The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, January 08, 1920, Image 7

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★★★★★★ ★ * ★ w ★ ★ ★★★★ ★ •k ★ PROFESSIONAL CARDS ★ * ★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★ A. C. RILEY Attorney at Law Evans Bui) ling. Phone 156. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in the Ordinary, Superior and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. C. L. SHEPARD Attorney at Law Evans Building. Phone 31. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans Made on Realty. EMMETT HOUSER Attorney at Law First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 107. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in Both the State and Fed¬ eral Courts. Loans Made on Realty. Louis L. Brown K. E. Brown BROWN & BROWN Attorneys at Law Wright Building Phone 9. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. DUNCAN & NUNN Attorneys and Counselors AT LAW PERRY, GA. Practice in State and Federal Courts DR. W. L. NANCE Dentist Mist Florence Taylor, A«»i«tant. Evans Building. FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA PHONES: Office 82, Residence 115. MACON OPTICAL CO. !. N. KAUSH, Prop. 352 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. Manufacturing and Dispensing OPTICIANS Send us your broken glasses for quick repairs. On Which Side Are You? PROHIBITION WILL BE ENFORCED. That is as certain as the doom of the liquor traffic. BUT IT WILL NOT ENFORCE ITSELF. It will not be enforced by lax officials, elected by the vote of the “bootlegger. >1 SUPPORT CANDIDATES WHO t STAND FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. The fight against the licensed barroom has been won. It must be followed up. THE LAW OF THE LAND MUST BE OBEYED. To assist in enforcing Prohibition there will be a week’s campaign for funds, beginning January 16, the day the Eight teenth Amendment becomes effective. LEI’S MAKE IA RED LETTER WEEK N THE BATTLE FOR NA¬ TIONAL ANO WORLD FREEDOM FROM RUM. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., JANUARY 8, 1920. DR. W. H. HAFER Dentist Over Picture Theatre FORT VALLEY, . GEORGIA PHONES Residence 50-J Office 174-L DR. J. A. TURNER Dentist Office Over R. S. Braawell’a Store. FORT VALLEY, GA. PHONES Office 230-J Residence 237. MARCUS L. HICKSON Physician and Surgeon FORT VALLEY, GA. Office Over R. S. Braswell’s Store. PHONES: Office 106.IB Residence 106-2B JNO. M. COOK, Sr. Civil Engineer and Surveyor Land surveying and city lots a speci- 1 alty. Address Phone 7; P. O. Bo.i 514. 11 -14-ltpd. A C. RILEY, JR. LAWYER Fort Valley, Ga. Loan* Made on Real Estate. CHAS. S. VANCE Civil Engineer and Surveyor County Surveyor, Houston Co. ’Phone 193, P. O. Box 475 Fort Valley, Ga. 1 -l-4tpd ATTENTION, W. O. W.! Peachtree Camp No. 767, Wood men of the World, will meet the sec ond and fourth Thursday nights of each month in the hall on the third floor of the Evans building, All members are urged to be present. •o EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ON BUTCHER KNIVES AND GREY ENAMEL WARE. 25% LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE TO DAY. AT MELVIN’S. 12-12-tf. ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®© ®® HAVE YOU INSURED YOUR PROPERTY? m ® m m HE Companies represented by the Kinney Loan & @ T ® ® ® Investment Company are of the best, and we ® (§>) would be glad home from loss by fire. ® to protect your ® LET US WRITE YOUR SURETY BOND! For a small payment we can insure your automobile against loss by fire, theft or damage from collision. m ~ Insurance Department Mr. Wesley Houser has assumed the management of the ® of this company and will appreciate a share of the business ot the public. ® Co. Kinney Loan & Investment c©j m vti/ GA. PHONE 107 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING FORT VALLEY, ® /55\ ®@®®®®® m m ®®®®®®®®@® i i The Right if Way f n«TM N»U. »»| f= Printing is the Salesman Who Has the Right of Way Your sales letter in the United States mail has the right of way straight to your customer’s desk. Strengthen your appeal by using a paper of known quantity — Hammermili Bond—and good printing which wil! attract your customer’s attention, and sell your gooas. That’s the kind of printing we do and the paper we u*e. Ust More Printed Saletmanehip. Aek ts» t naNiYBACK falls without question if Hum’s Sul in the treatment of Eczemu Tetier.Ringworm,Itch.etc. Den be<Mie discouraged bv-cauke ott c freot.nents failed Hunt's Salv has telicved hundred* of suit You au’-'t ln<r or* o . ffiooey Bach CJurriintcc 1 i a out fish TODAY DUre - > I'r.r COPELAND’S PHARMACY *********!**** ***** * * ¥ ¥ * ¥ ****** **¥¥**¥¥¥** *¥¥*¥¥ * * When in Macon Take Time to See if ARMSTRONG •¥ if * RIES & * * >f * * Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and * * * Silverware. * * * RELIABLE GOODS ONLY * * * Phone 836 315 Third Street. * * Macon, Georgia. * * * * * * ★★★★★★★* ************** *★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 0* FORDSON TRACTOR m & The Harrowing season for Peach Orchards 1 [i and the fertilization of the orchards are close which to hand. More growth means more buds l\ produces more peaches and larger returns. growth 1 There are only two ways of is getting extensive new cul or increased yield and that by i S 3 tivation or extensive fertilization. % 1 Fertilizer is higher than it has ever been in s 3 the hijftory of the peach business of Fort Valley 5 [i j and therefore yield. the While mo^l expensive the other method hand of Ford* in |§j creased on a .I son Tracftor without any question is far cheap¬ ly l\ er in other the extensive cultivation machinery of art ever orchard offered than a any power or grower. i £ It is your desire to secure the be^f results at 1 3 the lea^l possible cojft. Therefore if you will 5 3 spend one-third as much for Fordson Tradtors as you will have to spend for fertilizers to get a *fi normal growth, the results will be the same. SOUTHERN ORCHARD SUPPLY CO. AGENTS FORT VALLEY, GA. I i For Home News Read The Leader-Tribune.