The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 11, 1908, Image 3

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One of t Essentials of the happy homes of to-day is a vast fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world's best products. Products of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-Informed of the World; not of indi¬ viduals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtain¬ ing the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com¬ mended by the Well-Informed of the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu¬ factured by the California Fig Syrup Co., wily, and for sale by all leading druggists. Famp’e treatment Red Cross Pile and Fistula Cure and Prnk pent by mail FREE. REA CO. DEPT. B. 4 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. To the Dallas News: One of the most discouraging things in the world is the waste. Hicks’ Capudine Cures Nervousness, Whether tired out, worried, overworked, or what not. It refreshes the brain and nerves. 10c., 25c., It’s and Liquid and drug pleasant to take. 50c., at stores. Toads become torptd in winter and hide themselves, tuking no food for five or six months. ECZEMA CURED. J. B. Maxwell, Atlanta, Ga., says: ■'I Buffered agony with a severe case of ecze¬ ma. Tried six different remedies and was 1-n despair, when a neighbor told me using to try $3 Shuptrine’s tktterine. After worth of your tktxebinx and soap I am completely cured. I cannot say too much in its praise." Xettbrine at druggists or by mail 50c. Soap 25c. J. T. Bhuptbink, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. Aesop In “Little Italy. »t A school teacher in the Italian quar¬ ter of an American o’ty told her children the story of the fox and the grapes. Tony was especially delight led with the story, and eagerly sought (his chum., Joe, who was in another class. By good luck, the teacher over¬ heard Tony’s version. In his excited, broken English he •told the fable much as it is written, until he came to the end. This was ihis rendering of the climax; “De olda fox he say, “De grape no good, anyhow; alia sour! I guess I go getta de banan’.’ ”—Youth’s Com¬ panion. Petroleum Production Is Large. The petroleum production of the United States in 1907, says the Geo¬ logical Survey report was character¬ ized by a total output far in excess of any previous year, an unparalleled accumulation of stocks, in spite of which the price of all grades of oil •was kept at a high level. Sensation¬ al developments were the great in¬ crease in the new Illinois field and the phenomenal yield of Oklahoma, together with increase in both quan¬ tity and price in California, The total product was 166,095,335 barrels in 1907, an increase over 1906 of 39,- 601,399 barrels, or more than the total nroduct of petroleum in any year up to 1889. The total value increased from $92,444,735 in 1906 to $120,106,- 749 in 1907. The average price de¬ creased only slightly.—New York Her¬ ald. NEW LIFE Found In Change to Right Food. After one suffers from acid dyspep¬ sia, sour stomach, for months and then finds the remedy Is in getting the”right kind of food, it is something to speak out about. A N. Y. lady and her young son had such an experience, and she wants others to know how to get re lief. She writes: “For about fifteen months my lit¬ tle boy and myself had suffered with sour stomach, We were unable to retain much of anything we ate. “After suffering in this way for so long I decided to consult a specialist in stomach diseases. Instead of pre¬ scribing drugs, he put us both on Grape-Nuts, and we began to improve immediately. life, I < ‘ It was the key to a new found we had been eating too much heavy food which we could not digest. In a few weeks after commencing Grape-Nuts I was able to do mj housework. I wake in the morning with a clear head and feel rested and have no sour stomach, My boy sleeps well and wakes with a laugh. “We have regained our lost weight and continue to eat Grape-Nuts for both the morning and evening meals. We are well and happy and owe it to Grape-Nuts.” “There’s a Reason.