The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 11, 1908, Image 4

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W. F. Miller’s Big Forced Sale Will Continue This week and Next. FOLLOW THE CROWD The Foot Valley Leader. Official Organ of Houston County Leader Publishing Co., Lesseea. R. M. IVeyndlds, Editor and Manager. PUKM8HKD KVKUY FBIDAY. Terms of Subscription One year...... *1.00 Six months^ SO Throe months Bntertslnssooond-olHSM matter Aug. iiW, 11*0*5, at the post-oftlei- at Fort Valley,Ua.,under the act of (tohgrt'sa of Man’ll 8 18T!I. We cannot gurantee the publi¬ cation of any article sent us later than Tuesday noon. TELEPHONE 111 Fort Valley, Ga., Dec. U, 1908. Christmas just two weeks off. Pay your subscription as a Christmas present. Congress opened up its hot air machine in Washington Monday. Chicago highwayman holds up 60 gamblers and robs them of *4 , 000 . Unprofessional conduct. The Czar of Russia succeeded in attending a funeral a few days since that wasn’t his own. Colonel Bryan declines the suggestion that he become an evangelist. He intends to con¬ tinue a reformer, and reform everything but the habit of run ning for the Presidency. It appears that none of the Justices of the Supreme Court who have attained to superannu ation are disposed to date President Roosevelt by re sigmng. Why does not the Pres ident , apply , the ,, walking ... teat , . that , he found so efficient in the army to the Supreme Court? All Peach Growers Interested in securing better prices for peaches are requested to meet with Messrs H C Bagley and S M Fleming of the Georgia Fruit Exchange in the Council Chamber at .10 A. M. Thursday, Dec. 17 th. All growers from surrounding towns are also in¬ vited to be present. Baird, Evans arid Harris, Local Committee. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS C. We have recently equipped our office with a complete stock of Legal Biauks, which we will furnish you in any ty, trom a single copy to a thousand copies, at the lowest price.. Q, Our catalog, containing a list of over two hundred and fifty forms, furnished free upon request WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS Subscribe Now * Application For Charter. State of Georgia Houston County To the Superior Court of said county: The petition of F. C. Houser, W. H. Mathews and E. G. Houser shrw to the court, First That they desire <»; themselves, their associates ..and linOrchard Company. Second. That they desire to he incorporated for and during term of twenty years with the privilege of renewal at the ex pi ration of said term. Third. That the capital of said corporation shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars with the stock divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars cadi, with the privilege, however, of increasing said capital stock to the amount of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars Fourth. That ten per cent of said Capital stock has been actu ally paid in to said corporation. Fifth. That the object of said tbat8hali°come SSuLES assigns Sixth. The particular business to be carried on by said Company th as follows, fco-wit, The business of growing and marketing fruits of every de - seriptionand variety whatever, and also to grow nursery stock, and sell the same : to buy and sell real estate, as shall be found profitabletn connection with said business: also the business of can j | ning and evaporating said fruit, or making any use of same as may be found profitable: also to buy and sell fruit, either at wholesale or retail for tfiemselves, for profit or for a commission: and to handle fruit on com J mission; tracts and and to exercise to make all such of con¬ the rights necessary and that are unusually accorded corporations of a similar nature: also the right to milnutacture {ruit crates, tot j i their own use or for sale, Seventh- That their principal office and place of doing business will be in the city of Fort Valley Georgia, with the right to estab¬ lish branch offices elsewhere in the state or in any other state of the United States or its posses sions. Wherefore petitioner's pray that they may be incorporated under the name and style as aforesaid with all of the rights, powers and privileges of every nature whatever that is allowed to