The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, May 18, 1920, Image 2

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THE lEIOERTRIW AMD PEACHLAND JOURNAL Established 18H8 —Puulished by— CO. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE JOEL MANN MARTIN, Edttar. Subscription Pricaa (Payabla in Adranoa) 1 Taar .... |2.I0 A Month* . l.tb . t Month* .70 Published Every Tuesday and Fri¬ day and Entered at th* Post office at Fort Vailsy, Ga., aa Second Class Msil Matter. Display advertising must ba re¬ ceived by Satuiday noon to in * u T® insertion in Tuesday’s paper, ana by Wednesday noon for Friday s issue. Contributed articles other than Ql late news happenings should be handed in Friday—in no event later than Saturday morning —tot Tues¬ day publication, and on Tuesday—m no event later than Wednesday morning,—for Friday publication publication. To insure oorrect con¬ tributors should take particular side pain* of to write legibly and on one the paper only. of No Communication any nature will be published pnleas the writer s identity is made known to us. Cards of thanks, obituary noticsa, memorials, resolutions, and all arti¬ cles not of general public interest hunded in by or relating to non-sub¬ scribers will be charged for at regu¬ lar rates shown on our advertising rate card which may be had on ap¬ plication. Today's the day when all the State’s agog for the big convention row. ¥ Three more weeks—and then the juicy deluge of Georgia lueciousnees. Board for wage earners in Fort Vslley is ordinarily 25 to 30 per cent higher than in Macon .and Atlanta and about 100 per cent South higher, Geor¬ we are told, than in many gia towns of this size. During peach season board and rente are always sharply advanced here. Theee ad¬ vances fall upon the peach of labor and the other employers here. Thie condition makea it very difficult for some of the permanent, all-year-round industries of the town to keep labor, and without labor they cannot operate. Does it really cost more to furnish board and rent her* than in other places? If so the ter is worth serious investigation and a remedy found and applied, of if Fort pos sible. If not the citizens Valley have no right to cry “profi teers at the clothing Whatever manufactur¬ the ers and sugar trust. cause of the situation it looks to us fully worthy of Mr. Maniget’k atten¬ tion. A GOOD TIME I’ve had a good time racing, boys. For Most rapid is my flight. I preserve my equipoise By keeping sol in sight. To bed, to bed, I cannot go, Nor close my watchful *y*e; My gallant airship’s sailing skies. so Beneath auspicious For all the world was mad* for me, And her colossal smiles Have billionaired me up, you sea, About ten million milae. Don’t think that I am coming down, There is no place to land, I'll onward sail with my great crown, So Two hemispheres in hand. I am always looking up— For down spells paralyse— . And eating from Dame Fortune’ll [ cup Lake Superior Great pies. Suppose 1 drop a bomb or two Your mind to elevate, And break the chains sore binding J you In your Hungarian state. The more my foes, the stronger I, | The greater, too, my gain: For man was never made to die, • Created but to reign. Away, away I ceaseless soar, And by avoirdupois J Behold my wealth increasing more Amid transcendent joys. Tomonow '11 be a happy day; 1 see the lovely queen; , Bhe'll robe me with her bright artsy, I I And her majestic mien. W. C. Carter Powsrsville, Ga. MYSELF. I have to live with myself, and so I want to be fit for myself to know. I want to be able, as days go by, Always to look myself straight in the I don’t eye; want to stand with the setting sun And ha: e myself for the things I’ve done. I don’t want to keep on a eloset shelf A lot of secrets about myself, And‘fool myself, aa’l come and go, Into thinking that nobody else will know The kind of man I really am; I don’t want to dress np myself in sham. I want to go out with my head erect J want to deserve all men’s respect; But here in the struggle for fame