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. \ f, mm K HZ / A THE MODERN IDEA. call pure things “as pure as snow," Whereat we are surprised; For snow can’s b- <mite pure, you know, Unless it is sterilized. —Philadelphia Tress. HE EXPLAINS. “I don’t see how you can write six jokes a day. Ideas must be scarce. »» “They are,” admitted the press humorist. “I couldn’t do it if ideas were necessary.” — Houston Chroni. cle. A SUBSTITUTE SENSATION. “I had to sell my auto, but 1 haven’t missed it yet.” “How’s that?” “You can get most of the sensation by cleaning rugs.”—Louisville Cour¬ ier-Journal. HADN’T BEEN KISED FOR YEARS. Ella—“She isn’t a very attractive girl.” Stella—“That’s right; if anybody ever printed a kiss on her lips tho copyright must have run out.”—New York Press. A RARITY. “My wife is a wonder. >» < < As to how?” 11 Doesn’t think she could have mar¬ ried better than she did. Says I was the best chance she had.”—Louisville Courier-Journal. HARD TO PLEASE. “I suppose you call on a few un¬ grateful people?” “Yes, »» answered Opportunity. *< Some of them seem to think I ought to pay for the wear and tear on the knocker.”—Pittsburg Post. SHE SHOULD KNOW. “The opera is laid in the time of Louis XVI. The stage manager won¬ ders if the costumes are historically correct.” “Why doesn’t he ask one of the chorus girls?”—Pittsburg Post. SAME WITH A DIFFERENCE. “So he praised my singing, did he? “Yes; said it was heavenly." “Did he really say that?” “Well, not exactly; hut he probably meant that. He said it was unearth¬ ly.”—London Opinion. UNUSUAL. “You had a talk with the candi¬ date?” “Yes. M “What did you think of him?” “He is a great man. He impressed me as "being even smarter than his private secretary.”—Nashville Ameri¬ can. IN A REMINISCENT VEIN. He—“Do you remember the night I proposed to you?” She—“Yes, dear.” He- “We sat for one hour, and opened your mouth. *# you never She—“Yes, I remember, dear. M Pie — “Ah, that was tho happiest hour of my life!” A PEEVISH PERSON. “These are the days," declared a crabbed citizen, “when the weather conversation gets on my nerves.” “As to how?” “Oh, every shower is hailed as the equinox, and every bright day as the beginning of Indian summer.”— Washington Herald. THIS FUNNY WORLD. “Why do you read the literature of both parties? You always vote the same way.” “You examine a peck of railway folders every summer, don’t you?” “Yes.” “Yet you always go to the same place. ’ ’—Houston Chronicle. OUGHT TO WORK. “What society needs is a clearing house.” “What do you mean?” “I wish I didn’t have to go to the Van Squaws’ ball next week. The Van Squawks wish they didn’t have to ask me. Why can’t we exchange and call the thing even. 1 1 certificates —Washington Herald. AN AMBIGUITY. The smoker who sat directly oppo j site had occupied put his foot by the on professor. the edge of the seat It was encased in one of those easy¬ going hygienic shoes that look litre a canvas-covered ham. “My friend, said the professor eying it disapprovingly, “oblige me by removing that thing from my seat. U’s bad form.”— Chicago Tribune. NEEDED A BUmNfcfla AS TRAIN ING. Father: “So yw want to attend a business college?" Hopeful: "Yes, sir; I want to learn how to get more money out of you.”—New York Sun. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’a Catarrh Cure. F. J. CilENKY & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the u- dermgned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly and honorable in all business transactions financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & i uu AX, Wholesale Druggists, Waldino, Toledo, 0. Kinnan Marvin, Whole¬ 4 sale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is blood taken internally, act¬ ing directly upon the and mucuoussur fares of the system. Testimonials sent tree. Ihice. 75c. per bottle. Hold by si! Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Dilla for const ipation. HORRIBLE. Heiress—But, father, that handsome foreign count says he will do some¬ thing desperate and awful If I do not marry him. Father (dryly)—He will. Ho will have to go to work.—London Opinion. To Drive Out Malaria and Build By the System Take the Old Standard (laovx's Tast» lass Chiul Tome. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly pri nfced on every bottle, ahowing tasteless it is simply Qui¬ nine and Iron ia a form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children. 