The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 18, 1908, Image 8

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XMAS GREETINGS Tbc Tort Valley Furniture Co. IDain St., WILL HAVE ON DISPLAY FOR YOUR BENEFIT the best line of Furniture and Houshold goods ever shown here © We e expecting a big line of Mattings, Rugs, Art-Squares Etc. Call And See What We Have. THE FORT VALLEY FURNITURE COMPANY, JNO. A. HOUSER, JR. Every man likes to hear a wise woman talk- because she talks to him about himself. Not until the undertaker busy with a map does he cease be unpopular with his The average girl is to make a name for herself, she usually ends by some man’s. A man seems to be able to grow most any superstition cept that his whiskers be finer. Wisdom and love never been able to form an tive alliance. The straight and narrow isn't a favorite thoroughfare crooked people. Hooking the Wary Trout. Trout when hungry usually face the current. This faot should be remem¬ bered when approaching a bridge or eddy where the “speckled beauties love to hide.” If possible, sush spots should be approached upstream. It may take ■ little more time to go around and come back up, but “moke baste slow¬ ly” Is said to be the first axiom of trout fislilug. As the stream becomes warmer, the trout seek the cool pools aud shaded places. They are to be found where a cold spring bubbles up lute the stream or where a mountain creek enters. Often a number frequent the same haunt. Each additional fish means two more eyes to watch for the fisherman. One trout is all that is nec¬ essary io give a danger signal by darting away. The rest immediately follow suit. To catch more than one, or even that, In such a place takes skill In the use of the Hue. But w has said that trout fishing is not art?—Circle Magazine. Our Pygmy Ancestors. The armor of tbc knights of'the mid¬ dle ages is too small for their modern descendants. Hamilton Smith records that two Englishmen of average di¬ mensions found ito suit large enough to Aft eftlier of them In the great col¬ lection of Sir Samuel Meyrick. The head of the oriental saber will not ad¬ mit the English hand nor the bracelet of the Kaffir warrior the English arm. The swords found in Roman tuiuull have handles Inconveniently small, and the great mediaeval two handed sword is now supposed to ltnve been used only for one or two blows at tbe first onsoj and then exchanged for a small¬ er one. The statements made by Ho¬ mer, Aristotle and Vitruvius represent six feet as a high standard for full grown men, and the Irrefutable evi¬ dence of the ancient doorways, bed¬ steads and tombs proves the average size of the race certainly not to have diminished hi modern days.—London Mospitai. Great Musician's Eccentricities. Dolls were the idols, after his be loved Instruments, of Domenico Dra gonetti. the king of the double bass, He had a huge collection of these pup pets dressed in various national cos tumow and wherever Dragonettl went the dolls were sure to go. That was only one of this eccentric genius' pecul larities. He would never play unless his dog were in the orchestra, ami no bodv would have got a note out of him uuless be had been permitted to alt In the orchestra'next to the stage door. This was a precaution to enable hhn to save Ills wonderful instrument in ease of fire. The instrument Itself he brought from the monastery of St Pietro when on a visit to Vinetnza. and when be died he bequeathed If to St Mark’s. Venice, to bo used at soleipa wervices.- - London Stand:’, rd. LtGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Georgia Houston County; J. P. Cooper: Administrator of Robert Nelson, deceased, has ap¬ plied for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to ap¬ pear at the January Term 1909 O f the Court of Ordinary of Hous¬ ton county and show caus^ if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature, this Nov. 14,1908. S. T. Hurst, Ordinary, Georgia Houston county: W. M. Wynn, Administrator of Mrs. E. M. Smith, deceased, has applied for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the January Term, 1909, of the Court of Ordinary of Houston county and show cause, if any they have why said appli¬ cation should not be granted. Witness my official signature this Nov. 2, 1908. S. T Hurst, Ordinary. Georgia Houston county: To whom it may concern. J. E. Cheek having made appli¬ cation to me in due form to be appointed Administrator urion the estate of James H. Hall, late oft-said county, notice is hereby given that said application will he heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said coun¬ ty to bo held on the first Monday in January 1909. S. T. Hurst Ordinary. Georgia Houston county: I. T. Woodard, Clerk S. C. and as Administrator of .Mrs. E. L. Tooke, deceased, has applied for dismission from his said trust. This is therefore to cite all per¬ sons concerned to appear at the January Term, 1909, of the Court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be grat ted. Witness my official signature this Dec. 7, 1908. S. T. Hurst, Ordinary. Commissioners Sale of Land By authority of an order and judgement of his Honor W. IT. Felton Jr., Judge of the Superior Court of the Macon Judicial Cir¬ cuit and of tha Superior Court of Houston county Ga., in the case of Mrs. Georgia Peyton et al Vs Mrs. Emma Rooks et al, petition for partition, in Houston Super¬ ior Court; We will sell on the first Tuesday m January 1909 before the Court House in Perry, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, at public Outcry, all that tract OF parcel of land situated, lying and being in the original Tenth Dis trict of Houston county Ga., and being the East half of lot Number Sixty ( 60 ) and containing one hun( j re d acres more or less, and • ” the lands deeded by M. J. Nelson T . to Mrs .» „ Edith t, Doles and .,,,,4 her children, and bounded as iol lows: On the North by lands of Jim Arnold, on the East by lands of W. A. McLemore, on the South by lands of J M Simmons and on the West by lands of W. W. Howard. Sale made for par¬ tition. Terms cash. I. T. Woodard, M. L. Cooper, G. W. Winn, Commissioners. DON’T WAIT Come at once and do your trading while the ^tock is complete. We have the Lotj of Holiday Goods ever opened in the city. And at prices that have never before been quoted on such goods, and they are selling to beat the band. But we don’t want you to get left out and have to take what’s left. So come with the firdt and get the pick. Pay for what you want and we will hold them for you. Old Santa has unloaded his pack with us for a few days so that the little folks may have a chance to see what he has in store for them. So you had better get busy and write him at once what you wish him to bring you. Come at once and inspect our stock and you will be as much surprised at our prices as those who have already had the pleasure of seeing same. All admit that such prices have never before been heard of in the city. L. R. Prator, The Ten-Cent Man, Fort Valley, Ga. Sale For Partition Under and by virtue of an or der passed by the Court of Houston County on the 7tli day of December 1908, in par¬ tition proceedings of Mrs. Mar¬ tha W. Munford, et al , versus Mrs. Annie E. Warren, et al., the undersigned, acting as commis¬ sioners duly appointed by said order, will sell at public outcry before the court house door at Perry, Ga., to the highest and best bidder during the legal hours of sale on the first Tues¬ day in January 1909, the follow¬ ing described property v to-wit; 106<> acres of land, more or less, known as Oaky Tucky plantation, about four miles south of Perry, aud being the place now occupied by Eugene Anderson as a stock farm, being owned in fee simple at the time of his death by J. I j • Warren. Eugene Anderson, W. C. Livingston, W. W. Merriman, Commissioners. Subscribe Now j j For Castings of 1 ALL KINDS Call on us for prices before placing your order elsewhere. Below are a few of our specialties. Sash Weights, Ash Dumps, Ash Dump Doors, Venti» lators of all Kinds, Grate Bars, Plow Castings, Stove Castings, Dog Irons, etc. Our Motto: Quality First, Workmanship next, Price last. We are agents for the Canton Marble Works and can save you money on all kinds of monumental goods. CALL ON OR WRITE Neils Iron Foundry, H. C. NEIL, Prop’r. Fort Valley, Ga. AV’fV’