The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, February 12, 1920, Image 8

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■"■I..... - -'J NEWS £ LAKEVIEW SCHOOL Reported By Miss Jewel Barrow. 1 1 ■ «i “MAN MAKING. Wo are all blind until we see That, in the human plan, Nothing is worth the making if It does not mnke the man. Why build these cities glorious If man unbuilded goes? In vain we build the world unless The builder also grows. —EdwinMarkham. Mr. Leon Stoke* spent Sunday with Mr. W. C. Causey. + + * Master B. T. Yaugh spent Sunday with Cherry Richardson. * * * Miss .Julia Johnson spent Sunday with Miss Sarah McGee. * ♦ ♦ Master Wilson Aultman spent Sun¬ day with Frank Sullivan. ❖ A* + Miss Lucile Stokes spent Sunday with Miss Hazel Causey. * + * Mr. Roy Sullivan spent Sunday with Mr. Joe Henry Pender. ♦ * * Miss Willie Lee Stalnaker apent the week-end with homefolka. ♦ + ♦ Miss Mary McGee, of Macon, spent the week-end with home folks. ♦ ♦ ♦ Master Smith Duke epent Sunday with Frad and Will Stalnaker. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Frank Sullivan apent .Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Joe Pender. * * * Mr, S. H. Aultman and *on, Clar ence, apent Sunday with Mr. O. C. Greer. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jackson and family apent Sunday with Mrs. W H. Dent. * + ♦ Mr. Tom Turner and family spent Sunday afternoon with G. B. Hort man. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hunt and son, •pent Sunday with Mrs. J. T. Han¬ cock. ♦ + * Miss Lizzie Sullivan and Mr. Geo. Walker were seen riding Sunday af¬ ternoon. * * + Mrs. Dora McGee and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard. + + + The young folks are anticipating much pleasure at the many parties this week. * + ♦ Misses Emma and Eva Hamlin spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Rabe Long. • * ♦ Mr. Horace O’Neal and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. JV W. Howard. * * * Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Greeny ami family sepnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Tabor. * + * Misses Emmie and Hazel Causey and Miss Lucile Stokes went to ride Sunday afternoon. + * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Holcomb spent Sunday afternoon with his brother, Mr. B. L. Hmcomb. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Niehollas *nd family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rahe Long. < + <• Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Caldwell and family spent Sunday evening with Mrs. W. B. Holcomb. ♦ ♦ * Misses Edith Sullivan, Nellie Stal¬ naker and Ethel Wilder spent Sun¬ day with Mrs. Lester Rowland. ♦ 4* * Miss Carrie Holcomb and sisters, Frances and Gladys, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. 0. C. Greer. 4* 4* 4* Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Aultman and mother-in-law spent the week-end in Crawford with friends and rela¬ tives. * * * Messrs. Joe Henry Pender and Roy Sullivan called to see Misses Ruby and Grace Tucker Sunday after noon. ♦ * ♦ Quite a crowd of young folks en¬ joyed a musical entertainment an Saturday night at Mr. J. W. Stal naker’s. * ♦ ♦ Misses Julia Johnson and Sarah McGee and Mr. Willie Johnson called to see Misses Ruby and Grace Tuck ?r Sunday. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT V ALLEY, GA., FEBRUARY IX, l«Ri. .Messrs. W. C. Causey arid L L. Stokes and daughter, Lucile, spent Sunday morning with Mr. E. Z. Tuc¬ ker and family. *i* *2* *1* Miss Susie Mae Arnold, of Walden, and Miss Bernice Fountain, of Fort Valley, are visiting friends and rel¬ atives at Lakeview. * *f Misses Rosa Nell O'Neal, Bobbie Lee Howard and Messrs. Houser White and Grady Tucker took a short spin Sunday afternoon. The Lakeview reporter is author¬ ized to receive subscriptions for The Leader-Tribune. Her good work for he paper in the interest of the Lake view section should result in a num oer of new subscriptions from that section. Ali subscriptions must be accompanied with payment accent¬ ing to rates at the top of the first column on our editorial page. NEW BULLETINS FROM THE GA. EXPERIMENT STATION. -o Six new bulletins dealing with such; subjects as spraying peaches, factors influencing earliness of cotton, fer¬ tilizing cotton, ground rock phos¬ phates, fertilizing and storing sweet potatoes, and new varieties of Mus¬ cadine grapes, are being issued by the Georgia Experiment Station, and will he sent free to any interested citizen of the state who applies Tor tern. So many having their naines on the mailing list have changed their ad¬ dress—and many have died—that it aas been found necesary to com¬ pletely revise the mailing list. We therefore request all who are inter¬ ested in farming or fruit growing, and wishing copies of these bulletins, also wishing their names on this re¬ vised mailing list, to address a pos¬ tal card or letter to the Georgia Ex¬ periment Station, Experiment, Ga., and make the request. This should be done whether or not your name was formerly on the mailing list, since it is important that the list be corrected up to date. H. P. STUCKEY, Director. 