The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, February 26, 1920, Image 7

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THE LEA&ER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, C.A., FEBRUARY 26. 1920. © © © © © © ifcfe © R I © © ® We Are Trying To © © IMPRESS © © upon the people of this community, our apprecia¬ © tion of their patronage, by offering them the BEST in everything we sell, combined with © First-Class Service, Prompt and Courteous At¬ tention and it is onr earnest determination and constant aim to Deliver © » DRUG SATISFACTION © Phone 140 © COPELAND’S PHARMACY © © © © ,.G"°M i°M A T\\ ‘hl cn luo,\g 99 © ® filibeg rijiQ ® 01 © © PB0JQ S t J3MOiM3!H **/A J9 MT!3 © © s mi p b9 h © © *************************** * * * OAKLAND CAR * * * * * * For Sale * * * Used About Five Months. * * Good as New. * * Come and See It. * * * WE EASE YOUR PAINS IF IT’S AUTOMOTIVE * BRING US YOUR TROUBLES ¥ * Fort Valley Garage ¥ * ¥ * Hardison & Bartlett, Proprs. ¥ ¥ * Phone 279 Cor. Macon & Church Sts. * ¥ ♦ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A" k ¥ © Just Received | a car load of Term, horses & 1 mules. Am located at Shep-1 8 ard’s barn. Will be glad to I show you. © © J. F. COMER. VISITORS FROM NEAR-BY TOWNS arc finding it profitable buying high-class groceries at Piggly-Wiggly. The saving on a few dollars’ worth pays their gasoline hill. . C PiGGLY-WIGGLY 11 ALL OVER THE WORLD. n 400 SECOND STREET, MACON, GEORGIA An ad in this space will be read by the people you want to reach LAKE VIEW SCHOOL NEWS Reported By Miss Jewel Barrow. TO BUILD A HOME. Integrity must be the architect; It must be warmed by affection, Lighted with cheerfulness, Ventilated by industry, While over all must be the of God. Of such a home it may be truly That every rose hath in ns cup a Making fresh honey of things, Each rose without a thorn, Each bee without a sting. Master Smith Dukes spent with his uncle. * * * Miss Nellie Stalnaker spent day with Louise Rowland. + <• * Proffessor D. W. Whitmire Saturday in Macon on business. * ♦> * Mr. T. J. Caldwell called to Miss Clara Belle Pender Sunday. 4* 4» 4> Mr. S. H. Aultman spent Sunday morning with Mr. D. B. Holcomb. ❖ ❖ 4* Miss Hazel Causey and Mr. Elmer Bryant took a short spin Sunday. f * i Master Will Stalnaker spent Sun¬ day afternoon with Louise Rowland. Master B\ T. Yaugh spent Sunday with Clarence and Wilson Aultman. ❖ * + Miss Mattie Lee Johnson spent the week end with Miss Emmie Bryant. TV* Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Greer spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Joe Pen¬ der. Misses * -J* 4* Lois and Willie Lee Stalna¬ ker spent the week end with home folks. 4* 4- 4* Miss Claudia Belle Bryant spent Sunday with Miss Maggie Mae John¬ son. * * + Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Johnson spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Dora McGee. 4- * 4> Mr. J. T. Hancock and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones. * 4» + Mr. Bailey Caldwell spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs. John Caldwell. Marshallville Personal Items Miss Ruth Elder spent the week end in Macon and Barnesville. t t * Miss Mary Niles spent the week end in Americus with relatives. ^ ^ *3* Mrs. J. T. Doles visited Mrs. Ada Kimble in Montezuma last week. 4» 4» Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bullock of Ma¬ con were recent guests of relatives. f ❖ v Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Murph and Mr. G. R. Black have returned from Tam pa. 4* 4* Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bel! and Mr. J. D. Massee were recent visitors to Fort Valley. * ❖ * Mrs. R. F. Baldwin went to Atlan¬ ta last week to attend the Rachman¬ inoff recital. Rev. 4 > 4 > 4 Z. E. Barron of Boston, Ga., was here to officiate in the Vining— Greer wedding. 4 * * * Mrs. J. A. McHan and Mr. Jack McHan of Macon were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Slappey. 4 * * 4 * Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Taylor and Miss Lula Taylor were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. West in Monte zuraa. * * * The Epworth League Valentine So¬ cial at the home of Miss Thelma Bartlett on Friday evening was an occasion of great pleasure to many young people. * ❖ 4 * Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harman Frederick deeply sympathize with them in the loss of their infant son, Peter Rowe, whose death occurred on Tuesday, February 17. His brief i life had bound many hearts to him in love and many hopes were center¬ ed in the little one’s future. Yet in Divine Wisdom the Heavenly Father has taken the wee life to the Home where pain and parting are un¬ known, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hancock spent Sunday afternoon with Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Caldwell. •s- 