and I pelf want to I'o able to like myself. I don’t want to look at myself and know That I'm bluatar and bluff and emp ty show. I never can hide myself from ms; I s?e what others may never see; I know what others may never know Inever can fool myself, and so Whatever happens, I want to be Self-respecting and conscience-free. 4 -—Edgar A. Guest. Brawn BmMsra rf MeuraUg. Tn Egypt yell<nvtSl<-ht(Wn, the ¥ tha dead <te|jcg *» tm Rf awurain#, we [lADtt-TtnvNe, mat v TTTT ■»'•• . A , 44444444444444444 #'44444444 4 * * * ALL KINDS INSURANCE, * * If + COMPANIES, Jf ¥ BEST * * ¥ BUSINESS APPRECIATED 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ IINRET LOIR J INVESTMENT CO 4 ¥ 4 ♦ •t * WESLEY HOUSER, Mgr. 4 ¥ 4 **«**¥¥¥*<¥#<¥*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ — l -7 t *# iV 4 v, ' Tklilt Constant: , tor Lon$£ Saving Service « and F FURNACES differ aa much as people, and we welcome a comparison of the Cahill wish other pipeless furnaces. The “insides” of a furnace are vhat count, and that is where (the Cahill excels. The casting ar - unusually heavy, unusually thick and unusually well fitted and finished. Thir, means that heat ia retained longer in a Cahi’.l furnace, that the radiation of heat ia greater, less fuel is used, leas attention is The required, Cahill and that cracking and breaking of tba vital parts is eliminated. castings * guarantee greeter durability, ecenomy and convenience. j Cahill Pipeless Runaces The Cahill Furnace is the remit of 40 year* Tb« modern end sanitary* i !! manufacturing experience, and embodie* the method of heeting homes, 1 __,« manufacturing ideal* which have given churches, schools, factor¬ to Catull Gratae snd Fireplace Fixture*, an en¬ ies a nd atores. One register , viable reputation for quality and dependability. bents tha whole house. Simple to install, economi¬ let our service department cal Uniform and eaay heat to In operate. every t HELP YOU room, constantly circulat¬ 1 We trill gladly aid you with advioe, absolutely ing. • free and without obligation, if you will aend WRITE POSt FRENI sketch of your building, and number and six* BOOKLET fully- RtSM deacHbln* RlrMwarOlii,- Cahill Local Agent* tug valuable information about ha.ting problem*. FORT VALLEY LUMBER CO. .........I i ... I Si * ★ 44444# 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444 4 4 4 4 * REMODEL YOUR ELECTRIC * 4 4 4 FIXTURES 4 4 4 I Carry a complete stock of parts for 4 ¥ fixtures. 4 4 4 4 Tubular fixtures converted to chain 4 * fixtures. 4 4 4 4 I ALSO BUILD NEW FIXTURES TO YOUR ORDER. 4 4 If your old fan needs repairing, 4 4 4 4 If you need a new fan, ^ 4 SEE ME 4 4 4 I SPECIALIZE IN ALL.THINGS ELECTRICAL 4 ■ 4 REMEMBER MY MOTTO: “SPEED WITH ACCURACY” 4 4 4 J. P. LUBETKIN 4 4 Phones 63-J-63-L 4 4 * • TT r~r T * £ a I J Cl y & \ i yy. is kM ured it window* and porch art* protected with awnings. Ve mammae turc and carry in A- ; J Hock a ccrmpictc line of porch and window awnings, and SU aL—t. po:ck curtains; ail iufly guar ^i aneed. Q'j Sc:.d ns dimensions of perdk f. and windows, and we will quota tl you prioes. ATLANTA TSNT W A’W'NB COMPA.'-fT v s ATLANTA. OBCSJIA e u*uu TLANTA l C SJT o a\V\tN lNG -CO w - ★ ★ ★ PLASHES FROM FLOYD 4 it Of Hi* Lodwr-Tribau Fqrea it ★ * ♦ ★★♦★★★★★★★★★A P»t«rty is a aura eurs for dyapap ■ia. -4 Cupid teaches tba young female ;a now to shot. An honest *tate*man ia no match for a dishonest politiiian. You never hear one girl say that another is too young to marry. * Savages hunt for a living and civ¬ ilised men hunt for easy jobs. --4 It sometimes happens that a man’s house is his mother-in-law’s castle. ■» Tha man who doesn’t worry is en¬ titled to a lot of credit that he never gets. -4 The Lord has more respect for an honest sinner than for a praying hy¬ pocrite. If people could exchange trouble there would be just as much kicking as in a horse trade. A man who talks as if he had hie mouth full of hot mush will never make a stirring speech. A fool man will go through any old thing for a pretty