The Leader-tribune and peachland journal. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 19??-192?, July 13, 1920, Image 3

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f THEXEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., JULY 13, 1920. v. uramrsy league beuyeb Russian Soviet Government Bays It la Necessary To Protect Ship¬ ping In Caspian Sen London.—The case of Persia versus Soviet Russia, the first Mf «t Inter national adjudication aadsrtaUwt: by tha sounoil of thprlpugus Of aatioQs, has been remanded 'pending the re¬ sult of the Bolabevilt promise to cease, aggression in Persia and with¬ draw the landing party operating la the neighborhood of Entell. The supporters of the league antic! pa ted action hy the oounsil of the Per-, •ian appeal for Intervention as flrat praetieal tent of Us power to set lie internstionai disputes, but the sound) after a few days' deliberation, Soneluded that It was desirable, in or dar to give every opportunity for suc¬ cess of tbe exchanges now going on between Teheran and Moscow.. to await the fulfillment of Moscow's da dared tnteaUou* before determining, (be manner .du( bringing the machinery to to play. ilr llrtc Drummoud, dealing with, tbe subject of tha council sending au Investigation commission to Rus¬ tle, announced that the wouncil could do no more than note Moscow’s refus¬ al «t May M to receive such a oom mission. Reporting his Investigation of the problems connected with the repit ri atten of prisoners of war who had been unable to return home, Especial¬ ly those ia oaptlvlty In Siberia, Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, special eommlwnon sr In this work, estimated tps psrj*-. onsrs to the territories of the tart# Russian empire at approximately a quarter at a million and the number it Russian and other prisoners still tn Germany and other European coun¬ tries at not less. • - . - . . . MCAPED BOL0IBR* AR* MING SOUGHT . - IN MURDER Mil “ Grant , New Development In •amp Mystery Implicates Four Troop era Who Escaped 0atnj> m taat,. m.—InvesttfStlon of ,v the fatal, shooting of Mrs. Maud# Ln silo Moti, wife of Capt topi Leroy H, Moss, at Camp Grant, s new' turn whan camp and civil authorities, armed with rifles, began a hunt for tour aoMiara who escaped . from ... the jmsrd house. OM.hf the tour has faced a count martial three times os charge* pre Sensed by Baptata Mom, intelUgecce DtOesrs said, that ^ ^ tadlgatlpnB an uecape had been prearranged came to light had w£^n_ the inthorltles learned & ear been stol «n af Davis Junction, just wiire south of the camp, not far from the Sheeting oeeurred. According to report from Mounl irove Morris, into Ogle that county. village, early la the •oldie^r# day, tried to buy gasoline and. wh«n abak-, the Wrage mep deellaed to aeil it ioned Taht thpir Mrs. maabine. Moss had been , shot s j was not known until th* automobile in arhfch she was riding with her husband f nr r tJ r S 8 d n JLT ^OUP of r sSer. w It na« ws^W i J «harp «"ty report IZ ^recalled was he*ird ttS Th® S mo hoBKht^t .^.RreofthemotS that : i was w\King Striking a a bump pump in in the road 1 Mill an, j Moss, who had been alseep on the il reir teat, wedged between Mr. and ■ William V. McCrei^ht, slumped foF- 2 ward. Mr. and Mrs. McCreight, beving Mrs. Moss still was aslesjp when she failed to recover her poai fton, pul out their arms to aid bed, uid it was found only then that she yad been wounded ' .; Reoeevelt Attaeks Government Plana Washington.—Revision of the prea¬ rns methods of making approprtattoae tog a reclassification and redistribd >>oa of the work of the various exeo^ Sv# departments are recommended by Assistant Secretary Roosevelt in a lat¬ er to Representative Ireland, Repub tcaa, of Ulluois, which has baba oade public by the n«vy department. Ur. Itooeevelt wrote lit, reply to aq nquiry from Mr. Ireland as V* Whether my reorganisations, reforms of ci^ai loUdations would be made in the navy lepr.rtment. The agslsUnt secretary Ld not Confine himself to that de yarWneut. Honors Wen By Woman With Baby Chicago.