50c A soft answer may turn away wrath, but, it won’t even stop a bill collector. Panorama Headache, Caused by constantly shifting gaze, Its by moving picture shows, traveling In rapidly moving conveyances and the like, Is cured by external applica¬ tion to the eyes of Dr. Mltcholl’g Eye Halve, It strengthens thorn and stops ists the burning sensation, Automobll. use Mitchell's Eye Salve, S5o, To close your eyes to your own faults doesn’t make other people equally blind. M'S. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children tee thing, softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allay* Darn, cures wind colic. 25c a bottla HIS METHOD. Sandy Pikes; "'Say, p-ard, tell me how It is dat you get such rich hand-outs of pie and beefsteak at ev¬ ery gate you tackle?” Gritty George: “Sh! it’s a secret. I tall dam if they don’t give me de best I’ll jump Into de town’s res¬ ervoir.”—New York Tribune. s' *' i 1 c ml : •: If. '-J M Bg WmS\ c This woman says she was saved from an operation by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Lena V. Henry, of Norristown, Ga., writes to Mrs. Linkham: U I suffered untold misery from fe¬ male troubles. My doctor said an opera¬ tion was the only chance I had, and I dreaded it almost as much as death. “ One day I read how other women had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable Compound, and I decided to try it. Before I had taken the first bottle I was better, and now I am en¬ tirely cured. t i Every woman suffering with any female trouble should -take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, andbas positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera¬ tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, that bear¬ periodic pains, backache, indiges¬ ing-down feeling, flatulency, prostration. tion, dizziness or nervous Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Pinltham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lyn n, Mass. ___________ ^ DYES P U fNAM FADELESS ' HELP. WILLING TO Grouchly—Times are hard, my dear, and we will have to economize. Mrs. Grouchly— Very well, I’ll begin by discharging the cook. Grouchly— Do you think that advis¬ able? You won’t Mrs. Grouchly—Sure, cooking eat half as much If I do the anyseif. —Chicago News. _ “Americans arg in-sufferable,” says the tactful authorine, Marie Corelli. Apart from that, presumes the Rich¬ mond Times-Dispatch, they are all right, though, aren’t they, Marie? Weak Women frequently suffer great pain and misery during the change of life. It is at this time that the beneficial effect of taking Cardui is most appreciated, by those 4* who find that it relieves their distress. CARDUI J*3 It Will Help You (Mrs. Lucinda C. Hill, of Freeland, 0., writes: it Before I began to take Cardui, I suffered so badly I was afraid to lie down at night. [After I began to take it I felt better in a week. Now my pains have gone. I can sleep like a girl of 16 and the change of life has nearly left me. Try Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES A 53 MILLION ACRE FARM. And a Prosperous One Too Is Kansas —Barns Full, Banks Fuller, Crops Big Kansas is a favm and It Is little else The rooster is its fitting herald. It is a farm of 33,000,000 acres that up to I860 had less than 100,000 peo pie, men, women and children, with in its confines, and even as late as 1890 had barely turned the million mark. tribula¬ It has come through more tions than almost any State in the Union. It has had floods and winds and crop failures and insect plagues and the racking fortunes and misfor¬ tunes of war, general and particular, to combat. There were years when the weak kneed of its population turned from it, hungry and heartbroken, haggard and hollow eyed, cursing its treeless prairies and cruel seasons; there were other years In which Its bold¬ est and most earnest picked up their belongings and trekked to populate other and newer States—Oklahoma, for example. Even today its population, down to the last negro roustabout or Chi¬ nese laundryman, numbers barely a million and a half, But last year its farm products alone, upon c on servative calculation, were worth $403, G4 8,007.58. Its barns are full, Its banks are fuller, and its great crops are even now rumbling to market to bring >n more money, Its total of recorded mortgage indebtedness is only $47,- 609,807, and most of that, outside of the big lump tin Kansas City, is for the buying of “more land.” A RUDIMENTARY FUNCTION. Mother—What did Louise do when she heard you say you thought of giv¬ ing her your diamond earrings? Aunt—She pricked up her ears.