The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, May 14, 1920, Image 2

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THE LEADER TRIBUNE. FORT VALLEY, GA., MAY, 14, 1920. S| ON AND AFTER MAY 15™ {! ALL HAIR CUTS WILL BE ii 50c All parents sending children to shops please I note price. C. R. WILLIAMS Si B.C. HAMLIN $ w L. C. UJflLDEn & son Tort Valley, Ga. Phone 236-L 4* Make Wells—Pipe Wells-—Made with Skilled Labor, Made Right, made with sol¬ id brass strainers—no gauze wire strainers used. In tact, everything used is ot the best material and of the longest duration. Anybody needing water will he benefit ted by seeing them before having work done. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * + * * * IF IT’S A * Jf ft Jf ft ft ft HOME i * Jf if 3f ft ft that looking for * ft you are Jf •¥ Jf a ♦ ♦ SEE ME jf Jf Jf Jf * I am now putting up vsome Jf Jf * Oak¬ modern houses in Jf Jf * land Heights subdivision, Jf Jf * ★ ★ Fort Valley. Jf Jf * Jf * TO SUIT Jf ★ * * FITMENT!) PURCHASERS Jf jf * ★ Jf * Jf ♦ * J. B. LUCAS, >f jf jf ★ Troutman Ave., Oakland Heights, Jf ★ jf ★ FORT VALLEY, GA. Jf ★ Jf « Jf *L***J*J**LJ**.**** **.Af^********* ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★*★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★A * TO PROSPECTIVE HOME BUILDERS * * Jf ♦ Jf * Why not buy your lumber from the producer * and eliminate the middle man and save cost of 4 ♦ construction. a * house framing, flooring, ceil¬ * * We manufacture Jf * ing, finish boards, shingles, laths and novelty 4 ft and edge siding, and invite in¬ Jf square your Jf ft quiries. ft Jf ft Garrant Lumber Company, Jf ft jf ft jf ft West Green, Ga. jf Jf ft Jf *********..***** **.**.********** Secret of Leadership. The secret of the world’s leadership • right In onr keeping. To under¬ hand men we look at ourselves. To mow wliat Is without, we must study Shat is within, To lead others we ansi lead ourselves. Our power will to«-i crow. go wlU oar influence.— Suit.--lire. Scriptural Quotation. * When you say you have escaped by the akin of your teeth, do you know rou are quoting Scripture? Look In twentieth verse of the nineteenth J Jhapter of Job and you will find the ! ! line: MV hone elenveth to my skin md my flesh, and I am escaped with , | Iks skin of tny teeth." LAKEVIEW SCHOOL NEWS Reported By Miss Jewel Barrow. I Mr. Reese Giles spent Sunday with Mr. Horace Giles. •*• + ■*• Miss Mary McGee spent the week end with homefolks. * ♦ ♦ Mr. Owen Rigby spent Sunday 3 with Mr. Lee Rigby. v + * An unusually large crowd ed Fellowship Sunday. * * * + Mr. Joe Stalnaker and family Sunday with relatives.. *2* 4^ «|e Mr. A. L. Caldwell spent Sunday with Mrs. D. B. Holeomb. * * + Master Clarence Lisby spent Sun¬ day with Mr. A. B. Howard. + + + Rev. and Mrs. Heard spent Satur¬ day with Mrs. D. S. McGee. * * * Miss Willie Lee Stalnaker spent the week end with home folks. * ❖ * Mr. Lewis Sai'ford spent the week end with Mr. A. L. Caldwell. * * * * - Little Miss Louise Rowland spent Sunday with Nellie Stalnaker: ■> + + Little Miss Ruth Thomaston spen the week end with Irma Rigby. V •> + Master A. J. Thoniaston spent Sur. day with Max and Hugh Morris. + + + Mr. S. H. Aultman spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. A. W. Tabor. + + * Mr. Roy Sullivan called to see Mis Rosa Nell O’Neal'Sunday evening. * * ♦ Mrs. 1). S. McGee and family spen Sunday with Mrs. J. T. Hancock. + ♦ * j ; vith Mrs. her 0. mother, R. Rigby Mrs. J. spent N. Bateman Sunday + * * Master Ben Smith spent Sunday fterncon with Max and Hugh Mor ris. t * t Little* Miss Claudie Belle Bryant pent Sunday with Maggie May John ion. Mr. George Walker called to sc Jiss Lizzie Sullivan Sunday after oon. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sledge spen utiday with his brother Mr. C. H ledge. + + * Mrs. Laura Herrington spent thi eek end with her sister, Mrs. P. 1 ohnson. * * * , Little Miss Thelma Jackson spei. unday night with Ruby and Jewe lartley. /eek P^of. end I). with W. Mr. Whitmire and Mrs. spent E. th G ountain. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Sullivai lent Yaughn. Sunday with Mr. afid Mrs. B i. 4 + ♦ Quite a number of friends took inner with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ta¬ rn - Sunday. + * * Mr. W. L. Thames of Perry called > see Miss Clara Belle Pender Sun¬ ny afternoon. + + * Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Green and family lent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. . R. Hartley. + + * Mr. Lewis Hartley spent the week nd with Mr. Lloyd and Cecil Whit ker of Macon. «£» ij, Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker and amily spent Sunday afternoon with lr. E. Z. Tucker. * + * Master Hicks and Jack Dent and ewis Fountain spent Sunday with >e E. Stalnaker. + * + Mr. Liry Blackwell and sister ewell, spent Sunday afternoon with r r.s D. B. Holcomb. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Hee.rd and lr. Cliett spent Saturday with Mr. nd Mrs. A. W. Tabor. * * + Mr. Clarence Holeomb and sisters lar.v and Susie May, spent Sunday vith Mrs. D. B. Holcomb. * * + Quite a crowd of friends enjoyet he “Tra La Singing” at Miss Julie ohnson s Sunday night. * * * Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hartley am inuly spent Sunday afternoon with ;s daughter, Mrs. Ivy Green. ♦ 4* ♦ Mr. Joe Pender and sisters, Bessi I md Effie, spent Sunday afternooi .vith Mr. and Mrs. John Howard. MACON OPTICAL CO. J. N. KALISH, Prop. MACON GEORGIA Send us your for quick repairs Miss Sarah McGee and Willie Johnson spent Sunday with Mr. Rob¬ ert and sister, Elefare Hancock. ♦ + ♦ Quite a crowd of young folks en¬ joyed the musical entertainment at Mrs. D. S. McGee’s Saturday night. ♦ + * Mrs: Wm. Dent and children, Aurie and Hugh, spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. E. G. Fountain. * * + Masters J. D. and Willie McGee and J. T. Hancock spent Sunday afternoon with Ruby and Jewell Har¬ tley. * ♦ * Misses, Lois, Willie Lee and Lo rena Stalnaker and Mr. Heard Con Jy were seen out riding Sunday after¬ noon. * * * Messrs. Joe Sullivan and Joe Hen ry Pender called to see Misses Mattii Lou and Bobbie Lee Howard Sunday afternoon. * + * Friends of Miss Lois Stalnaker ar glad to know that she is at home foi .ne summer, her school having closet .nay 7th. ♦ + * Misses Ruby and Grace Tucke. ■vere among me numoer wno enjoyet .tie Singing ai Anss ouua jourison unuay nignt. , * * * Mr. and Mrs. Dupree of Byron .nd Mr. and, a,, t,. Fountain o . ort Valley took dinner witn ini', an. ..irs. Wm. Dent. * * + Misses Eunice tiauow of Fort Va. ey and Carrie Holcomb were wet .nd guests ot .Mr. and Mrs. E. *. . ounlain and the "Lakeview Jewels. M C R M||7m ^ f BOND Hfe use it when PRINTING GOOD JOBS iSw Give Us Yours-4. -o CENTRAL OF GA RWY. CO I . THE RIGHT WAY ft \rrivai and Departure of Trains t> FORT VALLEY Subject to change without notiei ARRIVAL frain Centr No. From Tinu 4 Chicego, Birin-ngham and Columbus 12:01 a. r 2 Montgomery and Albany.... 