The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, March 11, 1920, Image 6

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mr*mn ***£? fin M3 HkT £ 1 WORK $ 3 rras 4 S¥ Sf3 Sg The Slauuing 1 ogother of the Farmers, Merchants, Bankers and Manufacturers Is Absolutely Essential If We Are to Win the Fight Against the Boll Weevil. From the results of our Companv’s experience operating Oil Mills from North Carolina to Texas, we A ’ *W-L Vc tound that when the s hoII weevil hits a section our mills in that particular section remain idle most of rile ycdi, and many cease operation altogether. ► hi I ■ The Oil Mills' and the Farmers’ interests are identical. If our mills are idle it means that the farmers have made a failure with i their cotton crop. We do not r.cwise ai.>cue 10 cottcn rut we do advise putting at least ralf of his money ~rop to peanuts.e Peanuts nave fol¬ p. lowed me boll weevil all the wav Irom Texas to Georgia, and everyone knows tbev substantial money valu. On account of the high prices ur tobacco and no boll weevil to contend w : h, the Virginia and North Carolina planters of pea¬ nuts are giving them up for cotton and tobacco, This decrease in acreage in North Carolina and Virginia indicates that it is going to be almost impossible to have anything above a normal production, which would indicate that the price will remain high. We have had a very mild winter and we are getting reports now that the weevil has never gone into winter quarters and is raising in frost-bitten bolls right in the field, So it looks as if he would he ready for the first squares. This is our strong ap peal to you to make room for a larger peanut acreage, Remember, to discredit the boll weevil’s ability to destroy your cotton crop is dangerous. We We are pioneers in the peanut business in this se;tion. buy peanuts and ship them to our Georgia plants in any quanti ty all the way from Virginia to Mississippi, therefore you car. be assured of a market for your peanuts at all times. We have selected and set aside choicest peanuts for planting purposes. We have them on sale at our plant, and, for the con¬ venience of the trade, we propose putting them on sale throughout the section. Write us for prices and any information we can give you in regard to planting, cultivation and harvesting. We strongly advise the use of fertilizer in raisiig peanuts. We want our customers and the public generally to call on us for any information we can give. Our offices are open to every farmer. Come and let us advise with you for a larger peanut crop. We have studied the business; you are welcome to any help we can give you. / iril THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. W. S. ROBERTS, Mgr. CORDELE, GEORGIA 1C ti OlOtOiClxOlOl II 8 Personal 9 B Paragraphs *06 oooo Friends in Fort Valley and ... vicm ity of Mr. E. H. Vaughn of the Lux ury Fruit Farm near Myrtle, will be grieved to learn of his death in ville, Tenn., on Saturday of spinal meningitis. Mr. Vaughn had been re siding in Nashville several months, ♦ *5» 4* Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Mackey, Bessie Mackey and Mr. L. L Cooper motored to Montezuma Sunday were guests of Mrs. Mackey’s moth er, Mrs. A. P. Hobbs. While there they went over to see the new Macon County bridge which crosses the river. They pronounce it a fine and beautiful bridge. TO / THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford cars have become such a world utility that it would almost seem as if every family ought to have its Ford car. Runabout, Touring Gar, Coupe, Sedan, (the two latter have enclosed bodies,) and the Truck Chassis, have really become a part and parcel of human life. You want one because its service will be profitable for you. We solicit your order at once because, while production is limited, it will be f rst come, first supplied. G. L. STRIPLING & CO. Authorized Ford Dealers. m The Kpworth League held a Sunday evening in the church lors after the regular Sunday ing meeting. These meetings for | young people are very (and helpful and the social ar enjoyed, Refreshments served during the social hour. 4 4* + Mr. W. L. Houser, teacher of j Men’s Bible C lass ol the Sunday School, and Prof. Ralph j j ton, the Baptist teacher Sunday of the School, Baraea Class j ed places Sunday morning and I class had for their lesson Love. 99 * * * Rev. J. W. Stokes attended All Pastors’ conference in ' this week, Mr. Stokes, as clerk of the Synod of Georgia, j be secretary of the Presbyterian nominational conference to be p r j<i ay morning. He will return jurda.v for his appointment at THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT V ALLEY, GA., MARCH It, 1920. t + + Miss Westmoreland of the Fort Valley High School faculty was call¬ ed to her home at Pavo Monday, hav¬ ing received a message announcing the sudden death of her mother. Mrs. F. W. Withoft will teach her classes until she returns. Her friends here sympathise with her in this bereave¬ ment. ♦ + ♦ Mrs. H. Moskovjtz will entertain Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Cohn, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Julius Class. Lotto will be the game enjoyed and another reature will be the embroidering of initials on nap¬ kins which have been previously pre¬ sented to Mrs. Cohen during her vis¬ it here. * * * *> <- * Many people of the community have been confined to their homes for several days of the past week or two, suffering from severe colds, or mild cases of grippe or influenza. We have heard, however, of but few cases of serious illness. A goodly number of the sufferers are now out again, we are pleased to learn. ❖ * * Mrs. A. H. Lubetkin went to Ma¬ con last Wednesday to attend the 94th birthday party of Mrs. Abe Les¬ ser. This is the fourth successive year that Mrs. Lubetkin has been pres¬ ent on these birthday occasions and she says the aged honor guest is well and strong, does alDof her house¬ work and on this happy occasion re¬ ceived her-friends moss cordially. •0 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our kind and good friends who so generously and kindly gave us their sympathy and service in the passing away of our darling wife and mother. Mr. W. F. Doles and Children. o MINNEAPOLIS CITIZENS ORGANIZE FOR SERVICE A group of prominent citizens in Minneapolis, Minn., formed a Citi zen’s Dry Enforcement Committee as stated at the meeting ate with the federal and state officials in the enforcement of federal i state Prohibition laws and to ate with the state Anti-Saloon League ! in protecting and preserving these laws. Mr. J. G. Steenson, the appointed state Prohibition director, was present and outlined his plans, 0 An extravagant man is always 1 preaching economy to his wife. DOSS TIRES I I ROAD MASTERS BY RIGHT OF ACKNOWLEDGED SUPERIORITY 9 Motmists of the South, in daily increasing numbers,arechooBing Doss Tires for far-into-the-future service. I Not alone because of the commanding quality instantly apparent in their outward sturdy beauty, but even more because of the through and through quality that they KNOW is carefully hand-built into every Doss Tire to make it A MILEAGE MASTERPIECE w. The of true measure a tire’s value is gauged by the number of m p. . UNWATCHE1) miles it runs for you, Doss Tires do not even com ' / K , tnence to show wear until they have far outrun their < i Greater Mile* 0. $ age" guarantee. All sizes, plain and non-skid treads. Ford Si sizes guaranteed tor 7,5<*0 miles, larger 3> sizes 6,000 miles. I Doss Rubber and Tube Company, ATLANTA, GA. & DOSS Doss Compression Inner Tubes do not *<•» 3 / flat Doss and Laminated art not Tubes injured red by and punctures. * gray--are ki / made to win the approval of motorists who / know exactly what a strictly tirst-claes TUBES tuiie should be. 1 Mi. M . L. BLASINGAME HARVINOLA FRUIT FARM EVANS BROS. GARAGE Fort Valley, Ga. i ************** **¥* IMMTiliUT ****** *********** ****** * * * When in Macon Take Time to See * * ]{ l S ARM ^TRON G * * * * * ^ * ^ Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry ^ and I * OllVdTWfcllfC# 0*1 * * * * RELIABLE GOODS ONLY * * * * Phone 836 Macon, Georgia. 315 Third Street. J « *k ************** , *★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★