— Harper’s Weekly. HELP Dp. MARTEL’S lnol3t on Preparation Having FOR ’J he hiuiKiurd Remedy* WOMEW (fi AT DRUGGISTS. t^eud lorrbook, “Relief lor Women* >» FRENCH DRUG CO., 30 W. 32d St., N. Y. City. I • thousands enred; nuciiii iTItll now curable; re KULUnlA 1 luill suits speedy ;*unrantee given;prlce lad. low.Write quick. Tint WRIGHT UL.U. CO., Peru tvitli eves* j[f afflicted weak UNO Thompson's Eye Water (At-48’09) 7: I tI The top of a shoe determines ita Gty'e. It’s the part JL 0 your foot rests upon that demands the proper lines to assure ease and comfort. The difference between iSHSISEMEh shoes and others lies in the fact that they arc made on a special, natural foot-form model. They fit exactly, and for that reason are absolutely comfortable Look for the label. If yon do not find th^-.-e rhoes readily, write ua for directions how to secure them. MADE SV FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Hass. MfiFJiQi 0! Kisexmws. m i a U.*.A. CHRONIC CHEST COMPLAINTS of tho most serious character have been permanently cured with Pbo a Cure. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis and asthma quiddy respond to its healing influence. If you have a cough or cold, if you are hoarse or have difficulty with your breathing, get a bottle of Piso « Cure. Imme¬ diate benefit follows the first dose. Continued use generally demonstrating brings com¬ plete relief. For nearly half a century Piso s Curs has been that the most advanced forms of coughs, colds and chronic chest complaints CAN BE CURED CWE It is the imaginative man who his mark. Ttch cured in .TO minutes by Wool ford’■ Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. The proof of success is the ability hold on to It . ___ Capudine Cures Indigestion Pains, Sour Stomach, It's and Liquid. Heartburn, Effects whatever cause. Doctors prescribe it. 10c, and 50c., at drug stores. One cannot judge a man’s ability the cut of bis clothes. ___ TOWER'S FISH BRAND V,, WATERPROOF ^GARMENTS OILED A Av cuf large \ >a / ,/, patterns.designed are on 1 , to give the wearer 1 7 V I the utmost comfort . A ^CHTDURABtE-CLEAH II, \h jOUAB AN TUD WArERf’8° 0f r v \/\ V \ I 1 SLICKERS SUITS *322 *322 »r it saw mr CAA*wr \ YOU HAVf BtAti Tit Mw*** Vm hqn of m t/j/t. Tw~- —A J TOWER CO BOSTON USA. IO* * toww Canadian CO. UHiTCi tooonto can L.OOK$f6f AT THIS PBTCK “t Pi J? H It bus’s u SilvicCly bc2 [fought mali-CIIass ImPAiD SEWING I'lO YD Hit MACHINE Station GUARANT EED HO E A It S l •StMXUW&UMnMm that afi And has all the up-to-date improvcniontn Hplendldly built of a IjW 1 every thoronehiv lady appreciate*. dependable material It and liandeomeJjf 5 JjBj H finished. inot, complete ]Uh elegant K<*t of Oak Attachment«, Drop Leaf 6-Drawer full infrtriio- Oab aa lions how to use them,and tho outfit will bo atim SB you “Frcdffhfc Five" on DAYS FREE TRIAL mmasautva B Wo sell DIRECT at ONE , *V B PROFIT, •JWUUfcr'* tuviiiK ycu tho '<m Q Jobber’s, aad wSr fi Agent's profit* Anaaclly and sell ___ -,3 inn 1 (!x;ienwo, mnehtno lhaf H the mime gmoo for, O will auk yon OUB wwbJ* ■ a Send at ONCK for BIG NEW FREE ES SEWING MACHINE CATALOGUE i Host complete and In¬ structive book of it» character ever publish¬ ed In the South. K pict¬ ure* and dewrlbee every part and particular of tho gi'eatefft line of positively HiglrGriuSe Sewinur Machine.!* ever offered. Wo are the larjfurt Sow in* Machine for .liHtributor^ in atiteed. tho South, Machines an.l, at are price*, uu asked, matrlialilr'.’ quality gun? dfBcrlh' our and price* TIilH cutalogTie Or Steel RanKOs, S Oooklnst hiirh-irrtido Pianos, if an-, PbonofrrapUa, Dinner and Stoves, Heatlnir Stoves, safe delivery Tolle-Sets. Prompt shipments, ana, iitttini -rntlon pnarantood, or your money buna. MALSBY, SHIPP & CO., % \ Dep t. B. ttS. Forsyth Strt % ATLANT A,GEORCU