The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, April 23, 1920, Image 5

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THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., APRIL 23, 1920. « + + * + + <••{• + + * + ♦ *♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ SOCIAL ^ * ♦ * <• ❖ And ♦ + Personal. * + + * * Reported by UAlrs. C. N. ROUNTREE, Phone 275 -J * ♦ * 444 4 4 4 4444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 + 4 , 4 , * Mrs. W. B. Austin entertained few friends Tuesday at mid-day dinner. 4 4 ♦ Mrs. Newton of Macon As the family of her son, Mr. Ralph Newton. 444 Miss Ruby Harris is at home after a visit to Mrs. R. C. Souder in Macon. 4 4 4 Mr. J. W. Woolfolk left Saturday for a business trip of*a week or ten days North. * * ... Miss Marie Lubetkin is spending six weeks with Mrs. M. I. Morks at Morks, Miss. 4 4 4 The many fiends of Miss .Anna H. Cooper regret that she continues ill at her home. - 4 4 4 Mr. Sam Ginsberg of the firm of S. Hil’sehberg, New York City, was in the city this week. The May meeting of the U. D. C ' will be heid with Mrs. R. E. Brown ’ I The chairman of the program will be Mrs. W. G. Brisendine. 1 j n Mrs. r Louis Br.own le t T'u.^orio,, J; ^ morning for a visit to her sister, Mrs. hands Drake of New nan. i * 4 * * 1 - Mrs. m H. ir n P o Sanchez ’ was called n_ 1 j. to a i Montgomery Tuesday on account of the illness ot her sister. Dr. C. Z. McArthur is slowly ini G roving from injuries sustained by is recent auto accident. 4, -V * Mrs. Ben Fincher was in Atlanta recently for a short visit to her sis¬ ter, Miss Ettienne Baldwin. MV. Milton Reid and family of Ze¬ nith will leave Friday for Toledo, Ohio, where they will spend the sum¬ \ mer, ^ 1^1 Miss Annie Woodard of Perry was here Wednesday with Mrs. Hous¬ er Edwards, enroute home from a visit in Atlanta. 4 4 + Mrs. Malcom Snelgore of Mont gomery, Ala., was a visitor this week to her sister, Mrs. I. H. McGrady > qh Church Stregt, ... Miss Jennie Evans returned Tues day after a visit of two months to relatives in Augusta, North Augus t-A ta and anti Atlanta. Atlanta i ' Mrs. » J. ,,„*„** W. Brown and A children, u-ia, „ 1 Mrs. R. I'. Baldwin and Miss -iuth Elder of Marshallville were 111 F°rt Valley Wednesday on a shopping . _ CALLED HER FAMILY TO HER BEDSIDE Six Years Ago, Thinking She Might Die, Says Texas Lady, But New She Is a Well, Strong Woman and Praiaea Cardui For Her Recovery. Royse City, Tex.—Mrs. Mary Kil man, of this place, says; “After the birth of my little girl.. .my side com¬ menced to hurt me. I had to go back to bed. We called the doctor. He treated me.. .but I got no better. I got worse and worse until the misery was unbearable...I was In bed for three months and suffered such agony that I was just drawn up In a knot... I told my husband if he would get me a bottle of Cardui I would try it... .1 commenced taking it, however, that evening I called my family about me. .. for I knew I could not last many days unless I had a change for V, 1 WHITE SHOE DRESSING! s s KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT ✓ THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES ✓ LIQUID AND CAKE ✓ Alio Pastes and Liquids— for Black, Tan, Ox-Blood and Dark % ✓ Brown Shoes N S corporations ltd., buffalo, n. y...... N ✓ thb f. f. dalley . N SS//////UU mini Mt»mu*\\\\\\\\\\vw\ Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hartsock and Ernest Hartsock of Atlanta weie week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Webster. Rev. + 4 * W. M. Haywood of Elko was a visitor Tuesday, coming over to attend the meeting rn progress at the Methodist Church. 4 4 4 Mrs. Mann Martin left Thursday morning for Dahlonega where she was called on account of the death her aunt, Mrs. M. G. Head. ,£» «|» * Mf-s. Frank Jones, Mrs. W. N. Bennett and Mrs. N. E. Sandefur of Macon were recent visitors, the guests of Mrs. C. N. Rountree. 4 4 4 Mrs. W. B. Norton and Mrs. J. A. Houser returned Wednesday fom a visit to ™ rs - Norton’s sister, Mrs. Ernest Vance, in Eufala., Ala. 4 4 4 A motor party from Marshallvilh that was here Wednesday was com posed of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Beali Mr. and Mrs. Jolly and Mrs. John King. 4 4 4 The Epvvorth League will hold a social in the church parlors Friday night from six to seven. Refresh ments will be served and all member^ . ire cordiall * invited . Mrs. G. B. Titus and Mrs. B. S. SabeB „ of Brockton ’ Mass ., left Tuesday foj . their hom e after 8pend . a month or six weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Culver. 4 4 4 Miss Coleman of the school faculty will chaperon a party of the Junior High School boys and girls on a pic¬ nic to Sanford’s Creek on Saturday. The May meeting of the U. D. C * ❖ * St. Andrews Episcopal church ha. been turned around 10 front Cer tral Avenue. Plans are on foot foi further improvement which will add much to te beauty of the church ami street. ♦ 44 The South Georgia Missionary Conference, which was postponed on account ai the Flu epidemic in the winter, will be held in Wayeross from -yj a y 14th to 17 . A large delegation f ro m Fort Valley will attend, ■r 4 4 Friends of Dr. V/. C. Wright re ? ret : L hf lt he sui r 3 vd seveal days ago -' slight rupture of a blood vessel in one eye whicn was fimnd b* high olood pressure. He went to Ma¬ con Wednesday .0 consult a spocia’. ist about the eye trouble and upon the adv i ce 0 f pnys c ant went to an( j t treatment of about ten daySi for dietory willi a ms’ Sanitorium a the