The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, February 26, 1920, Image 9

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© V Complete BUILDING satisfaction Can come only from good material. There are very few concerns who -sell building material as good as ours; and none who sell better. Ai ml J *!U «*- [V 5 k»*l The House That is Well Built Necessarily is constructed of Good WfaillEl y A Building Material. In this regard, ill BE SAFE. Let us figure on your Lumber Bill. i\ r * [ 3 \ t\ ♦I I II r v Ml fix Z2F f Fort Valley Lumber Company ^§§g|i You Can Make No Mistake In Selecting Your | Jewelry Here Charm in design, delicacy in workmanship, enduring qualities—these are the things we m have achieved in our labors with feold, silver I j and precious stones. Our materials and our ; £ems are carefully selected from the best markets of the entire world. We offer you here nothing that is not of known sound value—nothing but what we know you will be &lad you have bought. This is best shown you by our recommen¬ dation of W-W-W Rin&s. had We chose these rin^s only after we satisfied ourselves that they were in strict accord with our policy of offering our patrons only mer¬ chandise that was the utmost in quality, design and workmanship. Each one of these rir.^s is of £reat beauty j and artistic merit, yet inexpensive. You can find among them rin&s suitable for the most important gifts, or for personal use which will not tax your purse. These rin&s are unique in that each one car¬ ries with it an absolute guarantee against loss or cracking of the setting. ! .j* T. L FLOYD JEWELER ‘‘Where Quality Is As Represented 109 Main Street, Phone 64. Fort Valley, Georgia. MR. FARMER We are still on the job with a complete line of FARM SUPPLIES, Consisting of Collars, Bridle.-, Ha nes, Traces, Backhands, Colltrr Pads, Rope, Forks all kinds, Rakes, Hoes, Mattox, Axes, Shovels, and garden tools* We especially call your attention lo our Low Prices on Traces, Cellars and Forks The famous LEDBETTER One Seed Planter and ■’ SEAY Fertilizer Distributor. Only a very limited supply of these to be had this season. Wrn J. OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS Repairs for all the above mentioned implements Builders’ Hardware and Carpenters’ Tools. MY PRICES ARE RIGHT W. A. MELVIN & V TyE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT V ALLEY, GA., FEBRUARY 26, 1620. ~ # EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45 a. m Lay Service every Sumlav morn¬ ing at 11 :()() o’clock, except on fourth Sunday. Celebration of Holy Com¬ munion and sermon on fourth Sun¬ day at 11 :00 o’clock. Evening ser¬ vice on fourth Sunday. Rev. J. P. McCloud, Rector. C. T. Eberhnrdt, Suot. S. S. Effective Printing means good tyoe, good presses, good workmen and good paper. We have the quipment and the workmen for you, and use Hammermill grades of bond, safety and cover papers. Let us show you. MACON OPTICAL CO. J. N. KALISH, Prop. MACON GEORGIA Send us your glasses for quick repairs -0 Hastings’ 1920 Seed Catalog Free It’s ready now. One hundred hand somelv illustrated pages with brilliant cover in natural Colors, It is both beautiful and helpful, and all that if necessary to get it is a postal card request. You will find our 1920 cata logue a well worth while eeed book. Hastings' Seeds are sold direct by mail. You will never find them or, sale in the stores, We have some five hundred thousand cus‘omevs whe buy from us by mail. We please ami satisfy them, and we can please and satisfy you in 1920. Planting Hastings’ Seeds in yom garden or in your fields insures 'goo; luck’' so far as results can be deter mined by the seed planted. For 3< years Hastings’ Seeds have been tii standard of seed excellence and pur ity in the South. Only varietie adapted to the South arc listed. Quq, ity of the best and prices often If tlian those you pay at home. Writ' for free copy of this splendid cats, logue now. H. G. HASTINGS CO Seedsmen, Atlanta, Ga.— (Advt.) Are you a subscriber? o £ 9> p ti a 9 igtk PPPIPBI -j rasft a «-.a si A. ’ 4 i Blood is life. When its cur £ rent elows down and its waters become polluted, tlio stream ) flows not alonrr the shores of Health tlirou: tlio land of i Happiness. To purify _ the blood, energd:: ■ the liver, keep tlio bov.eis aval kidneys acting properly there’s an old doctor's prescription, in use for 67 ' years; made by the TTTACin.'K w t l'.DlCIXH CO., Chattrincorra, Term., >ld nt your dru; store. Try it or your fain" TiiAcnni’S Livr nncl FLOOD rs V i T I’ IieJprd inc v 1, :i every - thin» else fail'd, 1 Cl r it an invaluable incdicine i -r constipation, ,0cin find blood diseases and bilious* DC I Mrs. \ 0. Green, Term. 22 A THACMlRS L T e # ] * j • 8 J § A FOR *ALE BY DR. F. G. HOBBS Fort Valley, Ga. o- INFORMATION FREE A Plea for Peace Catholics in Georgia Catholics in American History Catholic Belief Catholics and Marriage Catholics and the Bible The Pope and the War Catholicism and Politics The above booklets giving infor¬ mation about Catholics and their at¬ titude towards questions of the day will be sent you gratis upon re¬ quest. All questions about Catholics and their belief answered. ‘ Address: The Catholic Laymen’* Association of Georgia. ■msstv «S! tfWiltMl A A- fv tVf/LVr vs < V 7 is / r* ^ v, • 4> jn L‘ij —rv,*— j\ B *L. s S>JY flj ■5- 2 ? «s® ■s '/MB' yf r, V: a . w -/niKFjy u.rv^ ip gjpi £ SK> 41 from your fertilizer will be greater if you use ROYST * f S trade mark -> REGISTERS!} The Fertilizer Thai Made Fish Scrap Famous F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio ararararaaKnm iaaaHg^^ 9 I S FORDSON TRACTOR £ S £ ' /V 1%, S 31 AZ. m s a II \ 7" f : y l « s s rZ i d: a mm i % 1 £ s The Harrowing season for Peach Orchards and hand. the More fertilization growth of the orchards are close which to \i 5 j means more buds There produces only more peaches of and larger returns, growth [5 [j are two ways getting new jg or increased yield and that is by extensive cul- £ tivation or extensive fertilization. R Fertilizer is higher than it has ever been in the history of the peach business of Fort Vailey and therefore the moslt expensive method of in= creased yield. While on the other hand a Ford son Tradtor without any question is far cheap er in the extensive cultivation of an orchard than any other power or machinery ever offered a grower. It is your desire to secure the be^t results at the lea^l possible co^t. Therefore if you will spend one-third as much for Kordson Tradtors as you will have to spend for fertilizers to get a normal growth, the results will be the same. SOUTHERN ORCHARD SUPPLY CO. AGENTS FORT VALLEY, GA.