The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, June 04, 1920, Image 3

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v. A THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., JUNE 4, 1920. ♦ I ♦ ¥ * BOY WANTED * : * * ■ * if ♦ * * * if * A Reliable boy, 14 to 16 years old, w ill¬ ♦ * ing to learn and to stick, to clean shop, * ♦ * * melt metal, run errands, etc. * * ♦ * To the right one wanting a permanent jf ♦ job during vacation and afternoons al¬ * * will the right. 4 * ter school we make pay Jf ♦ If * >f * jf ♦ THE LEADER-TRIBUNE Jf * jf ¥ Jf ¥ Jf * Jf ¥ ¥ * **** * * * * * * ¥***44 ************** ill THINGS CONSIDERED—YOUR VERY BEST MARKET I i i THE GREAT CENTRAL MARKET OF THE CENTRAL SOOTH i | i An.pie capacity, modern facilities, excellent railroad connections; The Highest True Market Prices Paid For All Grades Of Stock; The ideal market in which to buy your feeding and grazing cat¬ tle and immunized pigs; 'The logical market to which you should ship, because you get here QUICKER anu get MOKE for your products. Progressive and dependable commission merchants who are re¬ liable in every way and who are in active competition every day of the year; Rest attention given to all consignments, whether large or small, ami we handle each shipment bo as to invite the next ship¬ ment. THIS IS YOUR EVENTUAL MARKET-SAVE NOW BY SHIP PING TO US TODAY. Your Business Is Solicited—Correspondence Invited WHY SHIP TO A DISTANCE AT A LOSS? YOU ARE SAFER NBARBK HOME. UNION STOCK YARDS MONTEOMERY, ALABAMA- i ■ HARRY E. SNOW, GENERAL MANAGER. « a s S ONE WEEK SPECIAL .,o» -V Just two seasonable items at a Special low price for one week beginning Friday morning, June 4th. 3 qt. Aluminum $5.00 pitcher for PORCH CHAIRS $ 3.98 Were $6.50 - $7.25 and $10.00 H for $4.59 - $6.69 - $8.39 A $6.00 5 qt. for In grain natural. or $4.69 See them in our windows. Georgia Agricultural Works. QUALITY AND SERVICE y FORT VALLEY, GA, to WITH THE AMERICAN M W CROSS. \ Junior Rod Cross. ■—r &iai V t Early In the participation of the \ United States In the world war, the i American Red Cross perceived the value of mobilizing the school children < of the country and the Junior Red Cross was organ!zed. Before the war ended nine million children were en- | rolled and helped in the war fund 1 and membership campaigns, In chap- i „ter production of relief supplies and manufacturing furniture for the ref ugees whose homes and household goods were destroyed. Children everywhere In the United States responded to the call to serv¬ ice sounded by President Wilson as head of the American Red Cross, This photograph Is that of an en thuslutlc young Japanese member of the Junior Red Cross of Spokane, Wash., starting out on the ambitious undertaking of collecting “a mile of pennies" for war relief. A compre¬ hensive peace program la now being worked out for the Junior Red Cross which la being held Intact ! -0- i ECZEMAS i : I MONET BRCK ilhout que*tlonif Hunt's S*U# ills in thf treatment of E irn>m r tttri Ringworm, Itch, etc . Jon'l bee ome discouraged be 3U«e other treatments failed J unt’s Salve h.TS relieved bun :ed* of such case* You tan’i «e on our Money Rath :nrnn tee. TrV P Qt OU( • i*k . V °ri. t* 7 • a i LEADER-TRIBUNE ADS PAY. mmmm L4^ Batter Up! Are you for baseball? If so, you are a normal Amer¬ ican and the bolsheviki will never claim you. Have you read “The Jinx,’* “A Treeful of Owls,” or “Re¬ leasing the Film Princess”? Another story of equal in¬ terest by the same writer will soon await you. Also founded on the national pastime; it is entitled, The Double Squeeze Henry Beach Needham, the author of this tale so true to the game and to romance, would have been a successful novelist had he chosen any other back¬ ground for his stories. He has achieved distinction and given the sport an en¬ during place in fiction. The a squeeze” relates to “inside ball” so fascinating to fans, and also has an applica¬ tion to lovers. Watch for the Serial in This Paper! leoooecooooGooGoooooeoM -o A Noted Vet. Gets Rid of Rats —Farmers Heed. Dr. H. H. Butler says, “1 use RAT around my hospitals every months, whether I see rats or It does the work—RAT-SNAP them every time. I reccommend to everybody having rats.,, Don’t until there is a brood of rats, immediately you see the first Three sizes, 25c, boc, $1.00. Sold guaranteed by the Georgia Agri¬ Works and Copeland’s Adv. *s Headquarters for INSURANCE Jfl Fire, Tornado, Casualty, Automobile, E Burglary, Surety Bonds, Plate Glass °nEN DRIC Representing NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. SAFE, PROMPT AND APPRECIATIVE » 1 * it • Come -fco TYBEF "Where Ocean Breezes Bloif 4 ft ■' 4jpr* A ii :■» , e rb ut -M. N 9 ***. v. V " :n \ i\ [}! v / V » & Excursion Fares via Centrals Georgia Railway THE RIGHT WAY r POMEROY’S PURATONE NOW BEING PRAISED B f THOUSANDS ALL OVER THE STATE