—The highest honors amonig tie 878 persons graduated from the Ygrthweateim university Were await! ■A to Mrs. Howard Van M. Tiicy of dvanstan, who took her ani baby completed dau^b* Mt to eolleg* .with her he four-year eourse in three years. Mrs. Traey wag graduated with a i* gree of baehelitr of art*. She said ihs planned to return tor her mss »r*8 degree. The baby was born four Booths after, the mother entered eob leg* in the. fall of 1817. - •£- i , ; " 1-' #^ Foreee Are Driving , Pole# Bolshevik London.—th# Bolshevik force* in he Kiev region are still pressing baek me Pole#, following the capture of ihe elty by the Soviet army, tbe of-, ficlal statement from Moscow an aeuubes. I Flurries Of Snow At Omaha, NeU ing .Ou^ha, N>b.—Fluries hkd of snow mrtb: th’*i t afy reached froiuii eniiad for eight a heat day*. wave which The had montie+l tem >er-..Ui*e oicppaa ti degrees. ______ AG . _ _ More Whit*# Than Nfgroea Arretted | Atlanta.—There were eighty one more white men arrested hy the po lice Uurin* the month of May than there were negroes. (a all there were 8 V ?3S arrest*. of( which 1,000 were White men, SIS were negro men. 1H7 were white women anti 382 were negro women. Fine* aggregating $16,774.50 were collected and sentences aggra gating 871 days of Taber at the city stockade were imposed by the record *r. There were 520 bound over to Uie state courts,, seventy live tor vio¬ lating the .prohibition laws, thirteen for vagraney and.twelve for receiving stolen goads- Twg hundred and twen¬ ty-two defendants' appeared in court luriag 6ay Mkan^e. for vesting the speed and and 23» were with isHtag and loitet mg. Reft Clerks' Head Will Investigate.. Atlanta.- Joseph C. Cog, member of the board of <jir*fctore of the Brotber iiood.of Railway icier he. has been tn siWitAd .# Grjftd President J£. U Fivagprald to tft#t Charge, of the strike of railway Cjerita' of the . southeastern President ’e.derattoa tfOiporsitty. and of F^gjggirald^agd other ggaud lodge ticera )Ovestifit«t4^ wJBL'^tfWTUir arrive ia Atlanta to the controversy, ac wording tghNfHr* received hy the newspapers from Preedesu Fitzgerald. ■The telegran; oonfirmed rjimors that and circulated W the effect that Mr. Go# waft being scat here hy the grand $0grt.t*„'*ri|i* “hout a rettfeihent of the strike between near ijr two thousand clerks and the prinei -par railways of the Southeast, Ag«d Woman Breaks Hip Dufoln.AMts; it. L. Cullen, eighky- 3 a# at tha at oat balovad old ladies of this oosintjr, had her n*p broken by ^ Yefock fail between midnltfht and four r*c«ily. it net being known apw long she, lay o*t the sidewalk at tar the (all be tote she was found. She md bean nursing at tbe home af a jeighbot and after this neighbor died *he decided to go hoitte alone. Ou the # cWto h# y dogs attacked her w ki^ Ci f&tinj them off four she in the fell usd broke h«r hip. About a nnro posing by heard her ( or a«lp and went to the scene it once. Policemen jm ware summoned m oM 5** w: lied 10 b8r aoliiewher# niediogl attention was se jUr e<i. Verdict Given Fer $1,008,310 . Savannah.—-A^ . million dollar verdict --been authorised by Judge Bev -y D ^iaa Uf the tederal the Union court Trust at Jiie, place in favor of j^paPy of Detroit against the Savan- Great Lumber company of ijlh lu ^ judgment including, in addi tton, accrued iatwest of $lt»8.7ki.8t). Thu principal sum ran over a million ay fft.kiv. TlSe Great fiaatern was a pre-war concern. A mortgage against it was torecloeed in 1816, the prop jrty being near Fort Wentworth. It wm bought by the Bavanuah Klvsr Lumber company, which now operates ^ huge business ou tbe site of the i#tuucl orgairiation. Fund #urted For j. me ,ons Atlanta.