The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, January 22, 1920, Image 3

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★★★*★* ****★★ **** ★ ★ PROFESSIONAL CARDS ★ ★ ★ ****** ****** **** A. C. RILEY Attorney at Law -vans Buil ling. Phone 156. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in the Ordinary, Superior and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. C. L. SHEPARD Attorney at Law Evans Building. JPhone 31. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans v Made on Realty. EMMETT HOUSER Attorney at Law First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 107. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in Both the State and Fed¬ eral Courts. Loans Made on Realty. Louis L. Brown . R. E. Brown BROWN & BROWN Attorney* at Law Wright Building Phone 9. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loan* on Ri alty Negotiated. DUNCAN & NUNN Attorneys and Counselors AT LAW PERRY, GA. Practice in Slate and Federal Courts DR. W. L. NANCE Dentist Miss Florence Taylor, Assistant. ! Evans Building. j FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA j PHONES: Office 82, Residence 115. VIITORS FROM NEAR-BY TOWNS re finding it profitable buying high-class groceries ai Pigtfly-Wiggly. The saving on a few dollars’ worth i ays their gasoline bill..... PIGGLY-WIGGLY “ALL OVER THE WORLD. »» 'S oo SSCOND STREET, MACON, GEORGIA j r l £ **•** loj i 9 9 51 b m- 5$, =E ,/ieI' Because I maintain three very extensive chemical laboratories \ in which all materials are thoroughly tested. No harm¬ ful materials can ever enter into Royster goods. Our home and foreign markets are picked over for the choicest raw materials; then I formulate them in just the proportion which my life-time experience has found to be best for each crop for which the fertilizer is in¬ tended. The results of all this care is, naturally, a complete mixture wnich is really the “ last word ” in fertilizer. So, you see, I am justified in feeling proud of the Royster Products, which come from our fifteen up to-date plants. s. £ JcZ F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Norfolk, Va, Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C.' Columbia, S. C. Washington. N. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio ( 5 ) L _J TH€ LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., JANUARY 22, 1920 DR. W. H. HAFER Dentist Over Picture Theatre FORT VALLEY, - GEORGIA PHONES Residence 50-J Office 174-L DR. J. A. TURNER Dentist Office Over R. S. Braswell’s Store. FORT VALLEY, GA. PHONES Office 280-J Residence 237. MARCUS L. HICKSON Physician and Surgeon FORT VALLEY, GA. Tffice Over R. S. Braswell’* Store. PHONES: Office 106-1B Residence I06-2B JNO. M. COOK, Sr. Civil Engineer and Surveyor Land surveying and city lots a speci¬ alty. Address Phone 7; P. O. Box 514. A. C. RILEY, JR. LAWYER Fort Valley, Ga. Loans Made on Real Estate. CHAS. S. VANCE Civil Engineer and Surveyor County Surveyor, Houston C«. ’Phone 193, P. O. Box 475 Fort Valley, Ga. l-1-4tpd ATTENTION, W. O. W.! Peachtree Camp No. 767, Wood¬ men of the World, will meet the sec¬ ond and fourth Thursday nights of each month in the hall on the third floor of the Evans building, All members are urged to he present. O* Stomach ills permanently disappear after drinking the celebrated Sliivar Mineral Water. Positively guaranteed by money lia<;k offer. Tastes fine; costs a trifle. Delivered any where by our Fort Valiev Agent. V C. Wright. 1 COSTS 82.2 PER CENT MORE TO LIVE NOW THAN IN 1914. National Industrial Conference Board Issues Sfalcineat on In ves'igntions Made Recently. BOSTON, Mass, -An increase of 82.2 per cent in the cost of living for American wane earners between July, 1 i) 14, and November, 1919, is shown in a statement issued by the N a t i onal Industrial Conference Board, based on its most recent in¬ vestigations. This represents an ad¬ vance of 10.4 per cent, since Novem¬ ber, 191S; 13.5 per cent, since March, 1919, when prices dropped temporar¬ ily, and 5.8 per cent, since last July. The increase in the cost of the ma¬ jor items in the family budget since July, 1914, was food, .92 per cent. ; shelter 38 per cent.; clothing, 135 per cent.; fuel, heat and light, 48 j per cent., and sundries 75 per cent. --o-- NEGRO STATE ON MEXICAN BORDER IS RECOMMENDED. Colored Advocates of Segregation Idea Appear Before House Board. WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.