be exercised, and with all of the immunities accorded corpor¬ ations of a similar nature by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the state of Georgia. A. C. Riley, Attorney for Petitioners. Georgia Houston County: I, t r L m I. M tit ooda j d, /ti„ Jerk , of * Supenor Court of Houston County, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and exact copy of the petition filed in my office, by The Franklin Orchard Company, onthe Mth ^ of November 1908. L T. Woodard, j Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County. The many friends of Rev T G Lang are sorry indeed he leaves us but glad he received such a good appointment. Rev J M Long preached in Amerieus last Sunday. OASTO B writhe The Kind ?ou flaw Always Bigntau* •r To Those Interested in Art Portraiture; Fort Valley, Ga., Dec. nth, 1908. ^ ear Sir or Madam, wondering and With the near approach of Christmas we are worry i ourselves as to what we shall give our friends and relatives for n g Now, here is an opportunity for you to solve that Christina! preseats. , , . pr With the Advancement in modern photography together of with recent the taste yeara, and the attention given to posing and lighting, refinement displayed in ihe selection of mounts, make a por rai rom modern up-tc-date studio a genuine work of art, something to he / ’ * i prized. in art portraiture is . more __, noticeable • ha ^e/er The improvement advancement in quality of portraiture has uevel this' A the^rn^tom year. With the the of divine- photographs as Christmas presents, cuoi^m ^ being oexiig, more popular P B this season than ever before. The styles g of Platinums and ^ CarbonVignenttes ir-i crn««-n + + a as q mode made a at t WVn+p"<? White s new Photo Studio are distinctly works o^ art. Nothing makes a more ac ceptable gift than one of thes« new style portraits. In no other way can Qne remem her near so many friends nor so suitably with the same amount'of money as by giving photographs. ‘ ‘Artist Calendars’ ’ and When you call be sure to ask about those^ Souvenirs'* which made especially lor Christmas ana ,, * ‘Mistletoe NEW—FETCHING—ARTISTIC. are jf ew Year gifts. They are however to properly finish the m he photographer requires time best work. Come now-today-to White's Photo Studio at Fort Valley. These-Styles are worth Seeing and it will help you out of your Christ mas present difficulty. Awaiting your commands, I am, Sincerely yours to SerV6, WHITE* W. M« Application For Railroad Charter State of Georgia,Pulaski Phillip Cook, To the Honorable Secretary of State: The petition of M. H. Boyer, of the bounty of Pulaski; state, George W. Bannerman, John E. Lang, S, N. Kriescher, David J. Gitto, John S. Duncan, D. Parry Bannerman H. M. Bannerman. George W. Flood, of the county of Nassau, state New York, and John R. Parry, the sta f e of Connecticut, respect¬ fully shows: 1st. That they desire to form a railroad corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Act the General Assembly of Georgia, Approved December 20. 1892, Code Sections 2159-2179 inclu¬ sive, and laws amendatory there of. 2nd. That the name of railroad company, which petition¬ ers desire to have incorporated, is to be the American Railroad Company. 3rd. The length of said rail¬ road, as near as can be accurate¬ ly estimated, will be sixty miles, more or less. Said railroad will run from a point in the city of Abbeville, County of Wilcox, said state, in a north westerly tion through the county of Wil¬ cox to Hawkinsville in the ty of Pulaski, said state; from Hawkinsville in a westerly direction to Grovania, in the county of Houston, said state; f r0U1 (j r0 vania in a wester , ' directillD the town o£ Win c hcst ’ in th „ ^ ounty of Macon, ., . TTL. /Wiro tn he in " vea^ nn f v f a rn f 101 Jtthe with the eviration privilege of re “Tf 1 MtkS of that time ‘ ^etUaoneis desire dewre incor- mcor poration with a capital stock of $ 100 , 000 ., divided into shares of $ 100 . each, all of sajd stock to be common stock of equal dignity, with the privilege of increasing said stock from time to time as the majority of the Directors of said railroad company may see fit and proper, to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate of $ 1 , 000 , 000 - 00 . * 5th. Petitioners desire the right to acquire at such points as is advisable, territory for side- tracts, , , spur-tracks, . tanniro tMDi-taimhd reseivations for r - stations ,, .. ■ „ ana let . lnmal ■ i facilities lor o^ -oaiu said. lauroaa vniimo i deemed , , company, as may oe necessary m the successful con struction, maintenance and ope ration of said railroad company and its properties. 