The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 04, 1908, Image 4

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The Font Valley Leader*. Official Organ of Houston County Leader Publishing Co., Lessees. R. M. Reynolds, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY. Terms of Huteorlption: One yvar...... .. $ 1.00 Six months .80 Throe months ................ 25 1 Enter, 8C post * uni ( of Conurcws <,{ March h ----I pnbli-1 We cannot fturantee the cation of any article sent us^ later than Tuesday noon. TELEPHONE 111 _____! j Fort Valley, Ga. Dec. 4 1908. Men complain about I who j cost of their wives hats this year must at least admit there is some¬ thing to show for the money. According to the proverb, troubles never come singly. Now! that the election is over there isj ! Still tho Christmas shopping to be done. | The President says Mr Taft’s religion is a matter between self and God. He probably really meant that it was matter (< between Mr Taft, me and God It might bn a good idea tor Congress to busy itself this session figuring out a lire proof construction for our Northern forests before the annual lire session begins again. A a prudent , . tv, Pennsylvanian i, has 00 1 just off smoking ... at the sworn ago o m ty seven years That is about the age at which the ave ragt 1 smoker believes he is going t< swear off. A woman physician of Pllila del phi • says that the sweet¬ heart’s kiss is the paradise of all kinds of germs. But what’s the difference as long as it is the paradise of the sweethearts too. General Castro it is said, is going to Europe for medical treat¬ ment. It may be only a coinci¬ dence that he is crossing the At¬ lantic in one direction about the time those inimical Dutch iron¬ clads are coining to Venezuela from the opposite direction. The brother of the President elect, Mr Chas P Taft is a candi¬ date for the United States to succeed Senator Foraker. He contributed in all nearly a quarter of a million of dollars to the can¬ didacy of,the President elect. It might be embarrasing to the President to have to discrimi¬ nate. The value of the United States corn crop this year will he $1,- 400,000,000. The yield has been exceeded only three times and the high prices which prevail now owing ;.to the foreign demand make it the most valuable crop in our history. The “uplift of the farmer” which the president has inaugurated seems to be taking care of itself. ri- iternary Proftoieocsy, “Hr t- nr- son getting on in hh» paew 1101 -Pte.a rati .1 lowered -v Corn i “Hi .owv mo: >ut the > he Ail a/u wi. p© has o <s to convince ' ■w”— ^Wasii. n; .'Qi .A The i. •• ' • -a# We htok at iWhen we look at the world in a nai> tow way, how small It seems! When r la! look When at it in we a mean look way, at it how selfishly, mean Jfccrw It with selfish broad, It is l But when and we look helpful at a generous tpirlt, what a beautiful world It is, fr-Boston tad what wonderful poojiie w* QuA in Chrtsthm Application For Charier. State of Georgia Houston County To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of P. C. Houser, W. H. Mathews and E.G. Shew u, to i., the 4 -u^ court, hirst. 1 hat they desire foi themselves, their associates and assigns to be incorporated under the name and style of The Prank lin Orchard Company. Second. That they desire to be incorporated for and during the term of twenty years with piivilojjjB of renewal at the ex - pi ration of said term. Third. That the capital stock Of said corporation shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars with the said stock divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each, with the privilege, however, of increasing said'capita,! stock to the amount of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars by the vote of a majority of the stockholders oi said corporation, Fourth. That ten per cent said Capital stock has been actu ally paid in to said corporation, Fifth. That the object of said corporation is pecuniary gain that shall come to said incorpo¬ ration and their associates and assigns- business Sixth. The particular p, b e carried on by said Company is as follows, to-wit, The business of growing and marketing fruits of every de¬ scription and variety whatever, and also to grow nursery stock, and sell the same : to buy and sell real estate, as shall be found profitable, m connection with said business: also the business of nmg and evaporating said fruit, or making any use of same as ma y be found profitable: also tq buy and sell fruit, either at wholesale or retail for themselves, for A profit or for a commission: and to . . handle fruit . .. on , com mission;-and to make such tracts and to exercise all of the rights necessary and that are unusually accorded corporations of :i similar nature: also the.right to manufacture fruit