The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, February 05, 1920, Image 7

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THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, C,A., FEBRUARY 5 1920. * ;a.f ^^fiskaaswffiifaiiaaf 3i £ & 8 3 I 8 % Si msanfly favors any proce¬ 8 St 8 dure whis.ii saves his time. g 8 s For time means money, 8 8 I 3 and money spoils opportun¬ 8 ity. 8 That is why the banking-by Institu¬ 8 8 mail facilities >1 this 8 tion are daily being more extensively utilized and tip* 8 ci pr. Gens. Hated by progressive 8 8 li l et our Officers tell you 8 8 A S a how bank this system door. “brings s 8 our tovour 8 1-t. i a U >r 8 8 < -■ 8 8 b * c \5wssg V 8 8 8 \ £c i CITIZENS BANK OF FOR I VALLEY Fort Valley, Georgia. An Honor Roll Bank 19 St i J City, Sta F e & National Depository. IT t, in t 4k CJ §}©®(D<0)(i :®x©xe -—An Opportunity— Is ottered you to join the ranks of our long # list of pleased patrons. excellent service || & Pleased because of the we (g) are rendering to them and pleased at the good (§) © foods vve are selling to them » from our market (§) © and grocery. © Best Meats of Aii Kinds, Fish and Oysters FORT VALLEY CASH MARKET E. L..L1NSENBY, Prop. Phone 126 Prompt Delivery £) i l l l| -| Wlil 1TnTTT Ifl ' »dl l llHllUlM l MB^ iHiimwft <A herdtliif good fanvili/ bread i muylliave And one absolutely sure way of guaranteeing the most wholesome and appetizing bakings of all kinds, is by using the famous jgl;.,.,,__________ I mm* ( \ SELF RISING FLOUR 2 Tempting results obtained give joy to the S housewives, whose eyes linger with pride on the feathery biscuits and bread, the delicious muffins and beautiful cake, This brand is made in e the most modern mill, by experts who have had a g 26 ye :ars experience in the milling business. 3 ~ b; Sensation is economical » •-J to use because neither flak¬ ing powder, soda nor salt ..... I is required, all of the in¬ .. 4 r~ gredients needed to give £ To the finest bakings being mixed in exactly the right proportions in the hour. mi iWY-'t-’ For ir. Fort Valley by -•- marshall grocery Mb COM®ANY Of4 J .-Vu 1, iiiiimiiimliHlg everav I I i Personal ♦» ♦♦ Paragraphs - t 5 i :: I ♦ it f i ♦ f Mr. Holt Skellie, of Perry here Tuesday. 4 4 4 Judge A. C. Riley was in Macon Tuesday on business. fjf «{• + Mr. E. VV. Braswell, of Macon was a visitor here Monday. Mr. Geo. L. Riley, of Kathleen was here Monday on business. 4 4 * Miss Lois Dupree spent the week¬ end with friends in Perry. * of Kathleen Miss Martha Riley, was a visitor here Monday. Mr. Will Jones of the State ersity was at home for the week-end. 4• 4 + and Hugh Messrs. Russell Houser Sniisson were at home for the week¬ end. *• * * , Mr. H. R. Branch and lannly have moved to Savannah to make their home. * * * Dr. G. A. Mitchell, of Atlanta was a* pleasant visitor several days the past week. «Tv >1* family Mr. L. M. Nesmith and nnu Mr. Pender spent Sunday in Cochran with friends. 444 Mrs. A. D. Morrill, of Chicago is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. H. Allen at “Twin Oaki.” 4 4 4 Mrs. Andrew Jackson, of Macon was here last week to see her mother, Mrs. D. V. Duke. 4 4 * Mrs. John Lee, Mr. Harbour Lee were among the visitor’s this week from Marshallville. 4 4* Mr. and Mrs. John Powers are oc cupying an a partment with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dupree. *5* n* *5* Miss Carrie Culpepper is spending the winter in Tampa, Fla., with her sister, Mrs. H. H. Hill. 4 4 4 Mrs. A. A. Williams entertained Miss Jimmie McDavid as honorary dinner guest on Friday, *> * - Mrs Beecher Smith, of Somerset. . Ky., is expected Thursday to visit Mrs. Randolph Hartley. 