The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, April 15, 1920, Image 9

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THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT V ALLEY, GA., APRIL 15, 1920. /T .I Oil .1 Weather Tested What is more important than the roof of your home ? Since man first built, houses to shelter him and his loved ones, the “roof tree" has symbolized home comfort, home beauty and home strength. „ • Remember the word “roof tree. »» It shows how closely our ancestors connected their protection from wind and weather to the storm forest. defying qualities of the trees of th« Durable Shingles of Seasoned Wood Shingles of today are an improve¬ ment over those of the last century— in appearance and economy. In strength ani protection they still uphold the reputation selected of timber. their predecessors »— cut froip 5 s We are proud of our stock of - shingles. Come to us for A I i \ » * 6 _ of Qua iffy at Economy o Prices Fon V ,iHey Lumber Company 7 16 7 < v-/ \ r.^.C a 1/1 \Um ■■ 3r It’s the anniversary of your wedding. She wonders if you have forgotten. Imagine her n delight when, at break- IR fast, she finds you Have remembered. We have a splendid selection of dainty &ifts that would please her—things that will be a continual reminder of your thoughtfulness and affection. Rinf^s, for instance, such as the W-W-W Gem Set Rin&s The event is too important to chance unknown quality. Your &iftmustbe expressive of your love for her. W-W-W Rin&* are will fully guaranteed. If the the setting cracks or falls out tha it be replaced free. Renew pledge you made with wedding rm^. Come in and see these wonderful rin£s. r. L. FLOYD JEWELER U Where Quality Is As Represented 99 109 Main Street, Phone 64. Fort Valley, Georgia. ALL THINGS CONSIDERED—TOUR VERT BEST MARKET THE GREAT CENTRAL MARKET OF THE CENTRAL SOOTH Ample capacity, modern facilities, excellent railroad connections; The Highest True Market Prices Paid For All Grades Of Stock; The ideal market in which to buy your feeding and grazing cat¬ tle and immunized pigs; The logical market to which you should ship, because you get here QUICKER anil gtt MORE for your products. Progressive and dependable commission merchants who are re¬ liable in every way and who are in active competition every day of the year; Best attention given to all consignments, whether large or small, and we‘handle each shipment so as to invite the next ship¬ ment ' '" •' — ' : ■■■ . . . . THIS IS YOUR EVENTUAL MARKET—SAVE NOW BY SHIP¬ PING TO US TODAY. • Your Business Is Solicited—Correspondence Invited WHY SHIP TO A DISTANCE AT A LOSS? YOU ARE SAFER NEARER HOME. UNION STOCK TAROS MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA. HARRY E. SNOW, GENERAL MANAGER. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45 a. ni Lay Service every Sunday morn¬ ing at 11:00 o’clock, except on ..fourth Sunday.- Celebration, of Holy Com¬ munion and sermon on fourth Sun¬ day at 11:00 o'clock. Evening ser¬ vice on fourth Sunday. Rev. J. F. McCloud, Rector. C. T. Eberhardt, Suot. S. S. U ZIRON IS A GOOD MEDICINE” ton Rock Cttj, AIl Sintleman, Afte? Miring Given It Conscientious Trial. Zlron is a new scientific combination of r pure, peia iron, inorganic, with the official, hypophosphitesof U. S. Pharmaco¬ lime and soda and other valuable tonic ingred¬ ients, recommended by the best medical anemic authorities in the treatment of | conditions. Ziron helps to put iron into your blood ; and this helps to huild strength ior you, when you are pate, weak, nervous, de¬ pressed. Read Sidney Fry, of Rock what Mr. City, Ala., says, and (hen try Ziron. He makes Something the following statement: week I used ■ • over a ago Ziron tor the first time. 1 was troubled witli indigestion and had a spell of weak¬ ness. Ziron helped both troubles, i felt stronger and niy stomach quit hurting. I really feel that Zi.on is a good medicine. It surely helped me.’’. Your druggist will sell you Ziron on a g uarantee that if the first bottle does not enefit you, lie will refund the money you paid Get him. bottle of Ziron today! a ZN 13 Your Blood Needs ■o BONO Mfe use it when PRINTING GOOD JOBS ^ hsjitours^A Givells TR ILLS RATS and miee- that’s RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer, Comes if cakes—no mixing with other food. You - money back if it fails. 