The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, July 09, 1920, Image 3

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THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA.. JULY 9, 1920. * » *'' ■* >?UMl . «U THINGS lORSIOERED—TOUR VERT BEST MARKET THE GREAT CENTRAL MARKET OF THE CENTRAL SOUTH A Hi pin capm-itv, tnmlerii facilities, exuol 'wit railroad connections; I’ht* Highest TiUr .Vliitket Prices Paid For All Grades Of Stock; The ideal market in which to Iniy your feeding and grazing cal I'e and immunised pigs; The logical market to which vou should ship, because you get here QUICKER and git MORE for your products. Progressive and dependable commission merchants who are re¬ liable in every way and who ate in active competition every day of the year; Best attention given to all cot signments, whether large or small, and we handle each shipment so as to invite the next ship¬ ment. THIS IS YOUR EVENTUAL MARKET—SAVE NOW BY SHIP¬ PING TO US TODAY. Vour I Justness Is Solicited—Correspondence Invited. WHY SHIP TO A DISTANCE AT A LOSS? YOU ARE SAFER NEARER HOME. UNION STOCK YARDS MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA. HARRY E. SHOW, GENERAL MANAGER. . **************************** ^ * * * AN ELECTRICAL * * * * . * * SERVICE STATION * * * * "k * Fans, fixtures, generators, irons, mag¬ -fc * starters, vacuum cleaners, -ft * netos, motors, electrical. * * and ail things ^ * * + EXPERT SERVICE * * * * * My Motto: Speed with accuracy. * * * * * * * J.P.LUBETK1N * * 63-L * * Phone: 63-J Phone: * * ♦ * *★★★★★★★★★★★*★*★*★********** \ PRESSURE Another step in our efforts to give Start off right Get Quality Tires fif v our FRIENDS and the PUBLIC 44 Goodyears 11 s SERVICE We have a full stock and are always We installed U CUR TIS” (FREE FROM glad to give you have a OIL) AIR COMPRESSOR and invite you to come u Goodyear Service ?? by and make use of it as often as you like. TIRE MILEAGE depends on proper inflation. :: • • • a SN< / Remember Our Hobby- QUALITY -SERVICE Georgia Agricultural Works. FORT VALLEY, GA, a & g EONA The Famous PALMIST « i as | o’: t ■aa& ’■m r ¥ i •J palmist Tells the Past, Present, and Future. Tells just what you want to know, without asking a single question. Satisfaction Guaranteed All Readings Confidential This Ad and 50c pays for a $1.00 Reading SPECIAL LOW FEE 353 1-2 Third Street Up Stairs Over Jewelry Store Hours Daily—8 a. m. to 8 p. m. MACON, GEORGIA. ” Wouldn’t Go Camping Without Rat-Snap,” Say* Ray White. << Wife and I spent our vacation camping last summer, smell of cook¬ ing brought rats. We went to town, got some RAT-SNAP, broke up cakes, put it outside our tent. We got the rats alright—big fellows.” Farmers, storekeepers, housewives, should use RAT-SNAP.” Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaran teed by Georgia Agricultural works and Copeland’s Pharmacy.—Adv. Take Burden Off Daddy. According to Chinese custom ’he wife’s family Is to provide a cer ain amount of baby clothes. Shoes and raps for the firstborn. Rich fain tiles usually supply everything for the child for five nr ten years. The wife will be looked down upon by her hus¬ band's people if her own family can¬ not furnish plenty of clothes. K 666 has more imitation* than any other Chill and Fever Tonic on market, but no one wants imitation*. They arc dangerous thing* in the medicine line.—Adv. Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., writes: it From the time I en¬ tered into womanhood ... 1 looked with dread from one month to the next. 1 suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was a misery. I would think 1 could not endure the pain any longer, and 1 gradually got worse. , . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . . • 1 decided to TAKE The Woman’s Tonic II 1 took four bottles, » III ill Mrs. Jones goes fin to say, “and was not only u greatly relieved, but can ■ truthfully say that I have | not a pain. . . II It has now been two J| R| years and I since still 1 tookCardui, in good I am health. . . I would ad I vise any woman or girl I I to use Cardui who Is a sufferer from any female U trouble. 99 ■ If you suffer pain caused I from womanly trouble, or ■ if you feel the need of a 1 good strengthening tonic I to build up yourrun-down system, take the advice I I of Mrs. Jones. TryCar dul. It helped her. We S believe it will help you. All Druggist! k«8 Headquarters for INSURANCE o&ENDRIC Fire, Tornado, Casualty, Automobile, 2 Burglary, Surety Bonds, Plate Glass Representing NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. * SAFE. PROMPT AND APPRECIATIVE liMliiliitFHilT|tTTinfmMliiaattliitttiiliiiaiiiiiiiiiniiiiitaiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii:ti Hi M tf ~ **■ iSPr WfS m )l ;! WHEN YOU CROSS THE SEA TO SEE WAR-TORN EUROPE XTO i description you have read, no picture# you i Lave seen, can tell you the atory of the Hun'e destruction of property, his treatment of the in¬ ■5 habitants of the places he took, the desecration «f I m churches and the terrible havoc to all that stood for modem civilization. YOU MUST GO AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. i When you go, the surest way to be freed from the petty annoyances that so often mar the traveler's journey—money annoyances— travel is to be supplied AT with the safest, handiest money—“A. B. Cheques. You can buy “A. B. A'.' Cheques at this bank, which. has made arrangements with the agent of the Amer¬ ican Bankers Association (A.B.A.) to sell the Associ¬ ation’s Cheques—“the best funds for tourists.** a Citizens Bank Al OF FORT VALLEY Fort Valley, Georgia HlUflMIM!!! I J Jamaica Grow* Green .Rosea. In some part* of Jamaica it is not unusual to see green rosea. No Change In FUh Hook Oeeitgt. Fish hooks have been made <m tv ^ the aau*e Aaeiga for 3,000