4 4 4 Woodland Rev. J. W. Stokes is in this week conducting an evangelistic service in Ephesus Church. 4 4 4 Miss Jimmie McDavid, Miss' Kati ■ M. Williams were week-end visitor to relatives at Marshallville. 4 4 4 Friends of Mrs. E. L. Lisenby wii regret to learn that she has been quite ill at her home on Macon streei 4 4* Miss Louise McDonald, who has been confined at home for two weeks on account of illn ’ss is out again. 4 4 4 Miss Martha Andrews, of Macon was the attractive guest several uays this week of Miss Helen Marshall. 4 4 4 Miss Gladys Slappey left Wedi ies day for Atlanta, where she goes to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Slappey. 4 4 Miss Zoelie McArthur, , of A the: will spend the week-end a t home with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. Z. Me i Arthur. * ►> Mr. A. J. Evans went to Athem Friday where • lie made an address before the State Horticultural Society. • 4 4 4 ! Mrs. Nott, of Knoxville, Tenn., is ■ spending some time with her daugh ter, Mrs. W. A. Cornell, on Central Avenue. •r- * * Mr. Floyd Murphey, of ChaUa nooga, Tenn., was a week-end visitor to his brother, Mr. Tom Murphey, at ' “Pinecroft. I Wilson, who teache-: Miss Thelma j at Gordon, spent last week-end at : home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i J. A. Wilson. ►I-* Miss Helen \ \ .hews entertained i a few f ■lends c-ne afternoon at a J;,y i eoese Tea. It was a novel and a most enjoyable party. J Mr?. D. V. Duke’s condition is such that a trained nurse is in attend ixnce. Mi. Meeta McDonald i been called to attend her. z* The IJ. D. C., held the me cting at the home of Mrs. Kendrick. At this time the dat*. the meeting was changed from the third Wednesday of each month the fir.t of o*cn month. ♦♦ if A Mrs. Lewis Riley entertained Sat¬ urday evening at a few tables of rook, complimenting her week-end guests,, Laura and Martha Riley, of Perry. v * * Miss Odille Ousley na not been ; able to teach school the past week on i account of illness. She is improv ; uk and expects to be back at her work soon. 444 Rev, J. W. Stokes filled his ap pointment last Sunday preaching 1wo sermons in line with the Benevolence Drive now on in the Southern Pres¬ byterian Church. 4 4* 4 Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Sanchez enter¬ tained informally at supper Thurs¬ day evening, their guests being Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Riley and Mrs. N. C. Wellons, of Perry. * * + A chapter for the children of the Confederacy will be organized here in a few weeks. Miss Gladys Slappey has been appointed leader by the U. D. C. Chapter here. 4 * j> Mr. Frank Young, who has been ;uvay from his business for several weeks on account of‘illness which necessitated his going to Macon for spe< a I treatment, has returned home and is improving. ►'« »*♦ M’ss Jimmie McDavid, a former teacher in the public school here, was the week-end guest of Miss Katie Mae William. Miss McDavid is now attending school at the Talla¬ hassee Woman’s College in Florida. 4 4- * Miss Foreman, teacher of the 4th grad. end , was called to Atlanta last illness! week | on account of the critical of her sister there. Miss Myrick,I teacher of domestic science, will sup¬ : ply for Miss Foreman until her return. 4* ♦!