The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, April 08, 1920, Image 2

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She Prayed for a Dishpan—Got It! < u; V, m* m lCHi m r ■g 1 a ' * s ■fa :■?» w j-idv.. ■H Wi a; r* ■ u & > * * CO**- h? 4 V;f. • V v > ■ > 4 ‘4 i* MAJOR JENNIE WARD. r RIOAL *f tha hand lo nrntilh istauwe lwl by tha Hawaiian Army tn it* early days in this eauntwy la lb* It’s a mark of good judgment to read the Leader-Tribune; it’s a mark of good principles to scribe for it. mm m I©) m 1 FRANKLIN THEATRE J (©) m m m C©) SATURDAY APRIL 10th Mary Pickford m C©; v In Her Third Pidture from Her Own Studio. m m m C© XL v si v> r S2. W % '■0s n M/nf i i : w/t / . V m 7/1 - I f i vS @ r© l E* ' \ v; u i v v Uta ¥ m 1 (© m ii Heart O’the Hills Eg) (0) Adapted from the famous novel by JOHN FOX, JR. |) Directed by SIDNEY A. FRANKLIN, Photographed by CHARLES ROSHER m ^ “You dare to pull my hair,” cries Mirv Pickford, as the little mountain m girl just starting to school. And Mary shows the boys she can fight with <§> her fists for her rights, It is the inimitable Mary with her laughs and frowns (S» m and intrepid daring, in the story of the feudist fights of the old Kentucky !§ mountaineers. c ® | The m •n Popular Screen Star In a New Character- (© !©) | ization. Also a Two Reel Mack Sennet Comedy « THE SPEAK EASY” Admission for this day 20c and 30c IT’S WORTH IT! THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, EORT V WLLFY. G.A., AERU- S, t?3*. story of how prayer brought a cauch needed dishpan to Major Jennie Word, die beloved head of the Army's famous Cherry Street Slnm Settlement xud Nursery on Now York's East Side So much poverty and suffering exist¬ ed In the neighborhood at the time rlmt the Major and her helpers did not teal JustUiud In taking even a slim dime M buy a new dlslipau. Kluaily the Major arid her assistants went down on their : kriwee and prayed fur a dtabpau, just as they had prayed for guidance in their work of relieving the distress about them. Thai evening, the Major Bet nut with tier tamhourlae to collect such inouef us she could en the streets and in the mloons thereabouts In one of the ''tie-mills" was an utterly Inebriated man with a largo handle. ‘ Here, shishter. h« mumbled, ss the Major rstth-d her tambourine before him. "1 ain't got no money, but y*r hie-welcome to ylsh.” “It was a flue big dishpan,” said the Major the other day, us she re minis ced shout her work of thirty years ago. An Ideal City A city, sanitary, eonvenient, #*•» ■tantial; Where the housaa of the rich and poor ara alika-aomfortabla and baau* tiful; end Whore the street* are clean the tky line is dear as country ail; Where the architectural excel¬ lence of its buildings adds beauty and dignity to its streets; Where parks and playgrounds are within reach of every child; Where living is pleasant, toil honorable, and recreation plentiful; Where capital is respected, but not worshipped; Where commerce in goode is great but no greater than the interchange of ideas; Where industry thrives and pros¬ perity alika to employer and em¬ ployed. Where education and art. have » place in every home; Where worth and not wealth gives standing to men; Where the power of character lifts men to leadership; Where interest in public affairs is a teat of citizenship and devotion to th# public waal ia a badg# of honor; Where government Is always hon aat and efficient and the principles of democracy find th*ir fullest and trust expresaion; Where the people of all the earth can coma and be blended into one community life, and when* each gen¬ eration will vie with the paat to transmit to the next • city greater, better, and more beantiful than the last.-—Mavo Fesler. o Are you a aubecriberT r HERE SHE COMES! 71 was You uttered no front doubt the first of have his time house, heard by a when this farmer expression he standing saw his many first on the automobile. times, side ot Il i the road in and that he couldn t The machine came so fast was gone so soon help but yell out as he did. It Is equally true of BISSELL TRACTOR CONTROL HARROWS We unload a car today-it is gone tomorrow. Every day they are going out. We have scarcely been able to keep up our stock. We just unloaded another car of our Tractor Controls Monday. You’re figuring on buying one no doubt. WELL DO IT NOW. T imorrow may be too late. TKiCTOt MtNTROI & <ITU * ■r*\ . -i I 4i - %¥■• b-.- i --'Sj-f*,' ■f. ■ One “It is Handy: the bent 1 eve- saw. j > man says:- a “I well pleased with the work ( t' Double Actio*. 7 i Another:- am < e TRY IT. I SOUTHERN BROKERAGE) COMPANY I Fort Valley, I >a. I I Distributors ; "It perco rtttinAhTK Cold, Crystal Water Through Pure Mineral Earth— FERRALINE 'iTDIgTI N N Soothing to Sick, Tired Stomachs. : a * NATURE OFFERS TO EVERYONE THE OPPORTU¬ ! T* I t NITY. MEN OF SCIENCE CAN NOJ IMPROVE I u » i ON NATURE. FERRALINE IS NATURE’S GREAT R MINERAL TONIC. E As a preventative against FJu, Cold* and other diseases * that are easily communicated to the weak and rundown sys¬ s tems, FERRALINE offers the opportunity. If you put rich, red blood into your veins, whet a good appetite and add strength and force and vitality, you will have little chance to F fall a victim to any scourge that sweeps the land. M £ FERRALINE is NOT A CURE-ALL, but it is a most excel¬ I n Stomach lent Tonic Troubles, and is invaluable Rheumatism in th* and treatment trouble* of resulting Indigestion, from N n impoverished blood and run-down aystam. E A FERRALINE is extracted from a Natural Mineral Earth R L> that is rich in Iron, Magnesium, Lithium and other curative minerals. It is free of chemicals and is Nature’s way of restor¬ A I in ing energy those who and need health to and be built vigor. up, strengthened and renewed L N If you are convalescent from Flu, Ferraline will quickly re¬ store your strength. T Mr. S. D. Coats, of Coffeeville, Alabama, says; <4 I consid o doubt er Ferraline I owe my the life finest to this tonic wonderful on the market natural and compound there is no I N .v ach had for the five worst form and of found indigestion relief and until eatarrh I used of Ferraline. the stom¬ . years no I i ton^c1| am now entirely well. >> c Ask y»ur druggist far “Familiae, ff th* Natural Mineral Toaia. »v» AHtAkTH WMVffV Diatrikutad by GEORGIA FERRALINE SALES COMPANY Macon, Ga.