The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, May 21, 1920, Image 5

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r THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., MAY 21, 1920. *«/ Cj>ammQim t^rtcraft Cpicfu/v i „» < ‘ V t > WS HH: at :::: II! : ■ Si #ij A y . n » a IUJ; :• j : i is::?: iiaijlg® jHijj liif I •V m rv :: : (.-• m Kim i: >V, i: :: 7K ■: (; ii-iisi IHBii Hi ii» ! wm :: rni-mia \ X ;3 , N* : il -V 1 ' " . If! Imi t - ✓ • * ,#7 -<1* . -4a iliiiii 2 * : : : :: : :: : : » : ; :! n v H r riotous rugged London The society, luxury tht* of ft yyv grandeur of V a tropical Island, - and the glory of old r*"£i Babylon, welded to¬ / v” gether In tlie master v t drama of inasfe m >• V, a * producer. drama ; •> :<£*• w c4m j ot nature’s 11»< an 1 .. V~r- • S'- mair’s . <r N HI f ■v Y* % JESSE L. LASKYpresents ^ Jr DeMILLE PRODUCTION '2 * HAL and F AL Found'-rd on J. M. SARRiE’S FAMOUS PLAY THU ADMIRABLE CRICHTON" 4 AdaDted tor the screen byJEANI£ MAcPHtkbON U MALE ■ FEMALE II THE CAST Crichton, a butler. Thomai Meighan r Lord Loam Theodore Robert* Hon. Ernett WolleyRaymond Hatton Lord Brockelhurst ,R>bert Cain Lady Mary La*enby Gloria Swanton Tweeny Lila Lee The King’* Favorite Bebe Daniel* Susan Julia Faye La.ty Eileen Dun Craigie Rhy Darby Aga tha Lasenby ... Mildred Reardon Lady Brockelhurst Maym Kelso Treherne .........Edward Burn* McQuire Henry Woodward Thomas . Sydney Dean "Button* * 1 Wesley Barry Fisher Edna Mae Cooper Mr*. Perkins Lillian L/ighton Pilct of Lord Loam’s Yacht Guy Oli ver Captain of Yacht Clarence Burton o SHIPWRECK, terror, despair, and thrills of heroic rescue. INTIMATE pictures of below stairs life in wealthy British house¬ holds. PICTURES of love and strife in a primitive land where conventions and classes are forgot. GORGEOUS spectacles in the pal¬ ace of a king of ancient Babylon. BEVIES of beautiful women; pomp of power; excesses of a profligate court. IDYLLIC scenes of a happy home on a little farm in America. Humor, pathos, colorful drama, vivid contrasts, dazzling pageantry enacted by hundreds of players, with an all-star group of principals. All the passions and yearnings of the race, fused into an inspiring sto¬ ry that beats with red blood. NOTICE Admission For This Picture, 25c and 40c War Tax Included. LEADER-TRIBUNE ADS PAY • You’ll never forget a HE AND FEMALE >i Founded on J. M. bar rie’s Famous Play it THE ADMIRABLE CR.CH TON >1 Adapted tor the Screen by neanie fDacphcPson. THURSDAY - AND FRIDAY, 20 21 ♦ ♦♦ + + *♦♦*♦*♦ ♦♦♦♦ + **♦♦*♦ + ♦ 4 4 4 4 ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ SOCIAL + * 4 And * ♦ 4 * * 4 Personal. ♦ * + * Reported by <JMrs. C. N. ROUNTREE, Phone 275-J 4 4 * ******♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4444444444444 4 4 4 Mrs. W. A. Wooddall is at from a trip to Washington. * * + Mrs. Susie G. Sutton of is visiting Mrs. 0. D. Williams. 4 4 4 Miiss Louise Williford of is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ralph ton. * ♦ ♦ Miss Elizabeth Beall of Perry spending the week with Miss F'agan. * * * Miss Carrie Fulwood of . will be the week end guest of E. M. Fagan. * * ♦ Miss Lena Jones is on a ten visit to her sister, Miss Jones, in Atlanta. * * * Mrs. Mildred Bryant is visiting sister, Mrs. C. R. Culpepper, in botton this week. * 4 * Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Toney tained a few friends at a dinner ty one evening recently. * 4 4 Mrs. Frank Vance and left Wednesday for a visit to atives in North Carolina. 4 4 4 Mrs I. H. McGrady was called to Dothan, Ala., on account of the death last week of her grandmother. 4 4 4 Mr. W. H. Edwards of Perry is spending this week with the family of his son, Mr. Houser Edwards. 4 4 4 Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Pugh are at home after attending the Baptist Convention in Washington, D. C. *P + + Mrs. Alma J. DeLucia of Atlanta will be the week cna guest of Mrs. Annie Murchison Williams. 4 4 4 Mrs. Jesse Davis of Mossy Hill Farm has returned after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hiley. 4 4 4 Miss Mildred Green will return to her home in Albany Saturday after a visit to Miss Nettie Kate Marshall. 