—A movemeni to raise a $2,vM)t) to lift mortgages total jmiount from the home aud 0 i ueiectiv# Claud J. Jameson, wbo W ** kiUed ^ “ ati * ro wbe “ U * liiUM a * a “ w bUn Uiestnut * tOW “* m l^te ^ <u , ^ oa to0i jT ” * T“ ta Eol 0ria * r * 80nt wi4 ° ^ iuivlv th * "‘T * ® 0 T 1 . mad® the sopreoi® sacrific® 1 ^ ^ law lB At . j ‘®* to * Williams well known ! - wM , e iuve of busi i jJJ 8 *"** ’ J * i ^ 1 t tuiut | Fitzgerald Clark* R Return ., ur . To To Work Work \ j fiuagerald.-. Members of the Broth of Rahway uwks, *u« w*.ite | to sympathy wi* ® * 1 ers j Central of Georgia, , , ave na work, havmg receive j t national I from tbe neaayuar of the union to return to their If. i* yuppeied that most of tbs will again fill their for t pcisittous, While the business of railroad was (Rippled by tne sud gtup of Uje clerical force, the lo public took matters easy and as¬ the road in getting arriving dtetrihuted without a great ot delay. / s - $2 Warehouses Would Be Bended Atlanta.—fiollowmg hie request te ] state hanks to use their influenee ' the wjgtehwsemen in Iher terri¬ to Join th* federal bonded system lees than Sixty days ago, 8u of Banks T. R. Bennett t&at thirty-two wargnouses made application fer iieenae and This is considered a nextrfcor good showing in view of the : that there sre bow only eight warehouses ia the state, al¬ the add taw has been efforts is effect have sev- | yeas* many been to get the warehousemen to •% ** - ■ 1 " •* F*rnaer» Te Hear Abopt Grain Romei-t^Rt* Rome chamber of com- ’ will 0& Sut letters te the of . Floyd . connfr . and .... will run aeries a^a4yqrtis«me*ts in faets th# Romu setting forth about impending $ood shortage and the PC grain., .Thls actk>* was r upo^at a well attended meeU «, «« thefrfrqftrffoh. The situation digduMM, earaestoess *t tty lefl»th and with many speakers thle pitta U action was agreed f! INDISTINCT PRINT r ■•cAi»eB eb'imerrfmjw UNITED STATES PRISON ARE AGAIN BACK IN JAI Elght Men w#n Thejr Way To Lib erty, But Five Of Them Have Ben Accounted For Atlanta' Ga.—Join) Duffy, alias Franls Wood, and Richard Dodge, alias Henry Roberts, two of the eight men who made & successful getaway ou June first from the federal prison in South Atlanta, are behind the bars again, ac cording to information received here from Jacksonville, Fla. The eight men secured entrance to the new wing of the federal prison during the afternoon hours recently and finding there some plumbers' tools (this wing has not yet been made ready for occupancy) sawed their way lo liberty, walked unconcernedly through the grounds devoted to the put. on farm, and disappeared. Three of them were caught within a few hours, but nothing had been heart! of tha other five until the story was received from Jacksonville. John Duffy, convict 996S. with some three aliases, was gent to Atlanta from Cedar Rapids to serve an eight year sentence tor violation of the in¬ terstate commerce laws. Dodge, who uia«e h * escape once b-fore, was sentenced by a military ••ourt in Bo« top t ofive years for burglary and ab genet without leave. War Dept. May Investigate Jail Attack Atlanta, Ga.—Incensed by the action >f more than a score of soldiers who badly invaded damaged College the Park, jail attacked and rescued anil j , a comrade. Private W. L. Pickelhei . avei. who had been t wice arrested 1 >n charges of using profane language in tbe presence of women, officials it the Atlanta suburb stales that a thorough investigation wilt be made. , ind that, If necessary an appeal will 1 be made to the war department. May jj- S. A. Johnson says that College Park was thoroughly aroused over the iction of the sold,era and that every possible step would be takeu to sec to it that the guilty men were pun shed properly. T i Jurors Gotten To Hry Communists Chicago.