The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, June 18, 1920, Image 5

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THE I FADER TRIBUNE, FORT VMI FY. C.A , JUNE 18. 1920. v w * W i Good Secondhand Roll-top Office Desk and a Revolving Chair. If you have it we want it. THE LEB-TRIBUIE Southern Railway System The Double T^ack Route ATLANTA—CINCINNATI Lv. Atlanta 4:35 P. tVl 5:35 A. M. Arrive Chattanooga 9:30 PM 10:35 AM Louies He 8:00 AM S:35 PM Cincinnati 8:10 AM »:*0 PM Chicago 5:35 PVJ 8:50 AM 4:00 Fivl 7:10 AM Cleveland 3:55 PM 7:20 AM Through sleeping cars and coaches to Cincinnati and Chicago. Dining car. ATLANTA VALDOSTA JACKSON yiLLi; via cordele J k Valdosta Lv. Atlanta 7:50 AM 7:00 PM Arrive Cordele 2:40 PM 12:59 AM Tifton 4:23 PM 2:40 AM V aidobta 6:03 PM 4:18 AM Jack; >nvil|e 10:25 PM 8:30 AM Local Atlanta-Jacksonville and At janla-Valdotta Sleeping car, First Day Coaches, Lv. Atlanta 7:50 AM 12:20 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:50 PM 12:05 AM Ar- Macro 11:59 AM 3:00 PM 8:10 PM 9i35 PMf 1:25 AM 2:30 AM PULLMAN OBSERVATION PARLOR CAR OR PULLMaN SLEEP¬ ING CAR ON ALL TRAINS: FIRST LASS vAY COACHES. THE SOU T KERN SERVES T H F. SOUTH For full information, rates and reservations, write the iullcwing rep reaentaiives: G. C- T- P A* J. S* Blotitlworth, Y. P- A V. L. Esm«, D. P. A. 4U3 Southern Kailway Building, Atlanta, Ga. \ ■ * < res.vWonderful Canoeists. 'The Ojibway, the Oreo and th< Momagmds are the most wonderful eanoenten In rhe world." sit;s s E. Sangster, writing of “Th»* Wood, Indian” In Boys’ Lih‘. “They pos less a sixth sense in mphl-running "tut Jf they say ‘run It' jfnt cun safely lav t bet j(t odds that they will run it a*d eoipi through dry --even tlinugh wafei Hip mere glimpse of whh-h rnnkes you! hair stand Up a J|d sends eh Ills chasing up and down your ‘-pine.” 9 ar r I t i f.4i i*?) pH ih M j gY-.'rih r f o 4 z IRON Is the tonic you need if you {fr? n are run down, pale, weak, nervous, L ■ ■■■ fr suffer from lack of iron in your krA blood, lack of strength in ■ c 10 >■* if 1 your system. m r DOM null TOM luisiu IP rttir.'.-ofa VropTririon 1' axtrincocyfelii: Dr*f 5 Ot b. a. preparation of pure iron salts, combined 'NIC A with hypophosphites of lime and soda, A j and other valuable ingredients. I 1KVTW A\ ] ’ ti Will Build You Up . 5~v Men and women who have used jfBYsaeSM j 9 & 4 Ziron, builder unite and general in its praise tonic as for a the strength blood v ^rC.VTAINS KJ : and It is mild in action, harm¬ i 55 4 nerves, fiABir FQiytfiNQ 4 f less and contains no habit-forming drugs. < >• ZIRON is medicine secret \ office Or ^.Dollar W P) not a patent or r wM remedy. The ingredients are printed on the label. Eminent physicians agree on their therapeutic value, Full directions for use^accompany every package. Try a bottle today l Sold by Druggists in $1* Bottles. ih ugglst cannot supply you, send us the money and we will ship direct. \ CHATTANOOGA DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. Z. H. T. 1 I » / ff I'Alfc w f: A *f* Jp ——^ M W a A ^ y m mi / m » r -\t 't t' > ; Advertisements Pay In The Leader-Tribune. ATLANTA-—MEMPHIS Ev. Atlanta 4:30 P. lvi. 5:15 A. M. i ifirm ngham 10;30 PM 12:10 PM Memphis 7:35 AM 8:00 PM Kansas City 7:10 AM 10:25 AM Meridian 4:55 AM Vicksburg 9:50 AM Shreveport 5:30 PM Through coaches and sleeping cars to Memphis and Kansas City. Dining ATLANTA BRUNSWICK JACK SON V1LLE via Jesup Lv. Atlanta 10:50 PM 12:05 AM Lumber City p;55 AM 6:40 AM Jesup 8:00 AM 8:35 AM Brunswick 9:40 AM Jacks- nv Me 10:50 AM 11:20 AM Loral Atlanta-Jacksonville and At lanta?Byun»wiok Sleeping car First Clast Day Coaches. e- £y (*r< s»iorv Do not think you are profane when poti Sit > von “don’t care .11 dnui.” Tin truth is that a dam was the small a,:: II lain cola fl-f I: time ■hen t lie English were Invading India and the ?Xpie sion that one "didn’t give a dam" nntui oily sprane up to mean that k i.uttoi was of next to np Inq lancf, —--——o—-—-=—— gefl quickly relieve* L onst ‘P tt, * on Biliousness, Loss of Appetite K a aches, due to Torpid Adv. + * + + <• •£ + <. + ■!