6 th. Petitioners pray that they do intend in good faith to imme diately go forward at onee ont delay to secure subscriptions to . the capital etnui-of stock ot cioU saiu. lau road ■3 company , TT and to constiuct, equip, maintain .niotnin and onorrio opeiate Cain said , ra vth Petitioners pray that they desire to be incorporated under l the name and style of the Amer ican Railroad Company, H with the right to issue bonds against said railroad company and its proper¬ ties, in amount not exceeding $l&, 000 . per mile, said issue of bonds not to be made until the proper authorities within the aforesaid state have been applied to and their permission granted, as under the law in such cases made and provided. 8 th. Petitioners desire to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the rights, privileges and immunities of law in such cases made and pro¬ vided, and to enjoy all the rights and benefits legally accruing to a railroad corporation under the laws of Georgia, and subject to legal restrictions thereof. 9th. Petitioners aver that the original capital stock of $ 100 , 000 . aforesaid, is to be known as com rnon stock, but petitioners desire the right to be incorporated with the right to issue an amount of preferred stock and bonded in debii dness, or both, in the dis¬ cretion of stockholders and direc¬ tors of said railroad company, the rights and privileges of such preferred stock and bonded in¬ debtedness over the common stock to be such as are fixed in the manner provided bylaw, and in the order or resolution of the proper authorities, of said state, who authorize the issuance of such preferred stock and bonded indebtedness, and said corpora¬ tion may if it sees fit and proper, make classes of said preferred stock and bonded indebtedness. Said preferred stock and bonded indebtedness shall not exceed in the aggregate of „ ® 8900.000.00. nnr , nnn 10th. ^ tV Petitioners • „ show , that ,, , the ,, principal . . ofiice ,,, of , said .. corpora t j on s } ]a ji p e j n the city of Haw kinsviUe Pulaski countv Georgia, * Udi. Pmitioneis .... show , tnat ,, the ectunmes Jirongh which s,«a rail ™ ad ; slU r ™ ««> »ileox, Pulaski, j 1 -Wton 9iO wacon, soki state. • 1 **- Pet ! tl0ne rs show that they have given , tout „ weeks . no tice of then-intention to apply Y- •’ for this charter by a publication ' thereof , .. m the ., public gazette ,, of ~ each , of ,,, the aforesaid „ counties for . ionr weeks prior to the tiling of thls Pf 11 ! 0 "- fca ' d charter ap f ° r ( foin '. consecutive, we el f s m the H Hawkrasv.ile Dis patch „ and News, of Pulaski coun¬ ty, the Abboville Chronicle, of Wilcox county, the Houston: Home Journal of Houston coun¬ ty, and the Macon County Citi¬ zen, of Macon county. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style of the American Rail¬ road Company, with all the rights powers, privileges and immuni¬ ties provided by law for railroad companies and subject to the res¬ trictions and limitations of the law, And petitioners pray in¬ corporation. M. H- Boyer, Geo. W Bannerman John E. Lang, S. N. Kriescher David J. Gitto, John S. Duncan E. Parry Bannerman, Geo. W. Flood, John R, Parry H. M. Bannerman. by M. H. Boyer, Atty at Law. A- Fish Story. “Trout protection! NonsenseT* said a gunner of local eminence. "Trout are amply able to protect themselves. Look at their depredations among ducks, for example, and you will agree with me that it’s the birds that need protection. It’s a common thing for a trout to jump from the water, a duck by the neck, drag the unfortu¬ . nate fowl Into the depths sufficiently t» leave Its feet sticking In the air, when It can get no purchase upon the uni¬ verse, and thus drown It Then the trout picks the feathers from the bird, eats It at Its leisure and swims away ont of the jurisdiction of the courts. Are there any fishermen? Nome* Too bad. This would be a matph for oee of their fish stories. PbUe4eJ$^B Beeora. i