The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, July 09, 1920, Image 7

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THE LEADER TRIBUNE. FORT VALLEY. GA., JULY », 1920. " 9 * * . /Iff H it I U £ I I Hidden Strength The ancient Greek artisans displayed as much care over their handiwork in hidden places as in the parts exposed to view. They said it was 1 because the gods could see everywhere. What they were really try¬ ing to express in their primitive way was their understanding beautiful of the I fact that a thing was neither nor strong unless the quality endured v throughout I ! \ The made Framework finished to look strong It floor Important by may the floor¬ be i ing which covers it. But its strength . lies in the skeleton-the framework and t timbers beneath. It must be good to be strong. In beams, rafters and lath, as in all varieties of lumber, we have concen¬ trated our attention on getting only the good qualities. You can buy iritb assurance Dirt, tome to us for * i » 9 * O of Quality at Zconomy "Prices Fort Valley Lumber Companv JevUelru As the Gift Ideal mSi is ■'WVi. u r ' is Mother's Birthday. How delighted she is when Daddy and the little girl give her a beautiful ring. C pot she has wanted just this kind of Gem Set Ring for a long, I long while. It will remain, long in her memory, as quite the A sweetest and moat thoughtful present she EVER received, f | ceptabie. That it is For a it famous is guaranteed, W.W.W. the Ring setting makes is it very all beautiful the more and ac the design of the latest Jewelry always makes the Gift Ideal. It is intrinsically value and p there is the sentiment that will not die, for jewelry lives forever. t Cmm to Brie G* SUp aaJ leak *v«r the May ai'ikit* 4 that an jwt th* (Hag f*» to jiv« to tk*»* j«i lav*. % W.W.W; RINGS J T. L. FJ.OYD JEWELER ‘ Where Quality Is As Represented * 109 Main Street, Phone 64. Fort Valley ,____: Georgia **** * 4 * * <• 4 ¥44444 * * * ** * ******** ♦ * ♦ * * Residence Lot * ♦ * « * « * FOR SALE * * * On East Main Street ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ * * The old W. E. Brown place. Pret* * showing results of * ♦ tiest lot in town, ¥ years’ growth, Old and rare >4 ¥ many * * • * shrubs and plants. * * Faces North-east, giving shady front * ¥ * ¥ from ten A. M. until night. * * ■ ¥ with big oak * * Paved side walk lined ¥ ¥ J ♦ trees. ¥ ¥ 110 ft. front, 500 ft. deep, or will cut £ * oft at depth desired. Will also add * any * 350 ft. frontage Pine St. if wanted. * * on ¥ No inflated price, but will sell at bed ¥ ¥ ¥ rock figures. ¥ ¥ ¥ * W. H. Harris. ¥ * * * 4f 444*44444*** ************** ** CHIROPRACTIC Drs. Fletcher end Fletcher recent graduates of the Palmer School of Chi¬ ropractic (P. S. C.) with all the latest ideas in Chiropractic have opened offices in the Brown Bldg. Main St. Fort Valley. luvaatigation Invited CONSULTATION FREE DR. J. W. FLETCHER DR, MYRTLE FLETCHER PHONE 174—L STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE EXCHANGE BANK Located at Fort Valley, Ga., at the close of business June 30th, 1920. RESOURCES Time Loans 548,362.17 Bonds and Stocks Owned by the Bank 156.85 Furniture and Fixtures 3,285.28 Cash in Vault and Amount Deposited in Banks 28,397.59 Cash Items 3,479.04 Profit and Los* 2,808.00 Over-drafts 324,24 TOTAL 586,813.17 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in 60,000.00 Surplus Fund 25,000.00 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State 53.94 Individual Deposits Sub¬ ject to Check 164,975.41 Savings Deposit* 78.27 Time Certificates 89,940.99 Certified Checks 35.50 Cashier’s Checks 41.41 Notes and Bills Redis¬ counted 131,687.65 Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates Repre¬ senting Borrowed Money 126,000.00 TOTAL 586,813.17 STATE OF GEORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY. Befor me came S. B. Brown Cash : er, of the Exchange Bank, who be ng duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by he books of file in said Bank. S. B. BROWN, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 7th day of July, 1920. Robert E. Brown, Notary Public, State At Large, Ga. o CENTRAL OF GA. RWY. CO. “THE RIGHT WAY » Vrriva. and Departure of Trains at FORT VALLEY •Subject to change without notice. ARRIVAL Central Train Time No. From 4 Chicago, Birmingham 12:01 and Columbus ........ 12:10 a. m. 12 Montgomery and Albany. .. a. m. Macon....3:35 3 Savannah and a. m. 11 Atli.nta and Macon 3:43 a. m. 56 Perry (Daily except Sunday) 8:15 a.m. 8 Albany ........................8:20 a. m. 5 Atlanta and Macon,.