The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, June 18, 1920, Image 2

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y THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ JUNE 1», 1920. ■ _ V JOHN W. NIX, President GEO. W. NIX, Vice President FRANK W. MX, Treasurer ROBERT W. NIX, SecreWry 1839—81st ANNIVERSARY—1920 JOHN NIX & COMPANY WHOLESALE FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS 281 Washington Street, New York. % EXPERIENCED SALESMEN PROMPT RETURNS Have Every Facility For Handling Your PEACHES \ * WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS r ■«Hj| PEACH TREES I We are representatives of The Huntsville Wholesale Nurseries, of Huntsville, Ala., and offer a limited f uantity of all varieties of Peach rees at the following prices:- 12/18 at per M $150 00 18/24 *4 44 44 $165.00 24/36 4« 44 44 $180 00 There is hound to be a scarcity of Nursery Stock again this year, and we strongly advise you to ORDER EARLY so that you will get what you want. CALL ON US. GREEN-MILLER ci. FOB! VALLEY, 6A. i ii Into It” :◄ c ► MEiG % A t, .fa’ ff/A t: 2 r, Tfie CAHILL FURNACE Las a Reputation to Uphold. F° R 25 years the name “Cahill” on Grates and Fireplace Fixtures has stood for the best in quality and work¬ manship; and now the same manufacturing ideals are V producing a master product in the Cahill Pipeless Furnace. Juat look at the Cahill castings—the heart of a furnace; notice their un utmal thickness, weight and careful workmanship. Such castings guarantee greater durability and satisfaction. They require less frequent replacing, and retain beat longer than castings in most furnaces. This means a sav¬ ing of fuel, less frequent firing, and more uniform, cotnlortable heating. The Cahill Furnace excels because its castings excel. Cahill Furnaces Pipeless fJH On* register heats the whole house. The modern and sanitary method of heating homes, HR churchee, schools, factories and stores. Simple to Install; economical and easy t* operate. Uniform fi*«t In every room, constantly circulating. Ut OnC Service Department Help You W* will gladly aid you with advice, abaolutely free gad without obligation, if you will send sketch of rear building and number and sice of room*. % Local Agents FORT VALLEY LUMBER CO. h • . American Cigarettea Popular. For n rime most cl curette- were unde from the Turkish leaf Then It nas discovered that the "bright" Vir rlnla tobacco. now grown Iri Virginia, he Onrollnas and eastern Tennessee, nade an agreeable cigarette Kveritual v clgarette-maktng machinery was la ented and today Amerlctm cigarettea re smoked nil over the world Rub-My-Titm i* a powerful anti aptic; it kills the poiaon caused from nfecteH cut», cures old aorta, tetter, tC.' A dr. ■estV'i .■ - ■4 -?c.. AS. ..... .4 Goodyear Advantages in Tires for the Smaller Cars ! s» Just a$ Goodyear is successful in building extreme value into the Goodyear Tires that \41b go on the highest-priced motor cars, so is Goodyear successful in supplying unusual \< ir worth in Goodyear Tires for smaller cars. Into the making of Goodyear Tires in the 30x3-, 30x3 l />, and 31x4-incli sizes have gone I ii the full advantages of Goodyear experience, ! skill and modern facilities. The results of this unusual- endeavor are j easily available to every owner of a Ford, i. Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, ocher or any car requiring the sizes mentioned. ‘I / Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer’s p’ace of business for these tires, and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. He carries iS F jll ,/ them in stock. y V ^ iSSmi, w er- V;' mis Hi I 7 OOo - K.»6»I'. *•' 30x Goodyear Double-Cure J '"j ■? 50 Goodyear Heavy Touritr luUa are chick, strong Mbw that Fabric, Ali-Weather Tread reinforce casing* properly. Why rhk a good casing ------ Goodyear H 1 ouriat Tube, cheap cube? -avy coat maiw K -c J Goo ivear S'n,;!e-Cure | 50 chan tube* of lea. merit. JOxiyp to# in wafer, t i 5 A a jL L~~~ proof in,................................. * Fabric, Anti-hkid Tread------- ...... -----—----- V f teg / All sizes and types of the above tires carried in stock by GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS * FORT VALLEY, GA. # Let me change your tubular fixeurtx to chain fixtures of any (tyle. J. P. Lubetkin. -o Like Many Another His father had taken him out to the jolf course Thar evening he seemed .0 he III at ease. •‘Willie." said hie mother, "what Is the matter with you? f wish you’d stop scratching yourself. I “T don't know what’s the matter, but | guess I must have got some of these j 0 |f |,ugs on me." was WIIHe’s reply. . U a. i < Tti»* (•: of IIIMIIV ol liir Jerflline** iti oil of innii-graiii This a produced from rhe leave.-- of « small j litter orHiigf ihai ^rnw* in vast quan ltien In Paraguay. The leaves art killed, the vapor distilled and the oil Ik I in mod off. The peel of this wim ! iranice la the main ingredient at ■u reran FOR SALE.—Vim \ ten truck. A ! No. 1 condition. Will *el| cheap I for cash. S. B. Brown, Jr. Milledfe ▼ill*, Gn., 6 4-4 pee. it pd. • * How Wo Cleared Our Suaaar Homo of Rata/* by Mr*. Porry. • * When we opened our seaside home last May,, it was alive with rats. They’d gnawed all the uphol¬ stering. We cleaned them out in a week with RAT-SNAP. I prefer this rat killer because it comes in cakt form, no mixing. Saves dirtying hands and plates.” Three sizes sizes, 25c, 50c, |1.00. Sold and guartee4 by the Georgia Agricultural Works and Copeland’s Pharmacy ...Aciv.