The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, February 05, 1920, Image 3

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kkkkkk k k k -n k k kkkk ★ ★ PROFESSIONAL CARDS ★ * k kkkkkk kkkkkk kkkk A. C. RILEY Attorney at Law Evans Buil ling. Phone 1 56. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in the Ordinary, Superior and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. C. L. SHEPARD Attorney at Law Evans Building. Phone 31. FORT VALLEY, GA. Praetice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans Made on Realty. EMMETT HOUSER Attorney at Law First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 107. FORT VALLEY, GA. Practice in Both the State and Fed¬ eral Courts. Loans on Realty. Louis L. Rrown Tt. E. Brown BROWN & BROWN Attorneys at Law Wright Building Phone 9. FORT VALLEY, GA. P-actice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. DUNCAN & NUNN Attorneys and Counselors AT LAW PERRY, GA. Practice in State and Federal Courts DR. W. L. NANCE Dentist Mi** Florence Taylor, Aasistant. Evans Building. FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA PHONES: Office 82, Residence T15. DR. W. H. HAFER Dentist Over Plctc.rc Theatre FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA PHONES Residence 50-J Office 174-L PICTURE FRAMING Have that calendar framed, at C. B. Cunningham’s Ten Cent Store. 11-14-tf. t>zn $ £ £ TWO NEW ONES s £ I £ £ £ & * SAMSON 55 it GOODYEAR 55 £ £ £ The NAME of the NEW tractor. The same old tires and just as good as ever. £ £ It is built by the strongest motor manufacturing concern We the opening of NEW “Goodyear"’ £ in the world announce a £ u THE GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY SERVICE STATION. £ The “SAMSON is the adaptable the FREE AIR, WATER and SERVICE with the best tires £ most tractor on £ American market today. made in the WORLD for the money. £ £ We going price Our stock is complete, WE’VE GOT YOUR m are not to tell you the or give you the £ specifications but we are going to have a demonstration and SIZE. V 1 SHOW you how it does, what it is, and all about it. 31 If you are going to buy a tractor just wait a few days and The best evidence of the popularity of GOODYEAR an see the SAMSON. tires—LOOK, at the number in use. out of 0V®ry £ five tires in use in this territory are “GOOD We will have a line of equipment for these machines com¬ YEAR’S;’ plete in every respect and most important of all we will at all times have REPAIRS for these, A machine without SERVICE IF THEY DIO HOT DELIVERTHEGOOOSIHEY WOULD HOI 8E POPULAR. and REPAIRS j s like no machine at all. Wait and see the “SAMSON” IRON HORSE. U will go. any¬ “GOODYEAR” CORO TR JCK TIRES WILL MVKz YOU* TR JDK where a mule and a man can go and w ill do anything they will FIFTY PERCENT iViORE E^FIGIEN T-WILL MAKE YOUR TRUCK do. LAST FIFTY PER GENT LONGER. GOODYEAR USERS ARE THE BEST BOOSTERS QUALITY and SERVICE are our hobbies. GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS FURNITURE • • U We’ve Got It 77 • • HARDWARE THE LfcADER-TRUUJNE. FORT VALLEY, GA , FEBRUARY 5 1920 -jT »»■»-.* «•»<- -»*rnr- DR. J. A. TURNER Dentist Office Over R. S. Store FORT VALLEY, GA. PHONES i Office 280-J Residence 237. ~ ' ~.....— MARCUS L. HICKSON Physician and Surgeon FORT VALLEY, GA. Tffice Over R. S. Braswell’s Store. PHONES: Office 106-IB Residence 106-2B JNO. M. COOK, S r . Civil Engineer and Surveyor Land surveying and city lots a speci¬ alty. Address Phone 7; P. O. Box 514. A. C RILEY, JR. LAWYER Fort Valley, Ga. Loans Made on Real Estate. ATTENTION, W. O. W.! Peachtree Camp No. 767, Wood¬ men of the World, will meet the sec¬ ond and fourth Thursday nights of each month in the hall on the third floor of the Evans building, All members ape urged to be present. -o Stomach ills permanently disappear alter drinking the celebrated Sltivar Mineral Water. Positively guaranteed bv money-hank offer. Taste* fine; costs a trifle. Delivered anywhere by our f ort Valley Agent, VT. C. Wright. MACON OPTICAL CO. J. N. KALISH. Prop. MACON GEORGIA Send ns vour glasses tor quick repairs We are just wondering if the side of some portions f the city ever be fixed up t where a pe r can walk them in safety. ..... ri - - - The process of the plodders may slow but they usually take the I Mill F|OW©r ion Packets feiCCd F Of j fC© I We believe in fir v<«rs around the homes of the South Flowers brighten up the home sun' unditi ;s and give I , pleasure ami suti-f etion io those who j have them. We have set aside more than one million • packets of seed of beautiful, vet easily grown flowers to he given to our customers this spring for the beautifying of tlieir homes. Hastings' 1920 Seed Catalogue is now ready. Brilliant cover in natural colors, 100 pages of garden and farm Information, profusely illustrated. It's the one worth while seed book for southern gardeners and farmers. This catalogue is absolutely free to you on request. Your name and address on ! a postal card or In letter, will bring it j to you by return mail. you! This 1920 Catalogue will show Just how you can get five packets of : flower seeds tfive different sorts) ab¬ solutely free of cost this spring. Send for this catalogue today without fail. No obligation to btiv anything unless you want to. H. G. HASTINGS CO., Seedsmen, Atlanta, Ga.— (Advt.) MORE CULTIVATION— OR MORE FERTILIZATION The harrowing season for peach orchards and the fertilization of the orchards are both .close at hand. More growth means more buds, which produces more peaches and | larger returns. There are only two ways of getting new growth or in¬ creased yield, and that is by exten¬ sive cultivation or extensive fertil¬ ization. Fertilizer is higher than it has ever been in the history of the peach business of Fort Valley and there¬ fore the most expensive method of increasing the yield. While, on the other hand, a Fordspu Tractor, with¬ out any question, is rar cheaper in the extensive cultivation of an or¬ chard than any other power or ma¬ chinery ever offered a grower. It is your desire to secure the best j results at the least, possible cost. Therefore, if you will pend one-third I as much for Fordson Tractors as you | will have to spend for fertilizer to get a normal growth, the results will be the same. adv. j Effective Printin £5 cr i means gbo 6 type, good presses, gooa : workmen and good paper. We have the | equipment and ihe workmen for you, and ! i use Hammermill grades of bond, safety and cover papers. Let us show you. r "I ml 'i &T:: $5 & e is 1 5 ■A. ! ’ '■■■ ™ £ ‘WSl. m ' dC m Bt&S sfc .irk® •SZHm k Because * » I maintain three very extensive chemical laboratories in which all materials are thoroughly tested. No harm¬ i ful materials can ever enter into Royster goods. Our home and foreign markets are picked over for the choicest raw materials; then I formulate them in just the proportion which my life-time experience has found g to be best for each crop for which the fertilizer is in¬ tended. The results of all this care is, naturally, a complete mixture which is really the “ last word ” in fertilizer. So, you see, I am justified in feeling proud of the Royster Products, which come from our fifteen up to-date plants. s. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Norfolk, Va, Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Washington, IL C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio ( 5 ) L _J Subscribe Now.