crates, for their own use or for sale, Seventh- That their principal office and place of doing business will be in the city of Fort Valley Georgia, with the right to estab¬ lish branch offices elsewhere in the state or in any other state of the United States or its posses¬ sions. Wherefore petitioners pray that they may be incorporated under the name and style as aforesaid with all of the rights, powers and privileges of every nature whatever that is allowed to be exercised, and with all of the immunities accorded corpor ations of a similar nature hy virtue of the Constitution and laws of the state of Georgia. A. C. Riley, Attorney for Petitioners. Georgia Houston County: I, J. T.'Woodard, Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and exact copy of the petition filed in my office, by The Franklin Orchard Company, on the llth day of November 1908. I. T. Woodard, Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County. It Wore Well. A handwriting expert said of s manuscript error to a reporter: “Such an error is ludicrous. A man of intelligence oould never have made it. It reminds me of an error that occurred at a church meeting in my native town. They were dis¬ cussing at this meeting the best time for the consecration of a new plot that had been added to th church cemetery. There was a long argument Some wanted the auffi tion consecrated at once; other? thought it oulcl bo Finally best to wait till the uteri year. J an ol.t man lose and saul firmiy • <i i 1 shah vote for immediate con sec muon, 1 have had my back varc dene with i‘ rod it w brand. > ft Prera riento?, The word prevaricator is from the Latin and originally meant a straddler with distorted or nrsshupen legs. In the Iiotnaa courts of law the expres¬ sion wae applied to one who in a suit was discovered to be in collusion with his opponent to compass some dishon¬ esty. As falsehood was tho to X Wak*d M tm “FareT The passenger Rave a* heed. “Fare, please’*’ Still was the passenger ottf tIous. “By the ejaculatory te«a *faDe,’ ” said the conductor, “I Imply ao refer eoce to llie of the w«*her, the ^piexion y° u observe In of the the contiguous admirabte »©At. blond nor .von to th „ of ^ L . vie9 T(mdh . .af e< i | jy this philanthropic eorpora ( t!on. I merely allude hi a manner per* ! haps lacking in delicacy, but not in 1 conciseness, to the monetary obligation I «* "P ^ ^ presence in this car and f>«t. without contempermg | ^ or Yt' ‘ ! ^ e!t • ‘ * lIty vritil cunctatiun, you .his point the passenger emerged j f^»orn his trnnee._Columbus Dispatch. Trea Fountain. j ' All in extraordinary the* Swiss village curiosity of Gttnten, la to be seen on j Lake Thun. It-takes the form of a nat- 1 u™ 1 tree fountain, the water continuously from a spout high up in the tree.. About twenty Years ago ■> s conducted ! through a shaft, and the supply pipe | WM directed through the cut trunk of i ^ young poplar tree wfcic rear, rammed in the ground. After a short time the ' trunk rooted, branches followed, and now there is a splendid top growth, i ] Friendship Is Friendship. a, vase which when i Is flawed by heat or violence or aecl ! dent may as well be broken at once It never can be trusted after. more graceful and ornamental it the more clearly do we discern hopelessness of restoring it to j former state. Coarse stones, if are fractured, may be cemented J Precious ones > ne ver.—Landor. I j »: aM lan'VATnre'bean SlfellS men . ido S regard Cervantes and Sterne as e rs. They are smilers. They are jolly roarers and guffawers. They > not fat, rotund, jovial hilarities. | are thin, lean, ironic smiles. A Is a diluted laugh. Sterne is a 1 Rabelais.—James Douglas in M. A. P. Like Talking Shop. A stockbroker whose mind is full of business was asked a few ago how old his father was. *• W«M»” said he abstractedly, quoted at eighty, but there is every prospect that he will reach par and possibly be at a premium. A Rebuff. **Miss May,” began Mr. Hoaffllcy, “would you—©r—be mad if I were kiss you?” <1 Not necessarily,” replied the bright girt, “but I would certainly be mad to let VOUL M Castle Garden. Castle Garden was built by the Unlt ett State? hi 1807 from the plans Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan ‘Williams, C. E., and was called Fort Clinton. In 1822 it was ceded to New York city. In 1824 it became a place of and about 1820 got the name of Garden. In 1845 there were Ethiopian minstrels there, in 1847.-49 | companies And played thc-re, and 1855 in ! 