The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, May 07, 1920, Image 6

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THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY C.A MAY 7 , 1320 . l. e. uwLDEn & son Font Valley, Ga. Phone 236-L j : Make Wells-—Pipe Wells—-Made with Skilled Labor, Made Right, made with sol¬ id brass strainers—no gauze wire strainers used. In fact, everything used is of the best material and of the longest duration. Anybody needing water will be benefit ted by seeing them before having work done. Read Our Ads For Profit. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * 4 ¥ 4 ¥ IF IT’S A 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ * ¥ ¥ HOME 4 4 4 4 ¥ that looking for 4 ¥ you are 4 ¥ 4 * ¥ ¥ SEE ME 4 4 4 ¥ 4 ¥ I am now putting up some 4 ¥ 4 ¥ ¥ modern houses in Oak¬ 4 4 ¥ ¥ land Heights subdivision, 4 4 ¥ Fort Valley. 4 4 ¥ ¥ 4 * TO SUIT 4 ¥ 4 ¥ ¥ PURCHASERS 4 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 * ¥ ¥ J. B. LUCAS, 4 4 4 ¥ Troutman Ave., Oakland Heights, 4 ¥ 4 ¥ FORT VALLEY, GA. 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 *********** *«¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥**¥¥¥¥* | m# Rough & Dressed n >• 5 LUMBER S W E to are fill now your in wants position in ber. Rough and Dressed Lum¬ sr: Call around and let a us bill estimate of on your next material. We also make all kinds of MOLDINGS. 1 IT THf 0 r .ME ST/HD La» FORTY LLEY OA. j Kim ti SALT THE FLEAS. A great many inquiries are reuoh ng the Bureau of Entomology, Uni¬ ted States Department of Agricul¬ ture, for methods of controlling fleas. The work of the department: aus shown, fortunately, that the best means of controlling fleas in most nstances is very simple. Fleas usual-' iy originate in the basement of the house, or in some covered place such as woodsheds and stables, to which hogs, dogs, or other such animals , aave „„ The remedy , to access. is give he basement, shed, or other breed¬ ing place a through cleaning burn the litter, and then sprinkle the floor or •■round in the building or shed with ’Oinmon salt. The salt should be prinkled thickly enough almost to •over the ground and should then be wet down with water, the specialists ;ay. It should not be wet sufficiently o cause it to run, however. If there ire about the place any houses, >r the like built on piles so that hogs and ... other animals . can go under , them, •;alt should be applied there. General Iy speaking, it is fairly easy to de ermine where the fleas originate, nd , it . is usually „ such , a place . as can >e reached by the salt treatment. It nay be necessary to repeat the op ration two or three times at about hree day intervals. ■O' THE MORNING HOURS You think “an hour’s an hour?” Weil, you get another guess, some hold a great deal more of good some hold a great deal of less, I’he hours when the day is old, and resting-time feeble, draws nigh. 3 re tott’ring hours and they creep instead of fly. fhe noontime hour is lagging some, and goes on wer>ry feet— rhe morning hours are the ones that simply can’t be beat! The morning—when you’re full of pep, the whole big day ahead! The terrors of the night are gone, discouragements are fled, t’s youth again and truth again come back with hope renewed. Vith yester’s wisdom standing by to check each impulse crude. The early, pearly hours are the ones that can’t be beat— The hurly-burly hours when the day is young and sweet! •o LOANS ON REAL ESTATE AT TTRACTIVE RATES. \. C. RILEY, JR., Attorney at I aW. j t i i 1 Equip Your Smaller Car i With Goodyear Tires f / / V If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or any other car using 30x3-, 30x3Vz-, or 31x4-inch tires, you can well take advantage of the high relative value built into all Good¬ o' year Tires. \ ip’ v You well do because can so you can secure in the smaller Goodyear Tires the results of ,i i such skill and care as have made Goodyear illil Tires the preferred equipment on the high¬ 11» priced automobiles est of