better. That was six year* ago and I am still here and am a well, strong woman, and I owe my life to Cardui. I had only taken half the bottle when I began to feel better. The misery In my side got less.., 1 continued right on taking the Cardui uDtll I had taken three bottles and I did not need any more for I was well and never felt better in my life... I have never had any trouble from that day to this. »» Do you suffer from headache, back ache, pains in sides, or other dlscom forts, each month? Or do you leel weak, nervous and fagged-out? If bo, give Cardui, the . woman’s tonic, a trial. J. 71 Tired, Body And Soul. Not Sick, But Still Not Yourself. Think You’ll Be Better To¬ morrow-Only You’re Not. TRY TAKING PEPTO-MANGAN It Isn’t Sleep You Need, But a Good Tonic—More Red Blood ally, .Everyone Sometimes gets run down occasion¬ it’s weeks before you tret your energy, enthusiasm and happiness back again. Any doctor will tell you to be care -ui in a time like this. Your body has little power of resistance, and the danger of catching some serious dis ease is great. Temporarily, your olood has too few “fighting” eor puseles. It s the work of these same red corpuscles to keep you from fa tigue. Being constantly tired out— depressed in body and mind— is al¬ most a sure sign that your blood needs help for a time. Glide s Pepto-Mangan is a standard remedy 111 cases of anemia (or blood¬ lessness.) It supplies the iron and o i-her properties your blood needs to catch up with its task of keeping you iresh and alert in every fibre. dorsement Pep.o-Mangan has the hearty en- J of physicians, i is an a greeable tonic to take, and may be nail at any drug store in either li¬ quid or (ablet form. Both have the same medicinal value. Be sure to ask for Gude’s. There is only one genuine Pepto-Mangan, and the name “Gude’s” should be on on the package.—Advertisement. O Miss Bethel of the School faculty -pent the week end at her home in of i 10 friends . n ? as ^ 011 house entertained a number at a party. Others of the faculty here accompanied her home were Miss Ingram, Miss Thur¬ mond, Miss Smith and Miss George. ❖ ❖ An enjoyable affair was the fish fry given Wednesday by Mr. An¬ drew Houser at Houser’s milf m honor of Rev. Arthur Moore, Mr. . lapleton and Mr. Reid who are the lenders in the evangelistic services oeing held at the Methodist Church 4 4 4 Mrs. J. E. Parker and little daugh : er returned Thursday morning from Atlanta, where, Mrs. Parker was quite ill for several weeks at the home of relatives. Mr. Parker, the popular and efficient manager of the local Western Union office, is looking quite happy again. 4 4 4 Mr. 0 . W. Stapleton, leader of song in the services being held at the Methodist Church, had a severe, attack of tonsilitis would and as the be Doc-) able tors thought he not 1 to sing for ten days, he left Thursday morning for his home in Thomas ville. Mr. Reid will lead in song in the absence of Mr. Stapleton. . -.A*. YV*I»* g*' ( s' % ^PRINT^ re can ^ Checks that can’t be“Raise< \M¥iirJ •o Contributors to The Leader-Tri¬ bune will earn the gratitude of the editor and force ly getting their copy in as early as possible and as nearly as possible in suitable form for publication. Friday is none too early; Wednesday is often too late. IO THE PEOPLE OF THE 12 th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT ' I am a candidate for Congress from the 12 th Congressional Dis rict of Georgia, under such rules ind regulations as our party may oreseribe in the Democratic Primary to be held Sept. 8th, 1920 . of •hip in Congress is a post of ind service. In a period ion and disturbance its importance -annot be over-estimated, The ef icient and prompt adjustment of he problems of the nation is very i.tal to the general welfare. Believ • 1 g iti the old “Democratic Princi des ’ • of economy and faithful ser :ee, 1 respectfully solicit your sup¬ port. Roscoe Peacock. - 1VT0 MORE RATS! mice, after you use RAT-SNAP. * s a sure rodent killer. Try a Pkg. ind prove it. Rats killed with RAT SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won’t touch it. Guaranteed. 25c size (1 cake) enough for Pan try, Kitchen or Cellar. 50c size (2 cakes) for Chicken House, coops or small buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for ail farm and out-buildings, storage build¬ ings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by Georgia Agricultural Works and Copeland’s Pharmacy, TO STIMULATE !i BUSINESS ! ! fj !I 101o IFF 1 On any article in store for Saturday and Mon i/ I 24th and 26th. 1 EVANS TRADING CO. I SERVE FORT VALLEY THROUGH THE “CHAMBER OF COMMERCE” 1 CASE CLEVELAND - FORDSON z z —i The BISSELI ALWAYS H o j FAVORITE PI % the * z No! This is not an advertisement of the > various kinds of tractors. H I O It i^however, an announcement of the Z a fact that any one of them is always glad to U have a r < BISSELL DOUBLE ACTION HARROW J I — 1 TRACTOR CONTROL < £ hooked on behind it, for then they know it X means efficiency in cultivation, a satisfied > customer and booster forever afterwards. 7S li Your farm equipment is only complete H when you have a TRACTOR CONTROL 1 H double action harrow. J *0 o Buy it now while we have it in stock. ♦ > X JO We have a crack-a-jack 13 foot combina¬ 73 tion harrow to clean out a middle; also a 14 H and 16 foot cut double action for large or¬ i chards and plantations. i X CJ SOUTHERN BROKERAGE CO. V, cd > < F< rt Valley, (Ta. 2 2 Distributors For Georgia and Florida. v> O o S 2 TWIN CITY ■ ADVANCE RUMLEY - WATERLOO BOY (>