25c size (1 cake) enough for Pan try, Kitchen or Cellar, 50c size (2 cakes) for Chicken ♦ House, coops, or small buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by Georgia Agricultural Works and Capeland’s -’harmecy. Read The Leader-Tribune for ah Mime new*. MACON OPTICAL CO. J. N. KALISH, Prop. MACON GEORGIA Send us your glasses for quick repairs ■0 F,l G H T THE BOLL WEEVIL 1 Ullll |H>; t Ill ■'ll WITH THE SPRINGFIELD SPRAYER ENDORSED BY GOVERNMENT AND STATE EXPERIMENT STATIONS FOR SALE BY GREEN-MILLER COMPANY, Fort Valley ~ Ga ! i i o I | Rheumatism 'completely, washed out of the system by /• "celebrated Shivar Mineral Water. Pot* m iv guaranteed by money-hack offer. u» fr.rcy costs a Trifle, Delivered any b, r- by our Fort Valley ' gent, W. G vri’dit. t X> * * + *:< * + + * * * * * *m* ************** * * * + * ❖ •:- •!> + * * * ❖*• * ****** + + + + + +»■♦ + i *+ * it * i* U *: Remember Our Specialties:- ♦* ♦* ** * + ♦* ** ♦* *: ♦* :* ^+ % ii *: PEACH CRATES, ;? ♦* * j: z BUSHEL BASKETS, ;* Z * * *; * PICKING BASKETS, * * ♦* * * * CUSHION COVERS, t* ** ♦* ^ *: CAR STICKS, ♦* 4* ♦* * + NAILS, t? * + i* ♦:* if * + * s* ♦* * 4 ♦ BEAN SPRAY PUMPS, SCALE, +r •»* * *i * DRY LIME SULFUR FOR TJ# ♦r * * ARSENATE OF LEAD, +* # * *■* *1 ARSENATE OF CALCIUM, ** * * * * SPRINGFIELD DUSTERS FOR *¥ if * + * J* * y * ♦ * COTTON. ♦* +k * +* * * ** <■* ♦ * It is to call all our customers ♦* * + our purpose on ♦* * + friends possible. Hold your or It and as soon as ♦ ♦* * ** ders for us and in the meantime come to see us + * ** and let’s figure on your needs. ** +* * * ♦* *+ ♦ * * + ♦ * * + GREEN-MILLER CO. ♦ * V * ♦ * ♦ + * * if ♦ ♦ * * FORT VALLEY, GA. ♦ * * + ♦* * 1 * ^ ❖ * + ♦ * * * tf-j. ... ,j, .j, .j. •> 4* t* • *• ■:* •> !• -J- •J-’J* *!* -M- -h -h >h ❖ 4* 4* + '»• ■*. + + + + ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ ^ if ****** ********** **************t****l m m pj£—......—B tm m i m i o i *- 1 P T: SET 1 W9 n T m i V A CrMSM>.S«jWt i HI I i , . J : / 51 i \wA iTM V, v .,, i 'A VLU B u wmj 7, - sat .V> ■*:V M ran Mjys 7 > V, : ,mm m ■■■r ..■j g3H Upon These !Y Argume TV* kL & ^ ItCfcJl We Rest Our ffft the real builders of wagons. You put For spokes an i axles tough second proveth highland hickory i» ■"C \ vOU, buyers, are of materials and con- used For hubs and felloes the sturdy white oak is preferred. the final Okay upon the use certain This wood the mountain side. The ground is hard— *■ struction when you buy a wagon containing them—and grows upon It has fight for life. It has nearly twice refuse to buy a wagon Prat does not. We want to show you now the climate severe. to under softer conditions. She Thornhill Wagon is built. Upon a plain statement of facts the; strength of oak and hickory that prows five Th* willing We believe the Thornhill way Outdoors under shelter it remains for three to year*. we are to rest our case, dries in it, giving it a strength tliat’s kin to steeL would be your way if you should build a wagon. *ap I i f lORT Wkm H || ’ Full Circle Iron Trussed Bolsters and Long Wear Beds Malleable Front Houn Plate Gears PI te of 38 Malleable Iron ■v •>. .£ ; m c'U Bolatae* Can’t Hull in Turning Not* the In turning and backing up, with the orcU- Adjustable beds of Thornhill circle iron, which is only ha.f circle, Brake Lever If you examine the nary a Wagons closely you will see at once the bolsters run off the end of the track and On the front bolsters , , of , Thornhill .... wagons ’ j or j ty 0 { the construction. Th* It is difficult make short turns and iron plates along top and s r *nd lane Thornhill to full circle iron are bottom—connected heavy by running that run.clear bottoms are re-iuforced over front back up. The bol¬ rivets reur bolsters, gives a continuous track on which tae through the bofster. Strength and lightness strongly Come in . and examine thii . wag sters can turn. are combined. Rear gears are and yourself We w.ll take F^eure The gears of Thornhill wagons stay inline for ironed. There are braces on both tup pfe. Instead of the usual front hound plate, ►.......- *“ ““ J «i-** - •*» a hound plate of malleable iion is u>ed. it is hounds. hickory—vwtlt feature* all others lack. metal jacket braced at eight points that Solid trust bars extend the full length of the [MMtJ a out of lute. them double strength. keeps gears from ever getuug axles giving AffltfSRJI CARH HERS & EVANS, FORT VALLEY, GA.