4 4 4 Mrs. Russell Edwards and little daughter, Maude Brown, are visiting Prof, and Mrs. Jere Pound in Athens. 4 4 4 Misses Ruby Houston and Ger¬ trude Bush are now with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gray,Jr., on Anderson Avenue. *3* *!• *!• Mrs. N. H. White of Americus is spending several days here, 1 the guest ox Mrs. Annie Murchison Wil¬ liams. 4 4 4 Little Louis Prator entertained a lew of his friends at a spend-the-day fourth party birthday. Wednesday, celebrating his «|» sts s|> Mrs. 8 . T. Marshal] and Miss Helen Marshall stopped over in Nashville, Tenn., for a visit to relatives enroute home from St. Louis. 4 4 4 Miss Marie Spann and Mr. Nor¬ man Spann motored from Dothan, Ala., and spent the week end with Miss Eulalia Fagan. 4 4 4 Mrs. George Mathews is at home after attending the South Ga. Mis¬ sionary which Conference at Waycross, of she was reelected president. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Marshall and Miss Helen Marshall have returned from St. Louis where they went to the Wholesale Grocers’ Convention. 444 Mrs. J; H. Allen returned Monday after a visit of a month to her sister, Mrs. A. D. Morrill, in Chicago, stop¬ ping a week in Atlanta on her re¬ turn trip. 4 4 4 Mrs. A. J. Evans has returned from a visit to Mrs. Max James in Keysville, Virginia, and to the South¬ ern Baptist Convention in Washing¬ ton, D. C. T V 4 Mrs. Eugene Hiley has returned from Washington, D. C., where she was the guest of her daughter, Miss Mary Hiley, who has a government position there. 4 4 4 Material is being hauled and pre¬ parations made for remodeling St. Andrews Episcopal Church on Cen¬ tral Ave., which will be an attractive addition to the town. 4 4 4 Rev. W. F. Quillian went to Mar shallville Tuesday to conduct the fun¬ eral services of Mrs. E. M. Edwards, who died in Atlanta and was brought to Marnhalville for interment. 4 4 4 Mrs. Julian Webster has returned from a visit in Atlanta and while there was the guest of honor at a bridge party given by Mrs. Whit Dur¬ den at her home in Inman Park. 4 4 4 Messrs. Paul Murray, Harvard Eu¬ banks, Clarence Fagan and William Turner of the High School Set went to Montezuma last Friday night to a party at the home of Misses Christine and Louise Lewis. 4 4 4 A congenial party that motored to Atlanta Tuesday, returning Slappeyj Thurs day, as guests of Mr. George j Mrs. Stella Slappey, Mrs. Oscar McKenzie, of Montezuma, Mrs. W. M. Blewster, Mrs. Neltie Miller, Miss Carrie Riley, and Messrs. Lynn Fagan and Geo. H- Slappey. i Friends of Mrs. Andrew Wright will be pleased to know that she is improving for under treatment in Macon appendicitis and that it is thought an operation will not be necessary as was first thought. 4 * * Mr. Will Bahrenburg, who is well known here, having been here every fruit season for many years, was here Sunday enroute to Florida for a few weeks before returning -to Fort Valley for peach season. * 4 4 Messrs. F. 0. Miller and Axel Economou attended the Grand Com mandery of the State at Albany Wednesday and Thursday of last week, representing the Fort Valley Commandery. Mr. Miller is a past grand Commander of Georgia. * 4 * The Senior Class of the High School here have issued attractive invitations to the graduation exer¬ cises to be at the auditorium on the evening of May 28th. There are fourteen twenty-one members of the class, girls and seven boys. + + <1 "The Love Feast” at the Method¬ ist Church Tuesday evening was well attended and those present were pro profoundly moved by the stirring messages in talks and song. Scriptui-e quotations were given which were characterized by a tender presenta¬ tion of the gospel of love. 4 4 4 The last meeting of the History Club for this club year will be held at the home of M>-s. Ralph Newton, Tuesday afternoon at four o’clock. In continuation of the study of France, the subject of this program will be “France in America”. As long as folks continue to find interest in the annals of the past, the story of of tention France and will command especiai at¬ in the hour can of we ever forget that our direst extremity, she helped us to establish our liberty, and take our place among the great nations of the earth? o