0 THE INTER-CHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT CAMPAIGN. A National Leaders’ Training Con¬ ference was held under the auspices of the Inter-Church World Movement of North America, November 5, 6, 7,!] % in Atlantic City. Seventy-five or eighty leaders of | evangelistic churchmen in the United ! States came together for discussion,' preparation, and training. From j this conference they went forth as a faculty in the great university of Christian leadership which it is the object of the state conference to create. Divided into ten teams of six leaders each, in addition to the team leader, they are to carry the message of the Inter-Church World Movement into every Protestant church and home in the United States; 135,000 cities and village and 3,000 counties are to he reached through a series of 150,000 meet¬ ings of two or three days each. Those from our church selected as team leaders are Dr. VV. W. Pinson. Mrs. J. H. McCoy, Mrs. Hume R Steele and Mr. Marvin Culbreth. Rev. W. W. Alexander, a member of the Tennessee Conference, is Seereatry the Southeastern Division. Secretary of State Lansing has ac the position of chairman o General Committee of the Inter World Movement of Norti rnd wil preside at the Ja r meeting in Atlantic City IL a Presbyterian layman. —o TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. All persons indebted to the estatt R. L. Braswell, deceased, are here notified to make payment of the to the undersigned; all person, whom the said estate may be in¬ are hereby notified to rende i of their demands to the This February 3rd, 1920. W. J. Braswell, Executor of the will of R. L. Braswell, deceased. 2-5-6t. o LET EVERY FORT VALLEY BUSINESS MAN, CAPITALIST OR GENTLEMAN OF LEISURE, AND EVERY FRUIT GROWER AND FARMER IN THE VICINITY OF FORT VALLEY BE AT THE MASS MEETING AT THE CITY HALL MONDAY NIGHT FEBRUARY 16, AT 7:30, TO ASSIST IN RE-OR¬ GANIZING THE FORT VALLEY BOARD OF TRADE. i " Why More Small Cars Come 5 < Equipped With Goodyear i ires 5 miiunIMUMI.UUWUliatailtUt hanumumwiHinnaisMEew ;; Last year, more small cars, usaig 30 x 3-, 30 x 3 V 2 "» or 31 x 4-inch tires, were factory m. A* \ equipped with Goodyear Tires than with 1 6' any other kind. 0 This is plainly result of the high relative < a v value produced in these small-car tires by V, Goodyear’s enormous resources and scrupu¬ 'it lous Ifl care. S They represent the same intense endeavor * supply utmost satisfaction in tires that § to has laid the basis for the marked preference ' for Goodyear Tires g ■ a i -s which exists everywhere r 3 in the larger sizes. ■ i: This real Goodyear value in tires is available t r 1 for your Ford, Chevrolet, Oort, Maxwell, or other small car, at our nearest Service Station. »: there for these tires and Goodyear Heavy Go Tourist Tubes. •I % % V i . # J & $ ■ 30x3% Goodyear DoubWCure $ Q FVX) Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, suong tubes tkftt r Fabric, AH -Weather Tread------- reinforce casiues properly. Why risk a good casing with a 'I % cheap tube? Goodvear Hea- y Tourist Tubes cost little more 30x3% Goodyear Single-Cure $T *765 than tubes of lem merit. 30x3% si zc i it nxuer. $^9Q « Fabric, Anti-Skid T r ee d-------— 1 I promt bag -------------------------------------------------------- % SiiSur Vs.- I IL »yin *-yggJtr *1*6. AtfSS* R,Tau.. UHBH MiCKIE SAYS ■ -1--- GYT wvcvtout) - * NWcRTViYMG, NA OOOWrt “TO GO GIG wcu *w‘ a\o ot fr BJEGV-AU AO Ud PCCWVCM PVJRMtNOO. OP PUOUVCVTN \ i ■n MOW l« TMC TIN# yuascftiif AV mm' Off J '3 7 r WHAT . AILS THE Chances are It’s WORMS—if : and the child is languid, sleep. irritable You ! restless in can find out with Dr. Thacher’* Worm Syrup Perfectly harmless. OKI doc¬ tor's prescription in use for E 50 years. At your drug store. E E THACHER MEPICINE CO. Chattanooga, Tenn., t'. S. A. For Sale by , DR. F. G. HOBBS Fort Valley, Ga. iL&ir. , YOU CAN ECONOMIZ BY BUYING AT THE THRIFT GROCERY STORE WE BUY RIGHT-WE SELL RIGHT Si 4i We Teach Your Dollars To Have More Gents. j Mrs. J. C. Newberry Si if’ 205 Main St. Phone 56 bn i i I ************** **** ****** ****** **** * ****** ****** When Macon * in Take Time to See * HIES & ARMSTRONG * * * Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and * * Silverware. * * * RELIABLE GOODS ONLY * * Phone 836 315 Third Street. -V Macon, Georgia. * * * ************ *★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Are You a Subscriber to Your Home Paper?