The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, March 11, 1920, Image 7

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p I Get Goodyear Tire Economy for That Smaller Car •MMIUtllMUiMMmi.t imnmtiiiiiiminiimvm‘1 i.miiMimiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiuiimmmiwiiuiiiitiitwwiiiiiiiiiwxinMimiMuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiwi u wMMUi M wmimMWwHMi Just as owners of the highest-priced auto¬ mobiles get greater mileage and economy out of Goodyear Tires, so can the owners V A* of smaller cars similarly enjoy Goodyear I The advantages. 30x 3-, 30x3 1 4-, and 31x4'inch sizes of T Goodyear Tires built afford money’s A are to a s worth in performance and satisfaction which only the utmost in experience, resources , and care can produce. This extraordinary money’s worth begins not only with the merit of these tires, but > also with the and first sometimes cost, which actually in most is cases less, 1 is no greater, r than that of other makes of the same types of tires. Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for Goodyear Tires for your Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or other cars taking k\ these sizes. He is ready to supply you Good < year Heavy Tourist Tubes at the same time. i (C t A ft \ t Hi-ivV rou.‘«»r tm? aft noonj- V :AR 30x3*4 Goodyear Double-Cure $2352 Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, tubes that Fabric, All-Weather Tread ....... reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more 30 x U /2 Goodyear Single-Cure $2152 than tubes of less merit. 30x3*4 size in water- 50 Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread................ proof bag ................................................................................ GOO] s r s a wa —i ■ am* saaaHh/ta&Ki m* t^ ------ v*-*- — FOR MAYOR. At the request of a goodly number of friends I hereby announce my can¬ didacy for re-election for Mayor sub¬ ject to the rules governing Primary as will be later agreed on by the ex ecutive committee. Your support is respectfully sol¬ icited. Yours respectfully, H. C. NEIL. FOR ALDERMEN. The friends of J. A. Houser, W. M. Wright and J. D. Duke announce tnem as candidates for Aldermen of the City of Fort Valley subject to the rules governing the election. We hereby solicit the support of the voters of the city to help elect these capable men to this office. o FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Houston County, subject to Demo cratic Primary, Your vote will be appreciated. C. N. ROUNTREE. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce my for Tax Receiver of Houston subject to the rules of the cratic Primary, and respectfully licit your support. s. P. CROWELL. FOR TAX RECEIVER I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of Tax ceiver of Houston County, subject the rules and regulations of the ocratic: Primary, and earnestly licit your support. I am fully petent to keep a neat and set of books, and if elected will fully discharge my dilties with the office. Respectfully, H. L. THF LEADER tribunk, PORT V M I KY GA MARCH 11, t<*20. rur is - FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a can-di date for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Houston County, subject to the Democratic Primary. If re-elected,. 1 promise the same fidel¬ ity to duty that has controlled me during the present term. T. E. THARPE. FOR SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Houston County, subject to the Primary. I will appreciate support. E. J. THOMPSON. FOR ORDINARY I hereby announce myself a didate for re-election as Ordinary Houston County subject to rules, and will appreciate the approval of All the people. If elected promise a faithful performance duty. I. T. FOR CLERK OF COURT I hereby announce myself a didate for the office of Clerk of penor Court of Houston County, ject to the Democratic Primary Respectfully, C. H. o FINE MERELY LICENSE, SAYS GEORGIA Judge Gus H. Howard, of bus, Ga., in refusing to omit the on penalties assessed againt a legger, declared that letting off person convicted of violating tion laws with a mere fine js in certain sense a form of licensing liquor business, The court will public opinion with him in this mg. 0 Contributors to The bune will earn the gratitude of editor and force by getting copy m as early as possible and nearly as possible in suitable for publication, Friday is none early; Wednesday is often too late. •kickirki* k k k tk k k kkkk k k j v V PROFESSIONAL CARDS ★ i j. R | kkkkkk k ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ kkkk j C. RILEY A. j ATTORNEY Building.. AT ’Phone LAW 156. Evans Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in the Ordinary, Superior and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Evans Building. Phone 31. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans Made on Realty. EMMETT HOUSER ATTORNEY AT LAW First Nat. Bank Bldg, ’Phone l 07. ! Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in Both the State and Fed eral Courts. Loans Made on Realty. Louis L. Brown R. E. BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. ’Phone 9. Fori Valley, Ga. Practi( . e in all the State and Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. I A. C. RILEY, JR. LAWYER Fort Valley, Ga. Loans Made on Real Estate. HERBERT VINING Attorney and Counselor at Law Fort Valley, Ga. DUNCAN & NUNN ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT LAW Perry, Ga. Practice in State and Federal DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST 1 Miss Florence Taylor, Assistant. . Evans Building. Fort Valley, Ga. ’Phones; Office 82; Residence DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. 'PHONES Residence 50-J; Office 58-J. I DR. J. A. TURNER DENTIST Office over R. S. Braswell’s Store. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Office 280-J. Residence 237. I MARCUS L. HICKSON i PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office over R. S. Braswell’s Store. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Office l 06-IB Residence 106-2B. Fort Valley, Ga. J. R. KINNEY PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. I JNO. M. COOK, Sr. Civil Engineer and Surveyor Land surveying and city lots a speci a|ty Address Phone 7: P O Box 514. P [ G H T THE BOLL ft WEEVIL ' illlHi wsm IS ’'III ; -.hi WITH THIE ©I SPRINGFIELD SPRAYER ENDORSED BY GOVERNMENT AND STATE EXPERIMENT STATIONS FOR SALE BY GREEN-MILLER COMPANY, Fort Valley FOR SALE.— Five-Passenger Au ! tomobile. A bargain. Apply Leader-Tribune. r Rough & Dressed ! ! tMMMI n i LUMBER W E are now in position to fill your wants in Rough and Dressed Lum¬ ber. Call around and let us estimate on your next bill of material. We also make all kinds of MOLDINGS. AT THE OLD 1THBINE STAND FORT VALLEY GA. J Headquarters for INSURANCE bEendric Burglary, Fire, Tornado, Surety Casualty, Bonds, Automobile, Plate Glass I -4 rn Representing NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. SAFE, PROMPT AND APPRECIATIVE A School To Train Typesatters Learn the Type-setting Machine, and It Will Give You Big Earning PowerWhile You Are Mastering the Profession. The Southern Newspaper Publishers’ Association has establish¬ ed a school for teaching- typesetting on the linotype and intertjpe machines. Apprentices in the printing trade and ambitious young men or women should write for literature. The trade that helped develop Benjamin Franklin into a master mind is worthy of caretul consideration. Leader-Tribune, and in the For advice apply to the editor of the meantime send for literature, addressing, Georgia-Alabama Business College (Accredited) - EUGENE President ANDERSON Macon, Georgia # ♦♦ »♦ «♦ «♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ 1 I ♦ INSURANCE DEPARTMENT ! j FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMOBILE & SURETY BONDS ! ♦ An office representing Time-Tried Com- ! | panies. i W that will appreciate bus l iness. An office your I An office desiring to assist jou in your i insurance An problems. office giving particular attention to i I your protection at lowest cost. l WESLEY HOUSER, Manager PHONE I07 m i 1st Nat’l Bank Bldg. Fort Valiev. Ga. ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ U IF it it What is h o m e without The 1 Leader-Tribune?