STANDARD THE WORLD MEEDS High Moral Example Set by Robert Louis Stevenson Well Worth Living Up To. Robert I .on Is Stevenson, refusing to lake all that was ottered him for a poem be did not think his fiest, wrote: "l do not live much to God and honor, hut I will not willfully turn my back •>n both." In the modest wonts lies deep the only standard by which a man can hope to satisfy himself with his life It Is a standurd the world today sore ly needs. We hear of unrest and shall hear of It. Why not, with so muiiy men and women trying to live up to a standard set by someone else? If they succeed, there is no happiness in It, for it has no sanction from their own hearts. The man we count successful In material affairs and expect to find happy is never who has reached n certHin place. Gut whim a man has set <i mark for himself In posses¬ sions aud has kept that mark In view until he reached It, we call him suc¬ cessful. it may have been a $10,000 home; It may have been one million dollars. But It was his own goal. It is not less true of his Inner life. We do not expect much of a innn who lias no standard for himself of right ind wrong And lie cannot claim any right to .contentment. If his only mor¬ al standard is the law, he earns Steven-| only j i he minimum of satisfaction. son, refusing money which he needed | because lie thought tie had not earn- be j ed It. is a thousand times more t.o envied than the man who takes u hun¬ dred or a million dollars he has not earned, because no law will punish j him.—Milwaukee Journal. TO EXTERMINATE CROP PESTS Scientist Plans to Use Flame Throwers and Other Methods to De¬ stroy Enemies. In 1018 mid 1910 the territory near tlie delta of itie Rhone suffered greatly from swarms of the Morocco cricket. which multiplied so excessively as to be of great Injury to the crops. At a recent meeting of tlie French Academy of Sciences a report was made by M. Vayssiere on the use of the “flame ihKwers,” employed In the war for throwing liquid lire, to exterminate these pests. With an apparatus hold- j ing about twelve liters of petroleum an i extent of 200 square meters can be so thoroughly swept with flames as to kill i •II the Insects. Asphyxiating gases j had hut little effeci hut applications I of powered ehloroplcrin were much : more satisfactory., While vegetation suffered somewhat the effects were only temporary, Lastly, M. Vayssiere made use of poisoned bait with a basis of arsenic like that employed in Italy and in the Unllcd States and obtained good results. He proposes to utilize all three methods—first the flame throwers to exterminate the hordes of young larvae In all cases where their j use docs not involve danger of fire; j secondly, chloropicHn powder where j flame throwers would he danger- ! and thirdly poisoned bait In Irrl *8^ meadows where no cattle are pastured. Headquarters for INSURANCE V Fire, Tornado, Casualty, Automobile, I Burglary, Surety Bonds, Platt Glass oftENDRIC Representing NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. SAFE, PROMPT AND APPRECIATIVE ******************tt*****t* * ATTENTION PEACH PACKER * ¥ * ^ . * -ft I offer for sale long they last ♦ * as as * * . U. S. Government Property. * ^ * ¥ * Tents - Tarpaulins - Cots - Mattresses t •K Covers - Blankets Field Ranges ■* - + ♦ ♦ Enameled Ware ♦ * * D. WITMAN * + * * ’Phone 170 500 Broadway * * MACON, CA. * -At * AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAMMM* ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★■A *★★★★★ it it ★ ★ it it itititlt * * * * I REMODEL YOUR ELECTRIC * * FIXTURES * ★ * -It I complete stock of parts for * * carry a * fixtures. ’■ * * * * Tubular fixtures converted to chain * * fixtures. ♦ ■it * ¥ 1 ALSO BUILD NEW FIXTURES TO YOUR ORDER. * ¥ If your old fan needs repairing, * -It * ■H If you need a new fan, -It * -It SEE ME * -it * ¥ 4 ¥ I SPECIALIZE IN ALL THINGS ELECTRICAL * * * ¥ REMEMBER MY MOTTO: "SPEED WITH ACCURACY' * ¥ * ¥ ¥ / * ¥ J. P. LUBETKIN t * ¥ * -i * Phones 63 J--63-L * * * » **************************** FIGHT THE WITH BOLT WEEVIL 1 CALCIUM ARSENATE AND SPRINGFIELD / WE HAVE DUSTERS BOTH J ALSO LIMITED NUMBER Peach Crates STILL FOR SALE I GREEN-MILLER CO FORI VALLEY, GA. I