The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, April 30, 1920, Image 2

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i .■ i THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., APRIL .30, 1020. I LAKEVIEW SCHOOL NEWS 1 S Reported By Miss Jewel Barrow. ffi Ella and EMie Pendcr •P*"t Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Sullivan. M ... i Lizzie Misses Ruby and Mattie Howard spent Sunday afternoon with Hula Sledge. Hick and ...... Jack Dent spent Masters with J. D. and Sunday afternoon Wilbur McGee. „ Sundav . Mrs. March Howard spent afternoon with Mrs. W. H. Howard, Mr. Roy Sullivan spent Sunday af ternoon with Joe Henry Pender. Master Roy Allred spent Sunday with Elrod Pender. Little Miss Hazel Howard spent Sunday with Ruby and Portia How ard. C Greer spent Mr, and Mrs. O. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pen¬ der. Sunday Master Smith Dukes spent with his aunt, Mrs. A. B. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Aultman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rowland. and Paul Hol¬ Masters Clarence and comb spent Sunday with Leary Bill Holcomb. Mrs. Lester Howard spent Satur¬ day with Mrs. B. A. Yaughn. Mr. A. B. Howard spent Sunday morning with Mr. Bud Sledge. and Mrs. Lester Howard and Mr. Mrs. B. A. Yaughn spent Sunday with Mrs. Earnest Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Dorsey and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stalnaker. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nicholls spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Causey spent Sunday in Byron. Holcomb spent Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Holcomb. Little Misses Emma and Eva Hame lin spent Sunday with Thelma and Evelyn Jackson. Mr. Cliff Causey spent Sunday af ternoon with Mieses Emma and Hazel ^*\/! Masters 865 L. Ralph, d i v n,'ii* Williams, M Marcus, Herman and Sam Turner and little sister, Centervilie Nellie, attended Sunday at Misses Emmie Sunday. and Hazel Causey and Messrs. Emmett Tucker and Ira Parker attended the movies at Fort Valley Saturday night. Naw Lamp for Bicycle. A naw elfCtrlc bicycle lamp Is to 3a carried low on tbe front fork hue I red Jewel la the back to make It a rear llgbt as well. jy^****-**--***** ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Jf * * WANTED: * * Jf * * <* Your Peaches and Keifer Pears * at our Plant in Valdosta, Ca. Jf * * ♦ *8? H Write us, we are in the ♦ market. 1 Jf -a ♦ jf Valdosta Canning Co. jf -a » * Valdosta, Ga. jf * jf ************* ************* ?“r Rough & Dressed n LUMBER W E are now in position to fill your wants in Rough and Dressed Lum¬ ber. Call around and let us estimate on your next bill of material. We also make all kinds of MOLDINGS. k\ == L FORT VALLEY GA. J Mr. and Mrs. E C(.Fountain.and i family and the Lakeview Jewels‘ |T! ent f,urid “y ^ lr : ftnd Mr8 Eimurray, of Grovania. Miss Hazel Causey and her cousin were seen oUt ndlnK Sund “ y after ' noon. Misses Ruby Tucker, Julia Johnson, Edith Sullivan, Emmie and Hazet Causey and Messrs. Ira, Charlie E. and Lonnie Parker, Elmer Johnson an d Crady Tucker enjoyed the fling ing at Miss Ruby Tucker’s. Miss Hazel Causey spent last week with Miss Lucile Stokes, of Fort V ul ley and Mrs. Virgil Hartley and Mr. and famil spent Sunday with Mr. A. W. Tabor. the Prof. D. W. Whitmire spent week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. I)ent. and Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Stokes family spent Sunday with Mr. John Tucker. , The “Lakeview Jewels” spent Fri¬ day night and Saturday with Miss Carrie Holcomb. Miss Julia Johnson spent Sunday with Miss Ruby Tucker. Sun Master Bailey Caldwell spent da y with Ben Smith. Little Miss Ruth Tucker spent Sun¬ day with Ethel Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bryant and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Boon, of near Perry. Little Miss Mildred Stalnaker spent the week end with Nellie Stalnaker. Little Miss Runa Long spent Sun day afternoon with Evelyn Jackson Masters Fred and Will Stalnaker spent Sunday with Leary and Wm. I folcomb. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. . Stokes and family spent Sunday W'r.h Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stalnaker ami family spent Sunday with Mrs. G. C. Hartley. Mrs G w Wh itaker ard sons, L , d and Cecil, spent Sunday with I Mrs. G. C. Hartley. I Mrs. Addie , LevcrLU .. spent u . w 'th her mother R. W Emu j ' Mr. W. R. Smith andfamily ^nt ■'>aturday _ Shiloh Churcn. Mrs. John Hardiso 1 and sons, Ol iver and Howard spent Sunday with i j Mr. S. W. Hardison. Most Welcome. ! A man never appreciates the gift of » solitaire diamond more than when le holds the three other aces—Boston transcript. / \ . I / “STYLES OF THE TIMES v IN SHOES AND OXFORDS FOR MEN The shoemanship of NETTLETON and FLORSHEIM shows in refinement of line and linish which makes for distinctiveness. Sturdiness of character and quality which makes for wear service-satisfaction and comfort. Note the special and extensive showing of varied lastb and leath¬ ers in our display windows. R. S. THORPE & SONS STYLE HEATQUARTERS 552-6 Cherry St. Macon, Ca. I ************** ************** ************* *► * * # ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ +> + ♦ ♦ + + + + * * * * * **• + * + * + + * * + * * + Jf ♦ * Jf* + *: jf Jf? ♦ Remember Our Specialties:- * ♦ *♦ ♦ ♦ jf ♦ *♦ jf ♦ PEACH CRATES, + u if* >f* BUSHEL BASKETS, ♦* ** jf ♦ ♦ PICKING BASKETS, ** ** jf ♦ CUSHION COVERS, ** *♦ % jf ♦ CAR STICKS, jf* ♦* jf * Jf* NAILS, ** >f j* i < + T* jf i* Jf * BEAN SPRAY PUMPS, +* jf ♦ t* ii jf* it DRY LIME SULFUR FOR SCALE, a a * jf + ARSENATE OF LEAD, *♦ ♦ jf ♦ ARSENATE OF CALCIUM, Jf* ♦ * ♦ SPRINGFIELD DUSTERS FOR *k *♦ * ♦* *♦ COTTON. ♦■k Jf ♦ +k Jf * +k f! *♦ It is our purpose to call on all our customers ** *♦ Jf and friends possible. Hold your or¬ ♦ as soon as Jf ♦ and in the meantime to see us ders for us come *¥■ Jf ♦ and let’s figure on your needs. ** Jf* ** >f * ♦ * f* *k j; * Jf GREEN-MILLER CO. l* + ♦ ♦ * + jf * Jf * <f jf FORT VALLEY, GA. ♦ Jf Jf* i * Jfk + Jf ♦ * Jf * Jf *************** ***♦ h • •* > ______■ STREET TAX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the books for the collecting of Street 'lax for the year 1920, will be open from April 15, 1920, to May 15 1920. for Street Tax for 1920 will be 33 each person subject. L. P. GRAY, Clerk and Treat. 415-31 o C,TY TAX NS NOT,CE — bo £ti^ 11 April to the 15th of June, next, for the purpose of receiving returns of Citv ^ Taxes art both rea | B nd p •r ion *l, that has not been returned on or before j une 15th next shall ba i sjb j J ect to an additional taxation of , £ e "j cent c a3 a De Paye/to nalty for such 1 f tbe Tax date/ return ‘ y rty by said Clerk and Trees i p GRAY 4-15-3t -o White Spanish Seed Peanuts, true te name and absolutely recleaned. Two grades, 12 l-2c and 14c lb. 4-8-3ptf GREEN-MILLER CO. ■o ECZEMA! HONEY BACK ithoui GurstioolfHum*’• Sal•• uia in the treatment of E /ma letter. Ringworm, Itch, etc >on*t become discouraged be auae other treatment* failed lunt'« Salve ha* relieved huo 'red* of such c«*e* You can’t nc on our Money Rmck ri*k iarantre. Try it at our 'DAY n rire 75c at COPELAND’S PH ARM ACT o F*1 G H T THE BOLL WEEVIL i kilill Hi "if WITH THE SPRINGFIELD SPRAYER ENDORSED BY GOVERNMENT AND STATE EXPERIMENT STATIONS FOR SALE BY GREEN MILLER COMPANY, Fort Valley 6a. O MACON OPTICAL CO. i J. N. KALISH, Prop. MACON GEORGIA 1 Send us your glasses for quick repairs O' HAD TERRIBLE SKIN DISEASE Utils Girl Improves Rapidly Whs 6hren ZIRON Iron Tonic. other, Manjr mothers the sufferings try one of remeajr their little aner ones, an¬ tor without apparently being able to find the right one. If anything seems wrong with the blood, or stomach, or if the child's system is run-down and needs strengthen¬ ing, you may benefit by the experience of thw Westmoreland. Tenn., mother, Mrs. |ohn F. Anglea, who writes: • 4 My little girl had a terrible skin disease and her stomach was in such a bad condi lion . Nothing helped her, so we finally started She improved to give herZiron. rapidly * from the first so bottle, so we have given her two more. She is much better. > Don’t try other remedies first! Choose Ziron from the start. It has benefited many people suffering from poor blood, general weakness, loss of appetite and other symptoms which indicate lack of iron in the blood. Sold by druggists on a money-back guarantee IN tS \bur Blood Needs “Found Seven Rat* Dead in Bin Next Morning. •» Robert Woodruff says: “My prem¬ ises were infested with rats. I tried RAT-SNAP on friend’s recommenda¬ tion. Next morning found seven dead rat? in bin, two near feed box, three in stall. Found large number since. No smell from dead rats—RAT SNAP drys them up. Best thing I have ever used.” Three sizes, 25c, 59c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Georgia Agricultural Works and Copeland’s Pharmacy.adv. Brown Emblem of Mourning. In Egypt yellowish-brown, the ho* it tbe (lend lent. Is worn as the