The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 04, 1908, Image 3

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JPE I' 'I; mf & aw?? >7 mm * : y & S m m •-.Hy iX\ M v. S m ill tt-. ■I • • • ■ li m MSI 1 fill m •A-s a i m 4s < i/87; j fvss. ) i . 'WTTLE5EN ;SOPHIA 4 HEALTH VERY POOR RESTORED BY PE-RU-NA. Catarrh Twenty-five Years— Had a Bad Cough. Miss Sophia Kittlesen, Evanston, 111., writes: “I have been troubled with catarrh for nearly twenty-five years and have tried many cures for it, but obtained very little help. “ Then m I y brother advised me to try Peruna, “My am I did. health was very poor at the time I began taking Peruna. My throat was very’ sore and I had a bad cough. “Pevuna has cured me. The chronic catarrh, is goneand my health isvery much improved. “I recommend Peruna to all my friends who are troubled ns I was.” PERUNA TABLETS: —Some people pre fer tablets, rather than medicine in fluid form. Such people can obtain Peruna tab¬ lets, which represent the medicinal ingre¬ dients of Peruna. Each tablet equals one average dose of Peruna. Man-a-lin the ideal Laxative. Ask your Druggist for a Free Pe¬ runa Almanac for 1909. Famous Old Barqe Founders. While in tow of the tug Buccaneer the famous old seagoing barge Des soug foundered and sank off Ocean City, Md., with a cargo of coal. Her crew escaped. The Dessoug carried ‘'Cleopatra’s Needle,” now in Central Park, from Egypt to New York, and was once a pleasure craft of the Khedive of Egypt and the Sultan of Turkey. DEATH TO KING WORM:. it Everywhere I go I speak for tettebi-n*, because it cured me of ringworm in its worst form. My whole chest from neck to waist was raw as beef; but tettebine cured me. It also cured a bad case of piles, J > So says Mrs. M. F. Jones of 28 TannehiM St., Pittsburg, Pa. Tetthbihe, the great skin remedy, Is sold by druggists or sent by mall for 50c. Wfite J. T. Shuptbine, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. ALL THE SAME IN THE END. A Salina paper tails of a boy who was severely bitten by a "canine,” and the Emporia Gazette adds: "His father mounted an equine and went for the doctor, who recommended a poultice of milk from the family bo¬ vine. lt* is said that a slice of fat from a porcine is a good thing for such a wound.” HAD BAD ITCHING HUMOR. Limbs Below the Knees Were Raw Feet Swollen—Sleep Broken Cored in 2 Days by Cuticura. “Some two months ago I had a humor break out on my liniba below my knees. They came to look like raw beefsteak, all red. and no one knows how they itched and burned. They were so swollen that I could not get my shoes on for a week or more. I used five or six different remedies and got no help, only when applying them the burning was worse and the itching less. For two or three week* the suffering was intense and during that time I did not sleep an hour at a time. Then one morn¬ ing I tried a bit of Cuticura. From the moment it touched me the itching was gone and I have not felt a bit of it since. The swelling went down and in two days I had my sfibes on and was about as usual. George B. Farley, 50 South State St., Con¬ cord, N. H., May », 1807.” INHERITED. Myer—"Ever notice that dilapidated old umbrella Jones carries?” Gyer—‘T es. It is evidently one of the shades of his ancestors.” Chi cago News. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for CTnMrOT lion. teething, allays softens nain. cure thegnrneredncesmharnm^ s wind coIki. 2 oc a Dottle A WONDER TO HER. Sick Landlady (to boarder who has brought her dinner)— P This coffee is vile, is that what you had for din¬ ner?” Boarder—"Yes. »» Sick Landlady — “Strange what boarders will p ut up wi th! j^-Judge. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At dr uggists. ' SENSE. SOUND and First Little Girl—"Your papa fflamma are not real parent**-, They adopted you. Girl—"Well, that Second Little satisfactory. makes It all the more My parents picked me out, and you.s had to take you just as you came. —Tit-Bits. A Trap For Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes being ono of the pestj of tropica! countries. Maxwell Le frev. of the Indian entomological de partment, has made a special studv their destruction, and has been par ticularly successful with the novel method cf trapping them. He uses a box about a foot square, which ban a hinged lid with a small aperture that can be closed bv a slide. This box has a bottom of tin and the sides are lined with green baize. .Set in a dark corner of the room, the sim¬ ple apparatus proves an attractive retreat for the insects seeking to hide from the sunlight on entering tne house In the morning. They soon collect inside, and when all have settled a teaspoonful of benzine is poured In, and the lid is closed. The prisoners _ . are quickly . suffocated. Mr. Lefroy continued setting his trap as long as the mosquitoes were trouble some, and in thirty-one days destroy¬ ed over 3,100.