-12:40 p. m. 1 Savannah and Macon....1:27 p. m. 2 Birmingham and Columbus 3:45 p. m. 6 Montgomery and Albany 3:55 p.m. 7 Macon _........................ 6:05 p. m. Sunday) _ 58 Perry (Daily except 8:05 p. m. 54 Perry (Sunday only)....3:30 p.m. DEPARTURE Train Central No. Fo. Time 4 Macon and Savannah ...12:01 a.m. 12 Macon and Atlanta .... 12:10 a. m. 3 Columbus, Birmingham Chicagc........3:35 and a. m. 11 Albany and Montgomery 3:43 a. m. 55 Perry (Daily except Sunday) 6:40 a. m. 8 Macon 8:20 a. m. 5 Albany and Montgomery 12:40 p. m. 1 Columbus end Birmingham 1:27 p. m. 2 Macon ................. 3:45 p. m. 6 Macon and Atlanta . 3:55 p. m. 7 Albany ................. .6:05 p. m. 57 Perry (Daily except Sunday) 6:05 p. m. 63 Perry (Sunday Only) 2:00 p. m. For further information call at ticket office or phone Sammons, 27 Agent. c. . ■O THE SOU. RWY. SYSTEM u The Southern Serves The South. n Arrival and departure of trains at FORT VALLEY Subject to change without notice. ARRIVAL Train Central No. From Time 43 Atlanta 9:20 p. m. DEPARTURE Train Central No. For Time 42 Atlanta 6:45 a. m. For further information call at tick;.; office or phone 27. C. H. Sammons, Agent. He Paeied. “At one of our exa ml nations.” say* ■ member of the faculty of a west ern university, “a nervous student had been Instructed to write out examples of the Indicative, subjunctive, potential and e damatory moods. HIs efforts resulted at followa: ‘I am endeav¬ oring to pass an English examination. If I answer 20 question*. 1 shall pasa. If I answer 12. I luav pass. God help me!’"—Harper’s Magaslna. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45 a. m Lay Service every Sunday ing at 11:00 o’clock, except on fourth Sunday. Celebration of Holy Com¬ munion and sermon on fourth Sun¬ day at 11:00 o'clock. Evening ser¬ vice on fourth Sunday. Rev. J. F. McCloud, Rector. C. T. Eberhardt, Suot. S. S. O «< How 1 Cleared the Mill of RaU, M By J. Tucker, R. I. “As night watchman believe 1 have seen more rats than any one man. Dogs wouldn’t dare go near them. Got $1 pkg. of RAT-SNAP, inside of 6 weeks cleared them all out. Killed them by the score every night. Guess the rest were scared away. I’ll never be without RAT-SNAP." , Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and j guaranteed by Georgia Agricultural works and Copeland’s Pharmacy.— Adv. o- 666 quickly relieves Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Liver.— Adv. ■o I REPAIR FANS I SELL FANS J. P. LUBETKIN aaaaaara ^ £ £ Commission Merchants 8j £ Ei GEORGIA PEACHES S WAltR MELONS E I Cantaloupes, Poultry and Eggs. £ w a u Account £ £ £ £ Sales with Quality counts here h £ E check daily. E 5 as well as in the Ei Ei E big Eastern Markets. n Is ! U Specialty, Govern £ Ripe :• £ £ £ £ Peaches, £ S £ £ £ ATLANTA AGENTS l ? ■ £ £ GEORGIA FRUIT ! £ s £ ! ! I ! £ ROW ! 1 i £ No. 1 PRODUCE • i ■* : 1 I £ £ ATLANTA, GA. Hi £ £ l £ Ei £ £ £ • 5 £ El 55 £ The Leader-Tribune, Commercial Agencies I £ £ and AH Atlanta HUNDREDS Banks, of SHIPPERS. Georgia Fruit Exchange £ £ , Ei Important Part Left Out. The other evening while drawing pictures on a blackboard to amuse our little girl, I drew a tish globe contain¬ ing two fish, \ forgot to draw their fins, so when I asked her how she liked them she said: But daddy, ydu forgot to make their oars.’’—Exchange. p "*1 i PEACH TREES We are representatives of .The Huntsville Wholesale Nurseries, of ! Huntsville, Ala., and offer a limited i quantity of all varieties of Peach Trees at the following prices: ! 12/18 at per M $150 00 i 18/24 <4 44 (i $165.00 24/36 *• it u $18000 There is hound to be a scarcity of Nursery Stock again this year, and we strongly advise you to ORDER EARLY : so that you will get what you want. GALL ON US. I GREEN-MILLER CO 1 FORI VALLEY. 61. I I 6 Marking Pnasage of Time. It was the first day of school and Cordon, who Is now In the second grade brought his little brother, Ar¬ thur. fo school with him to start In i the first grade. The teacher said to Cordon ■ “How old Is Arthur?” Oor !(j f ,n answered: “I don’t know, but we've had him to three fairs.” Things That Are ll Never Wasted. No honest work wasted. Fore# is never tost. You may not see the re sults you expect, hut th#re are * al¬ ways results when there la effprt Never let yourself think that any¬ thing you have done has been dona In vain. Effort and achievement are Inseparable.