—Estab¬ lishment of a separate state under the protectorate of the United States for the segregation of the nation’s negro population was advocated be¬ fore the House judiciary committee today by representative Mason, Re¬ publican, Illinois, providing for the appointment of a commission of nine persons to “outline a plan to promote more harmonious relations between races dwelling in the United States.’’ Dr. Moses Madden’, of St. Louis, told the comittce a site had been se , lected along the Rio Grande river on territory owned by Mexico and the state of Texas and that it should he inhabitated and administered by negroes under the general protection of the United States. Dr. W. H. Wilson and Dr. Novi! Thomas, of this city, opposed the plan as lending too much toward race discrimination, which they said w.v already too evident, especially since j the world war. The Rev. li. D. Jones, oi. Philadel¬ phia, advanced a plan for concentra¬ tion of negroes in Liberia. ■o— Effective Printing workmen means good and good type, good presses, V, have goon j j paper. the equipment and the workmen for you, and j use Hammermill grades of bond, safety | and cover paper*. Let us show you. j *¥¥•¥-*¥-¥-*¥¥¥¥** **** * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥ *¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥ * M * When in Macon Take Time to See * * HIES & ARMSTRONG * + * * * * * * Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and * * * * Silverware. * * * * * * RELIABLE GOODS ONLY * + * * Phone 836 315 Third Street. * * Macon, Georgia, ^ ***¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ****** ****** **** *************** FORDSON TRACTOR Jr¬ l $ m r 1 m t The Harrowing season for Peach Orchards and the fertilization of the orchards are close to hand. More growth means more buds which produces more peaches and larger returns. There are only two ways of getting new growth or increased yield and that is by extensive cul¬ tivation or extensive fertilization. Fertilizer is higher than it has ever been in the history of the peach business of Fort Vailey andjjtherefore the mo^t expensive method of in creased yield. While on the other hand a Ford son Tradtor without any question is far cheap er in the extensive cultivation of an orchard than any other power or machinery ever offered a grower. It is your desire to secure the be^l results at the lea^t possible codt. Therefore if you will spend one-third as much for Fordson Tradtors as you will have to spend for fertilizers to get a normal growth, the results will be the same. SOUTHERN ORCHARD SUPPLY CO. AGENTS FORT VALLEY, GA. si For Home News Read The Leader-Tribune PPG B ABLY mm WORMS Most children have worms, 1 sometimes. Sypmtoms are lack of color, peevishness, restlessness at night, etc. Dr. Thacher’s 1 Worm Syrup will go after and get tha worms, if worms are there. Harmless; children love it. Old in use doctor’s half a century. prescription Made At by I r your drug store. TEACHER MEDICINE CO. Chattanooga, To nil., U. S. A. FOR '‘ALE BK DR. F. G. HUtsBS Fort Valley, Ga. ■o * V h -lass , y nout-y gaeir •VF* without question if Hunt ’» Sal , fl f;iils in the treatment of Emma become Tetter.Ringworm,Itch.elc Dun i treatments discouraged because other failed Hunt’s Salve hns reliev'd hundreds of such ■■■■■?: ca:»es You can’t lose on our i« it Money Bach Guaranty Try at our ri?k TODAY P-ice7 For sale L.v ; J y hv COPELAND’S PHARMACY : Wjlf \ >1 v? -» U / I y> ‘ y) I \ I ? fl \\\\ 1 ! 1 t t^fyirqadik r. ‘ • • "uUU . — FOR SALE BY ... J. L. LONG, Fort Valley, Ga.