the day. You can well do so because these smaller Goodyear Tires are easy to obtain, being produced at the rate of approximately 20,000 L> Ij a day, and because their first cost usually is as low or lower than that of other tires in u the same types and sizes. li Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for these tires, and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. He supplies many other local owners of the smaller cars. 9 l ¥ X c GO ODyTXAR I ■j 30x3*4 Goodyear Double-Cure $-7 yen Goodyear Heavy Touriu Tube* thick, s Fabric, All-Weather Tread________ jLj reinforce casings properly. Why are risk «trong tube. — cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist a good casing with a 30 x 3 1 /. Goodyear Single-Cure <t c,y than tubes of less Tubes coet UfHr mo-t Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread_________ 1 merit. 30x3*4 she in Miaferaree/ *430 — bug ____________ . * 'UXr i What Is The Matter With j That Child? When children grow pale and list¬ less their blood may be weak PEPTO-MANGAN MAKES RED BLOOD Sold by druggists in ■ liquid and tablet form—both the lame in medicinal quality When your without child loses color, acts and talks spirit, and does iy ^* ite ot * ler t ^‘^ ren > act * (j, dition is deep jj- e con not a -eatetl disease but merely due to poor blood, give I’epto-Mangan. Gude’s Pepto-Mangan is just the tonic for pale, thin children whose blood needs rebuilding. It is a pleasant-tasting, simple combination of exactly the in gradients that increase and enrich blood. Beneficial results show , almost , . at . once in bntrhter e ye S , blooming cheeks, a sprightly step, and the whole system made more vigorous, Pepto-Mangan is obtainable in li quid or tablet form, whichever proves mos (- convenient. Both forms possess identical medicinal qualities, i There is but one genuine Pepto Mangan and that is “Gude s.’ Ask your druggist for “Gude » and look for the name “Guile's” on the pack age. If it is not there, it is not Pep to-Mangan.—Advertisement. ■o ■ j JMltgCP CHOLERA in j SN7AHTU Don’t take chances with the babies Have something In the HOUSE, ready at a min tite’s notice: First Aid ’ that may save the baby's life while you're waiting for a doctor. k Dr. Thacher’g Diarrhoea Mixture An old family doctor's pre¬ scription for bowel trou¬ bles foi whole family. AU drug stores, 35c. MONEY BACK n' no relief. ■ THACHER MEDICINE CO. Chattanooga. Tenn., U. S. A. For Sale t>> DR. F. G. HOBBS Fort Valley, G*. ***(Hf******** 4 mil»»JMHMH 4 ♦ ♦ J LADIES’ SLIPPERS ★ * . * We offer such lines \_ 4 4 . - These are known as to E. P. REES S * 4 - he as good as the best « 4 for Style, Quality and Fit Any leather, Pump * 4 or oxford. * 4 * ^ These * 4 GROVER’S are noted every- ^ * where for their comfort as * * well style. We have a big assortment in both * as * pump or oxford to show. * 4 * * . PRICES ARE RIGHT 4- * . 4 4- ¥ *" * 4 . . j&DWARDS BROS. * * * 4. * *★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ************* i ************* ************* * HAMLIN’S BARBER SHOP 4 - * 4 ^ EVANS’ BUILDING 4 ¥ OPENS MONDAY, MAY 3 „ * ¥ 4 i* i In location formerly occupied by Southern * ¥ Brokerage Company. 4 ¥ CLEAN and SANITARY 4 * 4 Courteous, Efficient Service. 4 4 ] ¥ Your be appreciated. ¥ patronago will 4 j ¥ 8. C. HAMLIN 4 4 1 ¥ MANAGER 4 + 4 ************** **** ****** ****** Like Many Another. Hh father had taker him out to the if rdf course Thai over! iy Ip. seemed to he ill at ease, “Willie.” sntd Ills mother, “what Is the nun ter with you? I wish you'd si op seratclilng yourself. -1 don’t know wlmt’s tli»- mutter. Inn l guess 1 musi fi.tve goi some of those folf hugs on me." was Willie's reply. “Ru*h" Work Seldom Good ! It Is all right to lie busy. prnv'rieil t to the right kind of busy, S i vtople are In it constant state of hurry i which borders on confusion, beenus* hey never begin In time, nevet nicke •he right sort of preparation and never •top long enough to calm their m nd* n order to get thetr hearings.