh ■ov'it'i' ■ * < i; i * 0 (deceased. This . })«*!>' t < J l*t' 1 t* i cite a)1 persons concerned to ap |pear at the January Term 1909 of the Court of Ordinary of Hous¬ ton county an ! cause if any they ;nv:\ why application should not beg i '; i v .»: il • .it signature, ! Ins Nov. 14. h" 1 S. O'. •:uOrdinary, Georgia Houston county: j 1 W. '4. Wvnn. • Administratorcf Mrs. It. ,, „ .I. s-rp:u, deceased, , has , applied for leave to sell all ‘-lie lands belopwipg to <he estate <>f ui-uojirtcd i ins is the re io iv j to cite all rvo .on. ,■-ncemed to l-npoear at itu* .Bim-ary lerip, • ! U .'il, «j ( t.! it 1 ’.inn of Ordinary of !Houston county and show cause, I if any they ha ve why said apple I -3 hut he granted. Witness my < Eieiul signature this Nov. 2, 1908. S. T Hurst, Ordinary. Georgia Houston county: To whom it may concern. J. E. Cheek having made appli¬ cation to me in due form to be appointed Administrator moon the estate of James H. Hall, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will he heard at the regular term of he Court of Ordinary for said ty to bo held oa the first Monday in January 1909. S. T. Burst, Ordinary, Commissioners Sale of Land By authority of an order and judgement of his Honor W. H. Fmi-ou Jr., Judge «*r the bupenor III; !. 1.1 Jit-' Judicial Cir I Ciiit mid of the Su nerior Court of H' llouston coun: v ( h in the case a M rs. Georgia Booh--. i\>.vton et a) Emma 1 al, petition ' ii.irtiti i, i n ; ouston 1 Guurt; We will sell on t.n first Tues d a y'ut J a nuary 190 ' ' > 5 before the Court Bouse in Perry, ii hi 1-1 i. hours of sale, to the 'big m s'- bidder, at pub'ic outcr;,‘. t L it tract or parcel of rand sLu i'-d, lying and i ] 11 g ii> t!:e < rigiiifi,t Tenth Dis¬ trict of Houst-m county Ga., .-uni being tire Last' i,aif MlotNumbet .Sixty ((.C) and e.mraining one auudrt-u acres m i « ’ citio being the lands n. • ■».de 4 by, m. .; N el son to i\ 1 is ivbi: :i Doles and ner children,.;u d .vuuudeti as foi lows: On the North by lunds t Jim Arnold, on the East, by jam i. of W. A. McLemore. on t South by lands of J M Simmo and on the .West by lands of W. W. Howard. Sale made for par¬ tition. Terms cash. I T. Woodard M. L. Cooper, G. W. Winn, Commissioners, Mrs »> T Sistrunk was awarded a prize of fifty one dollars by the Wester Music Company of At lanta. . She being one of the winners among so many thous ands of contestants in the con sc )lid ated M an n i >< etu re rs Pi a ru > Publicity Contest. This is the second prize she j,., vun 0 p .q,,. The G urs j being one of fifty eiglv dollars Don’t neglect to have the 1 ; Baby’s Photo nofde before bad weather sets in White’s Photo Studio. i ■■ Dr and Mrs Pharmun and Mrs Shepard of Macon was the guest j of Miss Marrianne Junes at her home °“ I day Miss l Artie Wheats m&n.y , ■ friends will b<* gmd to know that ! she is in town again. j j Want You can get just what You : at White’s Photo Studio. The Baptist Church There will be services at Baptist church at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev Geo McDonald 'of (,ur o" ii Ivys who has V turned from tin* seminary at Louisville Ky will preach at both hours. The pastor personally desires to extend to every one a cordial invitation to these ces. FOE SALE OR RENT House and lot on Miller for sale or rent. Good offer. R. M. Reynolds. Miss A>lie Winslow was the j guest of her •later, M rs S B j Goodwin in Marshallville last I Tuesday. . j Rooms for rent. Apply to Hiss Lizzie Thweatt. Mr John Brown has sold his | home on Macon Street to Me Oarty brothers, and will move in his home on College St, known as the Hollinshead home. Mrs F A Brussard and children of Senoia are the guest of her sisters, Mrs Hiley and Mrs R B Burden after a visit of a few days will leave for Lousianna. Mr and Mrs W it Brown are at home again. IV!r G -orgu McDonald is ting home folks this week. Dr J R Kinney and little son Joseph spent Thanksgiving af Irvington, with his mother. Mrs K PHollinshead and eliil dien ha ve retumeu home J iom p erry a p,.. r a ten day stay with her parents. Governor Treutlen Chapter of Daughters of American li l vOiiuiiOii honored. At the recent State < ’.inference of L A R held in Covington, quite a distinguished honor was con¬ ferred urun Mi’s Geo T Harris Reyent of Governo.: Treutlen Chapter of this place- She was nominated for State Vice Regent, which nomination she declined, as she preferred to retain the Recency of the home 1 Tapter. in ot a Slip of ik Tongue. It Ls dans: Lis to ; i to knowl <xlgd one does n«t pouctesx. A man ol little education was once a guest at n uinnff, clni'liix wiiick a servant stum¬ bled so that a roast tongue fell from the platter he was carrying. It was an ambarrasaing moment, but the quick witted host saved the day by remark In?. “Never mil. I, pwitlcmen, it’s only a ‘iapsi'.a lingua.’ ” This caused much laughter and applause, and instead of being spoiled the dinner v.-as a great success. The boor, wfedifng to shine ■ s a wit hlmscif, f.lwrtly afterward gave a dinner, to which none of those pres¬ ent at the first dinner were Invited. When the guests had 1/eei; seated a servant entered bearing a beef roast, Just before reaching the table he striadiled and fell. The host, leaping to his fe#t, astonished the guests by exclaiming, “Never mind, gentlemen, It’s only a ‘lapsus lingua.’ ’’—Kansas CVcy Times. Oyjt the Autograph. At Carlsbad on one occasion Brahms’ physician, Dr. Gnmfaerger, asked th*; composer for bis autograph for a young lady admirer, but Brahms scold ed him for making a nuisance of him¬ self and refused to give it. Some weeks later, at his departure from Carlsbad, Brahms handed to the doc¬ tor an envelope* inscribed, “With the cordial thanks of Johannes Brahms.” Noticing n broad grin on the doctor a face, be asked: “tThat makes you look so cheerful? You don’t know yet what the envelope contains. ♦ » Nor do I cafe.” retorted the doctor. ‘The en velope i« the main thing. Stych obfig ed for the autographr * SUBSCRIBE NOW NO. 41 A Parlor Musicale Mrs W S White entertained j ie ,. music class, their mothers and a few friends Saturday aft jernoon in a most delightful man¬ ner. The rooms were decorated j j n a profusion of cut flowers, fol* ■ palms and gepomcas. The lowing program was carried out m( j the accurateness of each i piece being carried out so well : reflected due credit on their effi- 1 oient teacher as wt>ll as the pu- 1 41s. Instrumental soloEuralee Avery. Instrumental solo Louise Fagan. Instrumental duet Marion Cul popper and Lucy Bassett. Instrumental solo Willie Ham¬ mock. Instrumental solo, Helen Floyd, Song “Hoo-Hoo” Beth Hiley, Marion Culpepper and chorus. Instrumental solo, Beth Hiley. Instrumental solo, Gladys Slap pey Recitation “Five Little Crrnd ma,” Euralee Avery, Louise Fa gin, Helen Floyd, Willie Ham¬ mock and Beth Hiley. Instrumental solo, Marion Cul¬ pepper. Instrumental solo, Lucy lJas sett. Duet. Idel Woodall and Merly Hiley. Instrumental solo, Marking lli ley. Instrumental solo, Idol 1 moduli, j Song, “Srnarty,” Idel Woodall, * j Gladys Slappeyand chorus. 1 Instrumental solo, Merlyn Hiley. ! instrumental duet, Mary King ; and Merlyn Hiley. j After the well rendered pro , ,, ram a delicious salad course was served and t he affair was thor oiaghly enjoyed by all present. On last Thursday night Nov. 20 our series of meeting- in the Presbyterian church closed and reached its climax. It was, start ed Tuesday night Nov 17, and continued with unabated interest to the end. The Rev .1 W Stokes ;yive us his valuable assistance again, and his preaching was <4 a very high order and scriptural land. He is eminently an expounder of the Scriptures. He is o: coeditigly earnest and very impressive and is very efficient in ptysonal work. While he is all this he has a i)len«anfcn< ‘SS ; with it all by which oo <iuickly makes many warm friends. V i e consider this meeting a ve¬ ry profitable one. All the ehrist km people who attended AY 0 Vti evidently much confirmed in their faith and strengthened in She Christian life. This is the concensus of all we have 1 Hard express themso 1 ves. Wo believe a great deal of good iryul w as << ■ wn which will hoar fruit hcre ter Every department of our <: 1: urch has been < j qickened. We received one on profession of her faith to whom we expect f ; administer the sacrement of :, vtism on the second Sabbath of Dec. Another was received ^ restatement of bis faith, not ha ving his letter with him. We hope this church may enjoy other such meetings in time to come. W* 0. S. Announcement for Constable I hereby announce myself a candidate for Constable, subject to the election oJ 1st Saturday in December, for the 9th militia Dist. Houston county. I will ap¬ preciate your support, H. C. HANCE4