woman—even through his bank account. The pen might be mightier than the sword, but there are times when a double barreled shotgun is worth a ion of either. ★ It is a dead sure thing that no can¬ didates look as good to a newspaper man than the ones who “loosen up’’ and let a little of the “long green” flow into the coffers of the newspa¬ per for advertising. Those who read the news column* of this paper will notice that there is a great deal of improving work and- building and other progress going on In this city. This shows up well for Fort Valley and in the pro¬ gress line. I’ve just had a too-oo-ooth phlled, “we heard her wail. Yes’m. We’ve been through the mill and it ain’t no But ther’s worse things that worries longer and nags deeper. Knockers, f'rinatance. Just as you think that you’ve got a good sheet going nic nicely, along comes some chro¬ pessimist of an advertiser and rooly remark that he don’t think a semi-weekly’s mueh good nohow. H* ain’t never been no newspaper man. W* can vouch for that. * It i* right and proper that tbs' newspaper should be a booster for all it is worth, but for the hundreds of boosts that the average paper gives, how many boosts does the same paper get from those very en¬ terprises? There sr* two sides to every question, snd the person or and community there that demands the earth all is in it, figuratively speaking, from the newspaper, should try the art of boosting and aay a good word now and then for the pa¬ per that stands by, in season and out. 4 When Grover Cleveland was pres¬ ident General Weyler was 'butcher¬ ing the Cubans, and the citizens of the United States, almost to a man, Cleveland were clamoring for intervention. wanted another term and did nothing. McKinley waa elected, listened to the voice of the people, and was then accused of involving us in a war with Spain. American citi sens robbed are being butchered, kidnapped anr in Mexico and the same brand of politic* that kept Cleveland Orom interfering in Cuba is keeping die f United States from her citizens who Mexican protecting are on soil and avenging those who have been killed or robbed! * - MICKfE SAYS r ARMSRtWmi \ n AMMV-VRMR NRWMPS— FRRteWNRT’U. VMVU-VS DeesKrT 1M A WJ»M T’ QO 4) -Wf MWMK&R s» ♦nee. WO*t O* RiUJS UHMR •OMtMves ixkn \ > m TUsrr ul ♦ ft>WT I , * # LOANS ON REAL ESTATE AT ATTRACTIVE RATES. A. C. RILEY, JR., Attorney at Law. ~Ch 1 mi TM J^odtorTritaiiat f#r an v ^V5'Vw\^Nyw'y\y\s/'cy’c/^v^^v3/'c/w '?>I@I©I® w ^ 3 — - z=n * 3\ * 3) * ® Jf A GOOD NAME ® 4 (&) 4 !@)4 *(§ 3)4 is unquestionably priceless *© a asset. ©)4 worth, ¥© ©>* And, like most things of real ¥(§) (3) 4 it is not gained in a hurry, but is *© rather the result of hard work and infinite perseverance. *© (3)4 The good have achieved *(§ (3)4 name we (1)4 for ourselves--and in which we + m 1)4 take a pardonable pride*--we are *© 1)4 §)4 daily upholding by a still broader and better service. 1)4 1)4 If want the best, want your 4© a)4 you we 4© i)4 account. §) 4 3) 4 4© ©4 0)4 1)4 ® 4 4© ® 4 4© 4@ 1)4 1)4 ©)4 4(g 0) 4 4(§ OF FORT VALLEY ©> 4 FORT VALLEY, GA. ©) 4 4<@ (©) 4 4(@ (©) 4 K M (©) 4 4(§ 4(§ 0)4 4<S ®*4 4 THE UNIVERSAL CAB We are experienced, and know how to give service to the owners of Ford cars. We have the same methods, ma¬ chinery and skill that they have in the Ford Factory, and we use the same Parts made by the Ford Motor Company. Ford owners are doubly guaranteed by us as to the reliability of our servit e on Ford cars, Don’t try to do it yourself, bring you i ear here. Incidentally we are getting a few' Ford cars and are able to make fairly good deliveries. Touring ]\c, $525; Runabout, $500; One Ton Truck Chassis, $550; Coupe, $650; Sedan, $775. These prices f. o. b. Detroit. G.L. STRIPLING & CO. Authorized Ford Dealers. t LIQUID AND CAKE % THE BIG M VALUE PACKAGES :::n WHITE em eetaae.TJ ee SHOE ■ •••■tasW DRESSING i ■KEEPTOWMSBrnAT^j f°K Womens Child Pjens nmoBtTKMiniL rMEFFQAlLEY and Mens BUFFALO, M.X Shoes. Leader-Tribune ads are great for building up your business.