—Chicago Journal. If you would _ come to . a relaxation , of the ignorance of the average man and woman, gather together 100 and ask a few simple questions, suggests the New York Press, something like these: How many ribs has a man? , How _ many ribs ... has a woman? . How many joints are in a baby’s spine? How many joints are in a spine? Is a man’s spine longer than a woman’s? On which side is the liver? Where is the spleen? How large is the stomach? How long are the intestines? There are two lungs, one on the right, the other on the left; one has two lobes; how many has the other? How many bones are in your hand? Are you bones solid or hollow? Do the bones of a bird contain marrow? How many toes has a dog? Does a cow have teeth? Can a horse breathe through his mouth? Why does a dog pant with his tongue out? Why do most perching birds roost on one leg when asleep? Why does a fox-terrier run on three legs? What makes a cat purr? SCENERY AND PROPS. “I hear you are receiving atten¬ tions from an actor. >» "Yes, and I think he would pro¬ 1 pose if I could rig up a spotlight in the parlor and sort of arrange the pianola for a little slow music.”— Kansas City Journal. ; tTV 8 . 6 •Xv .v/.vXv /.V.y: .VW.V. This woman says that sick women should not fail to try Lydia Compound E. Pinkham’s she did. Vegetable as Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence St., Denver, Col., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: I was practically an invalid for six years, on account of female troubles. I underwent an operation by the doctor’s advice, but in a few months I was worse than before. A friend ad¬ vised Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable perfect Compound and it restored me to health, such as I have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman suffering as I did with backache, bearing-down fail pains, and periodic Pinkham’s pains,should Vegetable not to use Lvdia E. Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink¬ ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy fer female ills, of and has positively cured thousands women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera¬ tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, that bear¬ periodic pains, backache, indiges¬ ing-down feeling, flatulency, prostration. tion, dizziness or nervous Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided , thousands , to Address, Lynn, Mass. THE J. R. WATKINS MEDICAL GO. ———WINONA, MINNESOTA. A 70 liir.i'Mil Ifoiiaehold Hfrufillf., Flavoring 18*1 P 1 Kxlrix)-nil Kind., Tollrl CffpiMallorui Fine No«p«, Ely. r Cark'Vassers Wanted, in EnJery County. 44 * Vcut’it Kxpcrlrtirr, ^21,000,000 Out|»ul. Eil££ 0^ FERE O AGENTS I CITING AN EXAMPLE. Askitt—“Do you believe to the the¬ ory of heredity?” is Noitt—"Sure thing. My barber the father of three little shavers. —Chicago News. Best Cousa Syrnp. Taste* Good. U$e la time. Sold by | i One of the penalties for not spend ing your money on pleasures is tho way you can waste it in investments, > confesses the New York Press. *’° Drlve ° ul AUiarIa ** ad «* tho ! ‘*^ stero Take **»•> 01(1 Standard Urov** Tast* ^ ku ° W WhM V °° ug. Tho formula ie plainly printed on ever •y liottle, showing it is simply l^ui nine an d Iron in a tasteless form, ami tha r ' or * rown TOO WARM. u And have you clothes for all ell mates?" "Yes; except the one my husband 1 mentions when he gets tho bill.”— Pick Me Up. i $100 Reward, $100. ! The reader*ot this paper will be plea-ed to |e arn that there is at leaet one dreaded die ease that science hae been able to cure in all jt*stages, and that ia Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh (Jure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh constitutional being a con¬ stitutional disease, requires a treatment. Hall’sCatarrhCureistakeninter directlv upon the blood and mu j coug ing the surfaces foundation of the of syetem,thereby the disease,and destroy- giving the patient strength by building up the con¬ | stitution and assisting nature in doing faith its work. The proprietors have so much jn it* curative powers that they offer One Hundred Hollars for any case that it fail s t o cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address jr. j. Ciienkt & Co., Toledo, O. Bold bv Druggists, 75c. constipation. Take Hall’. Family Pills for | The man who will not bridle his tongue usually has to come down off bis high horse. j gP5| £p& Pimples, Itching Humors, Rheumatism, Blood o.oJ.rf 11 ii Poison, Eczema, Blood Bone Pains. kills poison In ; B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) in the only flood remedy ihat blood direct the t-h* skin the