* The W. C. T. U. held an interest¬ ing meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Fincher. While national prohibition has gone into effect as far as law is concerned, the ladies of this organisation say there is still work to do and they are to sta on the job. 4 4 4 Miss Gladys Slappey entertained few friends Monday evening at a ‘movie party” iri honor of Dr. G. A. The guests included Misses Helen Marshall, Marine. Andrews, of Ruby Harsis, Gladys Slappey Mitchell, Messrs. E. M. Whiting, Brown Riley, and R. S. Braswell. ♦j* Miss Gladys Slappey entertained a few friends on Friday of last week. The guests of honor were Mrs. Frazier, of Term., sister of Mrs. Geo. Wright, and Miss McDavid, of Florida, a week-end ■isitor of Miss Katie M. Williams. Other guests were: Mrs. Jesse Davis, Mrs. Ren Fincher, Mrs. Geo Wright and Miss Katie M. Williams o vs % c i 4 TWIiiiffir' liver If your SS Tjaitir works jSf '/BSP rest all right, of yocr the Sr inside works are r a pt to be all right —otherwise not so. 'ben look a*'!< r your pr liver see that it. runs ■ 9 “smooth and steady”; that it doenn’t ;r 1 (-lovv r ged up or skip a <-o md throw the whole machinery ,out of gear. Dr. Thackers Liver and Blood Syrup Is a TA vor ITejgul.itor, a Ulood PuriiAr, a L.a itiv<‘ a -I a Ug % Tonic of 67 years • i . , £•: ? tie proscription of an oM -2 family doc lor of 1 A' v Stlie tier, a standard remedy U ^ ’? T. hoJe family ;fi • * :j D o children to the grand •>. parents. “About throe years ago, t v/us r all run down in 1 k.i 1 a, v . (1' id Old/' 1!> G lbs., 1 ; ?:*:•; >v 4 if. | every day. 1 b g;m t l. • U ; Ifl. TIIACfJI-'l’.s L!VL; § SYiil P, and i i ^ a?.i iiiankfid bo Bay that I’m hi a*. • perfect health, ami v . 5.yl, *1 bis., aod ytiribute 1.1 ,j hop lib to til * li.SC- U » most woiiduvful m <■ r? 1 V 0 f DIL Til.'.: >• BLOOD SYlitil }l• s' .inti t : r > m a 1 I'!C li l’C this c-ou ! ■me ' m c. k. cl.hj Ah C£2:R v CO. § !-■ . M* ‘ ■ Ru €b ; *-?noofla t ! ."it. T* -), - j, '45 - * i. i • ; -V- •■ " : e * -\ t f -y- : ' ■ 3 *- K j r.i Ivy 1- 6j & h FOR <AI.E BY DR. F. G. HOBrfS , Fort Valloy, Ga. . r P CTBrgMUyKJjHHWtf gh gT o Dressed n J, Vk/U. Gt g LUMBER is®saunas** , iBiMinMT'Mi)iirnnTiiiiTi»nrwrTiiTii>ninrwi i i ini n'h a— WE ^ ^ are now in position to fill your wants in Rough and Dressed Lum¬ ber. Cali around and let us estimate on your next bill of material. We also make all kinds of i MOLDINGS. M 9 AT THE OLD INTONE STAND IL FORT VALLEY GA. j m mmmmm nil iiiiiilllijii Mllli III Hill II Headquarters for INSURANCE J. PI PI Fire, Tornado, Casualty, Autoiroaile, u t* x Burglary, Surety Bonds, Plate Glass o z c. E N D RIC m sfi ■q * r Representing NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. SAFE, PROMPT AND APPRECIATIVE i $25.00 PAID TO ANYONE WHO USES PLURASAV ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS FOR PNEUMONIA, COLDS AND RISING It BREAST, AND FAILS TO , GET RELIEF. |l Piurasav Co,, COLUMBUS, GA. •N —5 A School To Tram Typesetters Learn the Type-setting Machine, and It Will Give You Big Earning Power While You Are Mastering the Profession. The Southern Newspaper Publishers’ Association has establish < i a school for leaching'typesetting on the linotype and intertype maenmes. Apprentices in the printing trade and ambitious young men or women should write for literature. The trade that helped develop Benjamin Franklin into a master mind is worthy of careful consideration. For advice apply to the editor of the Leader-Tribune, and in the meantime send for literature, addressing, Georgia-Alabama Business College (A ccredlted) Eu«} I:N PrtLSident K AND 1; HHON Macon Georgia -■si 1 iii-2 n o WM. r I f ' .- :. •,. iv II ill SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS For Black, Tan, Ox Blood, Dark Brown and White Shoes THE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., BUFFALO, N. Y. Read Our Acls For Profit. * \