The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 04, 1908, Image 8

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I' 5,555555553 r 1 AA^A^AAA/>/V / i#'/sAA/WWV <yv ^-/ A :t5$5$$s5ss$$3$s3s5$s3.' L jz&k' ', -; 3333553 * ;5ed533$S3S533335'?3x 53 5j?; 553553 355 ; i>5s '+ ...-- * "1 , ''^ S!r i* ,f - 3 : fQP W We are 2>it c r ‘4"31 JUii m watch in <&> • V-V ***■ •■ ; *9 tWL w *3-s» il< d . waiim -Hi fl JL / V-A -4. '• o * .V *. i ffl i s» i’h Furnit Tk pn4 | * old A *_l. r* i .... r» 4- ». ,>» i vC»' 4-P-’ 111 «.i •” 4- t. T” v . jj * ; * 4 tH' i ."? “ i cl fH 4** I its: * ■t* i 9 r > : it u> '• i hzvk bccowv , . • it * tI D - A * ,^">4 •» r v-' ?> 1 » V *$-4 ; . V :* * s s\ V > euivit! f 1 IV. / f '• slU f %S s / V; > The Fort Valley Furniture Co | <i % JNO. A. HOUSER, JR. s* • > > i g ■AA/ i 1S«53555«555335$$5553555355555SSS5$555 5555 I R;$55555$5$S$5SS5555S55S555555555555$« fc5555555555S55555555: 53«?555555535lL!5!55533 - sA/'/'/V^VvAA. As/N^-^SAs/V *' »» ••* <*AAA/'A/ •/V*'-'- .V 1 -' AAA*>/. - -333555553',555353':; Good Manners. A friend of yours and mine has very Justly defined good breeding to be “the result of much good sense, some good nature and a little self denial for the Bake of others, and with a view to oh talu the same Indulgence from them.” Taking this for granted—as I think it cannot be disputed—it is astonishing to me that anybody who has good sense and good nature can or initially fail In goo I breeding. As to the modes of It, Indeed, they wiry according to per eons, places and circumstances and are on ly to he a (i .fired by observation and experience, but the substance of it is everywhere and eternally the same. Good manners are to particular socle ties wluit good morals are to society hi general their cement and security. And ns laws are cnqctod to enforce good morals or at least to prevent the ill effects of bad ones, so there are cer¬ tain rule* of civility, universally im¬ plied and received, to enforce good manners and punish bad ones.—Ches terfield. Made Fo-r Fut Men. One of Urn narrow arches in the gal¬ lery of the chapel at Columbia univer¬ sity is not exactly symmetrical, al thoufli the defect is uot nctice»l*ie to the observer. The reasu* for the wldenh"" of the aivh after Its orig¬ inal construction lmd rise in a some¬ what humorous occurrence. Om^ of the early visitors was a remarkably fat man, who found himself wedged into the areh when he tried to squeeze through and was extricated v.i.h some difficultly. Th bu i 1 ders, rccognizing the possibi 1 ' y of other fit people bo Ing numhereil among the future vis¬ itors, decided to widen the arch, sac¬ rificing symmetry and harmony to practical need, as the pier.was so con¬ structed as to bear no loss of width %n one of its sides. New York Globe. Caribou Horns. Kot one out of every ten female cari¬ bou has horns. When they do have them, they we much smaller than those of the bull. The horns of the female have, however, in general many more branches than those of the bull, and they are ranch more regularly a.nd finely formed. The cows carpy tliolr horns much longer than the bulls. They have been seen with their horns In the month of April. The old bulls shed their horns from the 10th U> the hist of November. They hardly ever carry them afier the month of Novem¬ ber. The young hulls shed theirs from the first of Dcoerttbcr until the middle of February. The younger the animal the longer lie retains his horns. The Mae With the Wooden Hat. A young Scotsman was shown into the office of a great engineer at Bir¬ mingham. He was wearing a hat of extanordinary shape, and at his nerv otisness at mooting the man of fame he let the hat slip. It fell with a hollow thud upon tin> floor. The engineer look¬ ed with astonishment at the thing. The u v.'ner picked it up and apologized if for the noise it had caused, was of wood, he explained, He had made it himself, turning it with his father's L the. The c iueer thottght th: 1 then* must be finethiug in : man who could think uni and make sncli a thi: ;is ills. lie forthwith engaged him. kept na eye up ra him anc .we him w rk Of IWliKUl y. Th, i'll. :h’.t w Boulton; t!;e now man, William Min' dock. The man with the woolen lad was rent away to Cornwall; and wlxm he returned it was to light up his w. tor’s premises with gas. The mind which practically applied the coal to the purpose of lighting lived in side that wooden hat.