The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 25, 1908, Image 3

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The General Demand of the Well-Informed of the World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family use because its com ponent parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its ex . cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies on the merits of the laxative for its remark¬ able success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given the preference by the Well-Informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine—manufactured by the Cali¬ fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents f er bottle. PILES Sample treatment Red Crops Pile and Fistula Cure and Peek rent by mail FREE. ‘ PEA CO. DEPT. B. A MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. He is most cheated who cheats him self. TORTURED FOR SIX MONTHS By Terrible Itching Eczema—Baby's Suffering was Terrible — Soon Entirely Cured by Cuticnra. “Eczema appeared on iny son's face. We went to a doctor who treated him for three months. Then he was so bad that his face and head were nothing but one sore and his ears looked ns if they were going to fall off, so we tried another doctor for four months, the baby never getting any better. His hand and legs had big sores on them and the poor little fellow suffered so ter¬ ribly that he could not sleep. After he had suffered si* months we tried a set of the Cuticura Remedies and the first treat¬ ment let him sleep and rest well; in one week the sores were gone and in two months he had a clear face. Now he is two years and has never had 'eczema again. Mrs. Louis Beck, R. F. D. 3, San Antonio, Tex., Apr. 15, 1907.” Many a good dinner is spoiled by a careless word of complaint. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’a Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. When a couple decides to get mar¬ ried, is that double dealing? Capudin© Cores Indigestion Pains, Belching, from whatever Sour Stomach It’s and Liquid. Heartburn, Effects cause. immediately. Doctors prescribe it. 10c, 25c., and 50c., at drug stores. Cheap talk often costs a man his job. _ ’£o Drive Out Malaria and Build TJj t the System Take the Old Standard Grove’s Tast*. less Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing tasteless it is simply (Qui¬ nine ana Iron in a form, and tha most effectual fqrm. For grown people and childr en. 50e It sometimes happens that even an old soa k may be guilty of dry wit. Rheumatism Prescription. Considerable discussion- is being caused among the medical fraternity by the increased use of whiskey for rheumatism. It is an almost infalli¬ ble cure when mixed with certain other ingredients and taken properly. The following formula ^s effective: “To one-half pint of good whiskey add one ounce of Toris Compound and one ounce of Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound. Take in tablespoonful doses before each meal and before re¬ tiring. tt Toris Compound is a product of the laboratories of the Globe Pharma¬ ceutical Co, Chicago, but it as well as the other ingredients can be had from any good druggist._ When - distance Tends enchantment to the view, it is not safe to change the viewpoint. Good Thing to Know. Those who traverse the alkali plains of the West and inhabit the sand blown regions of Texas, find daily need for a reliable eye salve. They never drug the eye, but simply apply externally the staple Dr. Mitchell’s Eye Salve. This Salve is sold everywhere. Price 25c. if your husband tries to raise a row, raise the windows. PROVED BY TIME. No Fear of Any Further Trouble. David Price, Corydon, la., says; “I was in the last stage of kidney trouble lame, weak, run down to •T mTtfifi V a mere skeleton. M My back was so bad l could hardly walk S\ and the kidney se cretions much dis ordered, A week after 1 began using Doan’s Kidney Pills lliil j I could continued walk with¬ my out a cane, and as I health gradually returned, I was so grateful 1 made a public statement of my case, and now seven years have passed, I am still perfectly well. Sold by all dealers. 50c. a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The keener the critic the more cut¬ ting the criticism moralizes the Dal¬ las Ne’-s. C >iv i M Li-; T?r i OTr / J WISDOM TABLET. Altlio a mule Be sweet and kind, Just walk in front, And not behind. —Birmingham Age-IIerald. NOT OLD FASHIONED. “I suppose she fairly gushed the ring?” "Well, yes. She said it was a piece of ice. ft -Washington Herald. SMOKE JOKE. The smoke nuisance is still in midst.—Atlanta Journal. Another cigarette fiend who hales.—Chicago Record-Herald. THE WAY SHE DOES. c< She keeps her house in order. "Yes, I notice the atmosphere there is rather crusty.”—Baltimore Ameri¬ can. EXPECTED TO TALK. Nurse (announcing the expected) “Professor, it’s a little boy. >» Professor (absent-mindedly) ■ • t Well, ask him what he wants.” Boston Transcript. CRUEL DAD. - , "What’s the matter, daughter?” l ■ Ferdy and I have parted forever!” "Good! In that case, I s’pose he won’t be around for at least two nights.”