The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 25, 1908, Image 4

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== XMAS Fbe WILL Tont Valley ON HAVE DISPLAY Furniture Co. YOUR IDain St the line Furniture FOR Houshold best of and goods ever shown here. We are expecting a big line of Mattings, Rugs, Art=Squares Etc. Call And See What We Have. THE FORT VALLEY FURNITURE COMPANY, JNQ. A. HOUSER, JR. __ _ IX) YOU WANT TO BUT THE BEST. Everything in our line is the best. Cole’s Hot Blast Heaters can’t be beat. We handle the best two-horse Steel Plow on the market. AI so Clarke Cutaway Harrows, 8,10 and 12 disc. The celebrated Tyson & Jones Buggies at a bargain. Get prices on furniture before buying; we can save you money. V, *• GE A ORGI AGRICULTURAL WORK S. The Font Valley Leader. Official Organ of Houston Leader .Publishing Co., Lessees. R. M. Reynolds, Editor and PUBL18HKD KVKHT FRIDAY. Term, of SabMfiptoon Oaeycer...... •l.i uurnttiH.. Three month* SntortMl m Mm ond clmw An*, a, MS, toopost ■olfict lit Fort Valter, (J*., under the of Cfonstrrs* of M.rrh S 1879. We cannot gurantee the cation of any article sent later than Tuesday noon. TELEPHONE Fort Valley, Ga., Dec. 25, There is not the slightest for doubt as to the guilt of cher Willis, who will be on Dec. 30fch for the murder Mr. James Hall. It is only to regretted that, under the tow, he could not be hung sooner. It War* Well. A handwriting expert said of 4 manuscript error to a reporter: “Such an error «; ludicrous. A man ot intelligence could never have made it. ft reminds me of an error that occurred at a church meeting in my native town. They wore dis¬ cussing at this meeting the best time for the consecration of a new plot that had been added to tbo church cemetery. There was a long argument. Some wanted the addi¬ tion consecrated at once; others thought it would be best to wait till the next year. Finally an old man “T rose and said firmly: shall vote for immediate con¬ secration. i have had my backyard dona with it, and it wears grand. > >* FOR 5 ALE Five hogs averaging 150 lbs. Will seil separately or altogether. Jno. A. Houser, Jr. Tm y plw i an EUpHairt “Hlephana aw easily trapped,” Mid keeper, "mix easily trapped and The trapper chooses a popolar elephants mad digs 4 twenty a XI m 4' ssew* gate. id om Next place, be . K i at Mm. The man tears after, and jtu* at the gate-. WrBTTflf W altvT rifflu, Dill toa heavy to swerve. scr mad at fleet, terribly Into mad. the hole But toed nr drink, they build around the pi* of damp suffocate him with smoke, and they daze and stupefy him with shouts and banging of brass pans. She elephant is completely broken and subdued In three or tour days. He comes forth and follows the trapper humbly and timidly, with tears in his mwin 99 A Roy and a Thousand Dollars. A Now York Judge gave Iris son ft,000, telling trim to go to college apd graduate. The son returned nt the end «f freshman year without a dollar and frith several ugly habit*. At the ckwe of the vaeatksi die Judge told his son that he had done all he could for him. If tie bad wasted to* money that was to have taken him through college, he might as well leave home and make his own way in the world. It was a rude awakening for the young man, but he knew that hie father vtos right. And so strong was the goo<# influence of his upright father that he did leave home to go to work in downright earnest. He went back to college, made his way through, graduated at the head of his class, studied law, became governor of the state of New York, entered the cab¬ inet of the president of the United States and made a record for himself that the country will not willingly let die. It was William H. Seward. Standard Holiday Excursion Rates Via Central of Georgia Railway Low Rate Excursion Tickets oil sale December 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 1908, and January 1 J 1909. Return limit January 6, 1909. For rates and information relative to train service, sleeping and parlor car service, etc., apply to nearest Ticket Agent -A. 4 Our Debt to Ancient Greece and BefiM ware at the oppo «lta petal ct the hasten world, and equally oppoatta aw their Influencee upon modern time*. Borne was prac haaided, Jeetetic, white Greece •bounding la what may be called fito V mm ual finding her grmtort In the realm of mind than hi that of matter. PfwQDWI *kA BO |r9KI original thinker, her greate s t shln ing, Uke the moon, try borrowed light light reflected tmm the ens. Borne taught men law, order, obe¬ dience, but the mother of Ideas and sentiments was From the Eternal City we have Inherited our Jur¬ isprudence, but It Is from the City of the Violet Crown that we have derived our art, science and philosophy. In a word, to quote the substance of Dr. Johnson’s saying, eliminate from our modern civilization all that it owes to Greece and the residue would be bar¬ barism.—New York American. Poetry With a Sting (n lb On one occasion when William Ham¬ ilton Hayne was visiting Samuel Mln tura Peck at the latter's borne in Tas¬ ks loosa the two poets strolled into the woods and paused to rest beneath the shadows of the pines. •« Here are your favorite plots. Hayne,” said Peck. "Let's dream a few poems beneath them. ft The languid summer day bad its ef¬ fect on them, and they were soon snor¬ ing and dreaming away. - But suddenly both awoke and both ! started down the* home road at top speed, shouting as they ran. An army of yellow jackets had dis¬ covered them, and, not being partial to poetry, had forcibly and feelingly ; resented its intrusion on their domain, i Later, at supper, Peck asked: "Did you make a poem, Hayne?” “No,” was the meek reply. “1 made a poultice!” So did L” said Peck. '$ JScntVotUtf So. o Bought B#*i* th« .The Kind fon Haw Always Sigaatnm d 4 Nov. 4 1908. Dear Friend; Last summer I wondered what they did with all the grapes. I know now ■ / ' I they took them and dried, them and made them in to raisins. J Raisins are mighty C ■3 nice to go in cake,and ^ raisins and nuts are mighty* nice to hand t round when you want to spend a long time at i the table talking. t The best seeded rais- i n ins cost 12 1-2 cost a 11 V ,1 n pack. ~N Your friend* }Jd3.v I, JACOB. r > cn**k ' ■bucket*., B,S. You don't know what nice raisins and nus, Citron and Dates and things they have at. W. K. Thweatt’s, I 4 portable and Stationary Boilers, Saw Mills Side Center Crank Crank aid STEAM ENGINES & Gasoline Highest grade Engines, Ginning Snmgle Machinery, Mills, 7 Corn Mills and Pumping Outfits to be had in the entire South. Large delivery. stock on hand, best terms, quickest It will pay you to investi¬ '’MALLARY gate our machinery and prices. BROS. MACHINERY CO. *%&%%£'■ Customary Proficient)*. How Is your son getting on to hi* new position?” “First rate,” answered Fanner Corn tiMsel. “He knows more about the business now than the boss does. Ail he has to do is to convince the boss,"— Washington Star. •jbjS 08 to qooq b uuai mjq pop* .ioaou i >aq 'lUBuop jo spuBsnoqj jo spexpanq qih* enjq pejsnij eABq L. 'P n09S lH u«tn eqj pojoasub ,,‘AOuq J,uop I» *. JLUStn jsanoq iiqSaoaoqi » en *I« •rtMA I**H *«