• 4* 4> 4- 4- 4* 4« 4< 4- 4- + + * + + + * * SOCIAL I + * And I 4* + Personal. ♦ * l + Reported hv cVWrs. C. N. ROUNTREE, Phone 275-J + 4- 4* 4- 4- 4- *;• 4* >o> + <• 4* ♦ * ♦ * Mr. Clarence l-lester has the po¬ ' sition as City pos.ntan and has the route which Mr. Grover Thames for¬ merly had. 4> ♦ ♦ Mrs. 0. M. Tift and daughter, Eve lyn, of Atlanta are visiting relatives here and will remain during peach season. * * * Mrs. Roy Torbert and children of Hun snore, Ala., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1. Can or on Central Ave. + + 4> Mrs .! A Houser s in A'.anta at i Noble’s Sanitarium. where s’ie went for an operation for appendicitis. * * * Miss Ruth Evans has returned from a visit to friends in Cordele. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Colquitt Carter and son, Colquitt, Jr., of Atlanta, and Misses Rebecca and Susan Hill Atlanta formed a motor party Fort Valley and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Brown Wednesday and Wednesday night, Miss Elizabeth Vardel! of Ridge Springs, N. (k, has returned home after being pleasantly entertained a week as the guest of Miss Susie Brown. ve 4- + Miss Lillias Crandall of Albany I was the guest this week of Miss Ruby Harris. * * * Friends of Mr. Lawrence Snow re¬ gret to know of his continued illness tat the homo of his parents. 4t *> * Mr John Lawrence Brown sailed j Tuesday for Europe, j * ♦ * . Mr. James Brovvn arrived from! New York Tuesday night and will j spend the vacation at home. ♦ + + Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Warner of Or¬ lando. Fa. are in Fort Valley for the peach season and are with Mr. and i v ^ r:i - A, M. Seifert j 4 + 4* ■ Miss Helen Marshall complimented , Miss Yard ell, the guest of Miss Susie Brown, wi h a two-table rook party on Wednesday afternoon. After the games a pTPtty salad course was en joyed. . 1 Mr. A. M. Seifert was in Tuesday on business. * * * Dr. and Mrs. England of Macon were Sunday guests of Mayor and Mrs. Harris Neil. 4» «i» 4* Miss Ruth Parker of Douglas is the guest of Mrs. W. L. Nance. * 4 * ♦ Mrs. John Baird has returned from New York. 4* 4* 4» Miss Elizabeth Brown was a charming hostess Saturday when she entertained at a morning rook party in honor of Miss Elizabeth Vardeii, the guest of Miss Susie Brown. A pretty salad course was served at the conclusion of the games and the oc¬ casion was one of beauty and happi ness. » * * * A delightful occasion for a crowd the young set was the fishing trip and picnic on the Flynt River swamp last Friday at which Mr. Zack Wtl Hams was host. Mrs. Z. T. William chaperoned the party and it was a most enjoyable outing. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wooddall ar ' visiting Mr. Wooddall’s mother ii Fairburn this week. * ♦ 4* Mr. and Mrs. Basil Wise of Macon werq recent visitors, guests of Mi and Mrs. Ralph Bassett. ^ Mr. ,J. C. Thames, Jr., of Macon ; spending this week here with rein tivos. Mrs. J, W. Joyner and family spen Sunday at Roberta the guests of Mr W. T. Kimbrough. * •*. Mrs. IV. B. Norton and two littb daughters, Emily and Lottie, lei Wednesday mqrning for Louisiana L spend three weeks with friends. 4 + * Mr, W- A- Causey of MarshallvilV spent Sunday here, 1 •*•.«!» 4* Dr. C. R. Jenkins will go to Me Rae this week to attend the Souti Georgia Bible Institute and will b one of the speakers on the program * 4 * Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Miller left Fr: day morning for Portland, Oregon, L attend the Imperial Council meetin of the Shriners of North Americe. O. the trip they will go to San Francis co, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Col orado Springs and on to Alaska he fore returning home in July. * * * Miss Elizabeth Parham, after a few days’ visit here, has gone to Cor¬ dele where she is a member of Miss Williams’ house party. * * * Mrs. Jim Chance and little daugh ter, Lillian, of Macon were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs, E. A, Cham¬ pion. * + * Master Coleman and Jeanette Nichols will leave this week to spend the vacation with their grandparents in Griffin. ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Miriant Edwards was hostess Thursday at a lawn party, when sh* entertained a dozen firends in honor ,f her guests Miss Frances March ..,an of Perry and Miss Lucy Pound of Athens. 4> * + Misses Emily Braswell and Ruby )uke are spending the week in Ma¬ con, * ♦ ♦ Air. and Mrs. C. N. Rountrwe spent ie week end in Vienna. * 4* 4* 4* Mrs. William Wright and children went, visit. to Sar|dersville for a week-end » * * At a family dining Sunday at th« tome of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ilalibur fon were Mr, and Mrs. Tom Halibur .011 and children, Mr. Robert Halibur ton and children, of Macon, Mr. S. R. Halibur.on of Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, * ♦ 4> Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Baret of Hen¬ derson, Ky., are with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Seifert during fteach sea*on. Mr. Barret is with the Fruit Grow¬ ers’ Express Company here. * * Friends of Mrs. George Mathews are sorry to Khow of the critical ill¬ ness of her mother, Mrs. McDonald, who is at the home of Mrs. Mathews ort Person St. ♦ ♦ 4> (Continued on page four) ■o P.emcmber 1 tell or repair electric fans and fixtures. J. P Lubetkin ..... ..... BIB PREPARATIONS BEING MADE FOR ; STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Low Railroad Rates to Capital City Atlanta \ Homes Open to Delegates. Sr o. W. Sima, Geueral Superintendent, Georgia Sunday School Association. The annual convention of the Geor¬ gia Sunday School Association will meet In Atlanta, June 15th, 16th, 17th, i‘* We * leyMomorialChurcb - A11 Suu v v? •• ill i «■ iiif* .y ii m ■'* tej * # $2 PROF. M. L. BRITTAIN Atlanta, Ga.. President, Georgia Sunday School Asosciation and State Superin¬ tendent of Education. day School workers in the state are invited to attend, and each Sunday School is being asked to elect three delegates besides pastor and superin¬ tendent. The sessions of the Conven¬ tion are free to all. No registration fe* will be charged. The Atlanta Committee is making big preparations f<jr the convention, and arrangements are being made to meet all trains. The entertainment, of the Convention will he on the pay plan—all delegates taking care of their own entertainment. Ample provision will be made for a 1 ] delegates who wish lodging in private homes. A flat rate of $1.00 per night will be charg¬ ed for all lodging secured In the pri¬ vate homes. The delegates can se¬ cure their meals at very reasonable prices at the many dowu-town restau¬ rants. The railroads of the state have granted a rate of one and one-third fare, certificate plan. It ie necessary that all who attend the convention should get certificate receipts in buying tick •t to Ailaata. The certificate wilt have a cash value of two-thirds it's face value in buying the return ticket National Leaders The Program Committee announces the strongest array of out of state speakers ever secured for * Georgia 8t.ate Spnday School Convention. Twelve thousand copies of the pro¬ gram are being mailed out. Prof. Goo. H. Betts, Ph. D., who is professor of religious education at Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., , a lecturer of note, will speak at| tour sessions of the convention. His, new book. “How to Teach Religion,” books' i. .aid to be one of the best on methods of religions education. Dr, E. Leroy Dakin, paetor of Tent pie Baptist church, Charleston, W.! Va„ also chainnau of the Adult Com¬ mittee of the West Virginia Sunday jtchool Association, will he one of ih# Convention speakers. Dr. Dakin Is a leader in religious education and m *Z\ We -; m i i. m , m : i - m PROF. GEO. H, BETTS, Ph. 0., Evanston, III., Professor, Religious Education, Northwestern University. holds several official positions with tha Baptist denomination. Mise .Mary E. Moxcey, Cincinnati, Ohio, assistant editor, Young People's Department, Sunday School Publica¬ tions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will be the chief speaker in the Young People’s Division confer¬ ences. Miss Moxcey has lectured throughout the continent and has been instructor both at the interna tional School at Lake Geneva, Win., and Boston University, Department of religious education. The Children’s Division confer¬ ences will be under the leadership of Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Slid low, Itock I»land, 111., who is known as one of the leading specialists in America on the work with the children in th< Sunday School, Mrs. Sudlow is the author of several books on Cradle Roll, Primary and Junior work which are said to be the most practical books written on these departments. The special sections of the Conven tloa tor the Administrative officers of ||i awnrtMr^fhfHd sill ol! Mr. P. H. M rbury, , rinlnghatu, Ala., who is superintendent of the South Side Baptist Sunday School. Mr. Marhury is a prominent business man, and It Is said the reason the South SMe Baptist Sunday School Is one of the best izod Sunday School* in the South is ..‘autie Mr. Marhury has put business methods into his Sunday School work. Mr. R. D. Webb Spartanburg, S. C„ Secretary of the South Carolina Sunday School Asbo # who will also be on the pro is known as one of the South’* most experts in dealing ^fith common to Sunday School and other Sunday executives. In addition to the nationally known more than forty of Geor¬ leading workers will assist on program, among whom are kjrs. J. Cobb, •Macon; Dr. Joseph Atlanta; Dr: Marion McH. Atlanta; Mr. W. E. McDouguld, Mr. Jas. W. Morton, Ath Mr. Ben S. Thompson, Madison; Nath Thompson, Norcross; Mr*. j£~. ' 1 $ ■j ■ i !* Dv it .Jtoy. ft im 7. 4 W": > tc very DR. E. LEROY DAKIN, Charleston, W. Va., Pastor. Temple Baptist Church. H. Tift, Tifton, and many others Special Features on the Program. Prof. E. O. Excell, Chicago, 1',!., is recognized as one of the m, t Convention music director i the continent, will have charge of music. Prof. Excell will be ass;-t by Mrs. Annie Jones Pyron of \“ r and Mrs. M. M. Burn* U as pianists. A pag< ant showing the pedagog ti of the Sunday Sc jj 1 be presented the lawt night of Convention. The director of the Mr. G. C. Chancellor of At¬ has bad considerable experience. this /kind of work, both in Europe America. ° n the , afternoons of the 160: and ™ 1 tlle Con vent,on dtvides up f r ctiona ' conferences on the und s, Young Peoples, Adult ant, Ad¬ conferences, when the can get help on their own line of Sunday Scnool Work of Association. The Georgia Sunday School Asso¬ which ie the co-operativ« ’ ef¬ of all denominations, is recogniz¬ as one of the leading religious or¬ of the State. It3 purpose for the promotion and improve,uen. the Sunday Schools, All of the hundred and fifty-five counti* ».L stale are organized and ham A Sunday 'school Assocn'.loa the extension of the SurJltty work in that county. l The reports of the employed work of the Georgia Sunday School As to be submitted a t; e Convention Will show that tirey attended a convention in e.^h tlie one hundred and fifty-Hve in the state, and the record i i w v-V L ■■■:■ r ■ r **4 i S9 m I Pi t A* ‘ ■ ■ '*■ i*$|f < :■ N-m', ' % 9 ' 1 m-. ■: - S. *15 Mi WM i i- MM V : 1 / -*1 - *A :?. v k : •■v ■■■ A % % •• I <■’ MRS. ELIZABETH WILLIAMS SUDLOW, Rock Island, III., in Children's Division Worl* of the Sunday School. attendance at tiiese meetings show a total of 1,545 Sunday Schools . by 762 Sunday Sellout S't« 3,048 Sunday School and the total attendance ^ 28,104. The reports also show j. 3§1 district, convention* wrerw-S by the county officers during - past year. ^ 'k. _