—Houston Chronicle. JUST SO. "So you think the public demands boisterous fun?” » • Not exactly. Girlsterous fun is the thing for a musical comedy. ft Louisville Courier-Journal. DISCORDANT. She (at the piano)—“I presume you are a true lover of music, are you not?” He—“Yes, I am; but pray don’t stop playing on my account.”—• Judge. TRAMP AND SCHOOLMARM. "There ain’fnothin’ bad about me, missus, said the itinerant at the back door. “No?” replied the lady with the eyeglasses. “How about your gram¬ mar?”—Yonkers Statesman. ' LIMITED CREDULITY. Salesman—“Sorry, we’re quite out of game, but I can recommend the sausages.” Mr. Van Sharpeshooter—"H’m.yes. But my wife would not believe I shot ’em.”—Ally Sloper’s. TRIUMPPI OF HUMAN NATURE. "Them seventeen mothers in the village Mothers’ Club agreed to de¬ cide by ballot which had the hand¬ somest baby. ft "Well, who won’ it?” "Each kid got one vote. >1 ■Jud^e. LITERATURE. "I see you have here Gibbon’s ‘De¬ cline and Fall’ and Hallam’s ‘Middle Ages.’ ft “Yes,” responded Mr. Nuritch, i like them fat volumes. It don’t take so many of ’em to fill up a shelf.”-— Houston Chronicle. TIMES CHANGE. "He writes my daughter a long letter full of poetry every day. He must be a sap-head. >> "Peleg, your reasoning is twenty years behind the, age. Poetry is the safest kind of filler these days, and a letter every day indicates much wealth, with white paper as high aa it is.”—Kansas City Journal. FOOLISH FRIENDSHIP. « I Those cartoons of me that my en¬ emies are circulating are positively hideous,” remarked the candidate for office. "Do you think so? 9” rejoined his wife. "You ought to take a look at the pictures of you that your friends are nutting on their campaign ham ners.” Washington Star. SEASONABLE. “Bishop Greer, of New York, ’ said n missionary, "has an apt way of fit¬ ting a story into an address. i - I once heard him speaking on the divorce evil in a very chilly and bad¬ ly heated hall. “After a remark or tv?o about this defect, he said he was reminded o', a little Yonkers girl. “The child, one unseasonably cole morning returned from church quits blue. “ ‘And what was the text, dear. her mother asked her. ” ‘Many are cold, hut' (ew art frozen,’ was the reply.”—Washing ton Star. UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA PRAISES PE RU NA. •y X- s' m m & < i\.> •I I! - 3am ,iV> ya vC. m fcx-Senotor M. C. Butler. Dyspepsia the is Often Caused iy Catarrh Catarrh of Stomach—Fa una Relieves ot the. Stomach and is Therefore a Remedy for Dyspepsia, from Hon. South M. C. Carolina Butler, for U. two S. terms, Senator in j J a letter from Washington, D. C., writes s to the Petuna Medicine Co., as follows: u I can recommend Peruna foi ; dyspepsia and stooi ach medicine trouble, for have been us In g your t a short pevioi l and 1 feel very i much relieved, It is indeed u f wonderful medicine, besides a good tonic. ” C ATARRH of the stomach is the cor¬ Onlv rect name internal for most catarrh cases remedy, of dyspepsia. such an as Peruna, is available. Peruna Tablets can now be procured. Ask your Druggist for a Free Pe¬ runa Almanac for 1000. EXERCISING THE DOG. The Vicar—Do you give your dog any exercise, Mr. Hodge? Farmer Hodge—Oh, yes, he goes for a tramp nearly every day.—Tit Bits. State of Ohto, Utty of Toledo, 1 ss. Lucas Uountt, is is Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he senior partner of the firm of F.J.CnENEY & (k>, doing business in the City of Toledo, Coantv and State aforesaid, and that said firm will paythesum each and of one-hundred of CATARRH dol LARS for every ease that cannot be cured bv the use of Catarrh Cure. Fran'r J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and sUb'scrilied-im presence, this 6th day of December,.A* 1SS6. A. W. GLEASON. i SEAL.) Notary int%ytfly,ar.d Public.’ lall’s Catarrh Cure is taken -acts directly on the bleed And rtweous *«r faces of the system, J. '.fcjeud &Co,Toledo, for testimonials^ 0. free. F. Ctieney 7oc! Bold by jTami]y_PilIs all Druggists, $?« best Hall’s are . . -\ r OT GREGARIOUS. v club man?” f . : ‘..'Is Grouch a “No. The,,only .thing he. is a mem¬ ber of is the human 'race, and' he’s not in a very good standing with that.”