—St. .lames’ Ga Kette. fin'v! H*'. Goblets with stem and slant those we use today wave employed Troy U00 B. O. Among the objects found by Dr. Schliemaun a golden goblet Vessels ,of this were eominonly employed la Ice of th? temples. • ** Carnally Tr»«*l» When Mead -»f *->» Firm Take* It Ea»y. Conducting a business Is like roiling a ' go bowlder up a bill. The moment you cease V> push It, the moment you take your shoulder from it and think yon will rest and take it easy, the bowlder begins to crowd tack upon you, and if you are not careful it will ®F-her run over and crush you oi get awa J' from you altogether and go to the bottom with a crash. It >s neees nary to be everlastingly pushing, foe lowing up the bowlder, keeping it go tag, in order to get It to the top of Um bill, One of the greatest danger* of early prosperity in any line- is & tendency to relax elTont. Many a man ceases to grow when his salary Is raised position. or when j '■ he is advanced to a higher ' Mmy a business man, after he has blilt large business, to ' up a ceases exert himself, his campaign and the of pushing n -ment and he j pauses in , Struggling, the moment lm oegins to relax in givfing his close personal at teution, ins business ceases to advance. und fatal dry rot sets in--one of die worst diseases that can seize on any individual or concern. i The man who attempts to run a bust iicss, targe or small, must keep his fia- ! gor constantly on its pulse in order to detect any rise or fall of temperature, 1 uny Irregularity or any jar in the nra- j clilnery. When the head of a firm is trying to take it easy, there Is usually trvmhk’ somewhere.—Orison Sweti Ma.r> A >n Lx Succe»« Magazine. The Phantom Fire Ship. The traditional -fire ship” of th. of fact, according to a scientist. It a hemispherical light, with the flat toward the water, owing sometimes without much change of form, but at other times rising into slender, mov¬ ing columns, in which an excited im¬ agination might recognize the flaming nigging of a ship. The general cx pIunafTon 1 Ifered Is that this object is a nmnifestuTiW of St. Elmo's fire, an electrical phenomenon, but the reason for its ... pearing only on or near the Chaleur bay is not known. Children In Pliny’s Day. It was uot a modern American writ¬ er who, discussing the chixksn, wrote of them thus: “How many are there who will give place to a man out of respect to. his ago and dignity? They are sbrew'd turn already and know i everything, They in of no are awe body, but take t hem selves for their I own example.” These were*the words i of Pliny the younger* used in one of S his famous letters during the first ! Christian century, but they will strong¬ ly apply to much of the young Amer¬ ica of today. Hugo and Verdi. Verdi labored long before he per¬ suaded Victor Hugo, who was vexed that the tragic beauties of Ms “Le Koi S’Ain use” had been turned into operatic effects, to attend a perform nuce of “Rigoletto.” He succeeded at length,Hind Hugo sat in the box with the composer and listened to the op era. But not a word did he speak, N'ordils impatience got the better oi him. and lie asked; “Well, what say you—about the quar¬ tet. for instance?" Show me a \ y in which four per sons can be permitted to speak simul taneousiy; ..., replied tlte jioet ”a^ I wfil write something more beautiful than quartet. • • your Early Dsntistry. Tlie art of dentistry was practiced and^there nmotfg the Egyptians and Etruscans, are evidences in mummies and skulls that in very ancient times teeth were filled and efforts were made to supply tbe loss of natural by arti¬ ficial teeth. The first writer on the treatment of diseased T*SSL ' w «» Qa- Hooking th« Wary Trout. Troat when hungry usually face the current. This fact should be remem¬ bered when approaching a bridge or eddy where the ‘'speckled-beauties lore to hide.” If possible, such spots should take be approached upstream. It may a littie more time to go around and come back up, but “make haste slow¬ ly” is said to be tfae first axiom of trout fishing. As the stream becomes warmer, the trout seek the cool pools and shaded places, They are to be found where a cold spring bubbles up Into the stream or where a mountain creek enters. Often a number freciuent the same haunt. Each additional fish means two more eyes to watch for the fisherman. One trout is all that is nec essary to give a danger signal by darting away. The rest immediately follow suit. To catch more than one. or even that, in such a place takes skill in the use of the line. But who has said that trout fishing is not an art?— Circle Magazine. Our Pygmy Ancestors, The armor of the knights of the mid die ages is too Small for their modern descendants. Hamilton Smith records that two Englishmen of average di mansions found no suit large enough to fit either of them in the great col lection of Kir Samuel Meyrick. The head of the oriental saber will uot ad not the English hand nor the bracelet of the Kaffir warrior the English arm. The swords /found in Roman tumuli have handles inconveniently small, and tho great mediaeval two handed sword is now supposed to have been used only for oue or two blows at the first °“ Bet «hd then exchanged for a small er one‘. The statements made by IIo F l0 ’'’ n ^ a1 *’ and ^ Irrefutable evi dence of tha Rndent doa!way! - bod steads and tombs proves the a rerage size of the race certainly not to have diminished in modern days.