The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, March 11, 1920, Image 8

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THF. f.FADER TRliUNE, FORT V ALLEY, GA , MARCH 11, >»20. ®: ® + •R (©) ® *- *(©! ® ® * * PERFORMANCE PROVES! ®: * ® * ® ® * * ■as* i. © * [§)* Everybody recognizes that to get ® * and to hold a patron are two dis¬ ® * tinctly different *(g ® + mutters. (©) * This Institution acquires its custom ©) * through its trank invitation for ers *<§ m * patronage and through the hearty *d recommendation of friends. 0) + It retains them through the faithful ©jf extension of a worthy service—its ©* performance proves! *(g (©) * ® * As we are serving others, we will ©)* gladly serve you. ©* *(§ (g) * (©)* §)* g)* (©>* (©)* (©)* Citizens Bank ® * §)* ©>* OF FORT VALLEY (©)* FORT VALLEY, GA. City, State and National Depository. ©★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A© ^. 111 ■ i nrmnnrm » m i! i i rm f iTirrmTH i Beautiful Cake Bread Baking results of the tempting kind that C‘ve joy to the experienced housewife, and stir the most sluggish appetite, are obtained by the use of SENSATION s&frIsing FLOUR. In the most modem mill, with a capa¬ city of 1,000 barrels a day, where only best wheat is used, this familiar brand is made. And good cooks everywhere nre more and more asking for it. In Sensation all the in¬ gredients needed to give the best possible baking results are mixed in exactly the right proportions, so that baking powder, soda and salt are not required, which means real economy. <y ] For Skis in Fort Valley by MARSHALL GROCERY COMPAN C ON I EVERY iniiiiiminilliil 111 In mill ii (\3 S AO. i w t* NELSON’S uilt make proud of hair” m you your The particular colored people of the f United States use Nelson’s HairDressing ■v-v For more than so years Nelson’s has been sold and recommended by drug stores born, everywhere. Nelson’s makes stub¬ kW curly It hair soft, glossy and easy to manage. is fine for the scalp, relieves dandruff and makes the hair grow. PERROL DAVIS It i* Important to get the genuine Nelson’*. M colored girl of Tempe.. FIm., smy* Tok# tki$ advertisement to th® dru£ store. there is no keir dressing •nd b« sure to get the genuine NELSON'S like Nelson’s. Nelson Manufacturing Co., Inc. Send if us 2?out NELSON'S, uhctogrtpk RICHMOND. VA. you use ■sa Read Our Ads For Profit. €> <? ^ w, !v*\ O * ojr .v 5, c » <j5 'g»i v, ♦ / / Av o o o V V / PRESENTS' JL WILLIAM FOX rr; M 1 & 1 m w I* tm ■r / I 1 % r L VJ Ww'VA m v 'mw W m mmmwk or e§, &gl m r */i 55 THE'll t 1 Vj. THE PICTURE BEAUTIFUL Etfi WITH IX M N ETTE v i m ~*n % * H iriRi m 1 m Yd. SEE IT AT THE Franklin Theatre i \ n PICK O’THE PICTURES ’ Fort Valley, Ga. The georgeous, gigantic wonder play of all times. The production and beautiful. 22,000 people, 1,200 children, 300 dancing girls 200 Mermaids all in this wonderful picture. A city costing $350, 000 to build, destroyed in one single scene. MARCH 12th, One Day O nly . ADMISSION 25 and 30c, War Tax Included. A Fort Valley Institution. Let’s Go •' Show Starts at 2 P. M. FORT VALLEY COLONY IN NEW YORK ENTERTAINED. We received nearly two weeks ago the following interesting description of a house party at which a number of Fort Valley boys and girls study ing in New York were guests, the article having been crowded out of our last week’s issue: 2-24-1920. New York City. Mr. Joel M. Martin, Fort Valley, Ga. Dear Sir: The following news may be a anachionistic, but such must sarily be the case and the was so much enjoyed by the that it should be noted in The Tribune. The event referred to was of nature of a week-end house party the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. McTyiere, of Forest Hills, Long land. The party was planned as surprise to Mr. Brown Carithers, honor of his 26th birthday, and as happened to be the birthday George Washington, also, the ebration was for both. The white and blue decorations and cornered hats were in evidence commenorative of the father of country, and the birthday cake the presents, each marked with appropriate verse from the were also indicative of the desire the pi.rt of all present that should have many happy returns the day. Those enjoying the hospitality Mr. and Mrs. McTyiere were Bernice Quentin, Miss Etta Carithers, Mr. Louis Brown, Mr. Brown Cari¬ thers and Mr. Sam Mathews. o j ‘•*1 !l** o u « VJCi !« i If ! Keep because You Happy they |j !j Keep Ym Healthy j L,„ ; 15-' WhSj r -Mr •t/M % P • / 0 - Register now, for the candidate of your choice may need your very badly on election day. VISITORS FROM NEAR-BY TOWNS arc finding it profitable buying high-class groceries at Piggly-Wiggly. The saving on a few dollars’ worth pays their gasoline bill..... PIGGLY-WIGGLY t < ALL OVER THE WORLD. -400 SECOND STREET MACON, GEORGIA AN IDEAL EDITOR. A friend hands in the following taken from the Florida Standard. This friend has evidently lived long enough to realize that because a man happens to be an editor of a news¬ paper he is not suposed to be omni¬ potent and infalible, but is just another piece of humanity dashing out the news to his readers as he is able to obtain it. But, here’s the Standard’s sentiments: Wanted: An editor who can read, write and argue politics, and at the same time be religious, funny, scien¬ tific and historical, at will, write to please everybody, know everything without asking or being told; al¬ ways have something good to say about everybody else, live on wind, and make more money than enemies. For such a man a good opening will be made (in the graveyard). He is too honest to live.—Carroll Free REHOBOTH ASSOCIATION TO BE ENTERTAINED HERE. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will entertain the women of the Rehoboth Associa¬ tion in a three days convention begin¬ ning the 23rd of March, in what is School of Methods. * • known as a .. There will be several prominent speakers and teachers here. Among them will be Miss Kathleen Mallary, of Baltimore, secretary of the B. W. M. U., of the South; Mrs. Eugene Sallee, from Kaifeng, China; and Mr. Edgar Morgan, from Laichow-Fu, China. Miss Maud Powell of Atlanta, Georgia’s young people’s leader, will also be present. Committees from the Missionary Society to look after the reception and entertainment of the. visitors have been appointed and are looking forward to the meeting with a great deal of pleasure as well as profit. •o It is easier for a man to bluff his creditors than his wife.