1 sang there. In it was closed as a place of amusement, and the commissioners of immigration it as an immigrant depot. In 1870 it suffered from fire, and on July 9, 1876, it was burned to the ground, it rebuilt at once, in 1892 the depot moved to Ellis island, and Castle den reverted to the city, which m opened an aquarium there. A Weil Meant Suggestion. At an “at home” given by a York¬ shire gentleman’s wife an qutside man Bervant had to do duty for a butler. The man was astonished at the thin slices of bread and butter with which he served his mistress’ guests. As he was serving an ancient dowager for the fourth time, he said to her in a voice that was meant for a whisper, but which was audible to the whole together, mum, maybe yer can get a bite.”—I.ondon Telegraph. fat-ions Mitiix Cntfoin. On July 5 every year all tho officials of the Isle of Map. including the cler¬ gy in their surplices, walk to the Aop of Tynwald hill, and from the top of it the laws made during the year are pro mulgated in Manx and English. This promulgation of the laws on Tynwald hi 11 Is as necessary as the royal assent ! to the v;i!iai V of a11 la -'' s passed by j ! J* “• M,M “ 'T’latore This ?“ is one of I men left bemud, and it dates so far I back that its origin is lost in the mists 0 * anaquity.—Liverpool Mercury. . Tht» Fault of t, o Clock. Mrs. Hooligan looked up at the j clock had and then slapped the back iron she lifted from the stove on the lid with a clatter. “Talk about toime an’ toide wait in' for no man,” she muttered as she hurried h»to tlm pantry , ‘There’s toirpes they wait Si n’ toiines they dotfTr *tw«s Yfetherday at this very mic »te bta tta o’clock^ ur teday Aii (pao&* t» tvottaf THE TELEPHONE NEXT DOOR. Oh, a wonderful thing is a ’phone in the house, j That is hung in the wide dining hall; It keeps you in touch with your neighbors, you know, For they drop in to pay you a call. At 6 in the morning you’re roused from your sleep In response to the door bell’s harsh tone; i You shiver and freeze in your nightie, the while j A neighbor makes use of your ’phone. You sit down to breakfast and start in to eat, I When a neighbor comes in with a smile, j “Don’t mind me, I just want to “phone,” she declares, I’ll be through in a very short while. ?> | At dinner and suppei* between meals as well, It’s seldom you’re left all alone; For there’s always a friend dropping in for a chat— With someone else over your ’phone. At bight when«you’ve settled at ease with a book, ) j An in slippers are resting your feet, Comes a ring at the ’phone, and a sweet yoice requests i You to call someone over the street. Though the night may be stormy and chilling and bleak— 1 Very frequently such nights are known— In your slippers you hurry to summon a friend To come to make use of your ’phone. Oh, a wonderful thing is a ’phone in your house, Night and day you’re in touch with your friends; And you’d not be without, for on it you find. The comfort of living depends. For the people who ne ver before come to call, A most friendly spirit have shown, And they actually smile when they come to youlr house To asi-i for the use of your ’phone. i WONDERS i ; •**11 H'dn |.„ I * pSiIOl e/1 with the new additions just j \ ~ t J fp J , iiJ & i*J Lb i New Lights, New lens, New Styles I .,, t. .j. ent of Card Mounts to be found. Wllf! LG iJwbl Handsome Premium with each order. w 11 / i£u >w Dr./rS’V f T8„ ific ry Practical Photographer » T G v niiiLfj FORT VALLEY, GA. - ; ! W Fay Rent? I $ 1,000 We Will Buy You A $2,000 HOME $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 j Von pay o!y $7.58 p wl n?6E on eac $1,000 with 5 F 4 ceat Interest per Ennam, payable monthly THE STANDARD HOME COMPANY. Incorporated Birmingham, Alabama. ( ; _ "O ’jPT A The Company issues Investment Home j ^ ^ ] ( purchasing Contract, an the face value of 1 w hich is Si ,000. We collect on this Contract $6.00 as advance pay i ment w hen the application is signed,.and thereafter a monthly in stallment of $6-00, payable on the 15th day of each month. When a home is purchased or a loan is made we charge only $7.50 per month, with 5 per cent, interest per annum, payable monthly on each $1,000 advanced or borrowed. All monthly instalments with 3 per cent, interest per annum on same, after the third instalment i are credited on the purchase price of the Home or Loan. Each Contract is eligible to a Loan of Funds to purchase a home in the sum of $1,000 After six (6) monthly instalments^ dues have been paid thereon. j Each Agent representing this com any is supplied with a speci copy of the Contracts issued by this Company; ask to seethe Contract and read it carefully, then you may understand this Corn pany s plan. Whittlesey & Graddy, District M'M M i 01 >,? ■ * i a ; ? iimcitc a %i i j | ^ Portable and Stationary Boilers," Saw 8VBggBS Side Crank am) STEAM ENGINES >r Center Crank Gasoline Highest grade Engines, Ginning Machinery, Corn Mills and Pumping Shingle Mills, ; % i Outfits to be had in the entire South. Large stock on hand, best terms, quickest ! delivery. It will pay you to investi¬ "MALLARY gate our machinery and prices. ^ BROS. MACHINERY CO.