12:1 u. m. U Savannah and Macon ...3:35 a. n '1 Atl: r.ta and Macon.....3:43 a. n i6 Perry <Daily except Sunday 8:! 5 a.n 8 Albany .......8:20 a. n 5 Atlanta and Macon .12:40 p. n 1 Savannah end Macon .1 :27 p. m 2 Birmingham and Columbus 3:45 p. rr 6 Montgomery and Albany 3:55 p.m 7 Macon ................... 6:05 p. m 58 Perry (Daily except Sunday) 8:05 p. u 54 Perry (Sunday onlv). .3:30 p.m DEPARTURE Train Centra No. Fov Time 4 Macon and Savannah .12:01 a.m 12 Macon and Atlanta 12:10 a. m 3 Columbus, Birmingham and Chicagc .....3:35 a. m 11 Albany and Montgomery Perry 3:43 a. m (Daily except Sunday) 8 Macon 6:40 a. m Albany 8:20 a. m 5 and Montgomery _ , 12:40 p. rr , 1 C olumbus , end Birmingham 2 Macon 1:27 p. m 6 . Macon .........3:45 p. m and Atlanta ......3:55 p. m 7 Albany ....................6:05 .....6:05 p. p m Perry (Daily except Sunday) Perry (Sunday 6:05 p. m For further information Only) 2:00 p. p. n; n; icket office call at C. or H. phone 27 Sammons, Agent -O THE SOU. RWY. SYSTEM The Southern Serves The South.” and departui of trains at FORT VALLEY to change without notice rain ARRIVAL No. Centra! From Time Atlanta 9:20 p. m. DEPARTURE No. ?" T a * n Fo- Centra! 2 Atlanta Time .................... 6:45 a m. For further information cal! at office or phone 27. C H. Sammons, Agent. '7/1 i NON£7 BACK* without ques tion if Hunt'. S.I. n. lails in the tr-stment of Eczemu Jf"' dc come 1 Ringworm,Itch.etc disco*,• Don trrat.nenta failed raged because ot.' rr has rrlicveo Hunf.S.U, ^ hundred, of .ucf m __ ™') Back ou can’t Guarantee to,e on Tr- otn » it .nur risk TODAY Price 7<i, -v —-D Irv .U S COPELAND’S PHARMACT ■o— Read The Leader-Tribune for all news. r Rough m & Dressed n V LUMBER W E are now in position • to fill your wants in Rough and Dressed Lum¬ ber. Call around and let us estimate on your next bill of material. We also make all kinds of MOLDINGS. SEORGli GMTE ft BASKET HUM! m ii HI THE OLD I.NIHOINE STAND L FORT VALLEY GA. J Be Man with Moi\f * a Then you can do your/ m duty to your u ‘ /y! w X? Family. -41 & Pitt wm Wm ■ ■ L_- • g W7 /. <1, ^fTTHitTi't ■ -3 have, the no wi ‘ * on 74 ‘ How did he leave her?” That's the question you often hear asked. ‘‘How are YOU going to leave her? That's the question for you to answer. Are you BANKING your money so that you won’t add to her sadness the misery of WANT? Our Bank is a safe place for your money. Put YOUR money in OUR bank. THE EXCHANGE BANK Fort Valley, Ga. ************* ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ k Jf WANTED: jf jf jf Jf Your Peaches and Keifer Fears ♦ at our Plant in Valdosta, C a. jf jf %' Write us, we are in the Jf market. • jf Jf Jf Valdosta Canning Co. Jf st¬ Valdosta, Ga. Jf Jf * *.* ******** * * VISITORS FROM NEARBY TOWNS arc finding it profitable buying high-class groceries at Riggly-Wiggly. The saving on a few dollars’ worth pays their gasoline bill. . PIGGLY-WIGGLY «< ALL OVER THE WORLD. »* 400 SECOND STREET MACON, GEORGIA