—Forty days ago William Lloyd and Iwenty-three other alleged Communist laboritea Were placed on trial charged with conspir ing to overthrow the government. Eight jurors have been selected and i ( tol . ) , evs are Mtill trying to find the ))bei . f oul [ n meantime ihe eight irs un(l01 . gl , ar( j j„ a downtown hotel Jhfcy aent (he following note to Judge 0gcttr He | je | tae trial judge: “The omfilunefita of the jurors already rworn. W# are still alive and happy." vV. J, Bryan Bans Certain Candidates Fargo, N. D. -“No wet governor from New Jersey will ever be tbe Deino :iaiic candidal# for president.'' declar id William Jenniugs Brvan, speaking in Fargo, recently, undei toe auspices »f a local lecture assoctaiiou Mr. hry an also iiuiifec out tli vernor Cox A ° bio ' “ ud ^“a 10 * Hitchcock of Ne braska, as wets.' Mr. Bryan declar «d ue was takiug a dry piauk aud u ‘prison term for profiteers' 'plank to die riau Francisco convention. Key In Race For A Second Term Atlanta,-Mayor Key has announced ^ intention to become a candidate to mcceod himself tn the municipal pri ?$ry of July 26 H has srved and wa* elected to the office "tree opponents * after ... hotly iv “ r a ' onles,< '' 1 While making no def n " e p,atf ' rni announcement, it is un 1^°°" that he will base h b can i,r,HCy on th * record he has nliU,e dur ' h is presenl term of office. The tame of Amos Baker, a deputy tax soJlector of Ftillon county, has also a , a pr&baW ,, candi . ^ fop mayor. Mr. Baker admitied j ia) be b()( j rPCe j ve( ) solicitation from i large number of his friends and calecl that he had prom'sed them a reply with n two or three j Byg iVIfe And Babies, 75 Gallons, Taken Ga nesville—County Policemen Kim (y and Strickland and Deputy Collec Lay had a very exciting chase ended in the capture of a high lowered car with 75 gallons of moon¬ whisky. !h the captured car Oscar Thurmond, his wife and heir two children, of Lumpkin county. officers m# the car nine miles of this c tv on the Athens road, oing toward Jefferson. Believing the contained liquor, the officers gave and for ten miles the two cars the wind, hut the liquor ckr finally, overhauled and caught. was released on a $1,000 and the car confiscated. The was poured on the streets, a number of sorrowing friends the ceremony. Man Confessed To Burglaries Atlanta.—Howard W. Pratt, 20 years alias William H. Bates, is being 'at tlie Fulton cohnty jail charged having burglar zed several stores Fast Point and College Park. He as arrested by Policeman Owens, as oft * strcet car *» East only a short time after Officer Wp „ ey &t College Park had shots with a burglar whom , :a w le'aV o tablishmerit of College r .; k Lai ..are company. w-as brought to - Fulton coun- ■ Jail a T«J fs raid to ave confessed ‘Deputy Sheriff J. 1>. Bazomore that had co&fii n d a dozen or more in Fast Point. College Park City atid c Iher suburban com* \ # i i ri ! / I \ I li $33 - $43 - $53 Groups Values up to $80. * la That’s about all we n&erf say You know what the clothes ai 4 ©. Att the regular prices these clothes give you a big money’s wofih. At the prices we are offering thent iroW, I be of getting » you can sure some as* ■ tonishing values. Better come in now. You t an’f af¬ ford to miss this reduction event. S See our window display of these wonderful values. R. S. THORPE & SONS STYLE HEA0CTUAfctERS 552-6 Cherry St. Mtaetfft, Ga. I ************ ************ ***44 ♦ ♦ * SOCIAL 4 4 + And 4 4 Personal. * * * * * cJAlrs. C. N. RDUNTftEfe, Bhoni 275-J ♦ Rjeported by * * ***♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 4 * + % + 4 . + 4 . 4 4 . + Mrs. George Johnson hhs returned from a visit to relatives in North Car olina. j, j, g Mrs. M. D. Goode, after a three weeks’ visit to the family of her son, returned to her home in Monday and was aconipained by her grandsons, Durwood and Humber Goode, who will spend the remainder of the summer with her. j * * * Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Fletcher, who have opened offices hefe for chiro practie treatment in the Brown build¬ ing, are with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wil .son on Church street. ♦ * * Judge and Mrs. /i. . C. Riley enter tained at dinner on Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Houser, whos'e marriage was a recent event of in¬ terest to many friends here. * * * Mrs. Joe Davidson, who has been ill in Macon at Williams Sankorium, has returned home. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hale went to Atlanta last week end to visit Mr. 1 Hale’s parents and to be present at a family reunion. v * * Mrs. Lizzie Jones, after a year’s trip in the west, having visited the Rockies, Seattle, Washington and some time in Ala., has returned to Fort Valley and is with her niece, Robert Hale. * * »: . Mrs. J. A. Houser has returned a stay of several weeks in At¬ * * * Miss Annette Shepard entertained a tv, 0 table rook party at her home Beauty Square Saturday after¬ * * + Misses Pearl Holland of Statesboro Helen Griffin of Waycross are Wednesday to visit Mrs. Hickson and Mias Susie i Mr. and Mrs. I. H. McKellar of Wesleyan were week-end gutstS of Mrs. C. R. Jeiikiris. Mr. McKellar filled the pulpit Sunday at the Me thodist church in the absfence of Dr Jenkins who is taking a vacation. Mrs. J. M. Bass and family of Ma* con are spending the week with Mrs. Base' sister, Mrs. Nina Hhrtley, * * y Mr. Harris Branham of Brunswick is visiting relatives h'ere. * * * Master Joe Durr, after Spending several months here with his grand¬ parents, Judge ami Mrs. A. C. Riley has gone to his home in Florida. Mrs. Will Houser of Jacksonville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Carter, on Central Ave. * * 4 Mr. F. L. Lincoln and daughter, Miss Lincoln, of New York, Who have been here for several wetks with Mrs. J. A. Turner on Central AVe., left Monday for New York. ♦ * 4 Miss Richmond and Misses Trom betti of Baltimore were week-end visitors to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans. ' ^ A Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Whitehead of 1 and Airs. W. T. Myers of Ma¬ were Sunday guests of Mr. and C. N. Rountree. ♦ *S» j Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McTyier fntd Etta Carithers of NeW York are 1 Wednesday. Mr. and MYs. will visit Mr. and Mrs. W. Carithers for a week or ten days, + Mr. Tom Murphey spent Sunday Barnesville. v * ♦ Mrs. Houser Edwards spent several of this week visiting relatives 1 friends in Macon. Misses Frances and Pearl Price of returned home Monday after three weeks' visit to their sister, W. B. Austin. Mis* Meta McDbnald of Atlanta is fcxprttdd Wednesday for a visit to rdtetivss and fridnds here. Mf-. and Mri*8* fit BroWn, Jr., of of Milhpdgdvlllt ma visitors this weak to Mr. BroWn’s parents here Mf Miss Bessie AnddSoh, tfho has beeh attending Shmnier School at Pita body in NbahVille, i| going lot a visit to Mdrtt Eagle, T»hii., and to ManihiOth Cftve, Ky., before she re turns home. * EV “ rts * nt * rt *lned last Wednesday, celebrating her e ** Vent b birthday. A large number of friends enjoyfed $11 the attractive features of k birthday party. u *' ® ^ . . Rlouhnoy en . £ 1 ™ . d, * CharllB nfer ™day ih ot honorof ♦ ♦ ♦ Mts. Roe Grtfen and Mr$. W. H. bxpgct to leavb id a f«w days or * v '®‘ l t0 Chicago. Mf. *hd Mfs. * John * * Ellis of Walden Visitor* heirfe Sunday. 4 ‘ 4 4 Mts. Jrth Long marnfed home Sun¬ after a thfee Whekt’ visit to her Mf. and MfS. ismoke of Per ♦ ♦ ♦ Mt. BroWn Carithers, who has * n New York for the past yeaf, home th* past Week. * * V Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Joiner of Sas ’ ^ a ‘’ ^" 5r * r ^cent Visitors to their k*' u *rht*' r » Mrs. Aldredgb, on College ♦ * * Mr. A. C. Hodge, fromerly of De Mich., but now of Griffin, Ga., the guest of his sister, Mrs. Will fhfls Week. ♦ * ♦ Mrs. F. M. Joyner, of Tampa, Fla., has been visiting her parents, and Mrs. J. W. Joyner, on Knox street, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Worsham, at Lee Pope for a ♦ ♦ ♦ Friends of Mr. J. if. Allen—“Prof. as he is styled in the program be interested to know that he direct the song service at the Anniversary of the Inter Encampment Associa of Southwest Missouri, to be at South Greenfield, Mo., Au- 20th to 29tb, inclttsiv®.