—Judge LOOKjino AT THIS PRICE Ba W MU It buys a Strictly FEEICKTj SEWING High-Class PREPAID MACHINE TOYOIJR, Station f 1SlfARAN l tEEP YEARS IQ , And has all the up-to-date improvements that every lady appreciates. It Is splendidly built of thoroughly dej>endable material and 6-Drawer iiandeomely Cab¬ finished. Has elegant Oak Drop Leaf inet, complete 8et of Attachments, full instruc¬ tions how to use them, and the outfit will be sent you “Freight Free” on 90 PAYS FREE TRIAL We sell DIRECT at ONE PROFIT, savinar you the Jobber’s, Retailer’s and Agent’s profits and seti ins: expenses, & exactly WZEm the same machine they vrill u-.k you 530.00 lor. Send at ONCE for OOE 1 i BIG NEW FREE SEWING MACHINE CATALOGUE Host complete an* in character ever publish Machine distributors In the South, and. at priced asked, for quality guaranteed, our Machines ar<run matchable. Thie catalogne describes and prices satiefaction griarauteed, or your money back. malsby, SHIPP & co.» Dept b. 41 S. Forsyth Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA PUTNAM FADELESS DYES B Sfcjjr A * -asaffss“a-' - A 4k *• , TlH'V dvc In cold vratcr better than any other dye. Yon ............... a. KI! »«>«"« «» nrj n rive witiiouv ' ____ _________ — 1 — - _ He laughs best who laughs last. n Wi ^SS%‘“-"£ All men hard to do are not wel l to do, , ANTIDOTE tor "skin diseases. That’s what Tetteeine is; and it is more. TMs an absolute cure for eczema, tetter, rin'rwonn, erysipelas aud all other itching cutaneous diseases. In aggravated been cases ph.e f f i dog affliuHons its onr ,3 s have rriail from J. T. Shuftaine, Dept. A, ba vannah, Ga ? Effusiveness is never an indication g£ affectioa, !■ •v«< -.1, r i( I am compelled to say I feel better, than I have || felt in 10 years,” writes Carrie Hallo way, of Coro Ji naco, S. C. “Every month,” she continues, “I used ft H to have to take to my bed for 5 days. One day my gb sister brought me a bottle of Cardui and begged me 11 to try it. Today I will say that Cardui is my doctor || and I don’t need any other doctor in my home. TAKE G H 136 You need Cardui in your home, today, because > taken at the proper time, it will prevent much suffer¬ ing, and help to keep you in a condition of health. It has been found to relieve female pains, like headache, backache, sideache, irregularities, and other symptoms of womanly disorders, . which every woman knows. m Cardui acts gently, naturally, with out any bad after-effects. | Its results have been found to be i lastingly beneficial. Try Cardui. H Be sure that Death will find you. I TETTKKINE—A RELIABLE CURE. j for Tktxehink tetter, i s a suro> skin sa and fo and scalp speedy diseases sure eczema, Endorsed physicians; i and itching piles. by used ! praised by thousands who have it. j : Fragrant, Fragrant, soothing, soothing, antiseptic. antisepuo. 50c. at j j druggists or by mail fipm J. i . Shoi”<bine, j Dept. A, Savannah, Oa. Virtue Is its o.wn. .revv-ard. AIESMEN WANTED \ ^’introdude onr New Commercial andfila t isttcal State Chart'tor office and general B'Atfie ,%use. fearimigit Thework being is co.ngejiial.and according to profitable, your ubii I jlgr. work A (haia.ugh d ti-irtning is given before t '-' >*•' ”*•* McNALLY ill. /» f — WINONA, MINNESOTA. iirlTvl ttuT'ri Fh lloimoliold IIpined!***», Fine Flu Elc. vorliiff p, e,..n Hllon., , ftCanx>asser-s fVanfed in ll-Very County: 40 %>*!••• AGENTS v; BEST PROPOSITION ■ ■ ■ —For Desirable Locations on the Line of the— ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD TRAVERSING PRODUCTIVE GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. There is no section in the country offering better op¬ portunities for farming, manufacturing plants, fruit grow¬ ing and stock raising.' unsurpassed transportation The A. B. & A. furnishes facilities, operating from Birmingham and Atlanta to Brunswick, Thomasville and Waycross, affording through Brunswick, Steamship freight service on quick schedules for New York, Boston and other eastern markets. Should you desire to locate in this “Garden Spot of the South,” it will pay you to communicate with either AT Th0 IXnGerSlUnOQ. « A J- R- ROWLAND, „ ^ V ...rv WT W. TJ H. AITir QUIGG P : t Traffic Manager, General Freight Agent, w> H> LEAHY, General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. ______________________________________ Keep It on Hand! 1 Coughs and colds msy seize any member of the family any time. Many a had cold haa been everted and much sickness and suCenna has lieen saved by the prompt use _ There nothing S I of Puo's Cure. and is colds. | like it to break «P bronchial coughs lung There is no or fi trouble that it will not r-keye. S Free from opiates or narmtul Ui gredients. Fine for children. 3 At all druRRUita', 25 ct*. mm m ffm 'A Men are neither suddenly rich nor suddenly good.—Libanius. ---- -Ricks’ Capudin© Cores Nervousness,] Whether tired out, worried, overworked and! — what not. It It refreshes refreshes the the brain brain nerves. nerves. It’s T ‘ Liquid and pleasant to take. 10c, 25c, and 50c, at drug stores. It is well to remember that eggs do not get soft, by long boi ling._ HELP MARTEL’S Insist on Preparation Having JSOR Dr. - 'i'lie Standard Remedy. WOMEN ** AT DBUOUIST*. feuijd _ ior booh, “llallel lor Women. »* DRUG CO, 30 W. 32d St., N. Y. City. with It ovcb. afflicted weak ' 'use Thompson’sEyeWater. VT (At-50’08) We Buy IU r FURS Wfc: / .,-j HidS3 and Wool Feathars, Tallow, Becawaz, Ginseng, Golden Seal,(Yellow Root), May Apple, Wild Ginger, etc. We are doalera; established in 1856—"Over half a century in Louisville”—and can do better for you than agents or commission merchants. Reference, any Bank in Louisville, V rite for weekly price list and shipping tags. ffl. SaboS & Sons, 1F1 E. Market Si. L.OUISVILLE. KY.