4 4* Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Holcomb spent Sunday afternoon with Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Caldwell. * v * Mr. George Hardy called to see Misses Mattie Lou and Bobbie Lee Howard Saturday evening. Messrs. Houser and Arthur White •ailed to see Misses Ruby and Grace Tucker Sunday afternoon. Misses 4» Emmie and Hazel Causey and Mr. Elmer Bryant attended church at Byron Sunday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Fountain and family spent the week end with rel¬ atives and friends in Roberta. ... Misses * ❖ ❖ Emmie, Hazel and Ida V. Causey spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Ruby and Grace Tucker. Misses ^ ^ Emmie, Hazel, and Ida V. Causey and Mr. Cliff Causey attend¬ ed the movies” Saturday night. 4* and' »*4 *K Misses Ella Clara Pender spent Saturday afternoon with Miss¬ 's Mattie Lou and Bobbie Lee How¬ ard. Mr. fjb Arthur White and other for unate ones spent a very pleasant evening with Miss Elizabeth Arnold Friday. *> * * . Mrs. Gus Hortman and daughter, Myrtice Hortman, and Nellie Turner -pent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jim Hortman. 4> 4> <• Friends around Lakview regret to hear of Mr. Virgil Heard’s death, which occurred Friday, and deeply sympathize with the bereaved ones. Friends «f» 4» 4* of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Tabor and family wish to express their deepest sympathy in the loss of his sister, Mrs. Joe Heard, who passed away Sunday evening at her home near Union. * 4> 4> In spite of the “Flu >> Lakeview school still continues and we are proud to say that the attendance is the same as heretofore. We are glad to welcome into our midst two new scholars, which wake an enrollment of ninety-eight. The guests at a recent stag sup¬ per at the home of Mr. and rMs. Wal¬ ter Frederick, Jr., were Mr. W. J. Walker, Mr. J. W. Frederick, Mr. P. R. Frederick, Mr. W. E. Lester, Dr. D. B. Frederick. * + * Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Frederick had as guests to a recent dinner Mrs. W. E. Lester, Miss Mary Williamson, of Verbena, Ala., Mrs. Oscar McKen¬ zie, Walter Ben McKenzie, Montezu¬ ma, Miss Carrie Riley, Fort Valley. 4 * 4 * 4 * Miss Mary Niles and Miss Claudia Plant were joint hostesses for the U. D. C. Chapter on Tueday afternoon at the home of Miss Plant. There was unanimous protest against any re¬ moval of the Soldiers’ Home from Atlanta. Professor S. V. Sanford of the State University has accepted invitation from the Chapter for Memorial Day. Mrs. J. W. Neil gave a reading on Sidney Lanier, and Mrs. F. J. Frederick commented on his poem, “Corn.” In the social hour tea and sandwiches were served. o HONEY £CK vrlhout question if Hunt’s Sslta f»tU In the treatment of Eczema Tetter, Ring worm, itch . etc Don’t become discouraged be cause other treatments failed Hunt’* Salve has relieved hun died* of auch cases You can’t !o*c on our Money Hack Guarantee, Try it ot our TODAY Price 75* at CCPELAND’S PHARMACY Contributors to The Leader-Tri¬ will earn the gratitude of the and force by getting their copy in as early as possible and as nearly as possible in suitable form for publication. Friday is none too early; Wednesday is often too late. ■o Read The Leader-Tribune for all home |ws ill n Rough & Dressed LUMBER W to are fill now your in wants position in ]j | Rough and Dressed Lum- | | ber. Call around and let | | us estimate on your next | bill of material. We also make all kinds of MOLDINGS. GEORGIA GRATE 8 BASKET COMPANY AT TH OLD ANTHOINE STAND L FORT VALLEY, GA. J Headquarters for INSURANCE Fire, Tornado, Casually, Automobile, Hi Burglary, Surely Bonds, Plate Glass m »M E N D RIC -4 Representing NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. SAFE, PROMPT AND APPRECIATIVE $25.00 1 PAID TO ANYONE WHO USES PLURASAV ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS FOR PNEUMONIA, COLDS AND RISING BREAST, AND FAILS TO GET RELIEF. Plurasav Co,, COLUMBUS, GA. m A School To Train Typesetters Learn the Type-setting Machine, and It Will Give You Big Earning PowerWhile You Are Mastering the Profession. The Southern Newspaper Publishers’ Association has establish¬ ed a school for teaching typesetting on the linotype and intertype machines. Apprentices in the printing trade and ambitious young men or women should write for literature, The trade that helped develop Benjamin Franklin into a master mind is worthy of careful consideration. For advice apply to the editor of the Leader-Tribune, and in the meantime send for literature, addressing, Georgia-Alabajma Business College (Accredited) EIJGENK President ANDEKHON Macon, Georgia SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS For Black, Tan, Ox Blood, Dark Brown and White Shoea THE F. F. DAU.EY CORPORATIONS LTD., BUFFALO. N. Y. Advertise and Profit Thereby.