The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, April 23, 1920, Image 3

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THE LEAlJgg-TIUBUNE. FORT VALLEY, GA-. APRIL 23, 1920. Fort Valley Man Is Delighted At Results, Well Kmwn Traveling Salesman O vcrc'-mes SL^rnc.-. I\ Trouble by % Talcing Pomeroy’i Puratone. Mr I. N. Royal, residing on Church Strcst, Fort Valley, is another well known Georgia man who Pomeroy’s has bean Pura- re stoic.1 to health by tone. Air. Royal is a well known trav eling salesman, covering the states of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississ Fort ippi and Arkansas, and life. has lived in \ alley all his In a recent statement he said: •. Several of my fiiends huve be gun inking Pomeroy's Puratone af ter seeing the wonderful good this medicine did me. It put an end to an awful case of dyspepsia, indiges tion and stomach trouble that had been pulling me down for five years. I was dreadfully constipated, had awful headaches and was so nervous I couldn’t sleep. I was going down hill every day, and got so 1 could hardly what work. I had a poor appetite and 1 ate caused gas to form on my stomach and I would nearly die VISITORS FROM NEARBY TOWNS arc Finding it profitable buying high-class groceries at Giggly-Wiggly. The saving on a few dollars’ worth pays their gasoline bill..... PIGGLY-WIGGLY • i ALL OVER THE WORLD. »» ! 400 SECOND STREET MACON. GEORGIA Headquarters for INSURANCE Fire, Tornado, Casualty, Automobile, Ei X , Burglary, Surety Bonds, Plate Glass oftENDRIC m Representing NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. SAFE, PROMPT AND APPRECIATIVE ?L II s 1 , - THE FARMERS We have at our store a very valuable book to the farmers of this section and we want to give them to you. This book deals with a subject that has baffled scientist and entomologist and we think is worth taking time and calling at our store and asking for one. a IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE Georgia Agricultural Works, a u LEONARD REFRIGERATORS J7 u GOODYEAR TIRES a % with indigestion. I was losing weight and strength every day. . . “After taking five bottles of Pom¬ eroy’s Puratone I feel as well as I ever did in my life. Have a big appe tite now. and eat anything t want without suffering any afterwards, and I certainly enjoy my meals now. I am not nervous in the least now and sleep like a log all night and get up mornings rested and refreshed, and 1 feel just fine all day. 1 am not constipated now, and the headaches have disappeared, increased my strength hus been wonderfully. I have picked up seven the pounds in weight and to tell you truth, am like a brand new man. Pomeroy’s Puratone beats anything I ever saw in my life to o vercome stomach troubles and build a man up. »» Puratone is sold in Fort Valley by W. C. Wright, and by one leading druggist in every town. If there is no Puratone dealer neur you Pome roy and orders Co., Atlanta, Gs!., will fill your at $1.04 per bottle post paid. WOMAN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY M. E. CHURCH (Contributed by Publicity Superin¬ tendent.) A Hill Top VUion in Korea Rev. J. O. J. Taylor. vV. have just had u visit from Dr. j Rawlings and Miss Howell here at, Choon Chun. They had been to three j of our stations, and had seen the! great work that is being done in i those centers of life. They had seen our large schools, hospitals, and J other institutions. When they came to Choon Chun, I thought I saw a little disappoint¬ ment in their faces.. The place has but three (thousand population, learned while our visitors had to look for big things. But on th&, flight after they arrived we took them to the Korean Church here, and two hundred people gave them such a welcome as you do not often see. They presented to Dr. Rawlings a handsome silver cup and to Miss Howell a beautiful pin. On Sunday morning Dr. Rawlings preached. Stokes, the language wizard, doing the interpreting. But that afternoon was the im¬ pressive time. Stokes, Hill, Mrs. Stokes, Dr. Rawlings, Mr. Emmons and I went up to the little mountain that rises just back of our homes. 600 It is not very high, only about feet. But it is beautiful, and easy to climb. It was a cool, bright afternoon. Reaching the top, we could see clear¬ ly to every side. From sixty-five vil¬ lages the smoke curled up toward the heavens. The people were pre¬ paring the evening meal. For a few minutes not a word was spoken. It was Dr. Rawlings who broke the silence. “How many people are there in the villages that we can see from here?” << Between forty-five and fifty thousand,” replied Stokes. “And beyond these mountain ranges when we cannot see?” “Two hundre< thousand more,” was the reply. Afte a few minutes of silence, our visito bared his head and led in prayer And such a prayer! Such a call r the Lord of the Hardest to thrui forth laborers into His Harvest' Surely somewhere in the homeland iIso that prayer was at work. As we walked down the hill, D: Rawlings kept saying over and ove to us,“ Don’t preach to the folks a home. They don’t need it. Only )e ’hem see what I have seen this after noon! Visualize that scene! That’ all that will be necessary. »» ■o If you know of any news of loco interest and if it is of any interest t vou or your friends that it appe: in The Leader-Tribune, take th trouble of getting it to the ear of th editor. He can’t hear the inaud ble nor see the invisible. ~r ilfklM SEliip* i THOEMHHLL */: WAGONS W U % B UILD and under a wagon easy of conditions, wood that and grows you rapidly have a wagon that cannot stand abusive wear. Nature" when hurried shirks her work like man. W'M But build one—as Thornhills are built—of r tough highland oak and hickory—that grows 4 slowly upon the mountain side—that survives «r, iH •tr'-'Uin only double mate—then The Let tough after us strength. the show value a close-grained you ceaseless you have of the the a Thornhill battle wagon Thornhill wood with almost is way. endowed soil wagons wearproof. and with and cli¬ CARITHERS & EVANS t Fort Valiev, Ga. it V1IJV mu.*,. i f. | wmm V : I \ f6UJj lUr i\ -HxJ: yLx- ,1 r •V ' y* A i Jth •t ST v> ' ■s mm . * ■f. T rr? £ (FI If h, M WR ■ / c ItI f A i \ ■ jj . . IK M i » -• i . : - < & 'jM \ p: V } ■ M0 & '<Xa c'jwm mm: m wm fey 1 »** l *1 m |l \ j m ~2m!: v > to i m PV< r 3P • / II m t *.