—London Hospital. Great Musician's Eccentricities. Dolls were the. idols, after his be¬ loved instruments, of Domenico Dra gonetti, the king of the double bass. He had a huge collection of th?xo pup¬ pets dresses! In various national cos¬ tumes, and wherever Dragonetti went the dolls were sure to go. That was only one of this eccentric genius’ pecul¬ iarities. He would never play unless his dog were in the orchestra, and no body would have got a note cut of him unless he had been permitted to ; rit in the orchestra next to the stage r; This was a precaution to enable him to vavo his wonderful instrument In case of f P. The instrument itself he brought from the monastery of SL Pietro when on a vis!! * .Vincenza. and when he died he bequeathed V to St Mark’s. Venice, to be used at solemn services.—London Standard. SieU *;o»v4ct#‘ Excuscs. Uno of tiie first duties I fulfilled a* a j iuperuii uierarp' warder was the esm tad control of prisoners Mi down for f!** doctor.” Convicts complaining of sick •£88 ar* ehoweii to leave their coiL luring their dinner ur and fo;‘m iij: la a long rank outside the nrerJicA. otQ eer's room, ix>to which they enter aifi Mate their cases in rotation, Many si the prisoners’ complaints and requests It the doctor's desk are extremely £as* I ay and grotesque. “Please, me. I’ve got a bad hear*,' are man says lugubriously. *« I isnow you have,” the do-ctor re piles, Witt, a laugh. ‘Tf you had & good oa-, you would not. in all proba bllity have saen a prison interior.” “Would you be so kind, sir,” the next r ,„ ^.g persuasively, "as to let as* fear* ose or two c! you/ s 3«iJ«r -Leu^sw. Tit-IUt* % •4 F # fieri Va^if- Nov. 4 1908. Dear Friend; £ ✓ Last saraner I wondered '7/. s what they did with all % *\ 4 r A> Cav the grapes. I know now A < . y they took them and dried YV them and made them into I Rw4ins‘. 1 raisins. r 3 Raisins are mighty % ( nice to go in cake,and to¬ ■ 1 raisins and * J* co nuts are mighty nic-e to hand / round when you want to spend a long time at the table talking. \ . The best seeded rais¬ ins cost 12 1-2 cts a i t / j pack. Your v>7 friend, S3. “A JACOB. BjPorfce^J i ■. Copyrigtu igd^.'by O Cb(o __ J?.S. You don’t know what nice raisins and nuts, Citron and Dates and things they have at. W. KThw qrr ^ A * Q Ci/B FED •f* ^ Mf S 5 ft*"' >;« j4 11 n RL. U Wraa Vj W- r4 » if. » P ; r' a n "S L* <t> •» CELL! i* ‘Now let US J? •if A. -- C-dfc. i 1 mi. 7 % i‘ 3 -". * _i. I ” s . .1 1 1 ft -C. r. •> Jr_JLA. 'll p 4 We have Ui » magnific A—k • u—a. v>-'\ i t i U line Of Furniture Carp ,Ot Ci f-i yi r] can save you money. Let us show J rro V O y, u, *s E rs tS s i *-L4 y Aiat r. *’!HAW B ‘ ; ; Macon ja, | ■ WE SELL ! i ■, r p a L ? U ”/ J 1 } r, U n ? ♦? : \ d ! : U«VJ i | • We have recently equijipcd our ! \ i- a complete stock of Lesrai' 1! ■ w Ivich w. - will furnish you in any quanti , from a single c >pv to h thousand ■; at the lowest prices. / , • cat og, containing a li-t of over •••« huvdr- c. and fifty forms, furhisi.ed ! ■ }• <m reauest. | , : u.r fr ct er i r | V V ijtm bou Btn fl s/ *\ H o j j | V ! ! Perseverance, | Perseverance is more prevailing than ; ^olence, and many things which ean uot be overcome when they are togetb j er yieW themselves up when taken lit b Y little.—Plutarch. i Yes, Indeed. "A woman makes a great change in a man’s life. *> Yes. and <*he takes a great deal of , change ©ut of It too.* Houston &ost. 3 S S \S V E \x s \ S 22 i; 2% \8 \\ v E; ( k :2 2} s‘.‘ :1? \ > 8 :3 S) n 33 2': 22 R (V A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA WarrenioHj N. C.—I was nearly dead kidney affection for six month's, ! grewing worse all the time. My about case ' was but hopeless—was unable to get with little. I had tried everything little benefit. 1 took three bottles of Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all right. I owe my life to Stuart’s Buchu Ia and Juniper.—H. T. Macon. * If you suffer with backache, dull head ache, swollen feet, stiff joints, and have no energy and see imaginary specks in the air, you have symptoms of kidney trouble. Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper will relieve you. All druggists, $1.00. Write for free sample. We will send enough tu prove its wonderful merits. Stuart Drug Manufacturing Co. ATLANTA. GA ■ . The Real Tests. man? -« a Pg he a thoroughly honest • < I don’t know answered the nxm ( him j fr0 m MissourL “I have trusted j with hundreds of thousands of dollar j but I never tried him with a book or : nn umbrella.”—Washington Star. ! JlhKed Her Cfcaaw. bad . May—I believe tliat Miss Passey a proposal when she wbs sixteen j Blandhe-Indeed? And the poor this* ; go young and thoughtless that she • «4 *****