blood and then purifies It— sending a of pure, rich to surface. Bones, Joints, and wherever the dlse (1Bi > lg located. In this t way all Sores, Ulcers, Pimples, Eruptions are healed and cured, pains and aches of Rheumatism b cease, swellings subside. B. B. B. completely changes the body into clean, healthy condition, giving the skin the rich, red hue.of perfect health. B. B. B. cures tin Cures Through the Blood worst old cases. Try it. #1.00 per Ih»-r« bottle at, all Iirug Stores with directions r-M|! for home cure. 8AMFLK FREE by writing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlantia, Ga. b It is perfectly proper for a man to straighten up after he has been on a bender. Hicks’ Cnpudiue Cures Headache, Whether from Cold, Ideal, Stomach, ot Mental Strain. No Acctanilid or dangerous drugs. 10c., It’s and Liquid. 50c., drug Effects immediately. 25c., at stores It is well to remember that it i s the answering back that, causes the quar rel. Drops? CURED Gives Quick [r« Relief, A* Removes all swelling permanent in 8 to zo days ; effects a cure f tetenpiven in yo to 60 davs. Trialtreatment free. Kothingcan be fairer ran Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons. P^Speclansts. Box b Atlanta. G? HELP Insist on Having: FOR Cf. The MAKIEL’S Preparation Remedy. WORflEN ^ hiaiulnvit at nauuoisTH. (send lor book, “ttoliel lor Women. n * BENCH DRUG CO., 30 W. 3ZdSt., N.Y.City. Wo Buy FURS it * t r~ Hides and <73 Wool Feather*, Tallow, Beeswax, Ginseng* Golden Seal,(Yellow Root), May Apple* Wild Ginger, etc. We are dealers; cfltabliihed in 1856—“Over half a century in LouisviDc**—and can do bettor for you than aseots or commission merchants. Reference, any Bank in Louisville. Write for weekly price list and shipping tags. ftl. Sahel & Sons, 227 E. Market St. LOUISVILLE, KY. Yf Tran m 6 I K- •Ye s m & vy y d W: : ! TV. I» Douglas makes and sells more^N men’s #3.00 and #3.00 shoes than any other manufacturer In the world, be¬ cause they hold, their shape, lit better, and wear longer than any other make. Shoes at All Prices, for Every Memh er of ths Family, Men, Boys, Women, Misses & Children Wi.Douglas $4.00 and $0.00 Ollt Edge SbOM oumot be equalled at any price. W. L. Poaglae $2.50 and $ 2.00 eboes are tbs beet In tke world Fart Color Evolrts Vued JSxclnsivoljr. boudlae oyTnke Afo Nubxtituta. W. I.. name and price Shoes Is mailed stamped from on factory bottom. Sold everywhere. of the world. Catalouae tree. to any part DOUGLAS, 157 Spark St., Brockton, Hass. W. L. (At.49-’03) PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Dolor more goods brighter and faster colora than any other dye. Ono JOrv puefcago colors all fibers. T-hey dye AiONKOS In cold water hotter than any other dye. lillnoU* To® V- anv {fartriefic v/frliout ripping apart. Write for free bootlet—Hovr to vye, lheaeo and Mix Colors. kJltVO CO*» Qatacy. Malaria Causes Loss ©f Appetite The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. •Ydfi know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form For adults and children. 50c. Every Month writss Mrs. E. Fournier of Lake Charles, La., I used to suffer from headache, backache, side ache, pressing-down pains, and could hardly walk. At foel good all the time. _ last I took Cardui, and now I TAKE till k. '4 I J28 It Will Help You Cardui is a medicine that has been found to act upon the cause of most women’s pains, strengthen¬ ing the weakened womanly organs, that suffer be¬ cause their work is too hard for them. It is not a pain “killer,” hut a true female remedy, composed of purely vegetable ingredients, perfectly harmless and recommended for all sick wo¬ men, old or young. Try Cardui. Women's Belief. AT ALL DRUG STORES I » 11 FOR MEN Many people crowd th<df feet into shoes m in an attempt to make their feet fit tne anoes. Don’t choke your feet in that way: wear SKRKEMERS. Mr They fit your feet. Look for the label, and, if you don’t ^ find these shoes readily, write the makers directions how them. MAM BY fer to secure nfjf toitofe FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Mass Gr* Ym' u.«.a. mm For ( fT\ Sprains «i«i| i. &; n* V •a K 'Vi Jfj BraLJS 0 pWj m Y x\ reason t \ Sloan’s Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part without hurting because it doesn’t need to be rubbed—rail you have to do is to lay it on lightly. It is a powerful preparation and congestion^ penetrates instantly — relieves any inflammation and and reduces the swelling. i Sloan’s ■ Liniment is an excellent antiseptic and germr killer — heals cuts, burns, wounds and w mf contusions, and will draw the poison from sting of poisonous insects. Price, 25c., 50c., and $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Sloan's book on horses, cattle, sheep and poultry sent free. BSitSpS